Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mysteries Unfolded ❯ A Rainy Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Cainara: Ok well I don't own anything expect Cainara…which is me…soooo yea n_n…. I'm coming into the picture later.

Walking down the sidewalk you slumped your way through the city. It was raining…. cold… and you were getting soaked… not to mention you were lost.

"Why fucking me", you ask yourself as you turn a corner. After walking for awhile trying to figure out where you were…you began to hear foot steps behind you. But every time you turned around there was no one there. You keep walking turning random corners…everything begins to speed up. The rain begins to pound harder on you and you begin to walk faster trying to find some spot to get dry or get directions. The only thing you can hear over the rain is your heart beat as it goes faster keeping time with your breathing. Finally, a hand was laid upon your shoulder and you instantly sprint trying to get away from who ever was following you. It wasn't anyone you knew for you were in Kyoto and you didn't know anyone who lived here…you only camped up here for a few days for site seeing.

You keep running through the streets and spot a park…you sprint even harder for it, breathing harder. You reach the gate and it feel likes your lungs are about to burst. "A cave!" You say as you literally dive through a small hole which opened to an even bigger room. You looked back to see if who ever was following was gone…and they were.

"Arigato Kami…", you quietly said to yourself. Even though it was still cold…at least you were able to get dry. All of the sudden you felt a sharp pain shoot up from your lower leg to your thigh. You looked to see a rip in your jeans and blood covering the rip and your leg. You didn't bother with it and told yourself you'd fix it later. You suddenly felt yourself get very tired so you decided to lay yourself down to sleep. It was difficult with the rain pounding against the rocks but you created a rhythmic pattern in your head that shut your eyes and let yourself drift.

.:Next Morning:.

"GO LONG YUSUKE!" Was all you heard before a football came through the opening and hitting you straight on the head. "Gah! Why me?!" You screamed while sitting up and pounding your fists against the dirt making a dust cloud form. You began to cough and choke. The dust cleared and you found yourself staring at another person's face. He had brown eyes that were tender and he tilted his head to the side while he stared back.

"Um… You need help getting out?" he said while pushing his arm through the opening and holding his hand open. You looked at it and nodded your head while he pulled you out. He looked at your clothes and you quickly blushed of embarrassment. Your jeans were filthy of dirt and your black tank top was all stretched out from the rain. Your long black coat was also dirty and damp. Your converses were dirty…but they looked better dirty anyway.

"Detective what's taking you so long to retrieve the ball?" said another boy. He was slightly taller than you with black hair that stood up like a mountain. But instead of snow being at the top it was spiked up and the bottom almost right above his white bandana.

"Sorry Hiei, this girl needed help", stated the boy who helped you out of the cave.

"You never stop helping people do you?" Hiei stated as he looked you up and down.

"…You know…it is our job" said the boy back with slight sarcasm covering his statement.

"Hn", was all Hiei said before walking off to another young man with fiery red hair.

The boy looked at you and saw the confusion on your face.

"Haha, yea that's Hiei…don't mind him. Um, over there standing next to him is Kurama. And my name's Yusuke", said Yusuke while looking at your leg.

"Holly shit!... That…doesn't look good…at all", you looked down to notice the cut didn't get better. It was now deeper and the whole bottom leg part of your pants was soaked in blood.

It was at the moment Kurama and Hiei walked up from behind you. This was when the blood loss made you feel a little dizzy. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you slowly stumbled back. You tensed as you prepared to hit the ground. But when you were expecting to land on some rocks and twigs. You felt arms wrap around you and a soft but toned muscle body break your fall. Then some kneeling and you then felt the ground.

You forced your eyes open and found two crimson eyes looking back at you with a raised eyebrow.