Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Music Store ❯ Victoria's Secret! XXX! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Maddy: Hey Maddy here! Well I hope you guys liked the first chapter of the music store! Ok well here it is I have decided top make this a pointless fic! Ok so it is just for humor! Stupid humor, boring humor, stuff like that! Ok well let's get on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I'M LOVIN IT! *Sings the new McDonald song* OH YEAH SORRY! WE DON'T OWN SO YOU DON'T SUE! GO TENINO! ^_^ The town I live in^_^

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Botan: Smooth move exlax! Now we are really going to be SHOPPING! *grabs Kurama by the throat and starts to strangle him*

Kurama: *wiggling trying to get free of Botan's death grip* I'm… *gasp* sorry! *gasp* Please…*gasp* let me… *gasp* go! *gasp*

Botan: Yeah sure whatever! Only this time though!

Kurama: *falls to the floor and starts feeling his throat* Thanks Botan! That really helps the situation! *looks behind him* RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All: * looks behind them* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *start running through the mall agian*

Jin: Quick in here! * dashes into Victoria's Secret*

Touya: Oh yeah! *looking at all the posters of the models* This place rocks!

Jin and Botan: *grabs Touya's arm and pulls him down under a rack of thongs*

Touya: What the heck are these things? *he says holding one up trying to figure out what it is*

Botan: It's a thong!

Touya: What's a thong?

Botan: It is a type of under ware that you wear! No big deal!

Touya: Yeah it is that would hurt having that little piece of string up your butt all day!

Jin: *laughs a little*

Botan: *smacks Jin across the chest* No not really you get used to it!

Jin: *laughs again* You would know!

Botan: *smacks Jin across the chest again* I don't know but I'm sure you do! Don't you Jin?

Jin: Um… *face turns red* No I don't know!

Botan: Sure! Whatever!


Meanwhile Kurama has been walking around the store and getting underwear and bras to try on.



Jin: You know that you wear one everyday under you kimono!

Botan: Do not!

Jin: YOU GUYS! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All: *except Kurama* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *get up and run away forgetting Kuram*


Maddy: Well for now that is all I am going to write on this story cause I am trying to update all stories of mine! So bye for now!