Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Love to Remember ❯ Beer MakesMe Happy ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don’t own YuYu Hakusho or its characters. I DO own Nariko and Keiji.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to put this up y’all. I been trying not to fail anything [again -_-’’] this year. And I’ve had a terrible case of writers block lol. Well, hope y’all like the new chapter. :]

YuYu Hakusho
My Love to Remember
Chapter 5- “Beer Makes Me Happy”

That Same Night

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama walked in to find Atsuko and I finishing up a bottle of liquor. We’ve been talking animatedly and laughing over a photo album spread between us on the kitchen table. As they stepped into the kitchen, we looked at Yusuke for a moment and broke into a fresh fit of giggles.

“What’s so funny?” Yusuke asks, annoyed.

I giggled uncontrollably and held up a photograph. It was a picture of Yusuke when he was about two or three years old, he was butt naked except for a pillow case tied around his neck as a cape. He was in a superhero pose, one fist on his hip, the other raised up in the air.

“BWA!!!!!!! Ma!!! Why are you showing these??!!!” Yusuke snatched the photo from my hands, blushing furiously.

“Aw, come on Yusuke! I hardly ever get to show these to anyone! Look how cute you were!” Atsuko laughed, waving him off.

“Why, yes, he was quite adorable,” Kurama said, flipping through the album.

“Yeah Urameshi, what happened? Eheheh…” Kuwabara teased, looking over his shoulder. “Haha! What a dork! Look, here’s another nudie one!”

“Okay! Peep show’s over!!” Yusuke snatched the album out of Kurama’s hands and marched off with it, muttering under his breath. I giggled and turned to the others.

“So! Where’d you guys go that I wasn’t allowed to come?” I demanded, pouting.

“Yeah! Yusuke that was very rude!” Atsuko called after him. “I found her here by herself watching TV!”

“We’re terribly sorry Nariko,” Kurama apologized. “But we had some business to take care of.”

“What kind of business?” I asked, curious
“Sorry kiddo. Can’t say,” Kuwabara grinned.

“You know, if Suichi wasn’t involved, I’d think you boys were dealing drugs or something,” Atsuko says, lighting a cigarette.

I giggled.

“Well thanks for the vote of confidence mom,” Yusuke says, plopping down into a chair, album gone.

“Uh-huh,” Atsuko replies absently. “Yusuke, hand me that bottle in the bottom cabinet, will ya?”

“You and Nariko already finished a whole bottle!” Yusuke protested. “Then I always have to run around after you to make sure you don’t hit your head on something!”

“Yusuke, stop exaggerating,” Atsuko says, getting up and getting it herself, popping the top off with an expert hand. “Besides, I just thought we’d celebrate that Nariko’s gonna be staying with us!”

“You’d take any excuse to drink,” Yusuke sighs. “Alright mom, gimme a glass.”

“Well, I suppose I should be going now,” Kurama announces, getting up. “Goodnight everyone.”

“Aww, you’ve gotta stay!” I said, making a sad face. “Pwease?”

“Well… I suppose I can stay for a little while,” Kurama amended.

“YAY!” I said happily, arms in the air.

I tried to get him to drink with us, but he declined, saying he didn’t have much of a head for alcohol. I finally convinced him to take a beer.

We all got drunk off our asses, drinking until the early hours of the morning. Kurama started off sipping his beer, just watching the rest of us, but the next thing I knew, he was having a beer drinking contest with Atsuko. Kuwabara stumbled once on the way to the bathroom and got a bump on his head the size of Texas.

By the time we were starting to crash, Yusuke and Kuwabara were singing a duet on “Earth Angel” by The Penguins. It was terrible. I guess Yusuke wasn’t too bad, but with Kuwabara singing, it was like listening to a dog with a cold.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I awoke with a start, the blood pounding in my ears. My head was throbbing, it felt like I’d been bludgeoned by a sledgehammer. Any slight movement set off a fresh wave o throbbing pain and nausea.

‘Man, how much did I drink?’ I wondered. ‘I wonder why I woke up? Normally, with a hangover this bad, I’d be knocked out ‘til the next day.’

I groaned weakly and took a deep breath to muster up the willpower to raise my head to look at the digital clock on the DVD player. A quick glance told me we had all passed out in the living room. Atsuko was sitting in front of the coffee table, head in her arms, a half-empty bottle still clutched in her hand. Kurama was on the couch, arms spread out on the back of the seat, head thrown back, snoring softly. Yusuke and Kuwabara were sprawled all over each other, limbs tangled together by the front door. I spotted the clock and saw that it was barely 3:26 in the morning.

I flopped my head down again, it felt ten pounds heavier than it usually was. I lay there for a moment, fiddling with my chain around my neck, feeling myself getting drowsy. I was almost gone when a slight rustle snapped my eyes open. My gaze flicked around the room, looking for the source of the noise. Everything looked the same as before.

I listened intently and discerned the sound of muffled footsteps from the direction of the hall to the bedrooms. I felt my body tense. ‘Is it Keiji??’ I thought. The footsteps were getting closer and I could see a vague outline in the shadows in the hall.

I decided to wait until the figure got closer so I could strike. Let him think I was still sleeping. I realized I was shivering, the heater had been turned off hours ago. Goosebumps covered my arms and I resisted the urge to rub my arms.

The figure emerged into the living room and paused. I realized that it wasn’t Keiji, this figure was much shorter. I relaxed somewhat, but was still suspicious. The figure walked over to where I was laying and stood looking down at me for a brief moment, then spread a blanket over me. ‘What the hell?? Who is this?’ I thought, taken completely by surprise.

The figure turned to go and that’s when the faint light from the streetlamp that filtered through the blinds hit his face enough so I could make out his features. I shot my hand out and grabbed his ankle before he could go.

“Oomf!” he grunted, landing flat on his face. He turned to me sharply, rubbing his nose. “What the hell was that for, woman?!” he hissed.

“Sorry. I didn’t want you to go yet,” I apologized in a stage whisper.

He stiffened and looked away. “Why not?” he asked cautiously.

“Hmm… I dunno. No reason I guess,” I said, thinking aloud. “I just feel very comfortable around you. Like I’ve known you my whole life or something even though I don’t know a thing about you, ya know? You ever have that feeling?”

He studied me carefully for a moment and finally answered, “Yeah… I suppose I have.” He started to rise to leave, but I grabbed his wrist. He turned to me, “What?”

“Will you… stay with me? Just for a little bit,” I added quickly. “I don’t feel so great right now.”

He hesitated for a minute and seemed to be fighting some inner struggle. Finally, he gave in and without a word, lay on the floor next to me, his arms behind his head.

I scooted over closer and rested my head on the spot between his shoulder and neck, slipping an arm around his waist. He stiffened slightly, then relaxed after a moment. I cuddled in closer and noted how easily my head and limbs found just the right way to fit against him.

As I was drifting off to sleep, in the very back of my mind, I registered that his scent was so familiar… so safe. “Thanks for the blanket Hiei…” I murmured, slipping into comfortable darkness.
