Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story is YAOI, and if you don't like it than I suggest reading another fic. Also, the main paring will be Yusuke and Kuwabara it's just taking a while. Prepare yourselves your major character OOCness, and there may be some offensive language. Lastly, I am terrible at grammar and spelling so try to over look the mistakes.
Chapter Ten
Yusuke Urameshi didn't have many people in his life that he could trust. As a delinquent and being known for getting rough on a few occasions most stayed clear of him, and that was not a problem for Yusuke. Yusuke was the type of man that liked space and getting a sense of respect even if it was coming from a negative place. Though now when he was in need of a confidant Yusuke was left with limited sources. He could probably go to Yukina she was the most understanding and pure of his family, but he could do with a man's perspective, after all Kuwabara did tell him to ask one of his brothers whatever that meant.
His first choice would have been Kurama he was the male equivalent of Yukina, but he knew Kurama would try to rationalize everything and see things in a fluffy sort of way. Yusuke needed someone who he could relate to on a manly level one who could help him keep his delusions without feeling like an ass, which he could do if he talked to an even bigger ass, his brother Hiei. So with the hope of getting his world back into one piece he decided a walk over to Hiei's was the best choice, regrettably fate hated him and decided the right choice was to talk to both of his brothers at the same time.
When he first arrived at his brother's home he was hollered deeper into the house upstairs and to his miserable joy he found the shorter brunette sulking over a baby crib and the tall red head making it worse by talking about directions.
“You know Kurama real men don't use directions.” Yusuke figured if he started the conversation causally he would be able to escape without having to talk about what he had gone there to talk about.
“No, Yusuke I suppose they don't. Instead they decide to figure it out themselves and wait until it is so screwed up that it would have to take two males to figure out why a crib won't stand with only three legs. But now that you're here maybe a third male would be more progressive.” Kurama replied so sweetly that it was hard to determine if he was truly being sarcastic.
“Hn. It's not screwed up it's different. The kid won't have to sleep in a thing that is plain.” Hiei decided to monotony defend himself.
“Oh yes and the kid can also be different when the crib snaps close and causes him to lose an arm. Won't that be wonderful?”
“It'll give him character.”
“Character! Character he says. Yusuke talk some sense into your brother.”
“I'd rather not.” And here he thought he was managing to sneak away, damn Kurama and his big eyes.
“If it bothers you, call the oaf to fix it.”
It seemed as if that one sentence was going to doom Yusuke because as soon as it was out Kurama stopped looking through excess parts, Hiei leaned against a wall, and all eyes were on him. Yusuke only got such attention when he was in trouble and that stare was never given to him by Hiei, yep fate loved to crap on one Yusuke Urameshi.
“What's with the eyes guys?” Yes play it stupid not like his nervous habit of starching behind his head was going to deter them.
“Yusuke why are you here exactly?” Kurama thought to take the you-can-tell-me-anything route.
“What do you want.” And it seemed Hiei was going to take the I-know-you-know-I-know-what's-going-on-so-hurry-the-fuck-up approach.
“Ah nothing. Just came by the see about the baby stuff. So how about that crib! Three legs huh? Think I can make it better with two?” yes play it dumb With a clapping of hands one could almost believe Yusuke was excited about the massacre of a baby's crib.
“Oh Yusuke he told you? Are you okay? Do you want to sit down?” Kurama the ever insightful one wanted to help in any way, he could only hope Hiei wouldn't make it worse.
“Don't be a bitch. He's a homo so what? Probably should've suspected before.” Great Hiei was trying to be gentle, if only.
“Hiei don't call him that. Kuwabara is gay, it's a nicer term.”
By this time both brothers were once again wrapped up in a passive-aggressive argument that neither took notice of the other brother shaking and ready to explode.
It could never be said the Yusuke did not know how to silence a room. Both brothers were suddenly forced back to the topic of their fight that neither could do anything for several moments, but that did not mean they were going to let their youngest escape before certain things needed to be face.
“Never mind guys. I better leave I need to sleep or something.”
“No! Hiei hurry and lock the door Yusuke come sit down we need to have a talk.”
Before Yusuke could make it out Hiei already had the door locked and started to push Yusuke down on the carpet to set next to Kurama. There was no way he was going to get into this conversation fully, not when he himself had found out the oaf's orientation the day before, but his brother had to be prepared for the dinner.
“What and when did he tell you Yusuke?”
Kurama knew the conversation was going to be hard especially if Yusuke was going to be stubborn and continue to scowl at the door all day.
“Hiei will unman the door as soon as we are done talking. But you need to cooperate if we are going to do that. So please what and when?”
