Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mukuro's Tale ❯ The Truth ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Everyone one knows of Mukuro, one of the Lords of Makai. We also know that half of her body is not flesh. But what happened before it became like that? And who says it's like that any way…?
Mukuro woke one morning. It was as it always was in Makai, dark and dreary. She rose out of her bed and noticed something. Her body was back to normal.
“Shit…” she swore. Carfully she began to chant the spell that would back her body return to the half and half form. Then she heard the comotion out side of her chambers.
“Master Mukuro has asked not to be disturbed!”yelled one of the gaurds.
“I'll disturb her if I want to! And you'll let me, unless you wish to die!” the comotion was replaced with silence as Raizen, Lord of the Northern lands, burst into her room, slamming the door behind her. Then he saw her. “Who are you? A bed partner? No wait Mukuro's a woman, I keep forgetting that….Ah well, you still could be a bed partner, so are you?” Mukuro hesitated for a moment. “Well!” Raizen barked.
“Then who exactly are you?” Raizen walked up to her and slowly circled. “Not that I am exactly minding your presence.” Mukuro then remembered that she was nude. She grabbed a sheet off of the bed and used it to cover herself. Raizen gave a toothy grin. “My dear I have shreaded through some of the toughest demons that exist, a sheet won't stop me much.”
“Baka hentai, tousin youkai,” Mukuro muttered. “You want to know who I am? The truth is, you already know me. I am Mukuro ruler of this part of Makai.”
Raizen snorted.
“You couldn't be Mukuro! She's ugly, half of her body was destroyed and covered with wires and such. You can't be her.” Mukuro smirked.
“Want to bet?” She ran at Raizen and socked him. He flew back, at least ten meters.
“Fine you are Mukuro,” he retorted as he spat out some blood. “Explain now.”
“It started when I was thirteen…” Mukuro began.