Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ And What’s Several More ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going.

AN: Sorry for this very late update. I have been extremely sick and in the hospital. I just got out Wednesday and still getting over being ill. I will try to update as soon as I can, but it probably won’t be every week like I want. When I get completely well, I’ll go back to updating every week. Please excuse any minor errors in this chapter, I haven’t reread it a third time.

Warning: This chapter gets kind of graphic. Not in a lemony way, but in an ob/gyn kind of way. If you don’t think you will like this chapter please turn back now.



Chapter 2 of 24

And What’s Several More


“I’m so excited!” Shiori let go of her son in law‘s hand. “How far along are you?”

“About a month.” Kurama lifted his mate’s cloak, showing off the hidden stomach.

“Oh my goodness!!” Shiori squealed, hugging the fire demon tightly. She then turned around and hugged the fox.

Both of her hands went to Hiei’s stomach, forcing Kurama to hold in a growl. He didn’t like anyone touching his mate’s stomach and ultimately his babies, even though she was his mother and wouldn’t hurt them. It was a demon thing.

“A month? You’re look bigger then a month.” Shiori moved her hands around, hoping to feel the baby’s movements again.

“Yes, I’m a month.” Hiei patted his stomach, but it turned into scratching. “Demons only carry for three months. Kurama says that I’m equivalent to three months along in ningen terms.”

“That you are.” Kurama reached out and caught his mate’s hand. “Don’t scratch. It will make the stretch marks worse. I can rub some more lotion on if you want.”

“I do, it itches bad!” Hiei growled, he was growing annoyed and didn’t really have a reason why. He supposed he was having another mood swing, they happened quite often.

“Not until after I do the examine.” Bulma spoke up, before anyone could move. “The lotion could tamper with the readings.”

“Fine! What do I have to do this time, Bulma?” Hiei huffed, crossing his arms just to keep from scratching.

“You need to have on a robe, but nothing else. We need to use the internal device this time”

“Hn, I’ll be in the first guest room.” Hiei slowly got up and left the room. He didn’t like these examines, but it made his fox happy so he‘d suffer through them.

“How’s he been eating? The morning sickness?” Bulma asked, turning to her friend.

Kurama smiled, finishing off the tea in his cup and pouring up another. He also refilled the ladies‘ empty cups. “He still has some morning sickness, but it’s fading. He also eats all the time.”

“That’s good.” Bulma smiled, taking a sip from her cup. “He’s grown quite a bit since last week.”

“Yes, he has. He’ll grow at an almost alarming rate.” Kurama supplied, before glancing to his awfully silent mother. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, and I still can’t believe it!” Shiori grinned, clapping her hands together. “I’m going to be a grandmother again and I’m going to be there to witness it. At least, I hope I will be there when the baby is born.”

“You don’t have to worry, mother.” Kurama smiled, taking a drink from his cup. “I’ve already talked to Hiei and he has agreed that you can be in the room when it comes time.”

“I don’t think I can get any happier!” Shiori commented as she took a drink herself.

“I don’t know, you just may.” Bulma smiled secretively.

Kaihei came running into the room before anything else could be said. “Papa says he’s ready.” He mumbled around a red lollipop.

“Where did you get the candy?” Kurama asked, raising an eyebrow. He didn’t like his sons getting something sweet so close to a meal.

“Papa gave it to me for coming to get you and Toushi got a green one because he got papa’s robe.”

“Oh.” Kurama would let this mishap slid then. “Let’s finish up ladies and then we’ll go upstairs.”

They did just that, finishing off their cups of tea. Then they followed the boy up the stairs and down the hall to the guest room that had been previously mentioned. After Kurama sent Kaihei off to play with his brother, they went inside to see the fire demon laying on the bed, a sheet covering him up to his hips.

“I see that you’re all ready.” Bulma smiled, setting her machineries on the other side of the bed. She then pulled a measuring tape from her pocket. “Let us begin.”

