Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ Untamed ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: obviously I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Author's note: recently I found that someone has copied this story from me off of another site that I post on. So I decided to put up the real thing since the original fiction is obviously better than the duplicate. Just a note to other authors out there…don't steal, eventually the other person will find out about it…and they'll be pissed.
His heart hurt as he ran to her. Uncle…she had called him uncle….
He cried out in anger and pain, he had helped her…hadn't he? He had cleaned the filth of that human bastard from her body. And yet she had called him by the name of her original caretaker!
Had he hurt her?
The fire koorime shook his head vehemently as he leapt to another tree branch, and another, and another….
But as a sudden thought came upon him, he almost slipped from the tall tree he stood in.
She…she had communicated with him.
Hiei was dumbstruck.
She could speak.
`She could tell…' whispered a dark voice.
The half breed clenched his eyes shut, forcing that thought from his mind.
`Are you so ashamed?' smirked the voice.
Hiei growled and clenched his fists against his head.
No! He wasn't ashamed! There was nothing to be ashamed of!
`Then are you so afraid?'
He beat his head harshly, trying to shut out that damned voice. But wait…if the others found out…that he had helped the girl get rid of that filth…maybe…maybe they would take her away from him.
No, he couldn't let that happen.
She belonged to him!
No one would take her!
The demon gritted his teeth in fury and punched at his own head. Why was he thinking like this? Why did he care? Why did he want her?
A sob suddenly escaped him.
He needed help. This wasn't right. It wasn't right that the child should absorb all his thoughts. It wasn't right that he needed to feel her from the inside.
He should just go back to Kurama now, tell the fox that he had fucked the child. Tell the fox he starting to be afraid of what else he might do to her.
He cried out in fury, lashing his clenched fists into the thick trunk behind him. He only stopped once his knuckles bled.
`She called you Uncle, she called you Uncle,' sang the voice in his head.
Hiei straightened.
He didn't need help.
It was that fucking girl who needed help. He was going to show her.
Oh yes, he would show her the mistake she had made in making him think about her.
How dare she call him Uncle?!
After all he had done for her!
He wanted to grab her, show her how much he wanted…no, how much he needed her. Why didn't she understand?!
He wanted to choke her.
Yes…wrap his strong fingers around her slim throat and squeeze. Wring her beautiful little neck until she turned the loveliest shade of blue. Until she stopped moving. Until she stopped breathing. Until she stopped living. Until she stopped destroying him.
Bite her…rip her…make her scream….
This would be the only way to truly possess her. To make her become his and his alone….
He would make her suffer.
He would make her scream.
Genkai let out a chuckle as the child bobbed up and down in the water. She and the girl were bathing in the hot spring the master's dojo was built around.
The older woman took in a breath and submerged her head under the soothing water. Then she came back up, wiping her drenched locks from her face and watching the child again.
For the past hour, Genkai had been trying to teach the young thing to swim. She thought it would be difficult, but the girl seemed to be a natural learner. All she had needed was the chance.
This made the master confident in Niobi's future. She would be there for the child, she had decided. She would raise her and teach her.
Genkai knew it must be her maternal instincts kicking in. After all, she had never had any children.
Yusuke was like a son to her, but now he wasn't around as much and she found herself growing lonely. Something like the `empty nest' syndrome had struck her.
Though she wasn't exactly looking forward to the job of raising a child, she would do it. Besides, the girl had nowhere else to go.
Niobi's head suddenly went under and Genkai sloshed forward in the water to lift the sputtering child back up into her lap.
Again the old woman found herself chuckling as the young thing clung to her, coughing up the small amount of water she had managed to swallow.
“You still have a little way to go before you can really swim,” said the master in a soothing voice few had heard her use.
The half demon pushed herself from Genkai's lap after she had caught her breath, continuing to churn the waters as she dog paddled around.
It may have not been the most elegant way of swimming, but it worked. And the girl was quickly mastering the technique.
Only a little while later, the pair were lounging out in the sun on one of Genkai's favourite rocks. Its surface was flat and it seemed to soak up the warm rays of the afternoon, making for a wonderful place to dry off.
Niobi was laying on her stomach, kicking her legs behind her as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun on her bare flesh.
Genkai was just next to her, laying on her side also enjoying the sun. She sighed in content and leaned up on her elbow. She drew her thin fingers through the child's silken locks, picking a few strands and braiding them.
The girl would grow up to be a rare beauty, thought the old master as she smiled.
Her skilled hands made quick work of braiding and when she was finished, she lay back to admire her handiwork.
Oh yes, the girl would grow up to be very pretty indeed.
When the two were properly dried, Genkai went into the dojo to retrieve their clothing. Once she had dressed herself, she eyed the young thing.
The old master didn't like going into the city much. People often mistook her for a child because of her height. And then there were always the thick crowds of rude shoppers she could easily do without.
But this time, she had made an exception.
She carefully set down the rectangular box by the child and sat. Niobi quickly tried to crawl into her lap, but the old woman held her back.
Genkai opened the box and looked at the kimono she had bought.
It was a wonderfully deep shade of purple with white out linings of sakura blossoms. The fabric was durable enough to withstand the rampagings of a young child, but very beautiful.
And it took longer than the old psychic had expected to get the outfit on the girl.
Niobi obviously thought this dressing to be some sort of game and repeatedly tried running off with half the kimono hanging from her shoulders, giggling all the while.
It was in this moment that Genkai momentarily rethought her caretaking abilities.
For a child who hadn't been allowed outside to move around, the girl certainly was a fast crawler.
“Would you hold still?!” snapped the old woman as she tried again to tie the black obi around the young thing's waist.
Niobi squirmed as she tried to free herself from the leg-lock Genkai held her in. But finally she gave up and grumbled in an annoyed manner as the psychic finally finished.
The master huffed and wiped a strand of hair from her face as she looked at the child.
The kimono only just went past her knees, that way she would still be able to move around as freely as she wished. And the colors did wonders on her.
Genkai took the young girl into her arms and braided a few more strands of her black hair to keep it from falling into her eyes.
Not that it mattered, thought the master as she paused, the child couldn't see anyway.
It was this way that Hiei saw her.
He was up in his tree again, staring out over the field. His dark eyes focused entirely on the young girl.
She really was lovely….
Truly…obsession knows no boundries.