Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Love to Remember ❯ She's So Bad, It's Good ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don’t own YuYu Hakusho or its characters. I DO own Nariko Tamayuki.

YuYu Hakusho
My Love to Remember
Chapter 6 - “She’s So Bad, It’s Good”

The Next Morning

The morning sunlight filtered through the blinds and hit me right in the face. I groaned and turned over, hiding my face from the light. Vaguely, I registered that Hiei was gone, but it didn’t really surprise me. The smell of frying bacon finally lured me away from my little nest. I stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes groggily and plopping down into a chair and resting my head o the table. My stomach growled loudly.

“Mornin’ Nariko,” Kuwabara said cheerfully from the stove. “Want some breakfast?”

“You bet I do!” I said, raising my head. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Bacon,” he said. I waited for a minute and finally asked, “Bacon and what?”

“Just bacon. That’s all Urameshi’s got. You want some toast?” he answered.

I laughed. “Well, ok. Thanks Kuwabara!”

Yusuke emerged from the hallway, drying his hair with a towel. “Yusuke! You need to stock up,” I said.

“Well, good morning to you too, Nariko,” he said grumpily, sinking into the chair next to me.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Look at this,” he passed me a note that was on the kitchen counter. It said, “Took off early, gonna be gone for a while. Clean up this mess from last night, will ya? Don’t wait up for me! - Atsuko.” There was a small caricature of a happy Atsuko flashing the peace sign next to the signature. I read through it quickly and couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s not funny! Look at this mess. Aw, we’ll never finish,” Yusuke said with a grimace. He gestured at the mess and I had to admit it looked pretty bad.

I wolfed down my bacon and toast, and three cups of coffee for the hangover. “Where’s Kurama?” I asked with my mouth full.

“He had to go early. Said there was something he had to do,” answered Kuwabara.
I finished my breakfast and showered quickly. I felt a little better after the shower and we spent the majority of the day cleaning, though most of it was spent goofing off. Kuwabara didn’t seem to have much of a hangover and made fun of us all day. Eventually, I ended up chucking a beer can at his head.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

“Man, I’m bushed,” Yusuke sighed, plopping down on the couch.

“Ditto,: I said, sprawling on the floor. “I can’t believe Kuwabara ditched us! Asshole…” I complained.

“Yeah, like I give a crap that he had to feed Eikichi,” he added. “Stupid cat…”

I giggled. “Dude, that’s mean. Poor kitty.”

“Like I give a crap,” he grumbled.

“Hey, there was supposed to be a B movie marathon going on all afternoon at the old movie theater in downtown. Let’s go kill some time,” I suggested. “Your treat!”

“Well, alright, let’s go,” he laughed. “We can still catch some of the show if we go now.”

There was an insistent pounding on the door and Keiko’s voice carried through clearly, “Darn it, Yusuke! Come out here, now! Did you forget we had a date again? I’ve been waiting for you to come by my house for over an hour! Yusuke!!”

“Oh shit, somebody’s in trouble,” I said, turning to smirk at Yusuke.

“Aw, man! I totally forgot about the stupid date!” Yusuke said, starting to tiptoe away. “Hey, do me a favor. Tell her I already left!”

Before I could reply, the door banged open and a really pissed Keiko stood on the other side. “I heard that…” she said between gritted teeth. “Yusuke Urameshi, you put your shoes on right now!”

“Ah, yes ma’am!” Yusuke gave a nervous little salute and scampered off to his room.

I cracked up and shot a delighted grin at Keiko. “Aw, man! He’s totally whipped! I ain’t got any doubts on who’s the dominant one in bed!”

Keiko’s composure crumbled and she seemed to forget about her annoyance. She blushed furiously and seemed to be having trouble forming a coherent sentence. “Wha-?! We haven’t…- that is…- it’s not like that!!” she stammered.

I gave her a bemused look as I lit a cigarette. “What? You mean you two haven’t done it yet? Huh…What are you waiting for missy?”

“Huh?… Well, you see…- We don’t… I don’t…” she trailed off, obviously flustered.

“Listen,” I said lazily, taking a deep drag. “You love him don’t you?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“And there’s no mistaking on how much he loves you, right?” I smiled suddenly. “Otherwise, I don’t think he would’ve stuck around so long. He seems too much like the hornball type.”

She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, her face as red as a beet.

Before I could say anything else, Yusuke was back. “Alright, let’s get this over with,” he sighed.

“O…-okay,” Keiko stammered, hurrying to the door, obviously relieved. Yusuke gave me a questioning look. I shrugged and grinned mischievously, wiggling my eyebrows at him. I ignored his baffled stare and shooed him along. “Have fun you two!” He shrugged and followed Keiko out the door.

The door closed after him and the sound echoed hollowly in the sudden stillness. My grin slowly slipped away and I sighed. “Well Nariko, it looks like it’s just me, myself, and I tonight.” I took one last deep drag and stamped out the remains of my cigarette on the ashtray on the coffee table. I lit another one and sat back, arms behind my head and my feet propped up on the coffee table.

I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind. I could hear the clock from the kitchen as if it were being held up to my ear, the seconds ticking by. “I can’t take this,” I muttered. I sat up and stretched, yawning loudly. I put my boots on, grabbed my coat, and made sure I took the key Yusuke had given me. Five minutes later, I was trudging down Yusuke’s street, wondering where the hell I was going.

