Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter, My World ❯ Child Birth ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of course the want to come and go started to become restricted over time on Aeka's body due to getting so heavy with the growing demonic halved child. If anything, she walked around the house more so than travel outside or even to the market every once and awhile with the others as she used to. Suzuka made it a habit to stay home when he found Aeka's behavior odd lately as did the others. Being that he still wanted items that would make him stronger in the next fight he was to ever endure, Suzuka worked on them in his bedroom but with the door cracked just in case something were to happen while the others were out.
Aeka knew that Jin and the others had gone to the market or to train on their own grounds. She lay out in the bed even though it was clearly early in the afternoon listening to the birds outside singing to her as she rested with her arms intertwined behind her head. Her back was hurting a good bit and so walking around was starting to be a chore for her though she wondered when she felt anxious.
The pain in her lower back subsiding for the time being, Aeka felt need to get up and wonder or at least get something to drink due to being thirsty. Slipping on her slippers, Aeka began to drag her feet across the hardwood floor as she made her way out into the hallway to drag herself to the eating area where their food was stored.
Suzuka was looking over pieces of paper he doodled and wrote all over in attempts of making new weapons in Makai but halted once he heard the floorboards creaking. Two pieces of paper in each hand while one hung from his mouth, the blond haired demon's piercing gaze looked to the cracked door to watch Aeka slowly pass by. Seeing her stop for a moment, Suzuka cocked his brow in interest but said nothing towards her before realizing she had been standing there for an awfully long time. Placing the sheets of paper down before removing the one from his mouth, Suzuka called to her hoping she still had the hearing aid on, “Aeka, do you need something?”
The door opened further as the weary teen looked into Suzuka's bedroom to see him still there with all his ideas cluttering up his bedcovers. Offering a smile at him, she shook her head a moment. I am just getting a glass of water or something because I am so thirsty.
Suzuka continued to eye her for a moment before looking back at his ideas. “Alright then, if you have any problems, I am still right here,” he offered before picking up a stray sheet to write further on it.
You always are, Aeka thought to herself before helping herself further down the hallway.
Getting to the kitchen, Aeka looked to see in the refrigerator what exactly they had from the market no thanks to Chuu's obsessive want for alcohol to be stocked. Finding orange juice in the far back beyond the beer bottles, she took it before hunting down a glass quickly since her want to hydrate herself was getting worse by the minute. Finding one soon enough in one of the top cabinets, Aeka could feel the pain swelling in her back and vaginal area increasing suddenly making her want to cry out for help. Though she herself couldn't call out for help, the glass in her hand did all the talking once it smashed onto the floor.
Suzuka's head shot up quickly since he was snapped out of his deep thinking thanks to the crystalline smashing into the floor to cause worry to course through his body. Removing the pen from his mouth that he had put there so he could fidget while he thought, the demon removed himself from his bedcovers quickly since Aeka's fear pheromones were annoying his senses. “Aeka,” Suzuka's voice called to her in a hurry once he got to the kitchen.
Aeka stood there leaning against the counter with her hand below her belly. Her water had broken and was there upon the floor now. The pain was getting worse by the minute and she couldn't handle it much longer. Biting her lower lip, she attempted to sign regardless of how much it hurt. It hurts, Suzuka!
Hurrying to her side, Suzuka grabbed her hands to prevent her from signing any further as he could understand she was in great pain quite possibly. “Don't sign, Aeka. I am going to get you back to bed and then go to search for the others, okay? I cannot help you with this child alone.” Aeka didn't wish to be alone but so long as she was lying down and off her feet, she would be one step closer to being grateful no thanks to the pain in her body.
Getting to her bedroom and resting upon her back, Suzuka ordered her to stay put while he left to find the others promising he would return shortly. Please hurry! Aeka could only beg within her mind as she heard Suzuka leave through the front door.
