Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 28

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“So you took care of them for awhile?” Norris asked, as the two of them headed back towards Neldron Village. He kept Angel steady on the road while listening to Jin's story. “I think I remember hearing about the Cormac Farm fire. I don't know who they are, but I know of the goods that they sell.”
Jin couldn't help but feel bad about everything the more he thought about it. Realizing that he was tired of moping about it all, he gathered up his courage in the matter. “Norris, I need you to take me to the Cormac Farm before you head back to the village.”
“What? That is way off course from Neldron.” Norris did pull back on the reins to stop Angel from going any further.
“I am sorry, Norris, but this is very important to me,” Jin apologized, grabbing onto the human's shoulder gently. “I was on my way to her when I got…attacked on the road.” He knew he had to come up with some lie. “Please, just take me there. You can pick me up the next day. I know the other woman there. I've known her for awhile.”
Norris sighed, lowering his head. “This is really important to you, isn't it?” He asked, gazing over his shoulder at the redhead. When he witnessed Jin nod, Norris tugged on the reins of the horse to pull Angel in the direction of the Cormac Farm. “Just be careful. I don't need anything to happen to you again.”
Within the day, Neda was able to gather what supplies she needed before heading back to the farm on Rose. Dismounting off of her horse, she escorted the mare to the barn, so Neda could remove the saddle and reins. She was still very frustrated over the event at the market square. Neda made it very obvious when she stormed to the farmhouse.
Lily could hear the thumping of the floorboards, making her wake up from where she was resting on the sofa. Opening up her clouded eyes, Lily moved upright on the cushions. “Neda? Are you alright? You sound like you're rather angry.”
Placing the bread items where they were to go as well as the fish and everything else, she sighed angrily with a shake of her head. “I met someone in the market today—someone I thought I would never see in a million years.”
“Who, Neda?” Lily asked curiously, as she brought her feet to the floor before searching for her nearby cane.
“Blythe and I used to get letters from someone with a `J', and I met him at the market today. He said he was a friend of yours too. He called himself Jin,” explained Neda. Hearing Lily inhale sharply, the young farm woman turned around to see the blind woman looking quite pale. “Lily? Is something the matter?”
“That-that can't be…Jin was…he was in that war Thane was in,” Lily explained. “I thought he was killed.” She covered her mouth to prevent her lips from trembling. “How did he look? Did he look okay? You didn't hurt him, did you?”
“No,” Neda said, looking at Lily oddly. “He was five feet or so taller than me. Why would I want to pick a fight with that guy?” She closed the cabinets in the kitchen once everything was put into place.
That can't be, Lily thought upon kneeling down to find her cane on the ground. He was a snake demon last I recall. He couldn't have possibly changed that much in the past few years.
Neda was quiet for a bit before heading over to Lily to help her to the kitchen. “You know if you need help with dinner tonight, I can easily help you.” She often would help Lily whenever the woman had difficulty remembering where some of the food items were located. Hearing a knock at the door, Neda diverted her attention to the front door with a confused look. “I wasn't expecting anyone tonight. Were you, Lily?”
“No, I wasn't,” Lily answered. “Can you answer the door? I will get ready with dinner.”
Hurrying over to the door, Neda opened it with a curious expression before seeing who was there to prompt an annoying frown. “You again? What are you doing here?” She wasn't too thrilled to see Jin standing there on the other side of the door.
Jin could tell he wasn't welcome in her eyes, but he was desperate to try and set things right. “Neda, I want to talk to you about a few things.”
Recognizing the voice immediately, Lily dropped the wooden spoon in her hands. The item tapping upon the floor, she nearly stumbled over the chairs in her way to make it to the door. “Jin…? Jin, is that you…!” She said breathlessly while hurrying towards the front door.
Hearing his name, Jin looked inside of the house to find Lily making her way towards him. With her knowing whom he was made Jin smile brightly, as he entered inside of the house with Neda's permission. “Lily, I am glad to know that you remember me.” Opening his arms, he hugged the woman close to his chest.
