Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Romance ❯ Unfamiliar Places ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Bloody Romance
By Wandering Literate
Chapter One: Unfamiliar Places
Full Summary: (OC x Kurama) No, dearies. Don't run in fear. This is not another cliched fic. Kaline is just another badass street punk that doesn't like to be taken lightly. But moved away from New York... she will turn this place upside down. Mwahaha. XDD


A/N: Oh, my, my, my... It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Yeah. I’ve been slacking off. XDD But I’ve changed my lovely name and now ready to begin a new story. Enjoy, m’dears. (evil cackle)

A/N: Oh, yes. This story was originally a cyao, but now I changed the names and stuff. So, this is basically in the OC's PoV (or replace your name with her's). =]

[from ff.net, under the username Wandering Literate]


“Do we HAVE to move ” I yelled loudly in the back seat of the moving car towards our new home. Ugh. I did not want to move at all. New York suited myself just fine, until my weird ass mom here wanted to move to Japan for a ‘cleaner air experience.’ I don’t know. Don’t ask me. I have no idea what she meant, either.

I think what she meant was to start over new, have the goody-goody-two-shoes act down pact and have a clean reputation. Pssh. Bull shit. I slumped down lazily in the chair, my uninterested dark green eyes staring outside the window. I watched outside as we pulled into our suburban home. I can’t believe this crap A SUBURBAN PLACE?

“Oh, c`mon, Kaline... You can at least try to like our new home,” my mother, Rumiko pleaded. “You have to admit, this traditional home is a good break from those dirty streets of New York.”

I mumbled under my breath, “No... it’s not.” I just shrugged it off and went off to explore this new place. Beautiful roses, sweet aroma of the garden, and a fresh scent of the spring. ...Ugh. Though, something flashed in the corner of my eyes. An arcade. Oh, a sacred haven. They have DDR. I can see the rice boy hotness through those arcade windows. (A/N: XDDDDDDD).

“Hm... Kaline?” my mother called. “Kaline. I forgot to tell you– we’re going to a party tonight at the Minamino’s house.”

“The whazzat?” I questioned with my odd expression plastered onto my face.

My mother sighed. “The Minamino family. They used to live in New York and was our dear, dear neighbors, remember?”
I continued to stare at my mother strangely. “Erm... no...” I said slowly. My mother sighed once again.

“Oh. Never mind. Just make sure to wear something nice and have a good impression on them, okay?” she said sternly.

I raised my hands as if I gave up being myself. “Sure, sure...” My mother smiled pleasantly. She actually thought she convinced me of stop being of what people label “punk”, just because we moved here? Hah. She has another thing coming.

This also reminded me of how much I hated people calling me a punk. It always leads to a bad thing– either a fight or a lifelong hatred. Either way, they should go to hell


“Kaline Get ready to go ”

I groaned at my mother’s call for me to get dressed. I jumped off my bed, which I was sitting there quietly, trying to make out pictures from the texture marks on the ceiling. Rummaging through my bag, I decided to wear a black tank top with a purple fishnet shirt on top, a black and pink checkered skirt with two long chains hanging loosely as my belt. I figured I forgot my belt back home. I glanced in the mirror, not bothering about how I look or my hair. I quickly added black eyeliner to the bottom of my eyes and left my room.

As I rushed down the stairs, my mother made a whining sound when she took one good look at my outfit. “I thought you wanted to make a good impression,” she said, her eyes pleading.

“What’s good to me, may not be exactly good to you, mom,” I stated, slipping my feet into my old green converse. I didn’t bother with the shoelaces. They were too hard to put on and besides, I could walk perfectly fine without tying my shoes.

My mom just sighed again at me and said, “Okay... let’s just go.”

I couldn’t help but feel bad inside, but I let it go. What do I have to feel bad about? Being somebody my mom doesn’t want me to be?


A/N: I know, I know. Short chapter. x.x; But, it’s a beginning.

Review, puh-leaase (: