Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mutant Demon Frogs on the First Day of School? ❯ The Frogs Attack! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mrs. Organized Strict Math Teacher: Now we'll be learning some mathematics for advanced collage physics. Open your books to page 108307 and let's begin.. Instead of me talking you have to read and pick a partner in this class for a project.

Keiko: Will you be my partner Kurama?

Kurama: Okay.

Keiko: I'm worried. What if Hiei burns up the gym?

Kurama: I know what you mean. I sensed something here when I came in here.

Mrs. Organized Strict Math Teacher: What are you two talking about!!! It's not about this project anyway!!! I expected better from you!!! GET TO WORK!!!

Keiko/Kurama: Hai, Organized Strict Math Teacher- sama!!!!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
< br> Mr. Dull Old Science Teacher: Today we are dissecting frogs. Here are some scalpels and gloves. No cuts are good cuts. Cut away from yourself. Collect the information on the sheet. And yes, the frogs are alive. Go ahead while I listen to classical music from 3000 B.C.

Yukina: We have to kill the poor frogs!!!! That's so mean!!!!

Boton: I thought I was getting a vacation!!!! Now I have to guide all these frogs to Koenma!!! This is not fair!!!

Tusuami: I don't kill thing unless I have to. How are we supposed to use these small dull daggers and these hats? *puts a glove on he head* The hat hurts my head.

Boton: *takes the glove off Tusuami's head and puts them on her hands* There you go!

Tusuami: Oh!! I see!! But how about these flimsy daggers?

Boton: Your supposed to use them to cut open the frog with them, then. (Describes in detail how to do everything)

Yukina: Oh my. *runs over to the sink*

Boton: Oh! Sorry Yukina!

Tusuami: *stares at the frog, which is just lying there in all it's balloonness* This is so pathetic! The frog isn't even fighting back!!!! I'm not killing it!!!!

Boton: Well then you're going to fail.

Mutant Demon Frog King (Who is Tusuami's frog): Foolish Demonslayer!!! You have more things to worry about!!!! *bites Tusuami's finger*

Tusuami: Ahhhhhhh!!! When did these things have dreadfully razor-sharp teeth!!!! *does on of those frantic dance things {Kinda like making a snow angel in the air}* *knocks the frog on the head* *frog falls off*

Mutant Demon Frog King: COME, MY EVIL FOLLOWERS!!!!! LET'S TAKE OVER THE SCHOOL THAT KILLS OUR FELLOW COUSINS!!!!!!! *The frogs start biting everyone*

Yukina: What did I do to you? Ow!! Ow!! OW!!!

Boton: *gets her bat out and swings* *hits some frogs and Tusuami*

Tusuami: I'm already being eaten by frogs and now I got hit by a metal bat!!!!!

Boton: Sorry! *swings some more*

Mr. Dull Old Science Teacher: SNORE!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!!! *sleeping while getting bitten by frogs o__o;; *

Tusuami: THAT IS IT!!!! THEY'RE FIGHTING BACK, TIME TO DIE!!! *gets a scalpel and starts stabbing* Yukina: NO!! Tusuami, don't kill them!!!

Tusuami: I'm sorry, but I just found out they're poisonous and they're trying to kill us!!!

Boton: How did you figure that?

Tusuami: I feel the poison rushing through me now and the evil frog thing told me!

Yukina: Then how come we aren't poisoned?

Tusuami: Fortunately, they aren't very smart. They don't know how to aim.

The class runs out of the room leaving the door open, bakas. Then the frogs get out.

Boton: Well the frogs are gone.

Tusuami: Throughout the school! They'll kill everyone if we don't stop them!!

The Mysterious Voice On The Speaker: Sorry for the interruption, listen carefully. We are now having a lock down, please remain calm. Everyone is supposed to stay inside the classroom. Don't panic until I say so. you may panic now. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!! EATEN UP BY LITTLE FROGS ALIVE!!! WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TO MY MOM!!!!????? I COULD HAVE BEEN A GARBAGE MAN!!!(No offence to garbage men) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
< br> Mr. Tough Guy Gym Teacher: I can't believe they did it!!!

Yusuke: In less than a minute too.

Hiei: Take that nigen. Baka.

The Mysterious Voice On The Speaker: Sorry for the interruption, listen carefully. We are now having a lock down, please remain calm. Everyone is supposed to stay inside the classroom. Don't panic until I say so. you may panic now. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!! EATEN UP BY LITTLE FROGS ALIVE!!! WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TO MY MOM!!!!????? I COULD HAVE BEEN A GARBAGE MAN!!!(No offence to garbage men) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!

Mr. Tough Guy Gym Teacher: Little Maggots!!! Line against the wall!!!

Yusuke: Hiei, do you think this has anything to do with Tusuami, Yukina, and Boton?

Hiei: Most likely.

Yusuke: Should we go help them? Hiei: And blow our cover? I expected better from you Yusuke.

Mr. Tough Guy Gym Teacher: HEY!!! YOU TWO HOTSHOTS!!!! GET OVER HERE!!!!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
< br> Kurama: y= 694836! / 10238480328403284! Hmmmmm.

Keiko: This is our project? All we have to do is not use a calculator?

The Mysterious Voice On The Speaker: Sorry for the interruption, listen carefully. We are now having a lock down, please remain calm. Everyone is supposed to stay inside the classroom. Don't panic until I say so. you may panic now. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!! EATEN UP BY LITTLE FROGS ALIVE!!! WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TO MY MOM!!!!????? I COULD HAVE BEEN A GARBAGE MAN!!!(No offence to garbage men) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!

Mrs. Organized Strict Math Teacher: Work more quietly!

Keiko: Them?

Kurama: *nods* No doubt. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
< br> Tusuami: Die insignificant frog!! Die!!!

Yukina: Don't kill the frog!!!

Boton: Do I really have to guide it back?

Tusuami: I'm sorry.DIE FROG!!! *runs after a lone frog* *making 10 m deep hole on the way and crushing lockers*

Yukina: NO!!! *runs after her*

Boton: So much for my vacation. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
< br> Yusuke: Hey, punk! Whatca doing?

Punk: None of your business!

Yusuke: Oh yeah!? Well take this! *punches him and takes his money* There! That's how it's done Hiei.

Hiei: But I need to get outside? Yusuke: Oh, well, then.

Mr. Tough Guy Gym Teacher: WHAT ARE YOU DOING RUNTS!!!!

Hiei: Trying not to smell your foul-smelling breath.

Mr. Tough Guy Gym Teacher: Why you little.*frogs come pouring in* (In a girlly voice) AHHHHHHHH!! SLIMEY FROGS!!!! AHHHHHH!! PAPA SAVE ME!!!!!! *Climbs a rope*