Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My life, my story, my curse ❯ Life, what does it mean? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

IceHanyou1: Hello everyone, this is my first story so be nice alright? The Yu Yu guys will be in the next chapter alright? This is about my character, so…………. I'll try this out alright?


{ } This means thinking alright?


My character, how she looks like.


Sapphire Satsuki


Age: 15

Hair: Raven black

Hair length: In low pony tail, down to her ass

Type: I'll tell you later in other chapters


Personality: I'll have to tell you about it later since this a tragic thing… yeah.


The way she dresses is a tomboy alright? If you don't like it too bad, sorry for sounding rude.


Well…….. on with the story.


Chapter 1: Life, what does it mean?


{ Funny how things go in life huh? Seeing your whole entire family bring slaughtered right before your eyes, and you're the only one who got out of there alive }




It was your families reunion.


"Sapphire?" Said a young boy that looked about the age of 5 looking outside of a window.




"There is something outside, and it keeps getting closer and closer." Said the young boy.


She looked outside to see nothing.


"I don't see anything. Why don't you go play with the others? Go on."


She was about to leave the boy said," there it is again, but now it looks like more than 1."


"You must be seeing things little man, come on, lets go back with the ot…"


She couldn't finish your sentence.


The back door crashed wide open to reveal these 3, horrible, disgusting creatures.


"Well look what we have here boys, dinner." One said as it was licking its teeth.


Then, the 3 attacked with out warning, they started attacking and striking every one of her family members.


Sapphire was terrified, seeing the ones she cared for so dearly being either decapitated, sliced in half, or being slashed to death.


As she was about to grab the young boy, Sapphire found the little boy, dead. Blood oozing from his wounds.


"Well well, looks like we've missed one." She turned around to see blood everywhere and her family members all dead. Sapphire was sp terrified that she didn't notice the blood that was covering most of her.


The she felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder, she touched it to reveal blood, lots of blood.


She sees the creature that has slashed her and asked in a low voice, "Why?"


"Why? Were hungry, and cause we can." The other 2 horrible creatures started snickering.


She couldn't take it anymore, so she ran, and jumped out the window. Sapphire rolled and then took a sprint and ran.


Running as fast as she could, Sapphire heard loud laughing, she wanted to look back but she couldn't.


Sapphire kept running until she found a park. She listened to the noises around her, she heard nothing, not even the crickets.


So she just sat on a bench and stayed there.


////End Flashback////


{Or at least I was the only survivor, but not for long}


Its been several hours since that happened and she was still sitting on the same bench.


The wound on her shoulder wasn't any better. Most of the blood dried off, but she almost lost half of her blood and her vision started to get blurry.


{ Life, what does it mean?} Sapphire asked herself,{there's no point in living now, I'll just go to sleep to see if I wake up in heaven in hell or not.}


She starts to fall asleep, a sleep that she might not be able to wake up from.




IceHanyou1: I won't put up more chapters until I get 5 reviews alright? Take care now, bye bye then.