Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Yay, another chapter update! Sorry for the slowness in it. I got addicted to WoW, but I think I am going to call it a month or so on that game. I got tired of it. lol
Also, I am sorry for not getting to the nitty-gritty on the actually summery I teased you all with. LOL Yeah, Jin is with Silver at the moment, but there is still so much more for me to write, and I hope to get there. I am so bad at keeping stories going on and on until actually getting to the real turn-around point. =P Sorry about that one.
Jin escorted Lily carefully through the streets to her house he remembered the location of. Opening the door for her, he slithered on inside behind the human woman to find safety within her house. He removed the hood of the blankets Jin had over his horn before shaking the rest of it off of his serpent half like he was shedding his skin. “It feels good to be out of that,” he admitted as he heard the cat hissing at the serpent demon entering inside of his home. Jin erected his elfin ears slightly at the sound the domestic beast made to find the cat puffed up in the dark corner. “Did you ever feed your cat?”
Lily stared off beyond Jin at hearing his question. “Oh, no, I didn't,” she admitted with a shrug. “It is fine. Cats can survive quite awhile without food. I expected to be back earlier than what I thought, so I feel kind of bad for doing that to him.” Hiking her skirt up so she could kneel down a bit without dirtying up her attire, Lily outstretched her hand to Tabby. “Come here, sweetie. He isn't going to hurt you.”
The cat continued to look at the serpent demon with wide eyes, not trusting the beast one bit while looking over at his master. Feeling a bit cornered, he quickly made his way over to the bed to hop upon it as means to escape.
Jin chuckled a bit as he looked down at Lily. “Well, I guess he doesn't like me still. At least I am remembered, I guess.”
“Well, I need to take him back to the farm with me seeing as I'll be there for awhile,” said Lily as she headed to her closet to pull a few of her belongings out to take back with her. “I have to say that I will miss my home.” She ran her fingers over her belongings to find the items she couldn't live without.
“I apologize for bringing you into this, Lily.” Jin slithered about the floor to sit just outside of her closet area. “I didn't expect so much to happen to me within the past week.”
Lily smiled over her shoulder, placing a few clothes of hers on the ground. “It is fine, Jin. I can understand where things have gotten crazy for you.” Her dainty fingers rummaging across some of the trinkets and things on the floor of her closet, she came across leather binding of a book. Pulling it out from where it was hiding, she felt a bit of dust upon it as well as golden letters engraved upon it. Even if Lily was blind she could still run her fingers over the lettering to make out what they were as she often had to do this when in the market place to read signs growing up. Her smile seemed to fade into a somber frown as she put the book out of the pile of keepsakes she was taking with her.
Jin watched her actions, coming closer to eye the book she just disregarded. He hovered over Lily to pull the book into his own hands to look at the human writing out of curiosity. “What-what does it say? These words don't make sense to me. What is this?”
The human woman looked about the darkness trying to find what Jin was referring to. “What are you talking about, you silly thing?” She let Jin guide her hands back onto the leather binding of the book she previously held. “Oh…that old thing.” Holding onto Jin's scaly hand, she guided his fingers along the lettering. “It says: `Photo Album'.”
“Ah,” said Jin as he kept the book in his hands to gaze at it closely. “So why did you throw it off to the side?” Opening the album, Jin widened his eyes at some of the pictures taken. “Oh, that is nice! These things stand still so you can view them.”
“They are called pictures,” Lily explained. “It is a complicated process to actually get one taken in black and white. My father used to fiddle on that old camera for dozens of pictures to take of the wildlife about Eytheria. He then took pictures of me, but…all of that is useless for me. I cannot see a single one of them.” Lily sighed, lowering her head at the thought of never being able to see her father's pictures he took.
Jin frowned at Lily's words as he looked back down at the album to skim through some of the photos to find pictures of Lily when she was younger and some of her father. “Was your father a slender human with curly hair and face fur—what is that on his face?”
Lily chuckled a bit at Jin's choice of words. “It is called a beard, and yes, you are looking at a picture of him probably right now.”
“Oh, I don't understand how humans manage to grow hair in weird places.” The demon's blue eyes gazed down the black and white photo to find a little girl next to him. The girl had long, wavy hair and a dress blowing about the wind that day with her holding a straw hat upon her head. “So this little girl next to him must be you several years younger.”
