Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Happily Ever After ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

AN: Here is the last chapter of my last story in this fandom. I changed the ending so that it will end insead of tying into the next story of the arc as planned. Also you all should know that all the stories I have written will stay up, that I can promise. I won’t ever take them down.


Mission Rose

Chapter 10 of 10

Happily Ever After



Kurama slowly awoke, becoming aware of his surroundings. He absently pulled the small warmth closer to his chest, thinking that it was his mate. His eyes snapped opened as he remembered that there was a toddler between Hiei and himself. The warm wetness and the intense pressure made his stomach churn.

He quickly pulled the sheet down to see that his clothes were extended outwards and the vines that held the girl’s legs and feet lay empty on the bed. He pulled open the neck of the tank top and peeked in. He tensed up at what he saw. Rose was nursing away, her small hands kneaded insistently against the fox’s chest on either side of her mouth. Kurama forced himself to relax so his milk would continue to flow even when he felt tiny very sharp teeth graze his nipple. He reached over and shook his lover slightly not wanting to alarm him. Hiei’s eyes snapped open and he reached quickly for his katana at the head of their makeshift bed.

“Koi,” Kurama called gently, catching the hand.

Hiei looked to his mate and slowly smiled. “You finally got too full?” He swiftly noticed how much light was in the tent. “Wait its morning. You didn’t wake me up.”

“I know and not exactly. Can you help me get my shirt off?” Kurama asked, giving his mate’s hand a squeeze before releasing it.

“Hn,” Hiei reached for the shirt not even noticing that their new toddler was missing or the empty vines that lay between them. He lifted the shirt revealing small feet and legs.

“What is going on?”

“She’s nursing, Koi, but I’m not quite sure how with the inside of her mouth as bad as it is. Be careful taking the shirt off please. I don’t need her to get startled. I’ve already felt her teeth a couple of times.”

“Then I’ll be careful. I don’t want your nipples damaged.” Hiei smirked wickedly as he slowly lifted the shirt.

Kurama helped as much as he could by shifting slightly as to not alarming the nursing toddler. The fire demon finally freed the shirt and tossed it to the ground along with the empty vines.

“She certainly does seem to know what she’s doing.” Hiei commented, watching the child nurse hungrily.

“Yes, I don’t think she’s been weaned.” Kurama said with his eyes on the child as well.

“But she eats food.”

“Yes again, but she still isn’t weaned. I imagine she started eating food because she had to. I’d wager it was because her mother died or she was taken from her. I probably started leaking milk while I slept due to being too full and she smelt the milk. With me in such a relaxed state as sleep, she got free from the vines and started nursing, probably been doing it on and off all night. ”

“Hn, I still think you should let her nurse for awhile since you’re already lactating. It could only help her.” Hiei suggested quietly.

“Yes, it would.” Kurama agreed, touching the baby’s soft cheek.

A good ten years back, he had come up with the right combination of plants and one secret ingredient, his fire demon’s blood, for him and Hiei to produce milk without having a baby. They had been doing it randomly ever since. Sometimes the fox would take the concoction, sometimes the fire demon would take it, and sometimes they would dry up giving their bodies a rest for several months to a year. It just so happened that the fox had started taking the mixture of plants and blood nearly five months ago because Hiei asked him to after both of them had been dry for over a year. It had worked in their favor because tiny Namida came into their family soon after and was able to nurse from her redheaded father.

“So, are you going to nurse her then?” Hiei asked pushing slightly on the fox.

“Yes, I’ll nurse her for awhile since I’m already nursing Namida, but if she ever bites me then she won’t be doing it anymore. ” Kurama took the hint and gripped the toddler tightly, rolling onto his back. Rose settled into the new position easily continuing to suckle, her eyes closed in contentment and her tail twitching against the fox’s thigh.

“Then you’ll need to increase that concoction of yours. I want to continue my morning and evening sessions too.” Hiei commented before lowering his head. He quickly latched onto his mate’s free nipple, sucking leisurely.

“Mmmmm…Koi, I’ll do that.” Kurama practically purred. “I enjoy our sessions too.” He ran a hand through his mate’s black hair. “You know you could always take the concoction too, to help out with the nursing.”

Hiei didn’t answer and they slipped into silence watching the toddler nurse. Rose was soon asleep, apparently with a full stomach, laying against the fox’ side with her mouth slightly open. Hiei finally pulled away and laid his head on his lover’s chest, still watching the toddler.

“She’s certainly different than I expected when we first saw her.”

“Yes, I expected her to be a little hellion, but she’s far from that. She was probably just extremely scared at the time she was found. Our little Rose wants attention and we’ll certainly give it to her.”

“Hn, you got another baby, Fox, just like you wanted.”

