Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Yu Yu Hakusho Dare show ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Dare show ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu YU Hakusho so don't sue me all I have is a cat and a computer (AN:im gonna use my real name in this Fic)

Announcer guy: hello and welcome to FDL's Truth or Dare show where we give the cast of Yu Yu Hakusho truths and dares. Welcome our host FDL

Alice: *walks to my desk and sits down* hello all and welcome to my show. Today we Have our guests the yu yu hakusho gang!

*yu yu hakusho cast come out and sit down*

*Rabid fangirls scream at Kurama*

Alice: anyway our fist dare is for hiei * picks up card and laughs*

Hiei: what's so funny

Alice: you have to flirt with yusuke

Yususke: Say what !!!!!!

Alice I'm sorry but its true

Hiei: never

Alice alright then but you have to strip one piece of clothing

*hiei takes off cloak and throws it into the audience*

*suddenly Kai my assistant from beyblade runs up to the stage*

Alice: whats the matter

*kai whispers in my ear*

Alice: what do you mean we have no more dares

Kai: we just don't

Alice: well I guess that's the end of our show

Alice:sorry that was so short but I didn't have many ideas and now its your turn to come up with some. Please Review