“Well, I was the only young female he was around, so I would say you're right,” Lily said with a brief smile. “Anyways, I have no reason to keep that thing with me. What is the point if I cannot see what it has inside of it? I cannot even see what I looked like back then and how I looked growing up. A huge part of me feels like I've missed so much.”
Jin was careful of his nails as he touched Lily's cheeks from behind her. “You look pretty to me. I hope that means something.”
She smiled at the wind demon's comment towards her. Lily grabbed onto his wrist to feel his knuckles against her cheek before kissing the back of his hand. She looked over her shoulder at him with a weak smile. “Thank you for that,” Lily mostly whispered. “That is the sweetest thing said to me since my husband left me.”
The scales of the wind demon rubbed against one another as he moved closer towards the fragile woman. “He must have really hurt you to leave you feeling this way.”
Lily tried to ignore the pain in her heart as she attempted to blink away her tears. “I met him in the Great Phoenix's Temple when I was a little girl. I was ten years old when I accidentally ran away from my father, who was trading in the market to explore.” She recalled how she pulled away from her father and the sounds of the market place, causing her to feel her way carefully to the Goddess' Temple. “I made it into the temple safely and ran into Edmund. He was four years older than me.” She smiled at the thought before looking back downwards. “Well, to make a long story short, we became close friends after that run in with one another, and we grew up to have him purpose to me.”
“What happened afterwards?” Jin wondered.
With a sigh, Lily explained. “Well, three years after we got married, I found out he was seeing somebody else.” She wiped her teary eyes with the back of her hand. “He came home one day and told me he was through with us. I felt…incredibly ugly that day, and my heart shattered into so many pieces. I thought I knew him, but he changed on me.”
Jin looked off to the side at nothing in particular before placing his gaze back upon Lily. “I thought humans were supposed to stay with a mate for a long time. Why did he at least not come back?” The serpent demon rolled out on his front beside the blind woman with his arms crossed under his chin. “When serpent demons mate, they at least watch over the women in their nest and their babies.”
Lily chuckled within her throat as she could feel the scaly underbelly of Jin's tail coiling about her wrist gently. “Oh yeah?” She raised her thin brow slightly. “Well, I am afraid to say that the human race is a bit more complicated than that, Jin. What you all have is everlasting, but the human race is not born that way.” Lily sighed with a shrug of her slender shoulders as she continued to look through some of the books lining her closet floor. “Human males have the right to leave their women if they so choose. Human females cannot leave their men no matter the circumstances.”
“So, they just leave their mates and go to another one without coming back to the other?” Jin was a bit confused still by human behavior.
“That is basically it,” said Lily somberly. “Our world is much different than yours, Jin. If the human men find somebody else to love, they leave the other they were with. They cannot share love as your kind often does…and I know some of the females wouldn't be too happy sharing a male.” As she was speaking, she didn't realize the serpent tail of the snake demon was sneaking up to caress under her chin. The tip of his tail cupped Lily's chin to have her look in his direction. She inhaled sharply not expecting that from Jin, feeling his breath close to her face. “J-Jin…?”
“You were so resistant to me earlier,” Jin whispered between the two of them as his forked tongue slid forth to caress her cheek. “Is it because you truly don't want to be touched or is it because you are still so hurt by any affection?”
Lily sighed as she removed Jin's serpent tail from its hold upon her chin. “It is many things, Jin. It is complicated.” She felt a bit uncomfortable at that moment being in her closet with the large serpent beast. The blind woman pushed herself up off of the floor to try and escape the situation only to feel the snake's scales rubbing up against her body to bind her in place almost. “Jin, stop that!” She demanded angrily with her fists clinched at her sides.
Jin looked over his shoulder at Lily who he had wrapped up a good bit in his snake body, pushing himself up off of the floor to come eye to eye to the resistant human. “What is wrong, Lily. Tell me.” He witnessed the woman look the other way upon feeling his breath upon her left cheek. “Tell me; you know you can trust me!” Jin admitted to himself he felt a bit insulted she was acting as though she didn't.
“It's not that simple,” Lily grumbled as she closed her eyes.
“Yes it is!” Jin insisted.
“No, it's not!” Lily said angrily.
“Just tell me!” Jin pleaded.
“Jin!” The blind woman hissed as a warning, her words hinting she may lose it soon.
“Tell me; tell me!”
