Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: We Meet Again ❯ Coming Back to Love Again ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]
Mission: We Meet Again
Ceres no Tennyo
CnT: Hi Peoples! This is the moment you've been waiting for the sequal to 'Mission: To Die Without Love!
Ayame and Kagami: [claps]
Disclaimer: Kagami's eyes are blue, and maybe yours too but me still don't own You and Yu Yu
Oh and before I forget when I use Ayame for the new character it's me!
One shot: Coming Back to Love Again
It had been 2 years after you died and you were still pinned to the Goshinboku Jr. (the tree you stabbed yourself on) Kurama and the others have been saddened by your death and-huh? What was that you say? Oh yes Hiei too the reasons? Okay this is why they miss you so much...
Yusuke missed you because you were the only good girl to help in his fights. Kuwabaka I mean Kuwabara missed you because you were the only one who didn't make fun of him. Okay okay you did sometimes but only on special occasions. Hiei missed you because you were like a little sister to him. Kurama oh him.... He missed you because he still loved you. But you were gone and there was nothing they could do about it. Or could they?
[Koenma's Palace]
The Yu Yu Hakusho gang sat down waiting for Koenma as they always did. But this time Yusuke spoke up. "Man! It's so boring in Ningenkai without ____yn_______ around now!" he yawned to prove his point. Kuwabara nodded. "But there isn't much we can do though." said Kurama still looking down. "There might be." said Koenma's voice. Yusuke jumped up. "Geez don't do that! You-wait what did you say?" asked Yusuke. "I said there might be something we could do." answered the now teenage Koenma. "What?" they all asked well most of them, Hiei 'hn'd'. "If we can find her soul we may be able to ressurect ___________" So they looked and found your soul. "Okay open it slowly." Koenma instructed. They did so but your soul just burst out at full speed and went out the window. "Uh that can't be a good thing can it?" asked Yusuke. "Botan you go after it." said Koenma as she saluted him and flew out on her oar. "Okay we have a really powerful demon coming to the barrier of Ningenkai and if he goes through it's good-bye ningens." said Koenma showing the demon. (I don't know how to explain so think of a male demon that looks like a vampire with blue eyes and black hair) "So we have to kill it?" they asked. Koenma nodded and off they went to Makai.
[Battle] (I'm getting kinda bored without you here so yeah)
Yusuke had run out of spirit energy from all the blasts he shot and the same with Kuwabara. Hiei was injured and his arm hurt from using the 'Dragon of Darkness Flame' twice. And Kurama had his rose whip almost completely gone. Koshu-kii (the vampire demon) laughed. "Is that all you have?" he asked. "Well if that is what you have then I may as well kill you right now! Hmm who to start with? Ah I know the kitsune." he extended his claws and brought his arm up. Koshu slashed down.
Kurama shielded himself so he wouldn't take the hit fully but to his surprise it didn't come. He looked up to see a bright figure of a female holding a sword. "Don't you dare hurt him!" it said in an ethereal voice. Suddenly the demon was destroyed. The figure turned around. "Hello Kurama... Nice to meet you again..." The YYH gang stared wide eyes when they saw- You!! "_____?" asked Kurama coming closer. "Yes Kurama?" you kneeled down. "How did you...?" You laughed knowing he would ask that. "How did I get here? Well it's simple really remember when I got out of the case? I knew that this would happen." she explained. "But how could you kill him when you're a spirit?" Yusuke asked. "Oh that well let Ayame here do the talking." you introduced a small fairy the size of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan. "I was the one who let her kill him with physical attacks!" she chirped. "So you helped her out?" asked Hiei. "Yup!" Ayame answered. You turn around. "Well I guess I should go now." you say starting to walk away. "Hold it!" shouted Ayame flying to you. "Hold on for a moment you don't go back there until you say goodbye!" she said angrily as she brought you over to Kurama. She places your hands into his. You blush as you look into his eyes. You saw Ayame whispering something into Kurama's ears. He nods and you become suspicious. "What are you planning?" you ask. He shakes his head for a nothing as your answer. You nod but still suspicious. He brings you into a waltz and you become stiff. "Relax." Kurama whispers in your ear. You immediately comply. You saw glittering dust being poured onto you and Kurama. You looked up to see Ayame in her long white dress which seemed to be zig-zag at the bottom (like the one in Peter Pan the Fairy that was dancing with the other.) sprinkling pixy dust on you. You looked down and saw that you were flying. You gasp but Kurama leans your head onto his shoulder with his chin on top of your head (Aww you guys look so sweet together!)
[In Ayame's little mind]
Oh my oh me! How mischievious I've become! Now for the final thing to this romantic night!
[out of her head]
Ayame called to Koenma. "Koenma!" she hissed. "Yes?" he answered. "I found her I'll give her body to her now." she said. A huge bottle appeared in her arms. (okay huge for me but tiny to you) She undid the cap and flew above you. She poured the small amount of water it held. "Huh?" you asked looking at your now solid hands. "You're alive now." Kurama hugged you tightly. You blush and pull away. "Ayame!" you shout in a stern voice. She came out and gulped. "Yes?" she asked shakily. "Thank you!" you shake her hand with your finger. She smiled and flew up to your nose. "Your welcome!" she answered.
You and Kurama embraced. You both went back to the spirit world for a celebration.
[ 3 years later]
You are now 19 and in collage. You and Kurama are now fiance's and Ayame is still with you. Only she's now in a human form only with pointed ears. "So love-birds you both look so cute together! Now I think it's time to say, 'The End' right?" asked Ayame with a camra shooting you both on video. Kurama kissed you on the forehead. "Yup. The End." said the whole cast.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((End)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))
CnT: Now that was a good one-shot!
Ayame:You used my name?
CnT: Your in my fics so I like to use your name a lot.
CnT: Oh yeah there's gonna be a new fic from me that's called 'Mission: Behind the Scenes.' It's taped by my cousin Jedi and You get to see what goes on between the fics. And you are all actors including me and there'll be some interviews and outtakes!!
YYH, you, me, and Jedi: See ya then!