Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Kirsune ❯ Unknown Dangers and Hidden Truths ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 3: Unknown Dangers and Hidden Truths

“What are we going to do?” a male voice asked as they watched the Reikai team within a magical pool of water.

“We’ll take care of them. We just have to get the girl on our side.” a second male voice said, he smirked and his fangs shown in the light of the room.

“Well from the look of it she has a strong will. It will be hard to turn her from those around her.” a female voice spoke as the image changed to show Kaela sitting on her bed petting Water-lily.

“Yes, but one of us will have to get close enough to her.” the first male voice said as an evil smile came across his face.

“Then lets get to work on a plan.” the female said.


“Okay, so what are we suppose to do about some fox?” Kuwabara asked, they were still confused about what Yoko had said.

“You must find this kitsune and protect it. If it fell into the wrong hands then the world as we all know it will no longer exist.” Koenma said as he prepared to leave. “Find it and protect it with your lives. The three realms are counting on you.” Koenma then stepped into a portal to the Spirit Realm.

“Great, another stupid mission.” Yusuke said, lying back against the chair.

“We are suppose to protect and keep order within the human realm.” Kurama said as he stood to leave.

“Where are you going? We need to figure out what we’re going to do.” Yusuke all but yelled at Kurama.

“I promised to be home for dinner.” was the simple reply.

“Yea, I’m sure Kaela made a special dinner for you.” Kuwabara teased.

“Kaela? Whose Kaela?” Yusuke asked, looking for one person to another.

“Kaela is my American guess and she’ll be with us for a few months.” Kurama explained as his head reached for the door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be going.”


“What do you think, Water-lily?” Kaela asked the little fox after she finished setting the table.

“It looks lovely, Kaela, and it smells yummy.” Water-lily’s mouth was watering.

“I have some set aside for you but you need to hide upstairs where I showed you before Shuichi or Hiei show up.” Kaela put the last of the food on the table.

“Hello. Minamino residents.” Kaela answered the phone politely.

“Kaela, dear, this is Sakura.”

“Oh. Hi, Mrs. Minamino.”

“I’m calling to say I won’t be home in time for dinner and I’ll pick something to eat on the way home.”

“Oh don’t do that. There is plenty to eat. I’ll leave some in microwave for you.”

“Thank you, dear. Tell Shuichi not to wait up for me.”

“Alright. Goodbye.”

“What did she say?”

“That she’ll be late and now you need to get upstairs.” Water-lily nodded and ran off up the stairs.

After Water-lily went upstairs, Kaela set a vase in the middle of the table and placed some seeds inside. She put her hands over the vase and the seeds became beautiful roses. Just then Kurama came in the front door.

“Welcome home, Shuichi.” Kaela smiled from the dining room door.

“Thank you. Something smells heavenly.”

“Dinner is ready whenever you wish to eat. Oh yea, your mother called and said that she’ll be late.” Kaela said walking back into the dining room.

“We’ll be eating alone tonight?” Shuichi asked.

“Yea. Is that a problem?”

“No, no. Not at all.”

‘Kaela, I sense a strange energy coming from outside.’ Water-lily said telepathically.

“Excuse me a moment.” Shuichi said before she had a chance.

“Is everything alright?” Kaela asked, playing innocent.

“Just stay inside, okay?”

Kaela nodded and went upstairs to her room. She found Water-lily on the windowsill looking outside. They watched Shuichi walk outside and look around.

“Where did the energy come from?”

“I’m not sure. It appeared then disappeared like nothing was there.”

“Could it have been Hiei?”

“Why would I let myself be caught?” Kaela and Water-lily jumped, not knowing someone was in the dark corner of the room.

“Hiei? What are…how did you get in here so fast?” Kaela asked as she backed against the window and unlocked it.

“I have my secrets.” Hiei smiled evilly as he walked over to her. His eyes bleeding red.

“Stay away from me!” Kaela screamed as she pushed the window open.

“Now why would I do that?” He growled out.

“Kaela!!!” Shuichi yelled running into the room with his rose whip out and struck Hiei in the shoulder, giving Kaela enough time to run around behind him.

Hiei turned his head and growled, “You will not take MY prize.”

Water-lily was hissing and growling at Hiei. Hiei turned his gaze from Shuichi and Kaela to look at the little fox, who was still on the windowsill. He started to go toward her.

“No. Leave Water-lily alone, you beast.” Kaela said trying to get his attention again. Seeing that he wasn’t stopping, she did the next thing she could think of and that was to tackle him. Making both of them to fall out of the opened window.

Kaela jumped against Hiei and landed safely on the ground about five feet away. While Hiei hit pretty hard. Hiei started to get up when a katana appeared at his neck.

“Who are you?”

“Hiei?” Kaela asked somewhat confused.

“Kaela? Are you alright?” Shuichi asked as he ran out of the door.

“I’m fine but really confused.”

“What’s going on?” Shuichi asked when he saw the two Hieis.

“This fool thought that he could try to turn you against me.” the real Hiei stated as he watched the fake.

“I will have my prize.” the fake Hiei disappeared.

“Water-lily?” Kaela looked around and saw the little fox run out of the front door. “Are you alright, Water-lily?” The little fox nodded then looked at Hiei then at Shuichi.

‘Shuichi is not what he appears.’ Water-lily then yawned and curled up in Kaela’s arms.

“Kaela, my Mother must never find out what happened here tonight.” Shuichi said as he walked over to her. Kaela nodded and looked at Hiei.


“I believe I will be staying close by from now on.” Hiei said as he and Kurama watched over Kaela as she slept. The evening’s event made her tired so she took Water-lily and went to bed.

“That would be wise but why was that person using you to try to get to Kaela?”

“Hn. You haven’t figured it out yet?”

“Figured what out?” Kurama asked, not catching on to what Hiei was talking about.

“Use your nose, Fox. What do you smell?”

When Kurama did take in the scents around him, he caught the scent of a female kitsune youkai. It was a weak scent but it was there. “Kaela is the…?”


“Your plan failed, Brother. What will you do now?” the female asked.

“Now that they know who she is, it’ll be even harder to get to her.” the other male said as he glared at his brother. His sister and him had seen the whole thing with the pool.

“Everything went as planned, my dear brother. Have a little faith in me. After all, I did get the potion to her. It’s just a matter of time.” An evil laugh echoed around the room.

“The realms will be ours.” Three sets of red eyes watched as the girl slept, awaiting their chance to strike.