Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ First Day Horrors ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm just using some characters for my overactive imagination.

"Okay Sakura-chan, were here!" said an all to familiar voice. The girl woke up, still drowsy from oversleeping the way she did. She opened her eyes to see the new school she would be attending. "Already mom, I thought you said I can go see the school tomorrow." She whined. "Sakura-chan, it is tomorrow." "Oh! I've been sleeping that long?" "Yes and if you don't hurry we'll miss getting to meet your new principal. Now come on and lets go!" "Alright mom, I'm getting up already jeez." She slowly stood up and got a look at her new school. It was larger than she thought it would be.

As they proceeded to walk in, they were immediately welcomed by a man who was quite round. You could see the age in his eyes. His face looked as though a bunch of crows had marked him with their sharp claws, leaving age wrinkles where they once stood. He had huge glasses that were taller than his forehead, and looked as though they were as thick as a magnifying glass. He was bald except for the hair on the sides of his head. His stout legs and arms reminded them of a dwarf or troll.

"Welcome to Sajineska High School" he said. (A/N I don't know the name of Kurama's school, so bear with me alright) "My name is Mr. Sajineska, and yes, the school is named after my brilliant family." Well, it is our pleasure to finally get to meet you sir and see your "brilliant" school." said Sakura's mom with a tinge of sarcasm, making Sakura giggle mentally.

"Well, I'm a very busy man, so I'll just go on ahead and call down Sakura's escort for today, please stand by." And with that being said, he wobbled back to his office. That was it. Both mother and daughter start to laugh. "Ma! Did you hear when he said, quote and yes, this school is named after my brilliant family, or please stand by!" "Yes dear I did, but hush now, I can hear him coming back now. "Miss Sakura, I'd like for you to meet our top student, Suichi Minamino." He said with pride. When Sakura looked up, she was stunned at what she saw. He had the most beautiful green orb-like eyes she'd ever seen. His figure was amazing. Not to buff, but not to skinny either. His flaming red hair hung down to his mid back. She had a thing for boys with long hair. And it was red. -To hot for the camera isn't he mom- (A/N - means telepathy) -Sakura-chan, you don't even know the boy- -I'll know him after today-

Kurama was equally surprised at what he saw. The girl standing before him, a slight blush rose to her cheeks when he looked at her. Her hair was a deep black color tide in two rat tails. It reached to almost her waist line, definitely longer that his. Her face was shaped to make her look delicate, you could probably read her like a book. Her eyes were a deep blue, like the night's sky. Her body was toned and curvy in all the places a guy could want. He nearly lost himself staring at her the way he was.

Then he regained himself. "My name is Suichi as you know" he said offering her his hand. "Sakura is mine" she replied, happily shaking his hand. They were both reluctant to let go. "Well Sakura, I'll pick you up later. Bye." "Bye mom!" she said. "Well, shall we go?" He asked Sakura. "Okay." He led her to a room that was apparently a math class. "If you don't understand something, let me know alright," he said in a voice that could make her melt like ice. She nodded her head and introduced herself to the teacher. "Well my dear, tell us something about yourself. Where did you come from?" "Well, until I moved here I lived in Kyoto and went to Jurenjaneski High" she said hanging her head low. Kurama thought she was cute up there all shy like that. She was obviously a virgin. "Oh come on dear, don't be shy. Now, does anyone have any questions for our lovely visitor." One boy rose his hand. "Yes Kenji," she asked. "Hey sexy! You got a boyfriend?" This stunned Sakura beyond what she thought possible. "KENJI WHAT ARE YOU DOING ASKING HER A QUESTION LIKE THAT AND IN THAT MANNER!! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS!!" the teacher squealed at the top of her voice. "Relax teach, it was only a question, so what time do I pick you up sweet stuff? How about seven? That's when I get home from football practice. We could go have some fun if you know what I mean." He said with a snicker. " Ummm, you don't really mean that do you, you really don't want to go anywhere with me" she said her face now flaming red and on the brink of tears from the embarrassment she was feeling. "Are you kidding me? You are so hot!" She flinched at the words he chose for her. She never thought of herself as any of these things. Kurama saw this and whirled around to face the boy who dare treat her as though she were just another girl.

"What's wrong with you Kenji?" "What's the matterSuichi? Afraid you might get beat at getting some from sexy up there? Come on, I guess I can share her with you." At that, Sakura dismissed herself from the class and sat outside the classroom. She saw a garden square outside, so she went there to try and take in all that just happened. Then she felt another presences behind her. She whirled around and saw it was Suichi. He has Spirit Energy, why didn't I notice it before. "Are you alright?" he asked. Then he felt something strange emitting from her. It was spirit energy, much like his. He sat with her and stayed until it was time for lunch. This was going to be a long and interesting day.

Well what do you all think? Keep it or trash it. R/R to tell me please. I won't start again till I get some because I won't know if I should continue or not.

Syonara for now/\_/\!