“Hn.” Hiei grunted, untying his robe and opening it, thus letting his little belly be seen completely. When the fox moved forward in a protective manner, he noticed this and smirked. He reached out and pulled his mate down to sit on the bed beside him. Shiori moved forward and stood at Kurama’s side, a smile permanently plastered on her face. Bulma stretched the tape out lengthwise, from just under the fire demon’s chest down to his pelvis bone. She quickly wrote down that measurement before sliding the tape under him and bringing it together at the navel.

“This is good!” Bulma smiled, pulling the measuring tape away. She wrote the last measurement down in the folder she was keeping. “You have added three inches both ways.”

“I just knew you were getting bigger, Koi.” Kurama kissed his mate’s cheek. The fire demon suddenly had a rush of embarrassment, blushing slightly, which didn’t happen to often anymore. The fox smiled beautifully upon seeing this. “Isn’t he so cute when he blushes?” He asked, watching the blush get more pronounced.

“Adorable!” Shiori agreed quickly.

“Irresistible!” Bulma added, grinning.

“It’s one of the many reasons why I fell in love with him.” Kurama was at least truthful, though in a teasing way.

“ENOUGH, FOX!” Hiei growled in warning, his blush now a bright red.

“I’m sorry, Hiei. I couldn’t resist.” Kurama was quick to apologize, slipping his arms around his lover. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

“Hn, I can think of a few things.” Hiei smirked, tilting his head back to look up at the fox. “For starters, I’m on top the next time we make love, I’m tired of playing uke.”

“I can live with that.” Kurama smiled, not the least bit embarrassed that his mother was in the room. Shiori had grown accustomed to them being so straight forward in their conversations.

“Save the teasing until later.” Bulma laughed lightly. “Let’s start on the sonogram.”

“If you must.” Hiei stopped the cuddling with his fox. Kurama only nodded in agreement.

Bulma pulled out a tube of gel and squeezed the cold substance all over the rounding stomach. She turned on her sonogram machine and picked up the transducer, putting it into the middle of the slick substance. She began to slowly move it around and pushing buttons on the device it was attached to. It wasn’t to long before a black and white picture appeared on the small screen.

Bulma turned a knob to widen the picture. “As you can see, here is the first head.” She moved her hand over a little bit. “And here is the second head. They are coming along beautifully.”

Kurama and Hiei quickly looked to the ningen woman for a reaction. It had gone completely quiet in the room, because Bulma was now looking at the other woman too, waiting to see what was going to happen.

Shiori stood there staring at the picture until what was said finally sunk in. “TWINS!” She squealed, latching on to her smiling son. “Hiei’s having twins!”

“Yes, mother.” Kurama chuckled, returning the woman’s hug.

“What are they?” Shiori asked upon releasing her son.

“We don’t know.” Hiei was the one to answer.

“We want it to be a surprise.” Kurama added quickly, already seeing his mother’s next question.

“I know what they are. I can tell you if you want me too.” Bulma smiled, she didn’t know how much longer she could keep that secret.

“I’ll wait, I would like it to be a surprise too.” Shiori replied happily, though it was awfully tempting.

“If that’s what you want. Here listen to this.” Bulma turned a knob and twin demon heartbeats filled the room. “They both have very strong heartbeats.”

“That’s good to know.” Shiori smiled, watching her son kiss his pregnant husband. As Bulma was cleaning the gel off of the fire demon’s stomach, she realized something that she never noticed or thought about before. She looked up to the fire demon and blurted it right out. “You don’t have any hair on your body, not even near your private parts.”

“No, he doesn’t.” Kurama answered for his again blushing mate. “It’s because he’s a demon. The only hair on his body is on his head. He doesn’t even have to shave his face.”

“Are you the same way?” Shiori asked quickly. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you shave and the parts of your body that I have seen since you’ve gotten older is hairless.”

“I am the same way, mother.” Kurama answered with a shy smile. “Because of my demon blood and spirit, my body is completely hairless too.”

