Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Complications ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters thus associated with it. However, the muses and the storyline are mine, so no stealing, okay?

Raven: Yay! Reviews are good!

Nathaniel: *rolls eyes* It's not like we have that many, you know.

Kagome: Yeah, but we got two in one day, that's unusual.

Nathaniel: Oh.

Kagome: Anyhow, people wanted this to continue, so we're gonna continue, okay?

Raven: *smirks* She just means that she wants to continue, so she's going to.

Kagome: *gags muse* You'd really think she'd have learned to keep quiet by now, wouldn't you? *turns to Nathaniel* Do you have anything to say?

Nathaniel: *gulps* Ummm………read and enjoy, please?

Kagome: Good boy. *pats Nat's head*

Chapter Six: Complications

Yusuke opened his eyes quickly, then decided that was a bad idea, as pain exploded across his head. Damn, he had an enormous headache, and the piercing light hadn't helped any.

Once the pain had subsided a bit, he slowly took stock of his other injuries. He didn't feel pain anywhere else, but he felt………different somehow. It was almost like he was incomplete, like there was a part of him missing. Trying to analyze this, he slowly recalled that day's events.

"Oh, shit!" were the first words out of his mouth as realized what had happened. "I don't believe I willingly let myself be killed." Then he heard other sounds; namely, a soft chuckle and an irritated "Hn".

Grinning, he slowly opened his eyes again, letting them adjust to the light in the room. Then he turned his head to gaze at his two murderers. Kurama was standing by the bed, watching him and smirking. Hiei was by the window, probably for a quick get-away should it be necessary, mused Yusuke.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. We weren't sure you were ever going to wake up," greeted the fox. Yusuke just glared at him, then ignored the greeting altogether, changing the topic away from his death and rebirth. "Well? Did it work?" he asked.

The other two males just looked at him, eyebrows raised in inquiry. Yusuke sighed, and clarified, "Did the separation work? Is that part of me now on trial? Why the hell do I feel like something's missing here?!" he practically yelled the last question, then gasped and covered his mouth, realizing what he'd just admitted.

However, his last statement had caught the attention of both the fire demon and the youko. "You feel incomplete?" asked Kurama. When his friend just nodded, not looking at him, his expression turned grave. "That shouldn't have happened. Since the youkai had a completely different soul, you shouldn't feel incomplete."

The hanyou lord just gazed at him and sighed. "Yes, that may be, but even if the souls were separate, I'm not sure the bodies were." Realization slowly dawned on the redheaded boy, and Hiei chuckled. "The baka ningen is incomplete because we went and splinched his body without realizing it."

Kurama flushed and apologized to Yusuke. It hadn't even occurred to him that the body might be connected to the boy as the inu youkai's soul was not. Yusuke just waved it off and cut straight to the most important question. "How the hell do I make myself complete again without notifying the baby of what's going on?"

Neither Kurama nor Hiei had an answer for that, so they all decided that a long walk was in order, straight to master Genkai's home. Kuwabara would already be there, visiting with Yukina. Yusuke agreed rather quickly, and they all set off, hoping to arrive before nighttime fell.

As dusk fell, they found themselves in Genkai's temple, drinking tea and waiting for her arrival so they could give their explanation. Apparently Genkai had gone out for a while, leaving Yukina and Kuwabara to look after the temple and any guests that may arrive.

Hiei had been none too pleased to find the large oaf alone with his twin sister. Of course, she didn't know that he was the brother she had been searching for, so he really couldn't do much about it. He was, however, very tempted to kill Yusuke again, this time without saving his soul. Noticing Kurama's knowing smirk, he decided that maybe the fox would die as well.

Kuwabara had tried to force some kind of explanation out of them, but all they would tell him was that the mission had been accomplished, but there had been some complications involved. The tall ningen was even now sulking on a chair in the living room, as they all waited impatiently for the old lady to arrive.

Half an hour later, master Genkai walked into the room, staring at them silently and waiting for them to explain their presence. Sighing, Kurama told her the entire story, how they had managed to kill Yusuke twice, preserving his soul while separation his bodies both times, and how once he had woken up, he had noticed a feeling of incompleteness.

Genkai just hummed under her breath when they were done, then turned to scrutinize Yusuke. Feeling like a two-year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the teenager soon began to squirm in discomfort. He still felt incomplete, but was beginning to wonder if maybe having a piece missing from him wasn't better than Genkai's attention after all.

Sighing, Genkai opened her mouth and spoke the six words nobody ever thought they'd hear from her mouth. "I don't know what to do," she admitted. Everybody's jaws dropped. Genkai had always known what to do, she was wise and strong and wise and powerful and wise and………and wise. It was a heavy blow to all of them that Genkai might not know everything.

Genkai noticed the disbelief on their faces and stated irritably, "What?! You can't possibly expect me to know everything there is to know, can you? I may be old and experienced, but I'm still just human." Then she grinned. "Although I do know of someone who might be able to answer our questions."

Once the others had absorbed what she had just said, they plied her with questions. "Who is it? Do we know him? Or her? How far away? How will they be able to help us? When can we go?" Genkai cut them off, then answered, "He's an old friend of mine, no you don't know him, not far but dangerous to reach, he studies greatly the mysteries of the soul world as well as the devil world, we leave tomorrow at dawn."

Glancing around, she asked, "Anything else?" The people in the room just shook their heads. "Good. Then I'd recommend that you get a good night's sleep. All of us, save Yukina, will leave at the crack of dawn, so you'd best be up on time." With that, she left the room and headed for her own bed, after pausing to notify Daisuke that they'd be dropping by tomorrow.

Kagome: All right, I know that's not really an ending, and it's not really good, but it will get better, I promise. It's just that I needed somewhere to go, and this points me in the proper direction.

Raven: Yea! Daisuke!

Nathaniel: Raven and her boys *rolls eyes*

Kagome: *starts* Oi! How'd you get out of your gag?!

Nathaniel: ………*starts to slip out of room*

Raven: Nathaniel let me out! He did, he did, he did! He did!

Nathaniel: *bolts*

Kagome: Nathaniel! Get back here, now! Takes off running after muse.

Kagome: Hehehe. All right, people. Read and review so that she'll continue this fic, okay? Please? Arigato!