Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mudai nitotte Haya ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HI THERE!!! Well, yeah. Chapter 1. Enjoy!
Hiei stared down at her cold lifeless body. The blood that had once gushed from the gaping hole in her neck soaked through his boots. His own sister was killed right in front of him, and he was not able to save her. Kuwabara in the mean while was kneeling beside her, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably and forever cursing the moment he learned how to conjure the Spirit Sword.
"Yukina, oh gods Yukina what have I done!" Kuwabara screamed over her body.
In truth Yukina had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The group of Spirit World Investigators had gotten word of a dangerous demon that had managed to sneak into the Human World. The vicious creature had begun to destroy city block after city block and the group of fighters had to work fast to subdue the creature. Yukina as it turns out had been in the district running some errands for Genkai, when the beast had appeared and as such was caught in the cross fire of one of Kuwabara's attacks. However Hiei had not seen this, all he had seen was the death of his sister, by the one man he had never been fond of. So needless to say, there was nothing in Hiei's heart that would ever see forgiveness for Kuwabara.
"Die!" Hiei commanded, with nothing but pure malice tainting in his voice.
"Hiei, NO!" Kurama shouted as he jumped in the way, and Hiei stopped just inches from slaying the Youko.
"Stand down fox!" Hiei yelled, and with a blow to the head, sent Kurama flying and into the wall, where he landed unconscious.
Kuwabara's pain filled scream echoed in the night air and his blood spurt everywhere, as he was split almost in half. Yusuke, who had been tending to the renegade demon until now, came upon the scene just in time to see his best friend, slaughtered.
"Kuwabara!" Yusuke screamed with pain and rage. "Hiei what the hell is your problem!" Yusuke continued to rant as he grabbed the small fire apparition by the collar, his spirit energy flaring wildly.
"It was Yukina, he, he killed her. That bastard killed her." Hiei ground out and shoved himself out of the Spirit Detective's grasp. Then stalked to Kuwabara's lifeless body once again.
Yusuke saw the pain and malice in Hiei's eyes then glanced over and saw Yukina's cold body lying on the cement. Blood had pooled around her head forming a sickening halo of red. `How could it have happened, how in the world could Kuwabara of all people done this to her?' He asked himself. Once again he set his gaze to the small demon and his eyes widened at what Hiei looked ready to do. "Calm down, Hiei. No need to-"
"CHIKUSO!" Hiei screamed as he again lunged for Kuwabara, and drove his sword through his skull.
Yusuke ran up to Hiei and grabbed his arms. "Hiei! He's already dead! You can't bring her back by cutting Kuwabara up into little pieces!" Yusuke screamed, his temper once again threatening to boil out of control at the hateful display he had seen towards his friend.
Hiei said nothing; he once again tore himself from Yusuke's grip, sheathed his sword and flickered off.
"Ugh… my head." A low male alto rang from the corner.
"Kurama!" Yusuke shouted.
"Where'd Hiei go?" Kurama enquired as he stood up slowly.
"He just left, to god knows where," Yusuke ground out angrily as he stared off in the direction Hiei had fled to.
"I have to find him. I have to talk to him. He cannot be left on his own as it stands now it's too dangerous, we must detain him," Kurama explained.
Yusuke growled low in his throat, filled with newfound rage for the fire apparition. "I swear Kurama when I get my hands on him…"Yusuke began dangerously.
"No, Yusuke!" Kurama shouted, cutting the boy off. "We do not need any more death on this team! Besides, the punishment Koenma will have in store for him will be severe and swift as it is. Allow me to find him, he will respond to me more likely than he will to you. Besides, you must inform Shizuru, I am certain she has the right to know about her brother," Kurama rationalized, looking forlornly at his fallen comrade.
Yusuke slowly nodded his head, deciding to listen to the wise Spirit Fox. "Alright Kurama fine. Find Hiei and make sure he harms NO ONE else, for if he does, there will be no body left for Koenma to punish," Yusuke warned.
Kurama nodded solemnly and slowly began to make his way in the direction Yusuke had gazed to. He had a faint idea of where Hiei could have run off. There was a small park not too far from his home, it had many trees with thick leaves, and was the ideal place Hiei liked to conceal himself in.