“Well, that explains a whole lot. At least, you two will always have those baby smooth faces.” Shiori giggled.

“Now, Hiei, I take it you want Kurama to get you ready for the next part?” Bulma asked, pulling out the long transducer and hooking it up.

“Of course!” Hiei grunted angrily. He truly hated this part of the examines.

“Kurama, do you remember what to do?” Bulma asked, spreading lubricant on the device.

“I remember.” Kurama got up and moved down the bed, taking the transducer. “If you ladies will please leave the room for a couple of minutes, I‘ll get this started.”

Shiori was hesitant, but followed Bulma from the room. In the hall, she had the blue haired woman fill her in on what was happening. She instantly felt sorry for her son in law, she remembered well this invading part of the examine. The sheet was pulled away and the fire demon lifted his hips as his fox slid a pillow under him. He then bent his legs and parted them, waiting impatiently. Kurama parted his mate’s rear cheeks and slowly slid in the cylinder transducer.

“I hate this!” Hiei grumbled angrily. “It’s not you!”

Kurama just had to laugh. “Yes, I agree, only my penis should be put so deeply into my mate. But, it’s to check out our babies, to make sure they’re growing perfectly. You can handle it for a few minutes, can’t you, Koi?”

“Only for you.” Hiei answered, helping the fox fix the sheet over him so nothing showed.

Kurama leaned over and gave his mate a lingering kiss as a reward. When he sat back down, he called out. “You two can come in now.”

Hearing the okay, the ladies reentered the room, Shiori closing the door behind them. Bulma walked around the bed to her machines. “Okay, Kurama. Did …..you know……..he look normal?”

“Yes, everything looks normal.” Kurama chuckled, watching his mate blush yet again. Shiori had to suppress a giggle, knowing well how embarrassed and uncomfortable the fire demon was.

“Good!” Bulma started punching buttons on her little machine. “Slid the rod in a little more.”

“Alright.” Kurama did what was asked of him. This though, made Hiei tense up, a lot. The fox laid his free hand on his mate’s sheet covered thigh and started rubbing. “Relax, Koi. You already know this.

“Hn.” Hiei grunted, but he did relax into his lover’s gentle hands. The rod then was easily slid into position.

“There we go.” Bulma smiled, pointing to the black and white screen. “The two sacs are clearly visible. One baby is head down and the other is feet.” She quickly pointed out what she was talking about.

“Is that going to be a problem?” Kurama asked, voicing his mate’s concern as well.

“No, not yet for a normal delivery, but Hiei will be delivering by c-section so it won’t be a problem at all.” Bulma answered, hoping to ease their worry.

“Have you seen what you needed to see?” Hiei was back to his old self.

“I have.” Bulma smiled.

“Good!” Hiei looked down to his fox. “Get that thing out of me!”

“But of course.” Kurama slid the device out and wrapped it in a towel that the Saiyan woman handed him.

“There is just one more thing.” Bulma spoke hesitantly, almost shyly.

“And what is that?” Hiei already knew he wasn’t going to like this.

“Well, you are the first male that I’ve encountered that could get pregnant. It might have adverse affects to your body. I…I….”

“Spit it out, Bulma!” Hiei was growing annoyed.

“I need to examine your prostate.”

“No way, not ever! Not a snowball’s chance in hell!” That little request was the final straw for Hiei. He started to get up.

“What if Kurama does it and I tell him what to do?” Bulma tried coaxing. “It’s perfectly safe for you and the babies. We just need to make sure that you are alright.”

“Hn.” Hiei settled back into the bed. “I suppose that it would be fine.”

Bulma looked over to the human woman. “Shiori, you may want to leave the room, this could be a bit shocking.”

“Nothing shocks me anymore, not after being around the rest of the team and their demon friends.”

“Well, it’s up to you two. Hiei, Kurama?” Bulma looked between the demons.

“I don’t care.” Kurama spoke first.

“She’s already been here this long.” Hiei added with a small shrug. The ladies moved up to the head of the bed to give him at least some semblance of privacy.