At that moment, Lily exploded angrily. “I just want the human race to be one that mate for life!” Jin was silent this round as Lily tried her hardest not to let her tears of anger escape from her foggy eyes. “I-I don't want to offer my heart to anybody and have it be broken again…” Lily admitting such a thing caused her to feel less pressure upon her body as Jin loosened his tight hold upon her form. She fell backwards upon her rump to lean against the scaly abdomen of the serpent demon coiled about her. “Your offers, Jin, are kind—they are very kind and make me feel wanted again—but I just cannot put myself up to being one lady in a relationship full of several others.”
Jin's elfin ears faltered as he looked down at Lily sadly. “Then your father must have misunderstood something about our race to have you think we treat our mates any differently than the next one.” He placed his hand upon her shoulder with a smile. “I had many in my old nest, and I loved each of them dearly. Before then, I was just asked to open the women of my entire clan, so I wasn't connected to them in any form.”
To take her mind off of her pain, Lily decided to focus on Jin's past happiness. “Your old nest was big?” She turned her head back around to try and find Jin's face through her wavy tresses that were soon falling over her left eye.
“I had ten mates,” Jin boasted. “Some of them I did open and mate to like I did Silver.”
Lily chuckled as she ran her fingers through her hair to try and fix it out of her sight. “I guess serpent demons prefer something that has been untouched and unsoiled, hu?” When she heard Jin's words of confusion at her words, she repeated. “It means, you basically prefer women that haven't had sex before, right? The human term is called a `virgin'.”
“Well, very few do.” Jin frowned at the thought, looking behind him at nothing in particular. “I know my big brother did. If the woman smelled of any other demon, he would turn his nose up at her.” He blew upwards to get his bangs to fly up before landing back where they were. “But some don't expect every female available to be untouched as you say; especially in big clans. Three of the females I had in my nest were previously taken by other serpent demons, but their mates died by human attacks, so I took them into my family.”
The woman's hands made it to Jin's face so Lily could guide her lips to his to kiss him briefly. She figured that the wind demon was confused as he went silent for a moment or two. Lily moistened her lips with her tongue briefly, feeling dumbfounded herself even for words before managing to muster up some. “You sound like you were a sweet and caring husband, Jin. I wish there were more of your kind in the human world.” She kissed him upon the forehead next upon finding the area with her palm. “I better get these things together, so I can make it back to the farm. Would you like some fish to eat? I have some raw ones in the cupboard in a bucket of ice.”
“That sounds delicious to me,” Jin grinned as he slithered over towards the cupboard he knew Lily was mentioning. He opened up the cabinets to hunt through some of the items Lily had hidden in there to find the raw fish near the bottom. Grinning widely to show off his fangs, he grabbed one of the fish by the tail to put it into his mouth to eat off the meat he wanted off of the bones. His acute hearing could pick up the growling sounds of Tabby causing him to look over at the cat on the bed. “Do you want some?” He asked the house cat, handing one of the fish over to him.
Tabby looked at the fish wide-eyed as well as the demon only to growl angrily still and hiss. He had the instinct that the demon might swallow him whole causing him to take his life over food any day.
“Hmm, no need to get fussy,” said Jin as headed for the next fish.
Eventually Lily managed to pack up her belongings and remove them from the house along with her cat. She allowed Jin to carry most of her luggage as she kept a hold of her rather frightened pet. “Now then, I just have to find a way out of here by carriage.”
“I thought you humans had many horses around,” Jin noted as he kept a hold of Lily's things. “I see them everywhere usually.”
“Well, yes, but that doesn't give me the right to just take any horse I see to ride out of here.” Lily felt her way to the main trading square, sighing as she listened to all sounds only hearing the noises of the crickets. “Jin, can you smell any horses around here?”
Jin sniffed about the human air to try and find a horse's scent. His nostrils flaring about and his forked tongue slipping forth under his disguise, he used his wind powers to help bring about different smells from different directions. Catching the smell of iron and a steed with it, Jin hissed and shook his head at the awful smell of the knight. “A man in iron on a four legged beast draws near from that direction.” The redhead grabbed onto Lily's hand to point her towards the northeast. “Go talk to him. I don't want him coming any closer to me.”
She could sense the anger and irritation in the demon's voice, prompting Lily to raise her hands to try and sooth the beast. “Shhh, I will do so. Just wait right here and don't make a sound.” Grabbing the hem of her skirt with her cat still in her arms, Lily hurried over towards the knight who she heard stop upon his steed soon enough. “Excuse me, sir, but I require assistance. You see, I need to make it to the Cormac Farm, and I was hoping you could find me and my friend over there some ways of doing so.”