As I reached a corner, the answer came to me as I stuck my hands in my pockets. ‘Well, I’m broke. I think I should go pick up my last paycheck.’ I purposefully walked towards my newfound destination, knowing full well that it wasn’t a very good idea. Before I knew it, I was at the bar, which from the outside looked like an ordinary old warehouse.

I stepped in, blinking rapidly to get used to the dimness. A quick glance around the room showed me that the place was nearly empty, the only client’s being the usual patrons. Nevertheless, Keiji was sure to be hearing about this soon, as it became all too clear as the occupants all turned the door upon my entry. I strode purposefully towards the bar in the back of the room, lighting a cigarette on the way. I took a seat at a barstool, noting only one other occupant at the bar counter at the far side against the wall, mostly hidden in shadow.

The barkeep had his back to me, cleaning out a glass with a filthy dish towel. “Hey Tatsu, bet you didn’t expect to see me anytime soon,” I said breezily, blowing out some smoke lazily. The barkeep nearly dropped his glass as he spun around at the sound of my voice. He was a lanky man, of average height, with a small rat-like face and greasy brown hair that hung limply around his face.

“Na…-Nariko! When did you…? We all assumed you’d… quit.” he stammered, wringing his dish towel nervously.

“Yeah, I bet you did,” I said, taking a deep drag. “Well, you heard right. I’m here for my last paycheck, Tatsu.”

“Paycheck? You ain’t getting shit!” He said with a smirk. “You left without a warning little girl. What makes you think you can just waltz in here and demand to get paid?”

I could feel their eyes boring holes into the back of my skull, could feel them listening intently. I casually leaned forward menacingly, lowering my voice, “You will give me my paycheck. And out of the kindness of your heart, you will give me a nice going-away bonus, too.” I grabbed his wrist and forced it onto the counter, raising my cigarette and letting it hover an inch above his hand. His rat-like face twisted up in fear, his eyes trapped in my gaze as he attempted to wrench his hand free. His struggle seemed feeble to me, it only made me tighten my vice-like grip. I lowered the smoldering cigarette half an inch. He could see the indifference in my face. I really didn’t care if I really burned his hand or not. He stopped struggling, knowing that I wouldn’t give a shit, that I wasn’t bluffing. “How about we go have a nice private chat in the back office Tatsu?” I glanced pointedly at the figure seated at the end of the counter. Tatsu nodded nervously.

The figure hadn’t moved or acknowledged that anything was amiss sing I had gotten there. I let go of Tatsu’s wrist and stamped out the cigarette on the counter. He immediately snatched his hand back and hovered over I protectively.

He motioned for me to follow him and we both went through a short hallway off to the side of tha bar counter. We passed the bathroom and entered a door near the end of the hall. We were in a small, cramped office, enough room for two chairs, a cluttered desk, and a small safe against the far wall. Tatsu crouched down beside the safe and fiddled with the combination. He counted out some money from a stack of bills I could see over his shoulder. He stood and dropped small wad onto the desk, “There! Your wages from the last few weeks. You should get going, don’t you think? Unless you’re in the mood to run into a few friends,” he said contemptuously.

“I’ll leave in a minute,” I said calmly, counting out the money. “But you seem to have forgotten about my bonus Tatsu.”

“Bonus! Consider yourself lucky I even gave you that much, girlie!” he snapped angrily. “I never agreed to any bonus!”

“ ‘Course you did. It must’ve slipped your mind. You must be getting old, Tatsu. You’re going senile,” I declared. I strode over and shoved him down onto chair to clear the way to the safe. “Here, I’ll get it myself old man.”

“Look here! You can’t just…!” he sputtered as I grabbed the stack of money. I heard a strangled little cry behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and smirked. He was searching his jacket pockets desperately. “Looking for this?” I held up a small switchblade and flipped it open. He froze, disbelief in his eyes. “Don’t look so surprised,,” I laughed. “I took it when I grabbed your wrist. Couldn’t have you pulling this out on my, now could I?”

I stuffed the money in the inner pocket of my coat and turned to go. Tatsu eyed the blade nervously. I snickered and buried the edge of the blade deep into the desk on my way out. I waved vaguely over my shoulder, “Later.”

“You…. You’re not normal!” he cried. “You fucking freak!” I glanced back, a thin sneer on my face. “Ya think I don’t know that?”

I took the back exit at the end of the short hall and slipped into a back alley. I wandered out onto a busy street and walked on, chuckling to myself. ‘Always knew it’d be easy to screw that guy over. He can’t call the cops on me ‘cause that place ain’t even legal.’ I thought smugly. Even so, his words nagged at the at the very back of my mind. Yeah, I knew I wasn’t your typical gal. There was plenty of stuff about me that marked my abnormality. Shit, my freaking tears were enough of a clue. Yep, Nariko the freak. Nariko the weirdie.

I had wandered into the park and strolled past the playground full of little kids. I found an old tree set far back from the usual areas people visited. I lay back at the base of the tree, nestled comfortably between two large roots, invisible from the trail. I sighed wearily and closed my eyes, my mind wandering back to those awkward years at the orphanage.

A drop of water hit my cheek and the faint patter of rain reached my ears. Another drop landed on my face and I tightened my eyelids and I rolled over, hiding my face in my arms. “Idiot woman, you’re going to catch a cold if you stay out here. Get up,” a voice ordered.

A/N: Ok, so this concludes Chapter 6. And I ain’t telling ya who that was! Bwahaha! Y’all have to wait ‘til chapter 7 to find out!! ;] Review n’ y’all let me know what ya think.