Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Homecoming ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was around 3 in the morning when Yusuke whispered
softly. "Can't sleep either huh?" I turned around to
face him, His eyes were half mast, weary but awake.

"No, can't... too excited." I admitted.

"You looked harrassed actually." he said dryly.

"Yusuke, did you mean it when you said you had a
crush on me?" I asked and now that I've said it I was

"Who doesn't Kurama? Your beautiful, talented, smart,
sexy..." He trailed off. His fingers touched my cheek
again "Is there something wrong? Is there something
you want to say something to me?" he asked.

I feel no... electricity ( for lack of a better word
to describe that feeling) from Yusuke's touch, I just
feel the warmth of his friendship.

I'm never going to see Yusuke again, I'm not coming
back. But Yusuke holds a special place in my heart.

We Youkos cement that special deep bond of friendship
with a sexual act, we taste each other and know
intimately the various scents of our dearest comrades.
That way we'll know them anywhere they go, we believe
that the body is much more honest than the mouth or
the mind that uses it. The body cannot lie about it's
feelings, especially in bed.

Fire demons don't do that they have this biting
thing, Koorimes? They have a 'no sex' policy, human's?
That's a big no-no. I'm not youko in this form but I
will miss Yusuke very much. So without warning I
leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. He was
surprised but it didn't take him long to respond, I
let him take over the kiss, let him know me, but then
he pulled away and said "Your not ever coming back are
you?" he asked softly stunned at his own question.

Damn. "No." I said honestly.

"Your not going to explain?" he asked seriously.

"I can't, I need you to trust me." I said looking
straight at him.

"Kurama." he growled, his hand went gently into my
hair contrasting with his harsh tone "I've always
trusted you, your the one who don't trust me."

That stung, I grimaced "I've done something very
wrong, I need to get out of here so you guys won't get
involved. If I tell you I'll die, I'd gladly accept
that, but I want something first, and I'm not going
quietly until I get what I want."

"And what is it you want?" he asked, I can feel his
ki surrounding me. Yusuke is unconsciously trying to
protect me with his energies, he's seriously pissed
that I'm being threatened.

"I've thought this over dozens of times, this is the
best way. The less you know the better off you are.
You guys will be safe."

"Safe from what Kurama?" He asked as he moved closer
to me.

"Don't make me lie to you Yusuke." I said softly
watching him loom over me, he frowned. I snorted and
gave him a tired smile "Or you can pry the truth out
of my dead body."

He sighed heavily and rested his head on my chest
"Dammit I hate it when you do that to me. You make me
realize how much I care about you then you push me
away. What the hell for Kurama? There are times I want
to beat the crap out of you." I put my hands over his
head and tousled his stiff gelled hair.

"Stand in line Yusuke, stand in line."

"You know I'm here for you if you need me right?" he
said lifting his head from my chest and looking at me
like I was already leaving.

"I know." I brushed my fingers along his hairline,
his stiff hair made scratchy noises.

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked.

His breath smelled of alcohol, and I'm sure I smell
the same way. He put his hand across from me
straddling my chest with his arms, his body was
several inches away from me but his youki and reiki
makes me feel like he's lying on top of me. It's not
an uncomfortable feeling, in fact I welcome it, it was
warm, safe, and very tempting...

"Among Youkos, forging alliances with sex and
cementing deep friendship with that same act is common
practice. We have sex with our closest allies, so we
will know them intimately, their scents, their skills,
their streangths and weakneses. Also to learn the
truth about their feelings.

"We are skilled decievers you know, that's why we
don't believe each others spoken word that easily, we
have to know the truth from their lips, from their
bodies." I smiled at Yususke whose eyes never left me.
I raised a hand and ran my fingers over his dry lower
lip. "I'm not suggesting we do it. In fact I
reccommend we don't, Hiei is right here, I don't want
to mess up with him and Keiko will kill me if she
finds out." I smiled up at him "I kissed you because I
will miss you Yusuke, your one of my strongest allies
and one of my dearest friends."