“How did you know I wanted another? I tried to keep it a secret.”

“I know you, but I wanted one too. I was actually going to approach the subject of one of us getting pregnant again.” Hiei answered honestly.

“I was thinking about approaching you about that. I missed having a little one running around our home.” Kurama smiled, glancing to the baby. “But now we don’t have to think about that, we have our babies both Rose and Namida, Koi.”

“Hn, we do.” Hiei mumbled, leaving a kiss on his mate’s chest. He slowly worked upward until he took his mate into a loving kiss.

Someone clearing their throat broke them apart. They looked over to see Kaihei standing just inside their tent, watching them nervously.

“I have a good mind not to stop.” Hiei mumbled as he sat up. “I told you and everyone else not to disturb us until we came out of our tent this morning. Why do you disturb us?”

“Now Hiei,” Kurama slowly sat up too, cradling Rose to his chest. “Don’t be mad at our firebug we were already awake and would be getting up soon.”

“Hn, what’s the problem?” Hiei grunted as he got up from the bed and began gathering his clothes.

“Everyone is starting to worry about you and dad, especially Tenshi. If I hadn’t come in, she would have.”

“She knows she can get away with anything with us.” Kurama laughed lightly.

“Yes, but that needs to stop.” Hiei said reaching for the waist band of the boxers he had on. “Yet it probably never will.”

Kaihei saw this and quickly turned around, knowing his father didn’t care one way or the other. A few moments passed with only the rustle of cloth.

“You can turn back around, Kaihei. Your not so modest father is dressed,” Kurama laughed again.

“Serves him right,” Hiei stated smugly. “He’ll learn not to just walk in on us. You’d think he already would have learned that lesson.”

“Yes,” Kurama let a sly smile touch his lips. “He has walked in on us bathing together, kissing, nursing the other, and making love. What else is there for him to walk in on?”

“Enough, I get the point.” Kaihei was blushing, but he had a smile on his face. “So, you’ll be coming out?”

“Yes, I just have to get dressed.” Kurama said as he got up and walked over to his mate. He handed Rose to Hiei, being careful not to wake her. Kaihei nodded before quickly leaving the tent. Kurama hurried about as he dressed and became presentable. He was going to feed Rose food as much as possible, but he put on a button up shirt for easy access in case she wanted to nurse.

When a sleeping Rose was back in his mate’s arms and covered completely, Hiei emerged from their tent followed by the fox. They walked out to see breakfast being cooked over a fire. Their family was sitting around the fire with all the new additions. The remaining guards were milling around, waiting to eat as well. Hiei led Kurama over to an empty log where they sat down.

“Is everything okay?” Tenshi instantly asked.

“Everything is fine, baby.” Kurama assured, pulling open one of Hiei’s cloaks that covered the sleeping toddler. “We just had to take care of our Rose.”

“Oh my, she’s so cute!” Tenshi was instantly sitting at the fox’s side. “Where did you get her?”

“She was found back in Brickit’s fortress.” Hiei answered quickly. “And my fox couldn’t just leave her there so we took her in.”

“Then we have another new baby sister.” Meiyo smirked, looking very much like his father.

“What’s her name?” Makoto asked, glancing up from the baby boy he held as Nina sat right beside him.

Idai and Ruto momentarily stopped their quiet conversation to pay more attention to what’s going on around them. A light blush could be seen across Ruto’s cheeks, but no one commented. Idai was very much like his redheaded father in many areas, he was probably flirting outrageously with the tiger demon and loving every blush he received for his efforts.

“Her name is very simple and quite ningen, you even already heard it actually. We named her Rose.” Kurama smiled, looking down at the sleeping toddler.

“Rose,” Tenshi smiled, trying the name on. “What a perfect name for a little sister. Can I hold her?”

“You can try.” Hiei said quickly.

“But be careful of her claws and teeth. They’re very sharp.” Kurama carefully handed the toddler to his almost giddy daughter.

Tenshi grinned happily, jostling her sister around. Nina, Brii, and Siaira hurried over to see the adorable toddler too.

“What type of demon is she?” Xaviar asked, coming up behind the vixen.

“I believe she is at least half leopard demon. I don‘t believe she‘s full demoness.” Kurama answered watching the girls closely. He was already protective of his new daughter. “The other parts we don’t have a clue, maybe later if she shows some sort of power we can guess the rest.”

“Do you remember having any leopard demonesses in your father’s fortress?” Hiei asked, watching the girls too.

“No, I don’t remember any leopard demons or demonesses for slaves, but that’s not to say there couldn’t have been one or two in the dungeon.” Xaviar answered. “My father was always putting demons down there and forgetting about them for the smallest infraction.”

“He truly was a monster then. For all we know Rose could have be born in that dungeon.” Kurama commented, shaking his head. It was then Rose decided to wake up. Blinking her eyes, she looked around and all she saw was unfamiliar faces.

“A..a…a..a,” Rose squealed, fighting the hold on her. She was even trying to lash out with her claws. She caught sight of the fox out of the corner of her eyes. She fought harder and was able to break the hold.

“Ma…ma…ma,” Rose squealed again, scrambling into the fox’s lap.

“It’s okay, baby.” Kurama cooed while holding the toddler close.

“She thinks you’re her momma.” Toushi teased, dishing out some food that was ready.

“Yes, well, at the moment I don’t care.” Kurama smiled down at the toddler. “I only want her to calm down.” He glanced to his smirking mate. “Like I said, I don’t care! Can you get a plate of food for her?”

“Hn,” Hiei got up and dished out a couple of plates of food. He then grabbed a couple of spoons before walking back to the log where he sat back down beside his mate.

Kurama managed to get Rose on one knee while he sat the plate on the other. He took the spoon that the fire demon handed him and started mashing up the scrambled eggs.

“You certainly got that down,” Nina said, appearing quite amused by the sight. “I may need your help when my baby gets old enough. My other three children were taken and possibly killed before they were even two weeks old. So I have no experience other than the first two weeks.”

“I’ll be happy to help you.” Kurama smiled, glancing up to the girl, his green eyes sparkling beautifully. He then gazed at Brii and Siaira with the same look. “I’ll be happy to help you both as well, if you need it. You all are part of our family now.”

This made all three girls smile and giggle a little bit, blushing.

“Get used to it, girls.” Gailic laughed, gently holding Shi against his shoulder. “Kurama is very helpful and polite almost in a flirty way. Hiei, well, he’ll just shock you.”

“What are you trying to do, boy? Flatter us?” Hiei smirked after swallowing a bite of food. He noticed his mate struggling slightly with their toddler. “Fox?”

“She doesn’t want any more food, Hiei.” Kurama whispered so only his lover could hear him.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I’ll be fine. Start getting camp broke down so we can leave. I’m missing my baby girl, Namida.”

“Hn,” Hiei nodded slightly, watching his mate get up. He could clearly see Rose pulling at the fox’s clothes, trying to get at his chest.

“Dad?” Kaihei, the first one of their group to notice the quick departure, called out.

“I’m fine, firebug.” Kurama picked up the partially eaten plate of food. “I’m just going to feed Rose in my tent.” He turned and headed in his stated direction, not waiting for any other comments.

He entered his tent and hurried over to his bed. He sat his plate down beside him as he got comfortable working with one hand, the fox got his shirt open. Rose pushing at the shirt as well and then she quickly latched on. She was truly purring and she even wrapped her tail around the fox’s arm, her hands already starting to knead.

Kurama petted the baby gently as he relaxed into her suckling. Just as the fox and kitten got comfortable enough for their first official nursing session, a surprised gasp sounded in the tent. Kurama lazily opened his eyes and glanced to the side. He saw Siaira standing there holding her baby.

“I’m sorry, I…I…,” Siaira stuttered, glancing down to her baby and then back to the fox.

“What is it?” Kurama asked gently as he sat up some.

“You’re…you’re nursing her!”

“Yes, I am.”

“But how? You’re a male………….. Aren‘t you?” Siaira was in shock, completely forgetting what she had come to ask the fox.

“That I am.” Kurama chuckled as he adjusted Rose a bit. “But I’m a forbidden one. I can have children.”

“What?! I’ve heard stories, but I didn’t think they were true!”

“Well, they are. You might as well know about this family, since you’re a part of it now. Hiei and Kaihei are also forbidden. Kaihei, Makoto, Meiyo, Tenshi, Namida, Idai, and Isan are our blood children. Hiei and I actually had them”

“Wow……….. then you really do know what to do with babies.” Siaira slowly smiled, glancing to the toddler at the fox’s chest.

“Yes,” Kurama smiled too. “What is it you needed help with?”

“Um, yeah a couple of nights ago,” Siaira began nervously. “You said you would help me to get my baby nursing properly.”

“That I did.” Kurama patted the bed beside him. “Come here and show me how you get Shi latched on.”

“Um,” Siaira blushed heavily, slowly moving across the tent. She sat down, glancing to the fox.

“It’s okay,” Kurama tried to reassure the girl. “I have no interest in female’s breasts. Think of me as your best friend.”

“Alright,” Siaira smiled, quickly lifting her raggedy shirt. She put the baby to her nipple and pushed it in when she opened her tiny mouth.