“I am just so relieved that you are okay,” whispered Lily, as she held the clothed man close to her. “Tonight, you must catch me up on what happened many years ago.” She was eager to understand what was going on with Jin. Lily could tell he was walking on two feet and not slithering around as he once did. “Come, come, I am just working on dinner.”
Neda sighed angrily, turning on her heels to grab her paper and quill pen before storming for the door. “If anybody needs me, I will be outside.” With that said, she slammed the door to let her exit of the house be known.
Lily listened to Neda leave before shifting her attention to Jin. “Forgive Neda. She is just still sore about you and Touya not being around as often.” She placed her old, slender hands on Jin's face to feel of it once more. “You're still the same as I can remember you. But what happened? How did you become human?”
Jin chuckled lightly against his hand. “I had some help from a wizard I know of. He gave me a potion to take to make me human for one year.” Thinking back on Neda, he frowned to himself while gazing over his shoulder at the door. “The main reason I became human was so I could make up for the times I wasn't here and to apologize for what I did wrong.”
“So your transformation isn't permanent?” Lily inquired, pulling from Jin's embrace to make her way back to the kitchen, so she could start dinner.
“No.” Jin followed behind Lily to the kitchen, watching her grab a few fishes from the storage area. “Do you need help with anything?”
“No, thank you, Jin.” Lily paused when she got the kitchen knife off of the knife rack. “I was here when Thane came back smelling of blood. It really worried me when it came to your safety, Jin. I was afraid that Thane or someone had killed you successfully those years ago.”
Having to be reminded of that night once more, Jin frowned somberly with a wave of his shoulders. “I wasn't killed, but I was hurt in a way that I may never be fully healed from. Silver was killed by those damn knights.” His arms across his white, V-neck shirt, he closed his eyes. “Kurama got the babies out of her before she died, but I was banished from both the clans I was in, so now Touya and I walk alone.”
“Touya is around here too as a human?” Lily asked, turning her head slightly towards Jin though her eyes looked right through him.
“Touya walks alone for the time being.” Jin covered his face with his palm, shaking his head. “I hate that he is out there by himself. The fool didn't want to come with me.” His hand slowly sliding from his face, he gazed up at the ceiling. “I didn't mean to leave him behind as I did.” Hearing the knife slide from Lily's hand, Jin jumped slightly at the sound of it smash to the ground. “L-Lily…?”
Lily covered her foggy eyes while her bottom lip trembled. Tears began to slide down the side of her face regardless of how well she tried to hide her sadness. She felt Jin's hands touch her soon enough, but she just couldn't handle him seeing her that way, causing her to turn away from him. “Why did you just disappear like that?” Lily asked through her shaky voice. “I was worried about you for many years, Jin. I was worried I would never hear your voice again…!”
Jin placed his hands on Lily's shoulders, allowing her to keep her back to him. “I am here now,” he whispered apologetically.
“Where were you before!” Lily exclaimed almost angrily. “Where were you when I needed you!” Here, she turned around to let Jin witness that she was obviously angry and upset. “I needed you when I was younger! I needed you a lot then!” She knew given how quiet Jin was being that he was aware of what she was trying to tell him without outright saying it. Sighing at having to finally get that out, Lily leaned against his chest. “After awhile, I was spoiled by your kind words to me,” she said softer this time. “You were so nice to me…you made me feel loved.”
Jin shifted his eyes about wondering what to say to what Lily told him. “I guess I was never around enough for anyone. I am sorry,” said the former demon tenderly. “Once Silver died, I just had little thought about anyone else. And I have babies out there that I will never get to see.” Jin held her close to him once more. “But you still are beautiful to me.”
“You still flatter me as always,” said Lily with a light blush across her pallid cheeks. “And I am sorry for the losses that you suffered.” Wiping the tears from her eyes with Jin's help, she prompted a brief smile before turning back to the fish she was going to be preparing for dinner. “If you could bend down and find that knife for me, that would be nice. I would do it myself, but I am not as young as I used to be.”