Aeka stayed put for what seemed like hours to her thanks to the agonizing pain the child was giving her. The mother to be couldn't find herself comfortable on her back so eventually she shifted to her side to try and relax there. If anything, Aeka started releasing throating sounds trying to imitate Jin or the others whenever they were hurt or hurting since she wanted to be heard and helped. Her nails raked across the covers harshly as she begged in tears for Suzuka to hurry back with the others.
It would be awhile until Touya's icy cold touch caressed Aeka's tear stained cheeks to help her see that they were there to help. “Aeka, you have to be quiet,” Touya insisted once he got by her side while Suzuka and Shishi got Aeka on her back once more. “You are catching the attention of nearby demons with your cries and screams.” Apparently Aeka was making enough noise to catch lower class demon's attention and it worried the ones that made it back in time.
Looking about the ones that were now in the room Aeka's sea green orbs frantically searched the area to find no Jin. Touya's hands coming towards her flushed cheeks to help her cool off with his cool touch thanks to having the powers of an experienced ice Shinobi, Aeka tried to make him stop so she could ask him quickly where Jin was. I don't see Jin, Aeka signed hastily causing Touya's hands to stop midway. Where is Jin…!
“Shhh, Aeka,” Touya begged quietly before resting his hands back upon her face so he could keep her cooled down. “Jin is outside protecting the house with his wind barrier. He had to thanks to the oncoming demons of lower class trying to get into the house to you. He will come inside when he feels it is safe to do so.”
“But right now, you have to get the child out,” Suzuka interrupted trying to get Aeka to open her legs for him she feeling too embarrassed to do so. Realizing she wasn't going to part her legs for him thanks to Suzuka being who he was, he growled a bit at her persistence to keep her legs locked. “Aeka, you have to stop it and let me help you! Trust me when I say I am not going to do anything but help you deliver this child!”
Touya couldn't free his hands at the time as he left them on her face to keep her warm. Looking over at Shishi who was in the room still, the ice master nodded at Aeka's tightly pressed legs. “Spread them apart and keep them that way.”
Shishi was a bit hesitant to do so until the two shouted his name in unison not wanting this child to die. Even if it was half demon, it was still half human and either way, it would be hard to figure out which gene was dominated till the child was born. Getting to the bedside, Shishi sat upon it comfortably before keeping her legs apart so Suzuka could get the child out already.
Jin stayed upon the top, center of the roof of the building keeping his mind focused on his wind barrier with a stern look upon his face—a rare expression to witness. His wild red hair blew about the wind that he kept up to keep out the lower class demons that were trying to converge upon the spot. Like a feral wolf pack leader, he had become protective of his territory and was now keeping intruders out with his power and unsympathetic expression. Jin didn't let his barrier down until the sound of a baby crying started ringing in his ears, snapping him from his concentration. The wall of wind that was around the premises vanished slowly once the wind master made his way to the end of the building's roof top and hopped to the ground since most of his power was used up and he couldn't bother to fly at the moment.
Hefting himself up with a grunt, Jin turned towards the entrance of the house to see Shishi heading towards him. “Well,” Jin asked a bit out of breath, “how did it go?”
Shishi had to escort Jin to the bedroom where the others stayed outside minus Suzuka and Touya who remained within the closed off area until everything was cleaned up. “She's in there waiting for you,” Shishi remarked, waving for him to enter without him since he had seen and heard enough.
Opening the door quickly, Jin let himself in before shutting it behind him so the others couldn't get in due to him being protective at the moment. Seeing that Touya was still trying to keep her cooled down with his ice powers, Jin moved to the other side of the bed that wasn't blocked by the helping demons to crawl in bed to look at his child. “How is she?” Jin asked almost breathlessly looking to Touya.
The enchanting eyes of the ice ninja looked over at his friend with a relaxed smile, “Which `she'?”
Jin's once normal looking ears turned back into a point before cocking his head to the side. “I have a baby girl?” He asked before searching for the infant and finding her there hidden under the covers part way near her mother.