The man in the armor looked down at Lily and Jin with suspicion as not many people were out and about at this time of night unless to cause problems. He couldn't see anything further beyond his inner feeling, so with a sigh, he nodded over his shoulder. “Tell your friend to follow me. There is a young lad at night who gives people such as yourselves a ride to wherever it is you're going.” The hooves of the stallion he rode clopped upon the stone beneath him as the knight turned the horse around.
Lily looked over in the direction she felt she last left Jin to wave for him to follow her as she met him halfway in the center. “He is going to guide us to our way safely out of here, so no sounds and no sudden movements, okay?” She whispered to him as she fixed his hood to make sure everything was indeed covered. “Now, come with me.” Taking the demon's hand, she guided him behind the knight as the two were led through the many streets built within the castle town market.
Jin tried to keep his emotions under control as he kept a hold of Lily and her belongings. The smell of the iron was really getting to his body, and he almost felt threatened to attack until the knight finally came to a stop to reveal a teen boy with an old looking horse he was petting and feeding. He looked up through his auburn bangs and the brown hat that mostly covered his head to spy the knight and the two people he was escorting. “Oh,” the young boy began in surprise as he stepped further into view to show off his overalls and white undershirt. “Hello there. Can I help you?”
Lily parted from the wind serpent for a moment to approach the young boy she could hear by herself. “Please, we need a ride back to the Cormac Farm. Can you help us?”
“Of course,” the boy answered as he removed the feed-bag from the old horse he owned. “I know where that is. It is to the south a bit, isn't it?”
With the feeling that everything was fine with the two, the knight turned his armored horse around with a tug on the reins. He guided his horse back down the direction from whence he came only to pause a moment to look at Jin in his odd attire. The knight didn't notice the irritable and nervous look shrouded behind the cover over his head. His heels nudging into the side of the horse, the knight took off quickly back to his post.
Jin sighed with relief as he headed closer to Lily only to find the horse getting edgy as he got closer. He witnessed as Lily backed up and headed closer to Jin's side upon the old horse doing so. “I guess horses that don't belong to the men in iron get easily rattled around me,” he whispered to the blind human.
“That is because knight horses are trained to not rear around demons as those men are always around slaying them,” Lily confessed as she tried to keep Jin a bit backed up away from the uneasy horse.
The young boy grabbed onto the reins of the unsettled beast to try and calm it down by patting his nose. “Sorry,” the boy apologized as he kept the horse on his hooves. “He usually never does that. I don't know what got into him.” He patted the side of the old stallion's neck. “Let me get him ready for heading out of here. It'll take just a moment.”
“We'll be back in no time,” Lily said between her and Jin with a smile. “And we can get ready for Neda's birthday party.”
With time creeping steadily by, Silver found her jitters of being in a human house alone getting worse. She wanted to run out the door, but not even Silver was aware of where all the doors led by heart, even if it was a small house. When is he coming back to this human nest? Silver wondered to herself as she fidgeted her hands nervously. Her hands gripping onto the doorknob, she managed to twist it the right way and pull to peek back outside with a low hiss at the frightening smells. She hesitated a bit at the thought of at least waiting outside of the house before finally leading herself out of the bedroom the knight had been using.
Silver slithered carefully out into the hallway to look around wide eyed. She wasn't sure where all the doors led to, making her a bit curious as she snuck her way lowly towards the adjacent room from where she was. Her serpent body moved about the banister as she pushed against the cracked door to hear it squeak upon its hinges. Silver poked her head inside of the dark room to sniff around with a low hiss at the scent of humans. Staying low to the ground, she continued onwards inside regardless to get a closer look at the human children. Making it over to Blythe's bedside, the white haired serpent female peeked over the bedside, her eyes glistening off of small fractions of light that caught the surface of her eyes.
Blythe didn't stir from her slumber as the serpent demon eyed her closely with a low hiss at the strong scent the young human was emanating. Silver moved in closer to Blythe's face covered in shadows to get a better look at the human child. They have no scales, Silver thought to herself. Their skin looks so smooth and gross. When she caught Blythe stirring for once, the serpent woman backed down quickly to cower there upon the floor to avoid being spotted. Staying close to the ground, she moved over towards Neda's bed to look over the bedside cautiously with her glistening eyes that caught the moonlight glowing through the window on that side of the bedroom. Interesting looking creatures.