“Well first off, Siaira, you pull the baby on. You don’t go to the baby. Is your nipple far back in her mouth?”

“No,” Siaira shook her head.

“Then that’s the second problem. The further back in the baby’s mouth the nipple is the better. It will also keep her from trying to bite. You also need to be completely comfortable and relaxed when you nurse. Plus drink lots of water, it will help with your milk supply.”

“I’ll make sure I’ll do all that now.” Siaira replied, glancing over to the toddler the fox nursed. “Do you hurt?”

“No, I’m used to nursing, my nipples have toughened up over the years. I have nursed seven children….. I suppose that number is now eight though.” Kurama smiled, gently petting his new daughter. “Hiei and I have a month old daughter at home, the youngest.”

“Oh,” Siaira wanted to ask more questions, but she let it drop. They sat quietly watching their children nurse. Light flooded the tent when Hiei entered. He grunted something only the fox understood before starting to pack their things up. Siaira was modestly trying to cover herself while a blush spread across her face.

“It’s okay, Siaira,” Kurama chuckled lightly. “Hiei has absolutely no interest in female breasts either.”

“He’s right,” Hiei looked up quickly. “I like my chests flat, but strong and lean, just like my fox’s.”

“Oh,” Siaira giggled before starting to pull her baby from her nipple.

“Wait,” Kurama quickly stopped her. “Don’t just pull her off. Break the suction by sliding your finger into her mouth. Also let your nipples dry before covering them up. It will help with the soreness a great deal.”

“Um, okay.” Siaira easily broke Shi’s suction and removed her. She held the baby close to her chest, but left her breast out, letting her nipple air dry like she was instructed.

Kurama easily moved Rose to his other nipple, knowing that his new daughter was still hungry. Just after Siaira had fixed her clothes, Hiei sat down beside the fox. He reached over and scratched the nursing kitten’s head.

“Is camp packed up?” Kurama asked, leaning his head against his mate’s shoulder.

“Hn, this tent is the only one left.” Hiei answered. “We’re just waiting for you four.”

“Then let’s not keep them waiting.” Siaira smiled, quickly getting up. She hurried out of the tent, the flap falling closed behind her.

Kurama broke the kitten’s suction and handed her to the fire demon. He quickly wove a vine type backpack that would hold Rose against his chest so they wouldn’t have to stop for her to nurse. He took the kitten from his mate and fitted her into the vines. Kurama made sure his shirt looked closed, but it was open for his daughter.

Hiei grabbed the extra cloak he had laid out and put it around the fox’s shoulders successfully concealing the toddler and his mate’s bare chest. He then packed up everything else in the tent, before approaching the fox again.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, I’m ready to get home.” Kurama smiled, leaning forward and stealing a quick kiss from his mate. They exited the tent and it was soon packed up with all the others.

The group set out, traveling leisurely since they were in no hurry. They stopped and traveled when they wanted. The now extended family took the time to get used to each other and were already started pairing off. On the fourth day, the big fortress finally came into view. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, happy to be home.

The guards that had traveled with them were quickly dismissed by Hiei with their promised week off. The guards at the big entrance doors bowed to the royal family before pushing them wide open. Hiei and Kurama stood to the side, watching their growing family enter.

Toushi and Kaihei walked through first hand in hand. They were followed by Makoto with Nina who carried her tiny son while they talked quietly. Gailic and Siaira were third in line. They were talking too, but he carried Shi close to his body, already taking over the father role. They were followed by Meiyo and Brii who were laughing and having a good time. He was carrying her after she faked hurting her ankle. Idai and Ruto walked through the doors, an arm around each other’s waist and blushes on their cheeks after being teased by the fire demon. And last in line were Tenshi and Xaviar. They weren’t talking, but Tenshi was pressed close to Xaviar‘s side, his arm around her shoulders.

“We’re home with our already growing family.” Kurama turned to his mate, patting Rose’s rear. “And the best additions comes in the smallest packages.”

“Hn. Are you happy with everything, Kurama?” Hiei asked, taking hold of the fox’s free hand.

“Yes, I couldn’t be happier. I have children, new grandchildren, a mother, a step-father, and a brother. Plus I’m a Lord of the Makai and I have you. What more could I ask for?”

“Nothing, I guess. It seems you have everything.”

“I do and so do you. Let’s go in and get on with our very long and love filled lives.” Kurama suggested quietly lacing their fingers together. “Besides, our Rose is trying to nurse and I really want to hold and nurse our little Namida……………………&hell ip; And I want their father present.”

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Hiei said in a whisper before leading the fox into the fortress, the guards closing the heavy doors behind them. They were home and they were happy. They were living their happy ending and they wouldn‘t hope for anything more.

The End


Well, that is it. Bye.