Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Yu Yu Hakusho Dare show ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho so you can sue
Foxlover: hey you guys I'm sorry it's been so long since ive updated
But I went to Jamaica for spring break so don't hurt me.
Foxdemon: They wouldn't hurt you, causes you're giving them plushies remember
Foxlover: oh yea I sure do have I short term memory but anyway thanks for you're reviews *hands out plushies for the people who reviewed* ON WITH THE FIC.
Foxdemon: must you yell
Foxlover: of course I must yell it's in my nature to yell AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS.
Foxdemon: *cringes* well as she said on with the fic
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Foxlover: *walks out onto the stage* Hey you guys welsome to my yu yu hakusho dare show and as the title say its all about dares and yu yu hakusho so now welcome our guests The Yu Yu Gang: Kurama, Yuske, Hiei, and the dumb one Kuwabaka!
* Audience screams as windows can be heard shattering*
Kuwabaka: The name is kuwabara!
Foxlover: Yea and me and yuske and brother and sister
Kuwabara: really?
Hiei: damn why are you so dumb I mean come on how stupid can you get!
Kurama: well hiei I think what you just said was an understatement (a/n: never heard kurama say that before huh)
Yuske: can we get this over with I have other things to do
Foxlover: *whispers to kurama* yea like go on a date with Keiko
Yuske: I heard that!
Foxlover: Our First dare is for Yuske since you were being so rude earlier you have to runs down the street with only your boxers on singing the "Im to sexy for My Clothes"
Song (a/n: I hate the song! Absolutely hate it no offense to the fans who like it also I don't own it)
Yuske: say what Keikos outside are you crazy!
Foxlover: so I was right you were going out with Keiko. Guards strip this man of his clothing!
*My guards, which are huge squirrels with hair like hiei, walk out from behind the scenes, strip yuske of his cloths and make him stand infront of a busy street.
Foxlover: *watches as yuske starts to dance and sing*
Yuske: Im to sexy for my shirt too sexy for my pants
*Random cops walk up to Yuske*
RC1: hey shake it baby *dances along with Yuske*
RC2: *shaking his butt to yuskes song*
Kurama: I never knew Yuske could dance like that
Hiei: me neither kurama me neither
Kuwabaka: Shake it!!!!
*Everyone in audience gives kuwabaka the weird look*
Foxlover: ah my eyes! Bring him back in I cant take it anymore
*Yuske walks in with money in his underwear*
Foxlover: *still recovering from what just happened* Our next dare is for the sexy fox Kurama (a/n I love saying his name combined with sexy in a sentence. Foxdemon: you are so strange me: thank you)
Kurama: do you have to call me that?
Foxlover: of course its very nessacary well anyway your dare is to give hiei a lap dance
(a/n; I was so looking forward to writing this)
Kurama and Hiei: O_O
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Me: I'm sorry but I have to end it here its so late at night and I do believe my mother with start yelling at me in a couple of mins so instead of getting grounded im gonna end it here
Next chapter I'm gonna have guests and probably kill off kuwabaka I'm so tired of him so
Read and review if you want me to kill off kuwabara