“Now, Kurama.” Bulma began. “Put on the latex glove that I laid beside you and then put some lube on your first two fingers.”

“I already know that part.” Kurama chuckled, lifting the sheet to see what he was doing. Not bothering with the glove, he spread the slick substance on his fingers.

“Okay.” Bulma started, not questioning about the glove and Shiori didn’t say anything either. “Insert those two fingers and search around for his prostate. It should be a small squashy mound.”

“He knows it very well.” Hiei smirked, finding some humor in the situation.

“I also know exactly where it’s at.” Kurama’s smirk matched his mate’s.

“Fine.” Bulma spoke quickly, before the teasing got out of hand. “Have you found it?”

“Of course.” Kurama smiled, hearing his mate moan softly and then a blush spread across his face. The ladies saw this, but chose not to remark. It would just spur the demons on.

“Does it feel normal to you? Are there any funny lumps?” Bulma asked quickly, wanting to get this over with. She could tell both demons were enjoying this far too much.

“Normal and no lumps.” Kurama smiled again, watching his mate bite off another moan. “Everything is perfect and working to the fullest.”

“KURAMA!!” Hiei yelped, blushing a bright red. This caused the fox to start laughing uncontrollably. The women didn’t have to ask what had happened. They just assumed the fox had grabbed his mate’s penis with his free hand.

“Okay, we’re done.” Bulma cleared her throat to keep from laughing.

“Finally!” Hiei yanked the sheet up around him and practically jumped from the bed when his lover’s hands left him. He fled the guest room, heading towards his own.

After cleaning things up, Kurama and the ladies went downstairs to the living room to resume their visiting. It wasn’t to long after that before Hiei walked into the room and sat down beside his mate. They talked for a few more minutes, mostly about the coming babies.

Bulma finally reached into her pocket and pulled out a communicator. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to get home and help make dinner for my family. I’ll see you in a week.”

“I forgot to tell you.” Kurama quickly spoke up, looking from the Saiyan to his mother. This was going to be the hardest part. “We’re going to the Makai and we’re leaving tomorrow. We’ll be gone for about a month to get everything set up, but we’ll try to make it less.”

“WHAT?!” The women yelled at the same time, causing both demons to wince at their combined voices.

“You can’t leave now, I need to check Hiei every week!” Bulma put in.

“What about Toushi and Kaihei? You can’t leave them like that!” Shiori quickly added. “I must know why you’re doing this!”

“Hn, it’s for a good reason, a very good reason.” Hiei smirked.

“No reason can be that good! It’s not wise to be putting yourself in such danger!” Shiori replied almost angrily.

“Give us a moment and we’ll explain everything.” Kurama broke in before anymore outbursts. He looked directly at the Saiyan woman. “First off, Hiei doesn’t need examining. He only does it for me and because he likes to see the pictures.” He then looked to his mother. “Second, we’re taking Toushi and Kaihei with us. It’s about time they see their homeland. We also promised them an outing in the Makai. Third, Hiei can take care of himself, if not I’ll be there. Now, the reason why we’re going is a good reason, a great one. Hiei has inherited a third of the Makai. We have to go so he can claim the throne before somebody else tries too.”

“Really?” Shiori’s anger was slowly slipping away.

“Yes.” Hiei answered. “In the recent battle, Mukuro the former owner and lord died. I used to work for her when Kurama was still in that ningen school. She helped me further my training and become one of the greatest swordsmen alive. When I became her lover, she put me down as her heir to everything she had. She figured that I would soon take her as my mate, but that didn’t work out. I began to long for more, something I thought I couldn’t have. I gave up being her heir and her to return here to Ningenkai, hoping that somehow I could get what I wanted.”

“What was it that you were longing for? Freedom?” Bulma asked, interrupting him.

“Something like that.” Hiei actually offered them a nice smile, slipping an arm around the smiling redhead. “I wanted Kurama, I longed for him. I gave up being a lord over a third of the Makai for him and I must say it was well worth it.”

