Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ The Sickness Discovered ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children I have created and the story line.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. I can’t wait to read more reviews!!

AN: There is a lot of talking in this chapter, but it ties up some loose ends that needed to be tied up. I hope you all like what I’m about to do. I know some of you all have already guessed the problem, but I just couldn’t refuse doing this. I thought it would be fun.

Warning: There is a couple of paragraphs in this chapter containing an adult nursing relationship. So please skip over that if you don’t like the notion of it.



Chapter 6 of 24

The Sickness Discovered


Hiei slowly awoke, looking around the cave. His sons and Shiori were still sleeping soundly. He peered through the plants at the cave entrance and saw that it was still dark outside, but the sun would be coming up soon. He then looked down beside him and smiled. Kurama was still asleep too, snuggled at his left side.

The fire demon’s smile turned into a frown when he thought about the strange ailments his mate had been experiencing. Kurama had been dizzy, nauseous, and his energy was low. They were only a day into the seven day journey to the fortress, his fortress. He just hoped his mate started feeling better or they would have to turn back.

The fox began to wake beside him, stretching slightly. When green eyes opened and a smile touched full lips, he had to smile too. “Morning, fox.” He whispered, mindful of the others that were still sleeping around them.

“Morning, Koi.” Kurama whispered back.

“Your babies are still moving.”

“They are?” Kurama’s smile got bigger as he moved a hand to his mate’s stomach and felt the movements.

“Hn, I think they have been moving all night.”

“Then maybe they will sleep all day.”

“I can only hope.” Hiei chuckled lightly.

Kurama made himself comfortable on his lover’s chest. “I hope I do better today. I hope I‘ll feel better.”

“I was just thinking about that. We could always go back to Ningenkai and then I can come back alone.”

“NO! I won’t let you do this by yourself. What if you run into trouble?”

“Then I would handle it.” Was Hiei’s simple reply.

“Not without me!” Kurama quickly put in. “You will not be alone in this world while you carry two of my children.”

“So, you’re going to be more protective of me now, then when I carried Kaihei?”

“Naturally.” Kurama returned his mate’s smirk.

“Fox?……Can you…….do you mind……..” Hiei blushed, unable to put into words what he wanted done. The fox was the one that always approached this subject.

Kurama was confused at first until he saw his mate glance down to his chest. “I don’t mind at all, especially since sex is out.” He offered up one of his pretty smiles. “Just get comfortable. We also have to be quiet and careful because of my mother and the boys.”

“Hn.” Hiei brought up his left arm and tucked it under his head.

Kurama moved deeper into the sleeping bag, pushing up his mate’s shirt. He ran a finger around the fire demon’s left nipple a couple of times, teasing it into a nub. On an inhale, he put his mouth over the tiny peak and started to suckle gently. Hiei made sure the sleeping bag covered up what they were doing. If the others were to wake up, it would appear as if they were only cuddling. He brought his arm back down and laid it across his mate’s shoulders, playing with red hair.

Kurama caught the fire demon’s other hand and laced their fingers together. He wasn’t getting anything, only dry nursing, but they were both content with that. They let their eyes slip closed, enjoying the moment. They didn’t know how long they stayed that way nor did they care, but a soft sigh off to the side caught their attention. Leaving a kiss on his mate’s nipple, the fox pulled the t-shirt down and emerged from the sleeping bag. He found his mother sitting on her sleeping bag, watching them.

“Don’t let me disturb you two.” Shiori sounded apologetic and sad at the same time.

“We were just snuggling, mother.” Kurama smiled, quickly sitting up to point this out.

“Shuuichi, you don’t like your intelligence underestimated, so please don’t disregard mine.” Shiori scolded her son.

“I’m sorry.” Kurama instantly apologized as the fire demon sat up beside him.

“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean it to sound like it did.” Shiori replied, a smile appearing on her lips. “How long have you two been doing that?”

“Huh? Doing what?” Kurama tried to play it off.

“How long have you nursed from Hiei?” Shiori got right to the point and wasn’t the least bit shy about it.

“Um……” Kurama had a bright blush across his face and spreading down his neck.