"Yeah? I'd rather you stayed and let us face this
together." He said still pissed. "I don't think
anything can stand up to what the two of us can
dish-out. Then you have to think of your boyfriend
overthere who's absolutely loyal to you, and Kuwabara
who'll stand up for us even if he can't do much."

"I'm sorry, but my mind's made up." I smiled amused
at his choice of words. "Guess the only way you can
make me stay is if you kill me."

"Stop making that joke it isn't funny." He grated
bringing his face closer to me then he kissed me, all
his frustration and anger and pent up desires
concentrated on a few inches of wet skins and a couple

I held his back and he pressed close to me, I
listened to his voiceless plea, I gave him my wordless
answer. I let him know I trust him, I let him see my
competence in this matter, I let him take from me the
assurance he needed. He let me go when I felt his
arousal against my thigh. I breathed the same air as
he did our faces mere inch from each other. His rough
hand stroked my hair gently away from my face.

"Damn you Kurama." He muttered and lowered his head
to my shoulder. "Damn you. Why are you so fucking... "
he said searching for words.

"Don't think you can damn me any lower from where I'm
standing." I said chuckling, before he can flare up
again I turned him away from me and held him from
behind "Go to sleep, you have work and school
tomorrow." I put my arm across his chest and nuzzled
the back of his neck. Taking what I can of Yusuke's
body scent, his faded fresh cologne masking soup
broths, the lingering scent of Keiko's touch, his own
unique musk touched with the salt of his sweat and
alcohol. So very familliar, his scent inspires happy
thoughts in me, and a sense of victory."I can give you
something to make you sleep if you want."

He resisted my efforts at changing the subject.

"Please Yusuke?" I asked softly, my running my nose
behind his ear.

He sighed and leaned into me, he held my hand
"Alright, but I'm still pissed at you okay?" he said
grumbling. I borrowed my hand from across his chest
and feeled around in my hair, I found the blossom I
needed and brought it to life. I held it in front of
Yusuke and he brought it in to smell it. "I can't
imagine me and Kuwabara doing that kissing and sex
thing, shit I remember making him dream about kissing
me when I first died and he thought it was a hor-
horrible nightmare." He sagged against me.

Well, he's asleep, I squeezed him tight into a one
armed hug. I kissed the nape of his neck then let him
go. It wouldn't look good if we woke up spooned ne? I
looked at the blossom between my fingers and decided
against using it. I can't sleep while everybodys

Hiei is making his little snirkling noises, Kuwabara
is breathing heavily enough to drag us all into his
lungs. Koenma is breathing evenly but quietly and
Yusuke is definitely out for 2 or 3 hours.

I'll stay awake until Hiei moves into lighter sleep.

I flinched awake because I felt a hand come close to
my face. I wasn't in any danger so I didn't react with
more violence. I opened an eye and glared at the
fingers that are inches from my Jagan. I followed the
offending appedage to it's limb resting on Kurama's
ear all the way to Reizen's prince, sprawled in his
sleep sawing logs.

Ch, Kurama is in a tight ball and Yusuke has an arm
over his head and a leg invading his futon. I sat up,
lifted the limb off Kurama and threw it back to it's
owner who's snoring got interrupted, then I pushed his
leg off Kurama's futon so the fox can stretch out. He
looked cramped sleeping like that.

I didn't wake him, he needed the sleep, there are
dark circles under his eyes. The fact that he didn't
even stir when that arm fell on him is testament to
that bone deep exhaustion I am sensing in him.

It's not sunrise yet, I can sense other people awake
in Yusuke's and Keiko's room. Yes, Yukina and Keiko
are up. I remember when I visited Yusuke here last
night, he was on the phone when her mother got out of
her room ready to go spend the night in town. He had
to make up an excuse for locking up a 'kid' in the
32nd floor balcony.

If she wasn't Yusuke's mother I'd show her I wasn't a
kid and prove it.

I brushed my fingers over Kurama's hair, pushing it
away from his face. Koenma is a silent sleeper,
Kuwabara reminds me of those devices humans use to
suck up dirt from the floor and Yusuke snores
erratically. It wasn't loud and disturbing but it
stops then goes. Kurama is quiet like Koenma, he's
hugging one knee to his chest his face pushed close to
that knee. His fingers are pale, they looked cold so I
put my blanket over him.

I heard the door open and I recognized Yukina's
little muted steps. "Ohayo Gozaimasu Hiei-sama." she
whispered as she passed by the couches to get to the
kitchen. I acknowledged her greeting with a nod, she
stopped then made her way towards me. I took my eyes
off Kurama and asked her what she wanted by giving her
my full attention.

Those are my eyes, that skin of hers is the same as
mine, I've seen naked human males in their prime and I
don't have that much hair on my body. I've seen fire
demons of my kind and amongst them I am strange
because of my skin, my small hands and my stature.

"Kurama-chan looks exhausted even in sleep." she
whispered softly.

"Aa." I looked at his face, he seems tense somehow,
but his muscles are slack from the numbness sleep
brings. Yukina's small cold hand came to rest
hesitantly over mine. I looked at her and she smiled
taking my hand off my lap to place on Kurama's head.

"His sleep is troubled Hiei-sama, he trusts you
deeply, let him know you're present and he'll sleep
better." I took my eyes off her and let my youki flow
into Kurama's warm forehead. I saw what she meant when
that tension I noticed eased away, he sighed and
loosen his hold on his knee.

"He's... he was wounded." she said with a frown. "His
wounds are healed but they are very recent."

I grunted. I didn't know that. "Were they serious?" I
asked her because I have no skill with injuries other
than my own.

"Yes some of them were, but he's strong, he just need
to rest and eat well." she said letting my hand go, I
could hear voices from my contact with Kurama's head
but that's normal. I let him go, I don't know how to
thank my sister for teaching me that trick.

"What do you think of Kuwabara?" I asked her.

I saw her blush from the corner of my eyes, I spared
her the embarassment by not looking at her directly."

"A-ano... Kuwabara-kun is a good man he treats me
well and," she looked away, a small shy smile on her
lips. "he treats me honorably, though," she giggled
"he sometimes steps all over himself trying to please

"I take it you like him." I said sparing her a
glance, that moron and my sister? I don't believe
their names should be in the same sentence but this is
really up to her, it's her life. The hope for approval
in her eyes when she met mine made me squirm, I
haven't told her, I'm not telling her, but she's
acting like I'm her big brother anyway.

"I- I guess I do." she looked away embarassed, I can
see her dissapointment even if she fought to hide it.
If I told her I don't approve of her choice, she would
let him go. But this isn't about me.

"I trust Kuwabara, he may be stupid but his heart's
in the right place." I stood up to leave, I didn't
even try to imagine what kind of children they'll
have, I suppose they'll still be my nephews and nieces
whether I like it or not...

"H-Hiei-sama." she called I stopped with my back to
her "Th-thank you."

"Hn." I went towards the balcony and closed the
curtains a little to keep the morning light from
Kurama's eyes.

"Kurama-chan is good for you too, I hope, I hope you
two find your happiness together." I felt my brows go
up into my ward. I turned around but she was already
on her way to the kitchen.

It made me think about what happened last night. I
remember the card game, I remmeber winning, I remember
the pocky...

"Ohaaayoooo." Botan said as she yawned her way to the
kitchen where Yukina was. "Yukina-chan your making
coffee! Your a life saver."

"Ohayo Hiei-san, Yusuke's still asleep huh? He'll be
late for work." Keiko said as she walked around the
couches to look at her sprawled husband. "Hmmm, I
suppose I'll have to cover for him for a few hours."
she said with an indulgent smile. "We're still making
breakfast, we'll just tell you guys if it's...