“That’s sweet.” Shiori smiled,, she hadn’t known any of that. She often wondered what had brought her son and his husband together, but didn‘t dare asking. “So, how are you still her heir?”

“Mukuro never changed her papers, hoping that Hiei would return to her.” Kurama continued with the tale. “After all, she had a demon lifetime to offer him and I was half human. Anyway, since she died and never changed her papers, Hiei has become lord over her land.”

“That would make you a prince, Shuuichi!” Shiori teased lightly.

“Actually, Hiei made it quite clear to the small contingent of soldiers that I am a lord as well and will be treated as such.” Kurama let a smug smile touch his lips. He never dreamed that he would be a lord of the Makai.

“So, who was it that killed this Mukuro?” Shiori asked the next obvious question.

“Toushi and Kaihei killed her.” Hiei was quick to answer, looking quite proud. “Toushi put a katana through her chest and Kaihei took off her head.”

“OH MY!” Shiori’s hand flew up to her mouth in shock. She hadn’t been expecting that answer. Her innocent little grandsons couldn’t kill somebody, they’re just too sweet. “Are they okay?”

“They show no ill effects from it. They have been trained to kill and defend their family all their lives.” Kurama answered, hoping that his mother wasn’t to upset over the news.

“They did what they needed to do.” Hiei added, not showing the least bit of shame for turning his sons into killers. They were demons and needed to know how to kill.

“Anyway, Hiei is a lord now and has to go claim his throne. We’ll be leaving in the morning.” Kurama put an end to that conversation. They were going and no one was going to change their minds. It was time that his mother realized that he would always be her son, but that he wasn’t a little boy anymore. He had to make the right decisions for himself and his family.

“Well, there is nothing that I can say, except let me know when you get back so I can check out Hiei again. That is if you still want me too.” Bulma tried not to show how disappointed she was.

“Don’t worry, we’ll call you when we get back.” Kurama offered her a smile.

“Thank you……I need to get going.” Bulma smiled as well. She quickly called up Koenma and got him to open a portal. She jumped through it, taking her two machines with her.

“I’m hungry.” Hiei announced, slowly getting up. He left the room, going towards the kitchen.

It was strangely quiet for several minutes while Kurama watched his mother, she seemed to be in deep thought. Shiori finally looked up and smiled almost shyly. “Shuuichi, I don’t know how you’ll feel about this, but I’ve got to ask. Can I go with you, Hiei, and the boys to the Makai?”

“What?!” Kurama didn’t know what to say, but he quickly got over that. “I can’t allow that, Makai is not a good place for humans to be.”

“I figured that, but I know you’ll protect me and I can watch the boys when needed. I won’t get in the way or be a burden.” Shiori pleaded, taking hold of her son’s hand.

“That’s not the problem. Of course, I would protect you and you’ll never be in the way. Plus, the kits would love to have you come along with us. It’s just not safe for you and I can’t knowingly put you in that kind of danger.”

“Please, Shuuichi! I have to go, I need to go! I need to get away from this world!”

“Why?” Kurama asked simply, getting the feeling that something was very wrong.

“I just need to get away from things in my life for awhile. Please, don’t ask me to explain it further. Just know that I need to do this for myself. Please, I’m begging you, take me with you.” Shiori slid off the couch and wrapped her arms around her son’s slender waist, silently crying into his chest.

Kurama was at a loss for words. He had never seen his mother like this, and it worried him greatly. Finally he relented, knowing that his mate wasn’t going to like this and that there was nothing else he could do. “Alright, you can go.” He gently held the woman as her tears became faster and she started shaking in relief. The fox would be sure to find out what was bothering his mother and he would have nearly a month of constantly being around her to do it in.


Thanks for reading and please leave a review. Once again I have been sick, I will try to update as soon as I can, but it probably won’t be every week like I want. When I get completely well, I’ll go back to updating every week.