“Of course.” Jin knelt down to the floor to grab up the knife to hand it carefully over to Lily. He guided her hand over to the wooden end of it. Jin then took the wooden spoon next she dropped earlier to place it back on the rack. Watching closely as she cut the fish, Jin tapped his fingers a bit nervously upon the kitchen table Lily was preparing the food on. “You know I tried my best to get you to see that I didn't mind having you. I hope you understand that.”
Lily stopped cutting momentarily and smiled. “I know, and it was flattering all the same. But like I said back then, I couldn't be with a snake demon.”
“Suzuka could make you a potion, maybe,” enticed Jin. “He could make you a snake demon to be with me. He can do anything!” He was excited to even mention the man's name.
“You don't like being human so far?” Lily inquired curiously once she was done cutting the fish on the cutting board. She moved the fish over towards the fire to work on cooking it to perfection.
“Neh,” Jin huffed. “My skin is so gross. Not to mention being powerless and having to walk is hard on me. I also don't understand fully the human language let alone the writing of it.”
“My dear, you are funny.” Lily moved her hands about to find the carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and onions she would need to make the soup she had in mind. She began to cut them up quickly yet carefully given she couldn't see. “While your suggestion is kind, I am afraid I must decline the thought.” Finishing the carrots and moving onto the potatoes, Lily turned her face towards Jin. “Besides, at dinner you have someone you need to talk to.”
Jin nodded, “I can try my best. I am afraid I cannot stay here, because I am currently homed up in that Neldron Village with Norris' family.” Thinking about Neda, he couldn't help but look out the nearby window to see if she were still out there to find her in the rocking chair, drawing.
“Jin, you just arrived after so long,” Lily protested, as she finished the potatoes to push everything into the cooking pot. “Can't you just stay here and rest at least? I am sure Neda won't mind. She usually doesn't.”
“Even though she doesn't like me?” Jin wondered with a slight smirk. When Lily didn't respond, he rolled his head back to think. “Well, I was hoping that you'd let me stay the night. I just didn't want to force you. As far as staying here, we'll have to see. I don't want to upset Neda anymore than I have to.”
“Just talk to her after dinner. It will give you both private time to do so.” When she felt the fish were ready, Lily pulled them from the fire to work on the soup next.
Jin couldn't find it within himself to speak at the dinner table and Neda didn't spare a word to the redhead. It was an awkward position for the former wind master, but he allowed the farm woman to finish eating before removing herself from the table. Hearing Neda's door shut from upstairs, Jin flinched slightly at the force behind it before turning to Lily with a tilt of his head. “I am just not sure I will be able to do this.”
“You've had children before, right?” Lily asked, as she grabbed a napkin to wipe her mouth with. “I would assume you did since you told me you had a large nesting site back east.” With her meal finished, she removed herself from the table to clean up her area and Neda's.
“While there isn't much differences in your human kind and mine at times, you forget that it was many, many years ago when I had that nest.” Pulling from the table as well, Jin grabbed up the plate he was done with to place it near Lily. “I suppose I can talk to her about it and hope she understands.”
“If not, at least try to be here for her.” Lily grabbed the next plate to start running water over it to make sure every last bit of food was off of the surface. “If your purpose of becoming human was to do such a thing, you have an entire year to work on letting her see the world through your eyes.”
Jin knew this was true as he gazed up the wooden staircase Neda had escaped to earlier. “Thanks for dinner, Lily,” said Jin, as he placed his hand upon the woman's shoulder before moving to the stairs. He slowly ascended the staircase to make it to the upstairs where Neda was holed up in her room. Taking in a deep breath, he rapped his knuckles upon the wooden door. “Neda, it is me, Jin, can I come in?”
“Come in,” Neda's voice beckoned from the other side rather irritably.
Opening the door, Jin stepped inside with a soft smile to the young woman. “Hope I am not interrupting anything.” Jin stumbled a bit over the `interrupting' word, as he slowly stepped inside.
“No, I am just reading,” Neda grumbled crossly. Moving her legs to an Indian style position, she continued to eye the written words in front of her. “What is it that you want?”