I almost didn't hear her because I was frowning at
Yusuke who chose that exact time to fling half of
himself over Kurama. His arms went around Kurama and
he buried his face into his hair I felt this surge

I wanted to bite Yusuke's head off that's what I
wanted to do, my hands tightened into fists and
besides me I sensed a killing aura.

Keiko Yukimura is wearing that 'Women's' expression
that usually sends me sneaking out of Mokuro's castle.
I wanted to get out there right now, a woman's ire is
never to be taken lightly.

"Hmmm, Keiko..." Yusuke whispered as he spooned
against Kurama.

My jaw fell.

"This is so embarrasing." she wailed softly as she
hung her head.

I laughed.

I feel good this morning, it's unusual, but I
welcomed it. I crossed my arms and watched as Keiko
moved to extricate Kurama from her husbands cuddling.

"Shut up Hiei I'm trying to sleep." Kuwabara
complained as he covered his head with his pillow.

"Yususke Urameshi, roll over." Keiko said turning him
over to the other side with effort. Kurama's brows met
in a frown and he stretched out, only to settle back
down to sleep with a slight smile. I took my pillow
and wedged it between them.

"Thank you Hiei-san. Your lucky your asleep Yusuke,
your going to hear from me tonight."

"Uh-oh trouble in paradise?" Shizuru asked asked as
she moved to open the balcony doors a cigarette stuck
between her lips.

Girl talk, I decided to look for breakfast.

"How do you take your coffee?" Botan asked me.

"In a cup." I replied with a smirk.

"Well," she grinned "your in a good mood. Watch it
it's very hot." and she gave me a mug of light colored
coffee, I nodded my thanks. I took a swallow and it
was okay, the temperature was right but it wasn't
sweet enough, so I put a couple of teaspoonsful of
sugar into it. Now it's perfect.

I looked up to find Botan shaking her head "I'll
remmeber that, 1 cream 3 sugars, freshly boiled."
Yukina smiled her amusement and placed a basket of
warm bread before me.

I had a heavy breakfast, I had a piece of bread, some
rice, some meat, eggs, several fruits and a glass of
milk. I was eating a pear when I sensed Kurama awaken.
I turned looked over my shoulder and found the fox
groaning as he walked lightly towards us. He sat down
very carefully next to me and covered his face with
his hands.

"Is that coffee I smell?"

"Sure is." Botan said in a lively tone.

"Your so genki it's making my eyes hurt. Turn it down
a little please." he muttered and Botan laughed. He
looked at me with a pained half smile and said "Good
Morning Hiei."

He looked terrible. He's got circles under his eyes,
he's wincing at the light, his hair is a mess, his
eyes were watery and pink... "What happened to you?" I

"Hangover. Botan be nice to this poor demon and give
me a cup of black coffee and some aspirin." she gave
him the mug and a glass of water.

"Way ahead of you Kura-chan. Yukina's getting the

"Thank you." he drank his coffee with his head
hanging over the table. I kept my eyes on him, he
seemed sick, and aspirin is a medicine right? "Don't
worry Hiei, this will pass, this happens to me if I
had too much alcohol."

"Then you shouldn't be drinking that stuff at all." I

"Where's the fun in that?" Botan asked in her chirpy
happy mood.

"You drank more than I did and your alright?" Kurama
asked her. "That is so unfair."

"Yup, same as Hiei here, he's in a great mood this
morning." she offered and that cheerfulness of hers is
beggining to irritate me.

"Kurama-chan, here's the aspirin." Yukina placed a
white bottle next to Kurama and he smiled.

"Thank you. I might just make it to the airport on my
feet." he chuckled at his own joke.

A loud thump made us look behind us and we saw
Kuwabara's retreating back heading straight for the
bathrooms at breakneck speed. Kurama snorted and drank
his medicine. Soon that brat Koenma was hanging over
the dining table with us. A cup of creamy coffee near
his head. Kurama told me once that it's rude to put
your head and arms on a table full of food, seems
Koenma is immune to that rule.