The staircase began to moan as the boards felt the pressure of somebody walking up them. It put the young Silver on alert as she tried to back up in between Neda's bed and the nightstand though her rather large body was unable to fit entirely. She watched the door a few feet away from her with wide eyes, her claws digging into the floorboards beneath her as the hinges creaked loudly upon the door moving slowly towards her to reveal the person behind it. The tension building up inside of her coldblooded body relaxed upon seeing Jin standing there soon enough. “Oh, Jin,” she sighed in relief as she slithered quickly and quietly over towards him. “It is just you.”
Jin opened his arms to Silver, accepting her into his embrace. “What are you doing out and about? I thought I asked you to stay in that room, Silver!” He scolded in a high whisper between the two of them. When one of the little girls stirred, Jin backed up slightly as Silver cowered in his arms making him look down upon her frightened form with a chuckle. “Why so scared? They are just little kids. They aren't going to hurt you while they are sleeping.” His hand sliding down to his mate's wrist, he tried to pull her over towards Neda. “Here, I'll show you.”
“N-No! Jin!” Silver stuttered as she tried to resist only to be soon standing next to the youngest girl's bedside once more. She looked down at the sleeping child, wanting to move lower to the floor only to have Jin urge otherwise.
“She's not going to hurt you. Watch.” Jin released Silver's wrist to bend down and pick up Neda within his embrace. He heard his mate inhale sharply in surprise at how close he was to even a `baby' human. “See? She is just asleep and dreaming.” Looking down upon Neda, he watched as she moved closer towards his chest to feel of his body again.
“How can you be that close to a human babe?” Silver wondered in amazement. She hesitantly started to reach over towards Neda's cheek to try and touch it.
“Be careful with your nails,” Jin warned softly between them. He witnessed in the darkness as Silver pulled her hand back for a moment. “If you pinch her skin, you'll poison her body. She's so young that a single dose of it will numb her entire form rather quickly.”
Silver made sure that the flats of her fingers rested against Neda's smooth skin to feel of it, pulling it back quickly when the young human moved against her touch. “Their skin is so smooth feeling,” Silver whispered in the dark room. She watched Neda closely, widening her eyes upon seeing the young girl cling to his body as if it were somebody she knew and trusted. Silver stumbled upon her words, not sure what to say and even how to say it.
Jin smiled down at the young girl through his wild hair before eyeing the bewildered Silver. “She just knows I am a male.” He looked back down at Neda, so he could be careful in putting her back to bed. “I think she believes I am her dad.” Placing her fragile body back down upon the bed, Jin covered her back up while brushing some of Neda's loose hairs out of her face. “She called me by that name once while asleep.”
“But-you cannot be their father,” Silver felt the need to point out eagerly. “You are a serpent demon, Jin, and she is a two-legged girl! If that man in iron were to ever catch you around here, he would surely kill you!”
He could sense her worry as Jin listened to Silver's words. “Do not worry, my dear,” Jin assured as he held onto her scaly fingers. “I only plan on making sure no harm comes their way. If luck may have it, the knight may very well be the one to watch over them both for me, and I will be their guardian when they step into the woodlands.” He offered a tender smile to Silver as he escorted her towards the bedroom door. “I just cannot abandon the promise I made to Pearl when she died.”
Lily was downstairs putting a few things away when she heard the stairs moaning to announce the serpent demons' coming down the steps. “It is good to hear you are okay, Silver,” said Lily over her shoulder as she smiled. “The sun should rise soon, so I would advise that you both slip out of here before Thane comes back here.”
Jin helped Silver to the open window to help her slip out of the house unnoticed by anybody. “What about you, Lily? Didn't you need help with the celebration for Neda?”
The blind woman shook her head. “You bought something for her, and that is all I could ask for. However, there is one other thing you could do for me before you leave for the night.”
The horse clad in armor ridden by Thane could be heard coming up the dirt road as the sun was soon peaking over the mountain range. With his hours at his post up for the night, he was on his way back to the Cormac Farm at a steady pace. Silver could hear and smell the knight from where she was hiding within the woodlands about the pasture.
She began to panic at the sight of the knight making his way up to the house. “J-Jin! Jin, hurry up!” Silver was unaware of what she'd do if the man in iron went into the house to attack her already injured mate. She looked frantically about the farm, wondering what she could do as a distraction. Her slit eyes stumbled upon the chicken pen. Slithering quickly over towards the birds, she snuck into the pen to attack one to prompt the birds to cause a riot.