“Since Kaihei was a week old.” Hiei answered for his embarrassed mate while he got out of his sleeping bag and started adding sticks to the almost burnt out fire. “I became engorged and no ningen breast pump would help. I wouldn’t fit my chest right and Kaihei could only nurse so much. As my chest became more painful, Kurama offered to suck out the milk and spit it into a bowl. All I can say is that no milk made it into the bowl and we’ve been doing it ever since. However, my milk dried up about three years ago when Kaihei completely weaned. So, what we were doing was dry nursing and we only do it once in while. I asked him to do it this morning and he did. If you must judge someone about this fetish, judge me. I don’t want anyone, especially his mother, thinking ill of my fox.”

“I could never judge Shuuichi or you for doing this. What you do is none of my business.” Shiori smiled. “I had already guessed that you two were up to something when you both disappeared everyday at three o’clock when the boys were toddlers.”

“Yes, that was our middle of the day session.” Kurama answered, finally finding his voice. He got out of his sleeping bag and went over to sit beside his mother. “Are you okay with this new knowledge about us?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Shiori turned to her son. “At the beginning, you were just trying to help Hiei, but it morphed into something more. Before your father died, I never used a breast pump. He always helped me out when I became engorged or had a blocked milk duct.”

“Then, I guess you can say it runs in the family.” Kurama laughed a little, already feeling better.

“I suppose, but we didn’t take it to the extreme like you two have. We didn’t have a set schedule, though that would have been nice. When your father died, I missed him terribly, but I still had you. You were a little over a year old when this happened and had already been weaned, but I was still producing some milk for your father. I was in so much pain until my body finally stopped production, I was even tempted to start nursing you again to alleviate that pain. When I married your stepfather, I had hoped that he would like to have the same special relationship that I had with your father, but when I brought up the subject to him, he said that I was strange and to get those crazy, creepy thoughts out of my head. I know that I’m not young anymore, but I still have needs, my body has needs. It still wants to be nursed, I still want to be nursed. I want to feel like a woman again.” Shiori wrapped her arms around herself in despair. She had never told anyone about this, about her own little fetish. She never expected that her son and his husband indulged in this act too. It was nice to know that she wasn’t alone.

“I’m so sorry, mother.” Kurama whispered, pulling her into a hug. “I had no idea that you knew about this obsession.”

“I still miss those special times with your father. It was like him and I was the only humans in the world when he decided that he wanted to suckle.”

“I know what you mean. I love to have nursing sessions with Hiei.” Kurama answered softly.

The fire demon moved over and sat down on the other side of Shiori. When they felt the movement, the fox and woman parted. Hiei reached out and took the woman’s hand, quickly bringing it to his stomach.

“They’re moving!” Shiori gasped her other hand going to the swell too.

“All night.” Hiei smirked.

Kurama reached over and laid a hand on his mate’s stomach as well. “He’s hoping that they will sleep all day now.”

“Are you going to nurse them too, Hiei?” Shiori asked, withdrawing her hands.

“Yes, until they wean on their own.”

“Will you let Shuuichi continue to nurse?”

“Yes, but the babies will come first.” Hiei answered quickly.

“We want it that way.” Kurama added, finally removing his hand from the fire demon’s stomach. “We don’t want to take anything from them.”

“I can understand that.” Shiori looked thoughtful. “But you know that a female’s body will produce as much milk as needed. I’m sure your body would be the same, Hiei.”

“I produce more then what is needed.”

“Then it should be no problem to continue with your sessions.” Shiori replied quickly. About that time, both demons groaned, covering their stomachs with their hands. Hiei took off towards the back of the cave.

“Boil water, please.” Kurama called as he took off as well. Shiori didn’t answer, she only started to get up, shaking her head. Her son was taking these sympathy pains way to far.


Five days passed for the family as they traveled through the Makai. They had run into a few minor skirmishes, but the boys took care of the problems. They had two more days ahead of them until they would finally reach their destination. Kurama continued to show sympathy pains. He got sick and had weird food cravings at practically the same time as the fire demon. He was also showing signs of mood swings. The kits quickly learned when and when not to bother their parents, Shiori did as well.