"Hiei? Hiei, where are you? I know you're around here somewhere, I can sense you! Hiei!" Kurama shouted into the trees. When he looked up, he saw a sword flying toward him. It scraped by his face and landed next to him, with its tip stuck in the ground.
"Go away," a voice demanded from above him.
"Hiei," Kurama began in a soft voice. "You didn't have to…" he tried to continue but was cut off by a gruff "Go to hell," from Hiei.
"Hiei, please listen…" Kurama pleaded.
"I said GO TO HELL! Just leave me alone! Just leave me…"Hiei's voice shook as a few gems made their arrival known with a soft click.
Kurama paused a moment, he had never known Hiei to cry. Slowly he knelt down and retrieved a gem, and gazed at it sparkling in his palm. `So he has this gift too,' Kurama mused to himself. Kurama's heart went out to Hiei at the moment he knew she was the most important thing in the word to Hiei, and t lose her just like that... Swiftly he pocked the gem quickly and leapt into the tree and onto the branch Hiei occupied.
"I refuse to leave you Hiei. More than that I refuse to lose you… Oh, Hiei why?" Kurama asked, a pained look glazing his eyes.
"He had it coming Kurama. He killed her and there was no way I could ever forgive him, so he had to die," he answered sternly, though the tears continued to flow as he spoke. "You knew that she meant everything to me. How could you expect less?" Hiei returned the question as he looked deep into Kurama's eyes.
The Youko's eyes brimmed with tears and he suddenly pulled Hiei into and awkward embrace. Hiei tensed, but slowly accepted the action and leaned into it. When Kurama broke the hug, he looked at Hiei and said, "If you need a place to stay tonight, you know where to find me," before leaping out of the tree to go home. Hiei stared at the retreating redhead, unsure of whether or not to move.
Kurama hadn't even been able to walk ten feet when Hiei jumped down from the treetops onto him and pinned him to the ground. "Why do you do this?" He questioned with a snarl. "How can you act this way? I don't get you stupid humans!" The fire demon yelled.
Kurama started to laugh at the jaganshi staring down at him, with that serious expression on his face.
"What?" Hiei shouted.
Kurama looked up at Hiei, tears forming in his eyes from laughing so hard. "I'm sorry, Hiei. It's just that you look so serious and-" Hiei cut him off with a quick punch to the stomach, and Kurama sat up with a start.
"Stop that senseless laughing fox, you still haven't answered me," Hiei growled angrily. "Why do you treat me like this…even after…what…I did…" He questioned, his voice little above a whisper.
Kurama smiled and shook his head, "You hungry?" He asked.
"You're avoiding the subject." Hiei snarled, glaring at the fox.
Kurama stood up and dusted himself off as if he had never heard the remark. "Come on, let's go back to my place," he suggested.
When Hiei refused to move, Kurama grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.
"What are you doing fox, I can walk by myself," Hiei growled as Kurama snaked an arm over his shoulders and proceeded to pull him along.
"I'm sure you can." Kurama said, smiling. "But you won't," he added. With that stated, they made their way to the apartment Kurama shared with his mother.
"What would you like to eat Hiei?" Kurama asked from the kitchen. "We've got leftover macaroni and cheese… uh," Kurama paused as he opened up the freezer. "Fish sticks, ice cream…" he continued to list off but stopped when Hiei picked his head up off the table at the words `ice cream.' "I guess I've got my answer," Kurama chuckled.
"Hn…" was the only response given from the apparition.
Kurama smiled and filled two bowls with the cold treat. The pair ate in silence, Hiei all the while feeling uncomfortable with the human atmosphere. He decided he could not stay here, it just felt too odd. After they finished their ice cream Hiei got up to leave.
"Where are you going?" Kurama asked.
Hiei looked at him, "I'm not staying," he stated and fluttered out of the open window in the room.
"Damn it, it could take weeks to find him again," Kurama grumbled then looked forlornly down at the two empty bowls. "On top of it, he leaves me with the dishes…" he sighed and he put the bowls in the sink before wandering up to his room.
To be continued...
Well, thank u very much to our BETA, R_Winner. No one saw THAT one coming, ne? Hahaha! Well, we'll update soon!