Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My first fic ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My first fanfic

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, or any other anime.

"Wake up Hiei we have a new assignment from Koenma", Yusuke said

"Hurry up shrimp", said Kuwabara

"I'm coming bakka", said Hiei

"Who's a bakka?", asked Kuwabara, " Why you little…"

"Shut up", Yusuke said

"Fine.", said Kuwabara

Hiei comes down from the tree he was sleeping in.

"Shall we go then?" asked Kurama

"Yeah come on we need to see what the toddler wants now.", said Yusuke

When they get to Koenma's office Koenma tells them about their new assignment.

"Your new mission is extremely dangerous", said Koenma

"Psha, Just what is this mission about?", Yusuke asked

"For this mission you will have to go to Makai.", said Koenma

"Yeah so? What kind of mission is it?" Yuske asked

"It's a search and rescue."

"Who are we rescuing?"

"Her name is Nikki. She is part fire demon part ice demon and part wolf demon."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.", said Kuwabara

"Not so fast. What kind of enemies are we going up against?", asked Yusuke

"You will be going against some powerful demons that could probably kill you.", replied Koenma

"Sounds like fun.", said Yusuke

"Let's go already.", said Kuwabara impatiently

"Be patient baka.", said Hiei

"Yes. First let me give you a map.", said Koenma

"Fine.", said Kuwabara

After walking around for hours in the Makai Kuwabara gets impatient.

"How much further?", asked Kuwabara

"I haven't the foggiest. Now shut up.", said Yusuke

"Hold on.", said Kurama suddenly

"What?", asked Yuske

"I believe that beast is a guard.", said Kurama

Hiei pulls out his katana

"INTRUDERS!!!!!", shouted the guard

Hiei kills the monster in one slice.

They continue, confronting many guards which Hiei kills with one slice until they reach the fortress.

"Wow. There are a lot of monsters up there.", Kuwabara said stating the obvious

"That is because this is their strong hold.", said Hiei

"Shut up shrimp.", said Kuwabara

"Hn.", said Hiei

"Well now what?", asked Yusuke

"Now we go as far as possible without being noticed.", said Kurama

wouldn't you know it they are seen.

"That didn't take long.", said Hiei who sliced through about 90 demons per second until there are no more.

"So there weren't all that many after all.", said Kuwabara

They fight about a billion more guards, Hiei killing the most, until the reach Nikki's room.

"Hn.", Hiei said as he knocked down the door.

Nikki looks up at the people standing in the door way.

Hiei then scans the girl from head to foot. Her hair is brown and her eyes are purple. She also has brown wolf ears and a wolf tail and she is remarkably beautiful.

"Are you new guards?", she asked with fear in her voice

"No we are here to take rescue you.", said Kurama

"Really?", asked Nikki smiling slightly

"Yes.", said Kurama

"Thank you.", Nikki said smiling all the way now

Hiei grabs Nikki and with the others following runs to the nearest exit until they are no longer in the fortress.

"Thank you.", said Nikki

"Hn.", said Hiei

Yusuke snaps the chains on Nikki's wrists. Nikki rubs her wrists.

"Does it hurt? ", asked Kurama

"A little. ", replied Nikki

"Well, lets get out of here.", suggested Yusuke

"I agree I don't want to be food for one of those guards.", said Kuwabara

After they returned Koenma made a room for Nikki to stay in temporarily.

Hiei could not sleep a wink. He was up all night thinking about Nikki and how beautiful she was. Nikki could not sleep either. She was thinking about the handsome boy who carried her away from the fortress.

The next day Koenma told them all to come speak to him.

"Today I need someone to show Nikki around.", said Koenma

"But she has ears and a tail you think that isn't gonna be noticed?", asked Yusuke

"She can disguise herself well enough.", said Koenma

"Well I have to go home and actually study if I don't want to fail this test.", said Yusuke

"I gotta study too.", said Kuwabara

"Fine. Kurama?", asked Koenma

"I can't .", said Kurama

"Why?", asked Koenma

"Today is the day Shiori visits her relatives.", said Kurama

"Hmmm. I see. Hiei you will show her around then.", said Koenma

"Why me? Why can't you do it?", asked Hiei

"I have more important work to do here.", said Koenma

"Hn. Fine.", said Hiei

"Lets go then.", said Nikki

Hiei brings Nikki to the park, the movies, the mall, a restaurant, and an ice-cream parlor.

"I had fun today.", said Nikki

"I'm glad.", said Hiei

"We should go back now.", said Nikki

"Yeah.", said Hiei

When they got back to Reikai they said goodbye

"Bye.", said Nikki

"Hn.", said Hiei

Nikki hugs Hiei and goes inside. Hiei is stunned.

The next day Koenma needs to talk to them again

"I have called you all here again to show Nikki the unpleasant parts of Ningenkai.", said Koenma

"Why?", asked Yusuke

"Because she needs to know that bad things and bad people still exist here.", said Koenma

"Why do that", asked Kuwabara

"Because,", said Koenma "she can't go around thinking she isn't going to be in any danger here. Considerably less yes but she is still in some danger."

