Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Stupidity ❯ Dancing Drag Queeeeen! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer Drama!!
Me- *Eating more nachos* And I wanna invite all these people!

Mr. Puppet- That's a lot of people!!

Me- You ain't inviting anybody!! Wait, do I even love you?!

Mr. Puppet- *Sighs and gives me more nachos*


Mr. Puppet- *Takes list and reads it* Hey….you only invited guys!!!

Me- I did not! Ashley is on there! And besides, it'd be rude not to invite all the guys I'm in love with from my favorite shows! I mean, what if I catch the bouquet?! Maybe I'll get married!!

Mr. Puppet- You'll be married to me!!!!

Me- ……..Oh. Well, I'm still inviting them!

Mr. Puppet- Yea, and they still don't belong to you!!!

Wedding in the next disclaimer!!!
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Notes to my reviewers!!!
Sakura-chan90- Oh yea, I'd say Kuwabara in that outfit would be real scary! Not sure what the hell I was thinking!!!! HELP ME!!! Okay, I probably just freaked you out forever….You should make some fics too so I can read them!!
Kuramas gurl- I always over emphasizes Kuwabara's stupidness!! Once I post some of my other fanfics, it gets worse….so much worse…But thanks for compliments! Oh, and I've read your fics, they're really good. (I forgot to send a review, so I'll do that later!)
THANK YOU!!! (My only two reviewers so far!!)
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Chapter 4- Dancing drag queeeeeen!!!
After their mind-numbing practice and Hiei trying to get over the fact that he had to spank Kurama in a naughty way, (A/N- Not that I would mind doing that myself!) the club was ready to be opened.
“Okay yous guys. This is it. I don't care if yous are straight, but yous have ta act out the role of being gay and lovin' it. I'm just about ready ta open up the club.” Takkun said in that pep-talk-before-the-big-game voice. “Oh, and one more thing; See those guys at the bar?”

The guys nodded in response.
“One a yous go over there and make them happy, they've been watchin' you guys practice dis whole time.” He stated walking over to unlock the doors and let the waiting people in. As a stampede of people rushed in, Takkun grinned at the boys and said: “Goodbye kiddie pool, hello shark tank.”

”Dammit, I hate that guy.” Yusuke growled. “He's just as annoying as Koenma.”

”Whose going to go over to those guys over at the bar?” Kurama asked shakily. They looked at each other.
“ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS SHOOT!!” They yelled at the same time.

”Hiya there boys.” Kuwabara said to the bar guys. (He obviously lost)

”Oh poo, it's only the freak in the onesy. We wanna see red over there……” Said one guy.
“Yeah, we want red!” Chimed in the other.
“Hmmph! Oi Kurama!!!”

Kurama face had the Oh-god-I-got-drunk-in-vegas-and-married-to-Karasu-and-I'm-just-finding-out- now look. (Are there even those kinds of looks? Well, I guess if you were that freaked out….) As he inched over, the guys at the bar started hootin'.


Kurama tried to hide his expression of humiliation, not that it was working but it was still good to try. “Um, hello there gentlemen. I see you are drinking some alcohol. That's very good.” He then laughed nervously.
“Come on……give uth thome bootay!”
“Oh good god…..” He said under his breath. He sighed shakily and stuck his butt out just a little to them.

One of them pinched his ass, while others just started slapping him. Kurama looked up to his friends for a little support, but to his horror, they were laughing too. Then, Takkun came over.

”Okay guys, easy on the merchandise! He still gotta go up there!” He pointed to the stage.
“Tho, red here ith gonna be our entertainment?” Asked one.
“That's right. And Red is very excited about being up there. Right?”

”Um, this is true.” Kurama replied.
“He'th jutht tho proper! I jutht love a good little boy!!”

Kurama winced at this comment.
“Okay now, why don't you go and get the other guys and bring `em on the stage now.” Said Takkun pushing Kurama away.
“Yes sir!” He squeaked running to his friends like a bat out of hell. Or like a straight guy running from a couple of horny gay guys.
“Oh!” Yusuke started in a lispy voice. “Nithe job out there red!”

”Yeth, I defiantly want thome of that ath!” Hiei laughed.
“Aw, don't sweat it Kurama, I still think your sexeh.” Kuwabara whispered.
“Okay, that's enough Kuwabara.” He said irritated, but trying to keep calm.

”I'm serious.”

”………” Kurama had a large sweat drop and he shuffled away from Kuwabara. “Mr. Shimo said we have to get on stage.”

”Crap, is it that time already?” Yusuke complained.
“None of us want to do this either detective!” Hiei retorted.
Yusuke didn't answer, but lead his friends back stage and they took they're opening postions.
Takkun took the microphone. “Okay everyone, are you havin' fun?!”


”Not yet yous ain't! Cuz we've got a special treat for everyone tonight!”


