Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ The Only Chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

We just called this story “My Story” because no one could agree on a name. I got so fed up with all the kooky names people kept coming up with so I finally said “This is my story so I am going to call it `My Story'!” I know not very interesting but still the story is pretty good. It is written between me and my friends Michelle, Gunnar, Ellen and Ashley. I am in green, Gunnar in black, Michelle in purple, Ellen in blue, and Ashley in red. Also ~ “TEXT” ~ is telepathy, and (AN: TEXT *ACTION*) is known as an author note that is suppose to pertain to the story, but as you will see that is not always the case, at least not fully. Enjoy!!!
“I don't like him,” said Keo. He was sitting with Mehi and InYa at the table in Mehi's living room.
“Oh, but, they are so cute together!” Mehi cooed, her thoughts on earlier events.
“I still don't like him,” Keo said crossing his arms.
“Get over it. She does though, I can't imagine why,” InYa sulked.
“The saying goes `Fight fire with fire',” Mehi replied bluntly as if that ended the disagreement.
“What in the world does that mean?” asked InYa.
“From what I see they are good for each other. She has a fiery temper. He has a fiery temper. She's rude to me. He's rude to me. She's nonsocial. He's nonsocial. They are the same and so perfect for each other,” replied Mehi.
“I thought it was opposites attract?” InYa frowned. “Not the other way around.”
“I still don't like it,” Keo firmly stated.
“Put it this way, Keo, I don't like him, Mehi don't like him, and you don't like him, but Kitta likes him. Nobody likes him, but Kitta,” InYa looked at them and frowned.
“Let Kitta choose, not you,” came from an open window.
“Hey! It's Mi-Ra!” replied Mehi. “Come on in!”
“O-k. Mi-Ra jumped through the open window not bothering with going around to the door.
“Look everyone!! Mi-Ra changed her hair color!!” yelled Keo. As everyone turned to look, Mi-ra's hair brightened in the blink of an eye.
“That's why you're so happy,” explained InYa.
“That's right, InYa,” said Mi-ra.
“It looks good. Really it does,” replied Mehi. Mi-Ra gave Mehi a grin.
“So what is the conversation about? Someone sounded pretty anger,” questioned Mi-Ra.
“Keo just found out how serious Kitta is about Hiei and apparently, Keo does not like Hiei very much,” Mehi answered.
*with Hiei and Kitta*
“Wonder what the others are doing,” Kitta frowned as she watched Hiei train. She had decided to take a break, but he still insisted on training.
“Work-aholic,' she murmured, slightly mad because she had no one to talk to.
“Hiei!” Kitta called getting up and crossing her arms.
Hiei stopped and frowned at the pissed looking neko in front of him. “What?”
“I'm bored,” she huffed.
“Then train.”
“I did. I want to go talk to the others.” Kitta tapped her foot.
“Why? You remember last time,” Hiei glared, but not at her, at the memory.
“Oh, come on. I won't let my brother do anything. Plus maybe y'all can get to know each other,” Kitta smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Fine, but only because you'd pout if I said no,” he said unmoving as he half glared back into her eyes.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Race you,” she grinned and took off with Hiei on her tail.
~ “Ha-ha, you can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread girl!” ~ Kitta said.
Hiei faulted in his stride for a second, ~ “What?!” ~
~ “Nothing, just a ningen saying. It means I'm very fast!” ~
Seeing the challenge, Hiei glared, ~ “Not faster then me!” ~
~ “Come on then, slowpoke,” ~ Kitta laughed.
They had already been blurs, but now they were moving so fast, time appeared to stop for them.
~ “Oops...” ~ said Kitta slowing to a stop.
~ “What?” ~ asked Hiei stopping beside her.
~ “We passed the house” ~ she answered with a sheepish grin. Hiei mentally rolled his eyes.
(AN: Me and Hiei sitting in a tree, (ect.) Lala-lala-laa-laa-la. *grins*)
(AN: Dork!)
Hiei and Kitta backtracked and arrived at the house just in time to hear Keo give one last, “I don't like him and I won't. There ain't nothing anyone can do about it.” Hiei gave Kitta a look that said, “So, we can get to know each other, huh?” Kitta gave him a sheepish grin.
(AN: I feel bad for Kitta. Torn between the love for he brother and the love for probably the only guy in the known universe who would ever even consider dating her. He he!)
(AN: that is so not right on so many levels!)
“Come on. We're already here, plus Keo would never disobey his oni-san (AN: older sister),” Kitta said grabbing Hiei's arm as she hopped out of the tree to land on the walkway to Mehi's house. She then rang the doorbell and waited.