Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Leona sighed and cracked her knuckles as she stared at the blank computer screen. Damn it, this paper was due first thing in the morning and she had no idea what to write about. She shoved her mess of red-gold hair out of her face and rubbed her eyes.

“Fuck!” she thought to herself. It was one o’clock in the god damned morning and she hadn’t gotten anything accomplished.

She stood and stretched for a moment before slumping and padding into the kitchen and opening the fridge. She stooped down and opened the case on the bottom shelf, pulling out two of the black and green cans.

“Ugh. If I was human, the sheer amount of these would’ve killed me by now.” Leo muttered as she collapsed back into her spinning office chair. She turned toward the open window and grinned crookedly.

“Well, at least I’m not the only one up at this hour. Hey, Hiei, what are you up to?” She questioned, grabbing one of the energy drinks and cracking it open.

The fire apparition grunted and settled himself on the windowsill. Leo shrugged and turned to back to the computer screen and growled.

“Well,” she thought to herself, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” With a groan, her fingers began to settle over the keys in front of her, tapping out words on a meaningless subject that she shouldn’t even be taking.

Hiei watched her, bored, as she began to type out some mindless drivel on some inane human poem.

After a long moment of a silence interrupted only by the sound of keys being struck, Leo stopped and ran her fingers through her hair again, frowning. Absentmindedly she picked up the can sitting next to her computer and took a sip. Hiei wrinkled his nose imperceptivity and sniffed the air before his face regained the blank composure it usually had. Whatever the woman was drinking, it wasn’t alcohol. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was though.

Still, the scent wasn’t entirely unknown to him. He sampled it around Leona and the fool on occasion. Why the woman would taste anything Kuwabara would ingest was beyond him though.

“Onna, what is that?” Hiei asked, standing behind her.

Leo leaned back in her chair and glared up at him, annoyed. She hated it when he did that, just vanishing from one place and appearing in another.

“It’s a Monster.”

His brow furrowed slightly, “I know monsters, and there are none inhabiting that can. I ask you again, what are you drinking?”

Leo snorted, “No, it’s a Monster energy drink.” She picked up the can and read the text that explained the ingredients. “It’s got taurine, ginseng, and an “energy blend” that will probably kill me one day. It’s supposed to give you energy and help you focus. They keep me from keeling over during exams; Kuwabara turned me on to it last semester.”

He frowned, making Leo grin. She handed him the can over her head, “Here, try some”

She expected him to refuse, or at least grab the other can from the desk; instead he took the can from her and took a swig. When the taste hit his tongue, he almost gagged before he became accustomed to it. For a moment his throat refused to work before he forced this liquid down.

“Onna, are you trying to poison me?” He snarled as Leo cracked up, throwing her head back and cackling, her wild hair catching the light from the computer monitor.

“I’m sorry, I really am, it’s just-the look on your face.” She gasped out when he growled at her. She closed her eyes and laid her head on her arms on the desk as she continued to snicker. While she tried to get control over herself, Hiei took another small sip of the drink, taking the opportunity to flick his tongue out over the metal rim of the can. He stopped as a new taste invaded his mouth.

He lowered his eyes to the ex-shinobi sitting at the desk. It was her, this taste, far more pleasant than that of the beverage. He rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth contemplatively. Yes, far more pleasant.

Leo sat up, finally regaining control of her breathing. “Here, give it back.”

“Hn. No.” He took another sip, thinking.

Leona’s dancing blue eyes became serious, “Careful, Hiei, that stuff is strong, you don’t want to drink too much of it until you know how it will affect you.”

He only grunted and took a seat on the bed next to the desk, leaning back against the wall, resting his bandaged arm on his knee. He regarded her over the rim of the can and met her eyes. He smirked and without looking away from her drained the rest of the can.

Leo frowned and her eyebrows snapped together with an almost audible click. “Hiei! I was serious, it could be harmful!”

Hiei snorted, “As if anything that baka ningen can ingest could be harmful to me.”

Leo threw up her hands in defeat, “Whatever! I don’t have time for this.” Pointedly turning her chair away from him, she turned on the radio, sticking a battered CD into the player. She settled the earphones over pointed ears and began to type again.

Hiei smirked to himself in victory and leaned his head back against the wall, his eyes closing. Though he looked calm, inside he was worrying. Not about what the woman had said about the drink hurting him –as if it could!-but about the way she had tasted, trying to identify what it was her taste reminded him of.