Keiko left early for work a few minuites later, and
she asked me to tell Yusuke they needed to talk
tonight. I smirked at her and assured her I'll give
him the message. She smiled then stood between me and
Kurama, she kissed my cheek first then Kurama's I was
too stunned to react, she hugged us one arm over each
of our shoulders and said "I hope you guys have a
wonderful trip, I won't be able to see you off, so you
take care of each other alright." then she let us go,
I saw Kurama's cheeks go pink he replied.

"Thanks Keiko, we'll do." he said.

What the hell was that? I missed something last
night. I nodded at her trying to keep myself from
glaring at her.

Kuwabara came to the table dragging his feet. His
eyes were bloodshot, and he looked just about done in.
He slumped heavily on the seat opposite me and joined
his head on the table with Koenma. He was vomitting,
he washed up well but I can smell it anyway. Kurama
covered his mouth and ran for the toilet, I guess he
smelled it too, he's more sensitive than I am.

"Morning guys." he drawled out from under his

Hn, so this is hangover. I wonder if Yusuke gets

"Will you guys pipe down!!!" Yusuke shouted from the

"Oi Yusuke, your wife left to cover you at work, you
should get up, your guests need to leave soon."
Shizuru said, coming back from the balcony, she put
the phone back into it's place on her way towards us.
"Hiei, your flight is at 10:00 am right? You guys have
to confirm your tickets 2 hours before the flight. You
have to be there at 8 and it's already 7." She added
to me. I looked at the closed bathroom. He seems
alright, he's washing his face at the sink and
frowning at himself in the mirror.

No, I do not see through walls, I see aura's and ki
Right now, I see Kurama's aura and I sense the state
he's in, he didn't throw up, he was just trying to
calm his upset stomach.

"Hiei, c'mere for a sec." Yusuke said from the
vicinity of the couch.

"My dad's going to kill me..." Koenma moaned as he
put down his empty cup down.

"So? Your immortal, you'll just regenerate. Me? I
swore off booze a month go, I'll swear it off again
today, then next month I'll repeat the process..."
That stupid Kuwabara! I can't believe I gave Yukina my
implied consent.

"Keiko wants to talk to you tonight, your in
trouble." I said casting a glance at Yusuke wrapped up
in his blanket. The sun had painted a small portion of
the sky orange and pink, it lend enough light to show
me that he was not as bad off as Kurama or Kuwabara
but he's not 100% either.

"What? What did I do? Nevermind I'll take care of
that later." He said. "Right now I'm c-cold, hey could
you warm us up a littel? I need to ask you something."

"You just asked me to warm you up, and now your
asking me for another thing?" I asked.

"Quit whining and just turn the heat on, c'mon I'm
freezing." He said stepping up close enough to rub
shoulders. He grinned at me even if he wasn't feeling
so good, I glared at him and surrounded him with my
aura. "Hmmmm, that's good."

"What did you want Yusuke?" I asked my arms crossed,
I stepped away from him a little so I can glare up at
him more effectively. His face got serious, he looked
behind me where the bathroom should be.

"You know he's in trouble right?" he asked softly.

"Aa. That's why I'm following him." I said looking
away from him, I turned my gaze at the dusky shadows
of this city already risen from it's sleep and like
Yusuke, not yet fully awake.

"I don't need to threaten you to watch over him
right?" he asked and I had to tear my eyes off the
city to look at him. He's troubled.

"I threatened this city just so he'd let me come
along. I won't loose him, I'll hunt him down if
necessary." I returned to my prerusal of the
buildings. "Did he tell you anything?" I asked.

"Nothing. Said I have to pry it off his dead body.
Somehow, I don't find that funny." he said leaning
against the railing.

"What's he to you?" I asked because I had to know. I
didn't look at him but I felt his confusion, he
looked away and studied the city with me.