Thane heard the chickens squawking crazily, he diverting his attention from entering the house to the farm birds running about in circles with their white and brown feathers flying everywhere. The sight of the serpent demon female made his heart beat wildly; he widened his eyes and unsheathed his sword. “Hey! Get out of there, you fowl beast!” Thane demanded angrily as his armor clanked while running over towards the trouble causing demon.
Hearing the commotion outside, Jin panicked as he spun around to gaze out the window from where the sounds were coming from. “The knight is back earlier than I thought! Silver!”
“Oh no!” Lily gasped as she ran towards the front door. “I will try to stop him! You need to get Silver away from him!” Throwing open the door without hesitation, Lily ran out into the farm field with her hands out in front of her. “Thane! Thane, where are you!” She yelled curiously over the frightened animals. Her fingers reaching the bark of one of the trees on the borders of the farm, Lily trembled in worry. “He must have chased her into the woods. I cannot go in there, or I will get lost!”
Jin had come up beside Lily to hear her concerns. “I can go in there and stop him. Just stay here, Lily,” he ordered as he hurried into the woodlands about the farm. Quickly Jin rushed through the forest, taking in Silver's scent only to find it overclouded with the smell of iron. “Silver! Silver, where are you!” Jin called out in demonic. Lowering himself to the forest floor, Jin took in the scents about him eagerly to find a new one joining the two already. “B-Blood…?” Realizing that any one of them could be injured, he followed the trail of blood that had splattered on the ground, mating with the soil. “Silver!” Jin yelled again.
Silver dragged herself against the forest floor from the injuries she had received from Thane's blade within the small, open meadow she found herself within. She looked over her blooded shoulder to the oncoming knight who she had managed to bite and claw at herself, causing a few injuries to his armor and his skin that was exposed. He was staggering towards her and obviously was willing to take more hits than Silver could withstand when it came to his blade. Not able to take anymore, Silver rolled onto her side, watching his blade with a low, weak hiss. “Forgive me, Jin,” she whispered in demonic mostly to herself.
Thane grabbed onto his sword with both hands to swing it upright before attempting to come down to kill the demon creature he was trained to kill on sight. Before he could make it down to Silver's body, Jin lunged at the knight from behind Silver's weakened form, which faced the bushes, to bite at Thane's neck with an irritable hiss. Thane's eyes widened as he brought his sword up to try and block Jin's oncoming attack. The sound of Jin's teeth and claws striking the sword echoed throughout the woods as the force of it caused Thane to stumble backwards.
Jin wrapped his serpent half about Silver's gently as he felt some of her open wounds. His elfin ears back, he hissed a warning at the brave, young knight. “Get away from her!” He demanded in demonic, knowing the knight wouldn't understand his words.
Thane checked several times with his fingers to see if his neck was bleeding from the sharp fangs coming at the exposed area. When he looked over at the angry male demon, he widened his eyes at the familiar creature. “You again!” He exclaimed, pointing at the redheaded demon. “I remember you from Kalrune Village!” The young knight saw the bandages about his body to indicate the serpent demon had been injured from Thane's last attack on Jin. “So somebody took pity upon you and tended to the mark I left…I wonder…who did?” He mumbled mostly to himself. Thane gazed down at the injured female demon Jin was guarding with slight sympathy though he kept his sword out, as he didn't trust the aggressive male's actions. “I see; she must be your mate then.” He began to slowly backup so as not to give Jin any reason to attack. “Fine, I will spare her—just keep her away from the farm!” With that said, Thane turned and headed back to the farm quickly.
With Thane gone, Jin turned to Silver quickly. “Silver, what is wrong with you! You nearly got yourself killed!” He was worried and furious at the same time at the situation his mate caused.
“I am sorry,” Silver wheezed, flinching at her injuries as they hurt her entire form every time she moved. “The man in iron was making it inside of the house, and you were still inside. I had to do something to spare you from being hurt worse…”
Jin sighed while closing his eyes knowing in such a case, either one of them would have been hurt. The only major difference would be Lily getting caught talking to him. “You crazy, woman…” He reached down to embrace Silver, resting his cheek against her white hair. “I am used to being the one to protect those in my nest, not the other way around.” After embracing her, he placed Silver gently back down upon the grass. “I will be back. I need to find something to cover your injuries with. You're bleeding too much.” To make sure she wasn't exposed to any possible enemies, Jin covered Silver up by a few bushes and snapped branches. “Stay here, my love,” he begged softly. “I will be back soon.” Hurrying back into the woodlands, Jin hunted down the items he would need to conceal Silver's injuries.