His mind continued to idly run through what it could be as Leo continued to work on her paper. At last, the words had begun to flow as they usually did, like water through her fingers as she became engrossed with what she was writing. She began to forget her surroundings as she worked, and perhaps if she had paid more attention, she would have noticed what was happening to the fire apparition sitting next to her.

Hiei’s heart had begun to beat harder in his chest, his blood moving at an unseemly pace through his veins. His face constricted as he tried to ignore the blood heating his body.

“What is it?” He thought, almost distantly, “What is it she reminds me of?”

Finally Leo stood up and stretched, triumphantly clicking print on her computer. As the machine whirred to life next to her, she looked around. She raised her eyebrow at the apparition; she would have expected him to leave after he finished teasing her. As she watched him, his brows furrowed and a slightly pained expression poured over his face.

“Hiei?” She muttered worriedly, moving over next to him.

The apparition’s face was pinched with worry and he sat rigidly against the wall, his fists clenched.

“Hiei…?” She murmured, reaching out to cup his cheek, she hesitated for a moment, almost pulling back from making contact before her hand settled on his flesh. Immediately, his hand snapped up and grabbed her wrist, holding her hand against his face.

What is it? His mind snarled, what was it that she reminded him of? Maybe if he had just another little taste. His eyes snapped opened, drinking in the sight of her in the dim room, her long coppery hair wild about her face from where she had run her hands through it in frustration all night, her blue-grey eyes worried as she stared back at him. He gripped her wrist tightly, his other hand reaching for her.

Leo flinched involuntarily, closing her eyes, expecting that hand to strike her or wrap around her throat as the apparition demanded an explanation, instead it delved into her hair, yanking her forward against him. His lips crashed down on hers, rough and insistent, his tongue probing for entrance. Shocked as she was, she couldn’t help but admit him. The velvety muscle slid past her lips to explore beyond, sliding against her own.

He let go of her wrist, his arm slipping around her waist to pull her body flush against him, molding her taller form against his. A moan escaped her throat as she felt him pressed against her as she held onto his shoulders tightly, trying to anchor herself. She pulled back, despite his growl, shivering as his sharp fangs nipped at her bottom lip in protest.

Her eyes slid open and she gasped, stifling a small scream. His skin had taken on a greenish hue and his Jagan eye was burning behind his head band, making the cloth smoke and smoulder. Everything about him screamed ‘dangerous’.

“Well now we know what energy drinks do to him,” She thought distantly, “They make him crazy”

His hand left her hair to grab her hips, intent on pulling her down into his lap as he sat up straighter against the wall.

“Hiei, c-calm down. You’re losing control.” Leo muttered, trying to get her legs under her properly so she could pull away. As she got up on her knees, Hiei saw his chance and took it, pulling her down against him once again, more forcefully this time. He was determined she wasn’t going to move yet.

His hands slid under the material of her shirt to settle on the bare flesh of her waist, holding onto her hard enough to bruise. Slowly, deliberately, perhaps doing it just to show her he wasn’t out of control, he guided her body over his, pressing up against her. She gasped, her grip on his shoulders tightening as she felt him, hot and needy between her thighs through the flimsy material of her pajama pants and underwear. His name was drawn from her lips in a sigh that made him shiver.

He pulled her face down to his again and captured her lips a second time, this time her hands came up to tangle in his hair, yanking his head back as she returned the kiss, pressing her body down against his to grind against him.

Damn it, if this was going to happen, it was going to happen on her terms, even if part of her screamed that she’d regret it in the morning. Consequences be damned, she thought absently as Hiei’s tongue invaded her mouth again, he may have started it, but she was damned sure she was going to finish it.

Leo nipped at the invading muscle, sucking harshly. Hiei groaned and shuddered against her, his hands pulling insistently at her shirt. She broke off the kiss and moved back just far enough to yank it over her head and toss it behind her, arching her back as his calloused hands slid up her body to cup her breasts roughly, his claws biting into the soft flesh. Leo cried his name out as her skin broke, small droplets of blood oozing out. He moved his hands to just under her breasts, his claws scratching at the skin of her ribs as he lowered his head, his tongue flicking out across her skin, drawing the crimson liquid into his mouth.