”And I think they're right about…….HERE!” He grabbed the drawstring on the curtain and they flew open, revealing a pitch back stage. All the lights in the club turned off making the people gasp. Suddenly, the song Butterfly came on at full blast and then came the stage lights, which now showed the audience the four boys. They stood still until their cue to move.
<Ay, iyaiyai,
Ay, iyaiyai
A-a-a iyaiyai,
Where's my samurai>
The beat picked up, and Kuwabara and Hiei jumped behind Yusuke and Kurama. They bounced with the beat for a minute and then Kuwabara and Hiei slapped Yusuke and Kurama on the ass. Hiei winced, not caring if anyone saw.
I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find, to find my samurai
Yusuke then jumped off the stage and wiggled around in the crowd or a little while, hearing them go crazy. Kurama and Kuwabara got into tango position, and Hiei began pole dancing.
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Kuwabara dipped Kurama but then dropped him into the crowd. The audience rusjed over and grabbed the poor struggling Kitsune. Kuwabara, who was still dancing with himself, grabbed Hiei's hand and began tangoing with him.
“Kuwabara……anata wa baka desu…….” He growled dangerously. “If you don't get offa me right now….” His threats didn't reach Kuwabara because one, the guy was as dense as a muffin, and two, he was in dancy land.
* Ay, Ay, Ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky
Ay, Ay, Ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky
Yusuke was making his way through the mob of people, dancing the whole way. Oh how he hated it when they started grinding with him….HE HATED IT SO MUCH!!
I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find, to find my samurai
And then there was poor, poor Kurama who was being torn to shreds by his fanboys.
“ONEGAI!!! LET ME AT LEAST KEEP MY BOXERS!!!” He begged. At this point, they had taken his shirt and pants. He only had his boxers……
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Kuwabara spun Hiei around.
“YAME!!!!” He yelled in the air. Kuwabara didn't hear him though……
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Ay, iyaiyai,
Ay, iyaiyai
A-a-a iyaiyai
Where's my samurai
Ay, Ay, Ay, I'm your little butterfly
By the time the song ended, Kurama was naked and covering himself with a dish, Hiei was throwing up from the dizziness, Kuwabara was blowing kisses to all, and as for Yusuke, he already made it to the back of the room. Only to find some familiar faces……
“WAAUGHG!! K-KEIKO, SHIZURU!!!! Wait……Yukina?!” He said disbelievingly.
“OHMYGOD!!!” Keiko shrieked and clasped her hands over her mouth. “Yusuke?! What are you doing here in a club like this?! Are you working here now?!?!?!?” Then she pulled on his collar so he was at eye level with her and whispered: “Do you know this is a club for gay guy?”

”Yes I do! I think the question here is do you? And how come Sweet and innocent Yukina is here?!” Yukina looked up with big eyes at the sound of her name.
“I just thought the girls here could use some fun because they miss their men.” Shizuru stepped into the conversation.
“But why at a gay night club?”

”Hello? It's the 21st century, girls go to gay night clubs to have fun, and see a bunch of guys dance and get sweaty with other guys.” She explained. Yusuke gave her a blank stare, and Shizuru sighed. “Ya know when a girl kisses another girl?”

”Yeah, that's really hot!”

”Well, why do guys like it so much?”

”It's a guy thing!” He waved his arms to make a point.
“Well, there ya go Yusuke, seeing guys do that kind of stuff, that's something a girl likes cuz it's a girl thing.”

”…….Girls like it when they see gay guys?”

”Oh yes.”

”Oh. Okay……But why is Yukina here?!”

”I wanted to come and watch when they brought out the parrots!” She exclaimed happily. Keiko pulled Yusuke down again and said:

”It was the only way we could get her to join us.”

”Oh. Well okay then miss goody goody always go to school girl! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?! WE'RE PRACTICALLY GOING OUT!!!” He yelled pulling himself back up. “WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR WHEN YOU HAVE ME?! YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE A SHIT LOAD OF SWEATY GUYS SLOBBERIN' ALL OVER EACH OTHER!!!”

”Yusuke calm down. Your scaring Yukina.” Keiko said while trying to comfort the little koorime girl.
“He just yells so loud…..” Yukina sniffled.
“There, there. Just watch some of those guys dancing in the corner over there. See the ones who are really close to each other?” Yukina nodded. “Good girl!”
“Well, this is only a mission for that stupid pain in my ass, Koenma so don't expect me to do this kinda thing for you all the time cuz it is SO over when his mission ends!” He yelled walking away. Then he ran back. “CALL YOU LATER!!!!!!!” He shouted violently and ran away again.

Keiko sweat dropped and sighed. “That Yusuke…..he'll never change….” *siiiiigh* (Freaky Keiko moment brought to you by squid jucie!)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
Okay, that took me a really long time to update! Sorry everyone!! I've had writer's block and I was also having more ideas for my manga I'm doing. So…..what about them dancin' boys eh? *Drinks squid juice* Aaaahhhhh…squids…… Oh wait! Does anybody else like that group Elephant? They sing that song “Misfit” I LOVE them! Just wondering if other people do cuz all my friends haven't heard music from them……Okay, don't forget to review!! JA NE!!!