Suzuka looked up from where he was busy cleaning up Aeka and the sheets she bled all over when her body managed to get the young mix out of her. Watching Jin inch closer to the covered up whimpering child, he felt the need to warn him, “I'd be careful—she has two premature wings…and of different race.” Suzuka saw he had Jin's attention when the demon looked to him so he continued while drying off his hands, “Like butterfly wings they may break off if you're not careful.”
Turning his attention back at Aeka, he saw that she was out like a light, exhausted from never having endured labor before and it really taking its toll on her. Looking to his little girl, he nuzzled into her cheek with his nose before picking her up gently within his arms. “I will be gentle,” he promised only to himself and his new born daughter. “I taught myself to be around Aeka.” Rocking his daughter within his arms, he did indeed see that her wings were of a demon and an angel making him flinch mentally since he knew her learning to fly would be a desire being the daughter of a wind master, but difficult if her ability relied on two different sets of wings instead of gathering the wind about her as he did.
Getting up and walking over towards the window a moment to feel like it was just the two of them for the time being, Jin's expression turned gentle as he kept it upon his yawning daughter. He could see that her hair was a light cherry color, hinting that obviously the two genetics of the parents fought over which color the child would take and siding with a blend. Her eyes were not opened as the daughter of the Shinobi wind master was content to sleep now within the warmth of her father's body and the sound of his beating heart being a lullaby to her.
Touya released Aeka's face finding her temperature back down to normal for a human's. His narrow eyes looked to Jin's back smiling for those to see around him grateful that Jin finally got what he wanted and more. Removing himself from the young teen's side, the ice master walked over towards his partner's side to place a hand on his shoulder to let him know he was there when Aeka wasn't to bask in his new love. “You got what you wanted,” Touya whispered in Jin's pointed ears. Eyeing the content sleeping child for a moment, he turned his concentration back to Jin before rubbing his back. “Are you satisfied now?”
Jin couldn't speak at the moment as he kept his interest set upon the newborn mix demon. Cupping the back of her head he brought his daughter's cheek up to his so he could be assured she was real. “Yes,” Jin said just as quietly to Touya. “I couldn't be happier. She is my daughter and I love her more than anything…”
Aeka awoke late within the next morning to see her daughter and husband there beside her looking at one another with interest. Managing a soft smile regardless of how weak she was and her hunger fueling her exhaustion, Aeka stirred from where she was causing Jin to look in her direction. Returning her smile, he came closer to her with their daughter. “Hi, Aeka—did you sleep well? You've been out for awhile.”
Clearing her sinuses she laughed briefly within her throat before signing to him, I guess I am new to child birth. You try pushing something such as that out of your body.
“We got a baby girl out of it,” Jin remarked softly showing her to his partner.
Aeka eyed the baby girl once the cloth that kept her warm and still was moved from her face. Reaching for her, she took the half demon into her arms so the poor thing could feed from her mother. The child eventually found the nipple of her mother with her mother and her father's help prompting her to latch on quickly and start to drink her nourishment. Aeka watched in interest feeling something different with her daughter than she did whenever Jin did such a thing. Noticing her little balled up hands, Aeka touched them gently with her index finger before noticing Jin watching the two closely. Placing her free hand on her husband's shoulder for a second, she signed to him, What should we name her?
Jin's ears wiggled slightly at the sight of that before humming in thought. “Do you have a name for her or one in mind?”
Aeka knew it was probably Jin's want to name a child of his own for Touya reminded Aeka several times about his friend's dreams and wants of the baby that was to be born from his own blood. She had no real name in mind for her daughter that she felt would suit her so she looked to her husband before shaking her head mouthing the word, `no'.
His deep blue eyes looked back at his little girl trying to think of a good name for her. Watching her continue to drink from her mother, Jin bit his lower lip in thought on the matter. “How about—Akina?”
Akina? Aeka asked with her hand.
