Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Fire Baby ❯ Oh where has my fire baby Gone? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hey I hope you guys are proud of me...or did it take me too long to update again?

Oh and just in case some people haven’t noticed yet...when I put a text in italics, that is what the character is thinking not saying. But if the italics pop up while a character is speaking that means they are emphasizing on a word. This was probably unnecessary but I just wanted to make sure so nobody would get confused.

Ok? Enjoy.

Chapter 4: Oh where has my fire baby gone?

Hiei and Yusuke were able to reach Kurama’s house in a matter of minutes and the fire demon wasted no time in climbing the tree to rest on a branch next to Kurama’s window.

“I think I can get in through here.”

Yusuke frowned at his newly found, boyfriend is what I should call him? Who was on the verge of opening the window without so much as a knock.

“It might be better if we at least check to see if Kurama’s home before we go climbing in through his window.”

The koorime blinked confused, “I always go in through the window, he doesn’t mind.”

Yusuke sighed, “Fine you go through the window, I’ll knock.”

Hiei shrugged his shoulders as Yusuke gave a swift knock on the front door, no one answered so the boy rung the doorbell a couple of times and gave one last bang, before finally giving up.

“Well, I guess his mom isn’t home. It doesn’t sound like anybody’s home, Kurama’s probably off studying or something.....I don’t know maybe that dream of your’s was just a fluke. I mean you could have gotten those marks from me, after all we weren’t being very careful last nigh....Hiei?”

Yusuke looked up to notice that he was being ignored completely by the small demon who was busy climbing through Kurama’s window.

“Hey, wait for me!”

Yusuke growled as he climbed the tree mumbling incoherently. He sat himself on the branch next to Kurama’s window and leaned against the trunk of the tree to catch his breath, as strong of a detective he was, climbing trees was not something he did on a daily bases.

“Oh no...” A quiet almost unheard gasp came from Hiei who was now inside of Kurama’s room.

Yusuke instantly sat up and began to slide his way over to the window. “Hiei what’s wrong?”
Yusuke waited for an answer, but the only reply he received was a soft cracking noise that was becoming louder and louder as he came closer to the window.


The detective tried to look into the room which was almost completely dark from where he sat. He reached over, about to grab onto the window sill, when there was a sudden ‘pop’ and the tree branch finally gave in under the weight of the growing teen. He gave a surprised yelp as both him and the abandoned tree branch crashed head first into the bush next to Kurama’s front door.

The spirit detective stood up shaking leaves and bugs from his shirt as he rubbed at a new bump on his head.

“Damn it, that stupid branch didn’t break when Hiei was standing on it.” He stared up at the open window.


Yusuke went on with his angry rant waiting for Hiei to reply, when he suddenly became distracted by the front door slowly creaking open.

“What the.....Hiei? Is that you?... Look short stuff this is not a good time the be playing games.”

Yusuke’s face grew red with anger as he stomped over to the front door. “Fine, you want to act stupid then don’t get mad when I decide to hang your little ass off the top of the roof.”

He pushed the door wide open slamming it into the wall and almost knocking the poor thing off of its hinges. He searched around and noticed that the whole house was dark, it almost looked as if no one had been living in it for a few days.

“Shit Kurama, is your mom on vacation or something?”

Yusuke kicked away a fallen flower pot before heading towards the staircase. He looked up the steps that led to a dark hallway and from there he was able to see a very very dim light coming from Kurama’s half open bedroom door.

The teen shook his head as he began to climb the steps. “Hm, I think I saw this in a horror movie one time....let’s see, I’m suppose to climb the stairs ‘curiously’, only to be killed by the big bad monst.....what the hell?....”

Yusuke could have sworn his eyes were fooling him when he looked to the top of the staircase only to see a pair of golden orbs glaring back at him and just as quick as he saw them, they were gone.
Yusuke blinked his eyes a few times just to make sure and frowned when the eyes did not appear again. Now I know I’m going crazy....but just to be sure.

The detective stopped when he reached the top of the steps and looked ahead to Kurama’s room.

“Hiei?...Hiei?” He wasn’t sure why his call was came out in whispers but Yusuke got a sick feeling in his gut as he walked on to the door. “Hiei...”, once again a low almost inaudible sound came from the bottom of Yusuke’s throat only to go on unanswered.

The spirit detective grabbed onto the silver doorknob noticing how cold it was as he pushed lightly, poking his head in the dimly lit room.

“Oh crap....what happened in here?” Yusuke looked around Kurama’s once well organized room, shocked to find it torn apart with books, clothes, and plants thrown all around. He attempted to kick through the mess only to trip over a very large text book and fall face first into a pile of clothes.

Yusuke scowled and cursed as he tossed a school shirt off of his head and back onto the bedroom floor. The spirit detective stood up once more and attempted to maneuver around his obstacles. He managed to venture over to the open window and looked out at the maroon colored sky, no one was out except for a few people getting home late from work or school, no Hiei.

Yusuke sighed as he slammed the window shut, “Hiei are you in here?....Look I’m don....”

Once again the boy was interrupted when a loud bang caused him to quickly turn around. He watched as the door to Kurama’s closet suddenly slammed close.

Yusuke frowned as he tried to stomp angrily over to the closet, but he kept stumbling over more and more of the mess.

“Alright shorty that’s it. This is going way too far, imagine what Kurama’s going to say when he sees what you did to his room and you better not expect me to have your back. I don’t know why I came all the way over here, just so you can act like an asshole and try to play a trick on me.”

Yusuke reached the closet door and with a sharp growl, grabbed the door knob and swung it open.

“Oh shit....”

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped when he looked inside.


So where has Yusuke’s little fire baby gone? Oh where Oh where can he be....you’ll have to wait for the next chapter to see. R&R please....lol that rhymed.