He growled, there it was again, that taste he couldn’t name, this time it was mixed with her blood, it was even more infuriating. He finished lapping the blood up from one breast and moved to the other, catching every minute drop before moving his ministrations to the hardened peaks of Leo’s breasts, applying both teeth and tongue to worrying at her flesh, growling as his name was drawn from her lips again and again as he left one peak in favor of the other.

Her hand’s tightened in his hair as she cried out in ecstasy, moving her body against his. He pulled back to look up at her again, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him forcefully, reveling in the taste of her blood on his tongue. Hiei smirked against her lips, chuckling as she began to tug at his cloak, growling in the back of her throat. She broke off the kiss, her blue-grey eyes stormy. “Remove it, Hiei, or I’ll rip it off.” She snarled. Hiei was only too glad to comply and moved her off of him so he could stand up and disrobe. When he finished and turned back to her, he saw she had removed the rest of her clothing as well.

Her eyes moved over his form and she swallowed hungrily, her eyes tracing the hard muscles of his chest down to his waist before settling on her prize. Her lips curled into a smile and she reached for him. Without hesitating, he moved to her, his body crashing against hers as he shoved her back down on to the bed. One hand crept between them as his sharp fangs bit at her lips again, this time drawing blood. His fingers moved between them and past her slick folds to delve deep into her body, his thumb pressed against a key bundle of nerves. Her head tilted back and she let out a keening wail, her hips moving against his hand. He smirked and left her lips to attack her bared throat with bites and kisses as his fingers moved restlessly inside her.

Leo writhed beneath him as his hand moved her farther toward completion, driving her higher and higher before finally pushing her over the edge. She cried out his name during her moment of bliss, arching against him wantonly.

Hiei removed his fingers from her and stared down at the panting woman under him as he brought his hand to his lips, his tongue snaking out to taste the essence on his fingers. As she regained her breath, he stared at her, the taste of her on his tongue.

He pressed against her, into her, staring down at her, watching the expressions playing across her face. He bit his lip, groaning and pressing his face against her neck as she moved against him urgently. She held him tightly against her as he rocked against her, growling as he became completely sheathed inside of her. His lips sought hers once more as he moved inside of her, reveling in the delicious, wet heat of her. She whimpered as she felt a slight tearing inside of her, her pain quickly soothed by his kisses, decidedly gentler then before. Any discomfort she had dissipated quickly and within moments, she was crying out his name, chanting it like a hymn in whispered screams as he found that one place inside of her that drove her higher then she had ever been, the sensation of him inside her almost too much for her to cope with.

She tilted her head to the side, offering her throat to him for the second time that night, and this time he took it. His elongated fangs sank into the juncture of her neck and shoulder as she clenched around him in climax, the action sending him spiraling off the edge with her as the taste of her blood exploded in his mouth. In that moment, he knew what she tasted of, that elusive combination that he’d been trying to figure out all night.

Ginger and oranges.

Hours later, when the sun was just beginning to creep over the horizon, and the room had turned the pinkish grey of dawn, Leona sat up, carefully moving the fire apparition’s arm off her waist as she tried to get out of the bed.

“Onna,” the harsh voice of her friend grated out behind her, “where do you think you are going?”

She looked into his crimson eyes, “Hiei-“

He dragged her back down beside him and nipped at the mating mark on her neck, pleased with the contrast the dark bruise made against her pale skin. She squirmed against him, biting her lip.

“Your first class doesn’t start for several hours, and until that time, you are going to stay in bed with me and explain why you seem so keen to leave.”

“Hiei, do you even remember what happened last night?” She asked finally, turning on her side to face him.

“Hn. Of course I do, baka onna. We became mates.” He said bluntly, nuzzling her shoulder.

“Yes, but-“

“But what?” He glared at her, before he realized what was bothering her. “You believed it happened because of the poison you gave me.”

“It wasn’t poison!” She exclaimed, indignant.

He smirked, “Hn, believe what you want, onna, but it happened because we both wanted it too, or are you unhappy with being my mate?”

It was Leo’s turn to glare, “Don’t be stupid,” she muttered, moving to kiss him. “Just listen next time I tell you to be careful with a drink.”

Hiei hn’d and kissed her roughly, pulling his new mate against him in that pink light of dawn, murring against her lips as she moaned when she felt his need pressed against her.

“Oh, well,” she thought vaguely as his lips moved to her collarbone, “there are worse ways to start the morning.”