Jin shut the door behind him, not wishing for anything he was about to say to be heard by anyone but Neda. “I am sorry for not being here as often as I should,” he apologized, as the redhead cautiously made it further into the bedroom. Sitting down on the side of the bed, he fidgeted a bit. “But, you have to understand, I had people who didn't want me here that were really mad with me. Also, the woman I loved died, and for the past several seasons, I just couldn't bring myself to be around anyone until I felt fully healed.”
Hearing that he too lost someone, Neda slowly lowered the book, which she had nearly covering her face to hide her expression. “I am sorry to hear that. It is never easy to lose someone you love.” She folded the book in her lap to pay closer attention to the redhead. “I still blame the snake demons for killing my parents.”
Seeing as Jin never fully understood her side of the story, he shrugged at her comment even if he wanted to tell her it wasn't true. “What happened that night when Pearl died?”
“It was a long time ago, but from what I remember, the demons started the fire in the barn. The fire trapped my dad inside, and he died from the falling debris. And my mother was dragged out by one of those creatures, and he killed her when he sunk his teeth into her.” Neda brought her knees up to her chest. “For years, I've wanted them to get what they deserved. Even after that battle Thane went to in attempts to rescue me, I still feel like they didn't get what they deserved.”
Jin felt hurt by that comment, but he didn't say a word to reveal who he was. “Are you sure you remember everything clearly that happened that night?” He witnessed Neda roll her eyes at his comment. “It could have not happened that way.”
“You sound just like Lily,” Neda huffed irritably. “When my parents died, she claims the grave markers out front were made by snake demons. She tells me to think more on that night.” She moved the covers a bit over her knees to try and get a bit warmer in the cool room. “Why is it everyone acts like I am missing something? I was there!” Moving some of her hair out of her face, she looked at Jin curiously. “So what happened to your wife?”
“Silver died from an arrow running through her heart,” Jin said simply, not wishing to explain it all further. “She died in my arms, and I have been just traveling around with Touya ever since.”
“Sorry,” Neda apologized once more for his loss. “I guess I can understand why you wouldn't want to come around here after something like that.”
Jin could hint a bit of sarcasm in her voice. “Neda, I wish there was something I could do to make up for the pain I caused.” Excusing himself from the bedside, he headed for the bedroom door. “I guess I should help Lily a little bit before she goes to sleep.”
“What do you plan on doing now that you have shown yourself?” Neda asked from the bed. “Do you plan on leaving again or actually staying this time to help like you promised?”
The redhead didn't bother to turn around when Neda said that to him. “Are you saying you still need me?”
“If you laugh at what I am about to tell you or give me any logic, I promise I will hurt you,” Neda teasingly threatened. “While everyone else had a father to have fun with, I never did after mine died. When you and your friend left that note saying you'd watch over us, I was hoping I would someday see you both. I was thinking, I would have a family again.”
“What about that knight that was here and Lily? I would have considered that a rather nice family.” It was hard for Jin to say such a thing about Thane, as he couldn't help but really despise the man for what he had done to Silver.
“Ugh, Thane…,” Neda growled, as she looked over at the window. “I couldn't stand that guy. He was only after my sister, Blythe. He did some nice things, I guess, but he always knew how to irritate me.”
Jin couldn't help but chuckle to himself in agreement. “I plan on being around for a year. What you want to do with me after that year is up to you.” With that said, he shut the door behind him before making it down the stairs to check on Lily.
Hearing the person behind her, Lily turned her head slightly. “What did Neda have to say, Jin?” She had just finished cleaning up the table when she heard the floorboards behind her moaning.
“Still hard to believe you can see without your eyes,” mentioned Jin, as he made it to the end of the stairs. “She sounds like she doesn't mind to have me around, but I am worried. I can only be here for a year as a human.” He made his way over to the wooden chair in the small living room space the house had. “Once she finds out the truth, what am I going to do?”
Lily put away the rag she was using to clean up the dinning room table before grabbing her cane to make it over towards the redhead. “Sometimes a years time is more than enough time to make people understand the nature of others.” Her palm gently met with Jin's cheek, as she felt for his hair. “While you are a serpent demon at birth, in a human disguise, you can easily get others to see that the demons don't mean harm. If not everyone, the ones that matter.”