"I kissed him last night, and I know for sure, he's
one friend I do not want to loose. I love him, we
could have been something if I had known."

I felt my throat tighten. I felt my ears go hot and
my jaw clenched so tight I can almost hear my teeth

I heared him laugh softly "Hiei, your the one he
wants. I cannot even begin to compete with you, and I
have my Keiko." he put his arm heavily over my
shoulder in a casual way I see humans who are close to
each other do. " I care about you guys a lot, and I'm

"So am I." I do not understand what he really meant
by those words. But His arm over my shoulder
communicated his trust in me. I respect Yusuke's power
just as he respects mine, I admire his strength and I
know he watches me when I fight and approves of me.
He's one of the few friends I have. I do not fully
understand these human gestures but since my true
friends are mostly humans I think it's high time I
began understanding and learning their ways.

I didn't shrug off Yusuke's arm like I always do, I
simply nodded and accepted it "Don't worry I'll take
care of him. I'll protect him even from himself."

"You take care of yourself okay." he asked giving my
shoulders a squeeze. He let me go because we sensed
Kurama's approach. "And don't even think of coming
back here alone, dragon or not, I'm going to pound you
to pieces." he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hn, like you stand a chance against me." I replied.

"I'll cry like a little girl if you guys start
fighting for real." Kurama said as he entered the
balcony with us. He reached out and Yusuke took him
into his arms "Were going Yusuke, take care of
everybody here okay? " he said.

"Don't talk to me, I'm still pissed at you." his
voice sounded thick and heavy he let Kurama go but I
saw him secretly brush his lips against Kurama's
cheek. "You take care of Hiei okay? I'm here Kurama,
Hiei, if you need me." He gave me a sad forced smile
then he slapped my back "Both of you, have fun. And
come back to us if possible, your always welcome

"Thank you Yusuke." Kurama said "We have to be at
the airport by 8 Hiei, we have to leave soon."

"Narita right? I'll drive you guys I know Tokyo like
the back of my hand, we'll get you there in time."
Kuwabara offered, from the living room.

"You guys are so late." Botan said. "It's 7:30
already, and you have to pass by your house to pick up
your stuff." She got our coats out and lined up our
shoes by the door.

"Koenma, we're going." Kurama called to the teenaged
lord of the Reikai who looked up at us sucking on his

"Yeah, we should be going too," he stood up and made
his way towards the balcony "I'll see you guys around,
have a safe trip." he waved at us "Kurama, the rules.
And Hiei watch your temper alright?" he admonished.


"Don't worry about us Koenma. You go to your dad and
ask him for a vacation alright?" he said.

Koenma groaned and and leaned his head against the
glass doors of the balcony. I saw Botan from the
corner of my eye give Kurama a hug and a kiss on the
cheek. He held her back briefly and they whispered
softly to each other before she turned on me.

I managed to hold my hands up when her arms came
around me and her lips were nuzzling my cheek. "Botan
Kisama!" she laughed and ran from me as I wiped my
face with the back of my hand. "What is wrong with you
women?!" I cried to the room at large. Kurama besides
me just chuckled, his cheeks warmed by a blush. He
knows something, I'm going to grill it out of him as
soon as we get out of here.

"Come on your going to be late." Kuwabara opened the
door and we recieved our coats from Yukina who held
them out for us to wear. I shrugged into mine and we
bowed at each other. I looked into her eyes and she
looked back at me.

"Be safe." she said and I nodded.

"Be happy." I told her and she smiled radiantly.

"Yo, DMX, take your eyes off Yukina." Kuwabara
growled next to me.

Yukina covered her lips, she looked like she was
about to burts into laughter and was afraid that she
will. But then she lowered her hand and her smile
became sad and her eyes were full of longing. She
lowered them before I could discern the source of her
initial reaction. I didn't have the steam to bite back
at Kuwabara, Kurama took us by the elbows then and led
us out the door while Botan cheered DMX... whoever that is...