“Yes,” Jin assured Aeka watching as the young child was soon burped since she finished. “It reminds me of your name so an appropriate name for our daughter.”
Aeka nuzzled in close to Jin with a warm smile letting their daughter get settled once more before looking up at the two with her big blue eyes Jin obviously gave her. Spying their daughter looking at them, she smiled brightly at the eyes Jin's genetics blessed her with. Oh, look Jin! Aeka signed quickly. She has your eyes.
Jin caught the big innocent eyes before his daughter closed them once more finding that having a child was quite the miracle. “Well, I'll be damned, she does. It looks to me she is quite weary right now.”
Aeka nodded in agreement and was about to rock her to sleep but halted when she saw Jin getting out his wooden flute that she had wanted to hear him play ever since she was given the instrument as a gift. Your flute, Aeka signed to him with a smile.
“That's right,” Jin begun with his same goofy grin, “you never heard me play this ever since you got that hearing aid in, have you?”
Aeka shook her head wanting so badly to hear him play it as she held her daughter securely.
“Alright then, princess, I will play it for you both,” he answered, pressing the flute to his mouth and situating his fingers upon it just right. Closing his eyes a moment he remembered the tune his mother used to play for him and started to get the notes to surface. It was an eerie yet beautiful tune that called out a melody of longing and eternal love from the depths of Ireland where Jin originated from. The sound of the flute playing each haunting love note touched Aeka's heart so much that she threatened to cry with how it gripped upon her heart. The melody seemed to calm Akina as Jin continued playing it. Aeka watched as her daughter fell into a deeper sleep with the sound filling her ears, she obviously born with the gift of hearing unlike her mother. Shifting her sight back upon her husband, she watched as his fingers danced upon the wooden instrument to help the right musical note come out for both to hear until Jin came upon the final note and held onto it for awhile before letting it die down into nothing.
Seeing Aeka's eyes watching him once he opened them from concentration, he smiled to her once he removed the flute. It was very beautiful, Aeka signed. I never thought a simple flute could capture such beauty until now.
“Thank you,” Jin replied to her comment putting the flute down. “My mother had lyrics that went with it as well but it's hard for me to recall them since I was never much of a singer but I wanted to remember the melody someway or another so I learned to play that flute.”
Aeka pouted a bit hearing that. What a shame…I would have liked to have known what the lyrics were, she signed to him.
Sucking in his lower lip, Jin looked upward at the ceiling above them trying to remember the song his mother used to sing at times. Humming the tune mostly to himself, he hoped it would help conjure up the lyrics he was having difficulty recalling. After awhile of humming the same tune she heard upon the flute, Jin began speaking again, “…The sweetest thought, I had it all, Cause I did let you go, All our moments, Keep me warm, When you're gone. All my thoughts are with you forever, until the day we'll be back together, I will be waiting for you…” Closing his eyes a moment, Jin took in a deep breath before releasing it through his nostrils. His sight settling down upon Aeka once more, he smiled at her for a moment. “That is all I remember or can seem to.”
That sounded so magnificent, Jin, Aeka said with her nimble hands. I don't see why you said you were a bad singer when you are not.
Jin couldn't help but laugh at her remark before shaking his head from side to side letting his wavy hair shift from the movements. “That is probably because I mostly sing to myself and not in front of people so I judge myself. But that is not important right now. Why don't you and Akina rest for the day? I am sure you both could use it.”
What about you? Aeka asked. Where are you going?
Lying down next to her with his elbow digging into the white pillow that belonged to him, he rested his cheek upon the palm of his hand while he laughed briefly at her. “I am not going anywhere, love. I am staying right here to watch you both.”
All day? Aeka questioned with her thin white brow cocked.
“For as long as you will be asleep,” Jin assured. Watching her get comfortable once she placed the child in between them, the wind master remained as he was upon his side to keep an eye on the two not wishing to be anywhere else at the moment but right there at their sides.