"Well I'm still busy.", said Yusuke

"Me too.", said Kuwabara

"Sorry I am too.", said Kurama

"Well that leaves you again Hiei.", said Koenma

"Fine.", said Hiei

Hiei takes Nikki to a subway station. Nikki sees homeless people and animals.

Hiei also takes her to a prison and says why some of the people are there.

He also takes he also takes her to a hospital.

"This man was shot?", Nikki asked surprised

"Yes", said Hiei

"And this lady was stabbed?"


"Maybe we should leave.", said Nikki looking like she was about to cry

"Yes.", said Hiei

After they leave Nikki is upset.

"I don't want to see that again.", Nikki said as tear fell from her eye.

Is she crying? Wondered Hiei. Nikki is now crying hard. Hiei kisses Her cheek and she stops crying. Hiei leaves Nikki standing there holding her cheek.

The next day Koenma needs to speak to them all yet again

"Today we are going to find somewhere for Nikki to stay.", said Koenma

"How about with Genkai?", asked Yusuke

"I don't want Genkai to be bothered with two girls running around in her temple.", said Koenma

"Why can't she just stay here?", asked Kuwabara

"I have important work and I can't make sure Nikki stays away from all my dad's stuff 24/7. Any one want to find somewhere for her to stay?", asked Koenma

"Fine", said everybody except Koenma

They took Nikki to numerous houses, apartments, and caves until at last she likes one of the caves.

"I like this one.", said Nikki

"Well this is your new home.", said Kurama

"Yay!!! I have a new home!", said Nikki

"Congrats kid.", said Yusuke

"Thank you.", said Nikki

The next day Hiei wakes up in a tree next to Nikki's new cave. Nikki goes out to get things to make furniture with and comes back two hours later to build stuff.

Hiei watches her that whole day until she goes in her cave. When she does go inside Hiei hears her crying and decides to see why.

"Why are you crying?", asked Hiei

Nikki looks up she did not hear him come in and when she sees he is there she turns bright red.

"Why are you crying?", Hiei repeated

"I… I… I…", Nikki said

She starts crying again putting her hands on her face to cover it. Hiei walks up to her and takes her hands away from her face.

"I don't want to see that again.", said Hiei

Hiei kisses her. She kisses back.

"Now,", Hiei asked, "Why were you crying?"

"Well it's silly…", said Nikki

"Why were you crying?", Hiei repeated

"I missed you. But you were only gone one day that's why it's sill…" , Nikki said but she was cut off because Hiei kissed her again.

"I don't think it's silly.", said Hiei and with those words he left.

That night Nikki was re-captured. And the next day Koenma had them come to his office again.

"Nikki has been re-captured.", said Koenma

"What?!?", asked Yusuke

"She has been re-captured", said Koenma

"How?", asked Kuwabara

"The guards from the fortress must have gone to her cave at night and re-captured her.", said Koenma

But then everyone realized Hiei was gone.

"Where did Hiei go?", asked Koenma

Everyone just looked stood there and looked confused.

Meanwhile Hiei was in Makai running full speed ahead to the fortress where he knew she would be. But he did not think what happened would happen. He was immediately captured by two guards. They brought him to the room where Nikki was being held. The guards immediately released him and left the room slamming the heavy door behind them. There were two guard there as well and they had beasts which looked much more powerful than they did on chains. And in a throne chair sat a huge monster who looked to be the same species as the guards, the only difference being he was about three times bigger.

"This is Hiei?", asked the King

"Yes your majesty.", said the guard nearest Hiei

"This is who she loves?", asked the king in a you've got to be kidding me voice

"Yes your majesty.", said the other guard

"Release Fido and Brono I want to see what happens.", said the king

"Yes your majesty.", said the guards in unison

They let go of the horrible monsters and left the room immediately

One of the beasts pinned Hiei and the other pinned Nikki. Hiei punched the beast repetedly until it's head flew off.

"Bruno!!!", shouted the king in disbelief, "Avenge your brother Fido!!!"

"Hiei!!", screamed Nikki who was still pinned

Hiei ran over to Nikki only in time to see it knock Nikki unconcious. He ran up to it knocked it off her and punched it until it's head flew off landing at the kings feet.

"You die next.", said Hiei

"Not today.", he said "GUARDS"

at his call guards ran in through the doors surrounding Hiei.

"Fools.", said Hiei "you shall be first then."

Hiei killed the guards heads rolling every where, some landing at the kings feet and some on his lap which were quickly brushed aside.

"GUARDS", yelled the king whenever one wave died until none came

"All out of distractions now.", said Hiei

"Then I will kill you myself.", said the king

The king pulled out a sword and threw it. It made a deep gash in his right arm. Hiei ran to the king and punched off his head with his left arm. Then he grabbed Nikki who was still unconcious and ran for the second time away from the fortress.

When he came to Nikki's cave he slowed down and laid her on her bed. She woke up an hour later to find Hiei sitting in a chair next to her. She stood up and helped him up as well.

"I…", said Hiei but he was cut off because Nikki kissed him. He kissed back.

"I love you", Hiei said

"I love you too.", said Nikki