Smiling against Lily's hand, he gently grabbed her wrist to hold her hand into his. “I suppose you're right. If I could just convince Neda that I didn't mean any harm, maybe my shoulders will be lighter.”
Grabbing the candle she usually kept on the table, Lily handed it over to Jin. “I am afraid the one thing I cannot do is light a candle. If you light this, you can see your way through the coming darkness up to an open room on the right upstairs. Tomorrow, maybe you should go on Neda's runs throughout the villages. She sells throughout most the days, and I would feel better if you were there with her.”
“I can see just fine in the dark,” Jin insisted, taking the candle to put it back down here Lily had it. “Thank you for your thoughts. But I would think you should use the bed and not me. Seeing as I am here, you have no reason to sleep on the sofa to wait for me.” When Lily was about to refuse, Jin took her gently by the arm to help her towards the stairs. “I won't take your human `no' for an answer.”
Once on the stairs, Lily knew it was useless to argue. “If you insist, Jin. Sleep well tonight.” Finding his cheek once more with her hand, she kissed him there before departing upstairs. “It is good to have you back, Jin,” Lily whispered between them, as she disappeared into the darkness and soon the bedroom.
When the door closed upstairs, Jin made his way back over to the sofa Lily usually used. Moving the pillows about a bit, he grabbed the quilt down off of the side of the piece of furniture before draping it over himself.
Watching Jin snore loudly the next morning, Neda twisted her mouth to the side irritably before grabbing a pillow to toss at the redhead. “Wake up, you lazy bum!” Neda demanded around sunrise.
Getting his face full of the pillow, Jin flailed a bit and nearly fell off of the sofa. “What! What is going on!” He exclaimed at having to be woken up so early. Seeing that the sun was just rising, Jin fell back down exhaustedly on the sofa. “Neda, dear, it is so damn early. What is the idea here?”
“Lily told me this morning you wanted to come on my runs, and besides, if you're going to be hanging around here for a year or so, you should at least understand how a farm works.” Extending her hand, she got Jin to his feet. “Trust me, I was once not a morning person either, but when you work on a farm, you get used to it. Now, go outside and there is a small outdoor place where you can shower.”
Jin looked about the house with a confused look. “If it is all the same to you, I don't mind if I bathe elsewhere.” When Neda looked at him oddly, he chuckled nervously while making his way to the front door in his pants he had on. “I just never use such things. I prefer to bathe in the lake.” Jin headed out of the house with his bare feet and chest exposed.
“You're not going to put any shoes on?” Neda called over her shoulder, witnessing his boots there near the sofa.
“I'll be fine,” Jin said back, as he made it outside with a deep breath of relief. “So eager she is.” Yawning with a big stretch, Jin made his way out towards the woods.
Once Neda had everything ready on her end, she headed to the barn to start working on cleaning out the stalls and feeding the animals. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she gazed out at the position of the sun to find that Jin had been away for some time. “Where is he?” Neda wondered quietly to herself. She didn't want to openly admit she was feeling worried for him given the snake demons that were usually spotted around the area. Hearing someone coming from just outside of the stable, Neda turned her attention to the entrance to see Jin finally make his appearance. “Where have you been!” She exclaimed angrily, her fist on her hip.
“I was just getting washed up,” Jin chuckled nervously, raising his hands in defense. “So what is it you wanted me to do?” One of the horses nearby couldn't help but move its large, brown and white striped face towards Jin to sniff of the redhead. “Whoa, hey there, horse.”
Neda spotted the horse nosing Jin while she was shoveling some of the dirty hay. “That's Duke. He is one of the horses my dad bred long ago.”
Jin smiled, placing his hands underneath the horse's big cheeks. “He sure is a big one.” Seeing the big, innocent eyes staring back at him, Jin couldn't help but think the animal he used to eat was cute.
“If you want to help, you can take some of the hay and give it to each horse. It will make the chores go by quicker with two people working on it.” She couldn't help but take a small break to lean against the pitchfork in her possession. “Once we're done here, I have some things to sell within the towns and market square.”