“He didn't mean it Kurama. If he told you guys too it must be funnier than I thought. But he didn't mean it so you probably shouldn't encourage him.”
“Idiot.” Just because he was guarding a door didn't mean Hiei couldn't add a comment or two.
“Hiei please. Yusuke what happened.”
“You're not going to let this go?”
“No we are not.”
“Hurry.” Hiei liked to think he had a way with words.
“Fine. He came by this morning talking about not liking girls. He said he liked boys. But it's not true! Just because…”
“Shh. Now what did you say to him?”
“Just what I told you that it was a lie, a big joke, and it wasn't all that funny. It wasn't funny at all.”
“So in other words you screwed every thing up?”
“Yeah. He was so mad Kurama. He even did that quiet voice thing he does when he's really sad or really pissed. You know which one.”
“Luckily I don't.”
“Yeah.” It figures Hiei would be familiar with the tone. Even with all the fighting Hiei and Kuwabara did the two had a sort of bond.
“I don't know what to do. And it didn't make it any better when he used that old fart's name.”
“Old Fart?”
“You wouldn't know about him Hiei. The fuck's name is Sensui. I hate him, I swear I know this is his fault, it has to be. Nothing like this has ever happened until he showed up. The bastard.”
“Hn.” It was better if Kurama handled that subject all together.
“Yusuke you need to understand that none of this happened because of anybody. Kuwabara knew about his sexuality at a young age. He kept this from everyone except Shizuru for a long time. The only reason I knew was because of Yukina and Kuwabara only told her by accident a few months ago.”
“How could that be accident? If anything it should have been me, it should have been different. And now it looks like I'm the last to know.”
“When things are kept a secret for a long time things build. It must have gotten to be too much and Yukina is the next best thing for Kuwabara, after you that is. You have to believe me when I say Kuwabara wanted you to be the first to know, but with things the way they turned out it became all rushed. You understand?”
“No, I don't want to understand. He can't be like that. We're supposed to get older, get married, and have kids. That's how it's supposed to be, he's not suppose to change like that not without telling me about it first.”
“Yusuke he is gay and there will not be a time when he's not. Even if he never ends up with anyone he will still be gay. You are going to have to accept this, particularly if you want to patch things up with Kuwabara. Can you at least understand for that?”
“He's my friend, that's all I know. I don't care about anything else as long as he's still there with me. It's not supposed to be any other way, but if Kuwabara wants to go along with it I can try.”
“Yusuke there's more. You see...”
“Idiots all of you. You don't have time for trying. It's a black and white situation. The oaf got himself into trouble and everything is a mess now because he didn't tell you sooner. Figure that out on your own time. Tonight there will be dinner at the oaf's place and you will be there. It's already going to be hell and you will not make it worse. You will apologize I don't care how but you will do it before the meal is served. Screw it up and I will kill you.”
“No Kurama, no more pampering tell him why on your own, I'm leaving. Keiko needs me.” And with that the guard left leaving an escape route wide open.
“Yusuke wait! Please…”
“No, I'm leaving. I'm tried of the crap always trying to tell me what to do. Fuck all of you.” Before Yusuke could make it down the first step Kurama had to tell no matter what, Yusuke was his brother and he had to protect him anyway he could.
“He's dating Sensui!” And just like that the force of Yusuke Urameshi was stopped cold.
“What do mean he's dating Sensui?”
“It's been going on for nearly a month, Shizuru thought it was time she met him. That's why everyone knows. The dinner is so everyone can meet Kuwabara's boyfriend.”
“You're lying.”
“No Yusuke you're the one lying to yourself. You must have suspected particularly if Kuwabara mentioned his name this morning. Sensui is Kuwabara's boyfriend and I believe it's going to be that way for a while. Hiei was right when he said you have to come to the dinner tonight. This is a big deal to your best friend Yusuke and it'll mean a lot if he had your support, or if the two of you were on at least speaking terms. Please if he really means anything to you, you would make an attempt to be there for him regardless of anything else.”
Yusuke briefly turned his head to stare at Kurama before replying,
“Well see.”
And just like that he was gone. Kurama never saw a face full of hurt in his life and he could only hope fate would for once take pity on Yusuke Urameshi.
A/N: Yes I know extremely late, but I was a huge mess. I still am, but I'm trying to move on through some things and decided I needed to post a chapter. Kuwabara is being seen less and less these days I just wanted to see him appear somewhere again. I don't know about another chapter maybe I'll post one on Monday, but I make no promises. Hopefully I'll fell inspired.