Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mo-zoku Mating Season ❯ The Change ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Sekia Inuken 
“Yusuke talking”
/Hiei talking/
[Kurama talking]
{Kuwabara talking}
^Keiko talking ^
(A/N: This is after the YYH series so Yusuke is 18. Enjoy the story)
Chapter 1 The Change
Yusuke’s Apartment
Yuske just got back from his talk with Keiko and was very upset. She said it was something important and wanted to talk to him as soon as possible.
(Flashback: Keiko’s house)
Yusuke’s Pov
I went to Keiko’s house like she wanted me to. I was worried that something was wrong. When I knocked I heard her coming to the door. When the door opened she had me come in. I sat on the couch. When she started to talk. Right when she started talking I started feeling hurt and depressed. ^Yusuke I now this may hurt you but I don’t want to go out with you anymore. I found someone else and I just want to live a normal life. With you that won’t be possible you’re not even normal. ^ I just wanted time to stop. This couldn’t be happening. I got up and headed for the door when she stopped talking when she called my name. I ignored her and kept on walking. When I got to the door I opened the door I just made a ran for it. I could not handle this pain.
(End Flashback)
I went to my room and just fell asleep before I even hit the bed. I was so exhausted from being heartbroken.
(Dream Sequence)
Everything was dark from what I could see. There was a form coming closer to me. When the form was visible I saw that it was a youkai coming closer. When it was right in front of me I was shocked. It was Raizen his youkai tousan. “Hey Yusuke” “Hey what are you doing here and what’s going on?” “ It is time for you to find yourself a mate.” “WHAT?!” “You are old enough now and from what I have seen you will not find a mate in a female.” “Huh?” “Because you have not found a female mate yet you are the one that will turn into a female.” “ How is that possible?” “Your heritage allows it to happen. Mo-zoku are all male so if the don’t find a female they turn into a female.” “So this will happen to me.” “Yes.” “But there are not guys I like.” “ When you find a suitable mate or mates you will know. If you want you could choose to stay female.” “O.K.” “ Well what are you waiting for go find a mate you lazy ass.”
(End Dream Sequence)
I woke up covered in sweat. ‘What the hell was the all about’ It was morning so I went to take a shower. When I looked in the mirror “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME??!!” ‘ O.K. so what Raizen said was true I mean it has to be why else would I have breasts?’ “Ummm… I think I’ll need new clothes.” I looked back in the mirror and saw that I have nice round breasts and long silky hair down to my ass.
End chapter 1
Chapter vocab.
Youkai – demon
Tousan – father
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.02.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 448 | Status: Work In Progress

“Yusuke talking”
/Hiei talking/
[Kurama talking]
{Kuwabara talking}
^Keiko talking ^
(A/N: This is after the YYH series so Yusuke is 18. Enjoy the story)
Chapter 1 The Change
Yusuke’s Apartment
Yuske just got back from his talk with Keiko and was very upset. She said it was something important and wanted to talk to him as soon as possible.
(Flashback: Keiko’s house)
Yusuke’s Pov
I went to Keiko’s house like she wanted me to. I was worried that something was wrong. When I knocked I heard her coming to the door. When the door opened she had me come in. I sat on the couch. When she started to talk. Right when she started talking I started feeling hurt and depressed. ^Yusuke I now this may hurt you but I don’t want to go out with you anymore. I found someone else and I just want to live a normal life. With you that won’t be possible you’re not even normal. ^ I just wanted time to stop. This couldn’t be happening. I got up and headed for the door when she stopped talking when she called my name. I ignored her and kept on walking. When I got to the door I opened the door I just made a ran for it. I could not handle this pain.
(End Flashback)
I went to my room and just fell asleep before I even hit the bed. I was so exhausted from being heartbroken.
(Dream Sequence)
Everything was dark from what I could see. There was a form coming closer to me. When the form was visible I saw that it was a youkai coming closer. When it was right in front of me I was shocked. It was Raizen his youkai tousan. “Hey Yusuke” “Hey what are you doing here and what’s going on?” “ It is time for you to find yourself a mate.” “WHAT?!” “You are old enough now and from what I have seen you will not find a mate in a female.” “Huh?” “Because you have not found a female mate yet you are the one that will turn into a female.” “ How is that possible?” “Your heritage allows it to happen. Mo-zoku are all male so if the don’t find a female they turn into a female.” “So this will happen to me.” “Yes.” “But there are not guys I like.” “ When you find a suitable mate or mates you will know. If you want you could choose to stay female.” “O.K.” “ Well what are you waiting for go find a mate you lazy ass.”
(End Dream Sequence)
I woke up covered in sweat. ‘What the hell was the all about’ It was morning so I went to take a shower. When I looked in the mirror “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME??!!” ‘ O.K. so what Raizen said was true I mean it has to be why else would I have breasts?’ “Ummm… I think I’ll need new clothes.” I looked back in the mirror and saw that I have nice round breasts and long silky hair down to my ass.
End chapter 1
Chapter vocab.
Youkai – demon
Tousan – father
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.02.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 448 | Status: Work In Progress