“Alright then.” Jin turned around to spy the hay that Neda mentioned earlier. Grabbing it by the rope that was keeping it together, he tossed it to the first stall to give it to the white horse in front of him. He watched as the horse was startled by his actions, making Jin confused as to what he did wrong.
“Whoa, settle down, Mist!” Neda encouraged upon dropping her pitchfork to run over towards the startled horse. Grabbing onto the rope halter about the horse's face, she managed to get the steed to settle down. “Don't throw it at them! That will scare the horse.” Bending down to grab up the next one, she motioned him to the next stall. “Do it like this.” Neda simply moved the hay under the rope put in front of the horse to keep it from leaving its stall. “That's all you have to do. It doesn't involve tossing it at them. Horses spook easily. Just be careful.”
“This sure is going to take some getting used to. I have never worked on a farm before,” Jin said, as he grabbed the next bushel of hay. “Maybe I will get this down soon.”
When all of the farm chores were finished, Jin and Neda both hopped onto the carriage to head about the routine Neda usually did when selling for the sake of money to keep the family farm going. “You don't really have to do much in these cases. All you have to do is stand there and give people whatever it is they want and take their money in exchange for it.”
“Sounds easy enough,” called Jin from the back of the carriage where most of the goods were rattling about in their containers. “But I was wondering, whatever happened to your sister? I haven't seen her since I have been at the house.”
“She got married years ago to Thane,” said Neda as she moved the reins to guide the horse to the market square in Eytheria. “They live behind the stone walls in Eytheria Castle Town.”
Jin could only narrow his eyes at the mention of Thane's name. His fists tightened with anger though he released it upon hearing Neda call his name eventually with her tone sounding worried. “Sorry,” he apologized. “If you ever go see Thane, I am afraid I must be elsewhere. I don't trust myself around him.”
“Did he do something wrong?” Neda inquired. She peered over her shoulder to see the rather angry look on Jin's face. It made her blood run cold at the mere sight of it. “Alright, when we get there, I'll try my best to make sure we avoid him. Usually he patrols around Eytheria. He used to patrol around another village at nightfall, but he doesn't since his promotion years ago since that war against the serpent demons.”
Growling angrily, Jin's fists slammed down on the woodwork of the cart, startling Neda and the horse.
“Jin! What is wrong with you!” Neda exclaimed, once she got the horse under control.
Jin didn't answer right away. He merely watched as they were nearing the drawbridge. “When we get inside, I will do the selling. If you have to see your sister and her lover, that is fine with me. Just don't let that man near me, please.” Jin watched the knights allow them through to the Eytheria Market Square. He still couldn't help but feel a burning distaste for the fact that the knight was within the same walls as he was. It made him want to go hunt for the man and kill him for what crime Thane did against him.
Neda could tell that Jin was obviously very upset for whatever reason. When she stopped the cart at her place in the market square, she dismounted from the carriage before opening up the back to help Jin down. “Why don't you just help me get set up and sell for a little bit? Afterwards you can head to the local bar not too far from here to relax. It seems like whatever is on your mind dealing with Thane is a big one, and I don't want you to kill my sister's husband.”
Jin didn't shake the angered look on his face upon Neda's words. He didn't care what she had to say. His desire for revenge was heavy in his heart. Sighing out his anger, he shook his head. “If there is anything you need me to do, just let me know.”
Shaking her head, she grabbed onto Jin's cheeks to make him focus. “What I need you to do now is to relax.” Afterwards, she tapped his right cheek a few times hoping to snap him out of his angry trance. “I am going to unload the cart for the time being.”
Neda did unload the cart and gave Jin pointers in how to sell the items she had to give to others for money as the time passed. When enough were sold, she noticed the positioning of the sun, which was making her worried that Thane would be along anytime soon to check that area of the market square. “Jin,” she called over to the redhead who was looking through their list of items. “It is almost time for my sister's husband to come by here. Why don't you take some money and head to the Iris Bar just down the back alleyway there?”
