Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ More Spirt Dectives!?! ❯ And it Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Taluin:Heay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm holding Karuma Hostage Deuring the course of this fic

Karuma:Memph Mef Fofut (Let me out)

Taluin:I geuss I realy shodul un gag him. *Thoughtfuly scratches her head*

Karuma: Mfeh Meas(Yes pleas)

Taluin: only if you promise to turn into Youko and not run away then I'll untie you too

Karuma:Mumf maruse (of course)

Taluin: there you go now say the disclamier

Youko: Taluin dose not own YYH Thank kami

First chapter And it begins

"Seuichi Mamino come to the principals office" the Secretaty said over the intercom.

'Oh great is Yusuke in trouble again?' Karuma thought as he made his way to the office

* In the office*

"Seuuichi you willbe showing a new student around" the Principal said.

*On there Way to Second period*

"My names Rose whats yours?" The girl now identified as Rose

"Seuichi Mamino" He said extending his hand

"I hope everyone here is as nice as you."Rose stated as she shook his hand.

"Well since I'm showing you around my fanclub may not be."Karuma said thoughtfully

(I'm going to skip to lunch)

"Heay Seuichi!" A boy with raven slicked back hair "come sit with us"

"Heay whos she" A Boy with orange hair asked

"This is Rose shes new Rose this is Yusuke Yurameshe and Kuzuma Kuwabara" Karuma said pointing to each one in turn.

Taluin: Yah the first chapter is done

Youko:Ya know that was perty good

Taluin: thanks Pleas R&R Ya see that button down there press it and tellme what you thought!