Jin sighed out his frustrations, as he wanted to be there to see the man who killed his lover. “Alright. I'll be back later to check on you.” Taking the money, Jin made his way down to the bar that Neda had mentioned. Finding the swinging sign of Iris Bar, he opened the door to allow himself inside to find only a few customers sitting around talking to one another. He saw a few knights in there getting drunk and rowdy, making Jin a bit nervous, as he made his way to the main bar. He sat down at the first available seat with the coins in his pocket.
“What will it be, sir?” The bartender asked, as he handed a piece of paper over to Jin with a list of things that they sold.
As he was never too sure with the human foods or drinks, Jin picked a random drink on the list. “I'll take that one.”
“You sound none too sure about things,” said the barkeep, as he wiped off his hands on a towel he kept behind the counter. “Also, you have a very interesting accent. Where do you come from?”
“I come from the east,” said Jin, as he ran his fingers through his wild hair. “And I am still learning about how this world here works.” He was quiet before gazing at the name of the alcohol he chose. “I'd just like that fruit wine. I am sure I need it.”
“Right away, sir. I will make sure it is strong. It looks like you need it.” He took the sheet of paper to put back behind the counter before working on the drink. The glasses clinking about as he made the wine, he poured the drink to hand over to the redhead. “Here you are. Enjoy, sir.”
“Thank you.” Jin grabbed the drink, which looked red in color, to bring to his lips to drink quickly. To find the taste quite strong and sweet, it nearly made him choke, as Jin was used to drinking a lot of water when he was in the wild. “God, that is strong stuff,” he coughed, trying to catch his breath.
“I guess you're not used to it. Don't worry, around here, you'll get used to it in no time,” the bartender promised, as he worked on cleaning a few more glasses.
With the main entryway opening, Jin opened his eyes slightly to look over to see another knight standing there. Having so many in one area made him nervous. He brought his hands under the table to his lap and kept his eyes focused at his glass. However, the knight managed to make it to the bar area where he was and sat just a seat away from him. Keeping his focus in front of him, Jin listened to him order a beverage of some kind as well. Looking over at the knight, he noticed the blond hair and beard on him given his appearance.
Knowing someone was looking at him, the knight gazed over at Jin with a brief smile. “Hey,” Thane greeted.
“Hello,” said Jin back without breaking his focus from the drink in front of him after he took another sip. With Thane being that much older and different in appearance, Jin didn't recognize the knight right away. All he knew was he was a knight, and it made him frightened, even in his human body.
Thane noticed the slight shaking Jin was going through and chuckled lightly. “Got the jitters over something? You're acting rather nervous.” He pointed at the drink Jin was drinking. “If you drink enough of those, you'll feel better. It relaxes you a bit.”
“I am afraid that the money I have is not mine to spend a lot on,” Jin insisted, thinking of Neda and what she gave him. “But I thank you for thinking of me all the same.”
Tilting his head, Thane also noted the accent, but he didn't say anything about it. He felt just by looking at Jin he knew who he was. “Have we-have we met before? You look familiar to me.”
Jin thought the question was odd, as he turned to look over at Thane with his blue eyes. “I am afraid I don't know who you are.”
Seeing the blue eyes caused Thane to be taken back to his reoccurring nightmare he used to have. He would always see those same blues in his dream looking at him in sorrow. Nearly losing his breath, he was brought back to reality by the sound of the glass of beer hitting the countertop. “Th-Thanks.” Cupping his forehead, he quickly drank a bit of the alcohol to calm himself and take his own advice.
“I guess I should be the one to ask if you are okay,” Jin said with a light smile. “I didn't say anything that upset you, did I?”
“No,” whispered Thane after taking a deep breath. “No, not at all.” His teeth rolled over his lower lip before turning around in his chair. “It is just-your eyes look so familiar to me. I feel like I've seen them before.”
“Once again, sir, I don't know who you are,” Jin expressed, pulling some of his wild hair behind his ear.
“Sorry, sir. Well, my name is Thane Wilson.” Here he extended his hand to accept Jin's in return only to see the redhead stare at him oddly. “Is something wrong?” Thane asked, seeing Jin shake his head almost in shock.