The woman also began to change her mind about her son’s sympathy pains. She started to believe that he was experiencing the real thing, but she hadn’t had the chance to talk to him about it. They all had just finished setting up camp in another cave. Hiei was having the mother of all mood swings so the fox suggested that he go for a run and calm down.

As soon as the fire demon flitted from the cave, Shiori smiled to herself. “Boys, run get some water so I can cook dinner.”

“Yes ma’am.” Toushi and Kaihei grabbed the buckets and went running from the cave.

“Shuuichi, can I talk to you?” Shiori asked, patting her sleeping bag as she sat down.

“Of course, mother.” Kurama stopped his pacing and went over to sit down beside her. He was in a bad mood too.

“Can I ask you a few questions?’


“Can you explain to me how Hiei is pregnant and still keep up his bodily functions?” Shiori asked quickly.

“It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try.” Kurama cleared his throat before continuing. “We found out that Hiei does in fact have a womb, thanks to Bulma and that cylinder transducer. It doesn’t work like a female’s womb though. He only produces ‘eggs’ by taking a potion made from a Makai plant called Risoia. He doesn’t have ovaries at all, the ‘eggs’ actually come from the lining of his womb. Hiei’s insides look much like a throat, it has a flap that flips back and forth. It flips one way for him to have sex, especially if he wants to get pregnant, and flips the other way if he has to go to the bathroom.” He was blushing by the time he was done with the explanation.

“I know that you’re embarrassed, but please answer my questions, I have my reasons.” Shiori smiled gently. “How is it that your bodily functions doesn’t get in the way of your love life?”

“I….um……I have a potion that we both take everyday. It keeps us very regular and cleaned out. You could time your watch by it if you wanted to. We go to the bathroom at the same time every day.”

“Oh, I understand now……….I take it that you’re the seme in your relationship?”

“No, Hiei and I are reversible, we take turns.”

“That would explain a lot!” Shiori smiled. “That tea you made the day before we left to come here had a very good, but different taste to it. What was in it?”

“It was normal green tea, but I added lavender and Risoia to it. It gives it a unique taste.” Kurama smiled as well.

“Risoia? Isn’t that the plant that helps Hiei get pregnant?”

“Yes, but Hiei was already pregnant so it wouldn’t do anything. It won’t effect the rest of us either.”

“I see your point.” Shiori grew quiet for a moment. “Hiei shows much the same pregnancy signs as females? Nausea, fatigue, food cravings, and mood swings, they are all classic signs.”

“Yes, but he also has a drop in energy. The child will use his energy to survive until it can establish it’s own energy.” Kurama again answered.

“Can you explain to me the two wishes that the Saiyans made on the dragon balls for you?” Shiori asked, smiling. Her inkling was quickly becoming truth as she put the many pieces of the puzzle together. She just needed one last piece to fall into place.

“Of course I can. The first wish was for me to be returned to life and the second was for me to become a full blooded demon again.”

“Can you remember the exact wording of the second wish?”

“I believe so………………….the wording went like this ‘we wish for Kurama and his children to be full blooded demons like his mate, Hiei, but for them to keep all their forms’. The dragon wasn’t sure if he was capable of such a wish. After a few moments, he said the wish was granted. The boys and myself glowed gold for a couple of minutes and then it went away.”

“Now everything makes sense and I can’t hardly believe it!!” Shiori exclaimed happily, grabbing her son’s hands. “I never dreamed that I would have the upcoming talk with you!!”

“What are you talking about, mother?” Kurama asked, titling his head slightly.

“Well, I not sure how to begin, but you’re a smart man, let’s see if you can figure it out. Have you had a drop in energy?”


“Have you had nausea?”


“Have you had mood swings?” Shiori asked, hoping that her son would have put it together by now.

“Yes.” Kurama replied, his eyes starting to sparkle with hope.

“Have you had weird food cravings?”


“And finally…..Was Hiei seme at some point that day that you drank that tea with the Risoia plant in it?”

“Yes.” Kurama slowly smiled, looking downwards.

“Then.” Shiori smiled, reaching over and laying a hand on her son’s flat stomach. “I believe that you are pregnant, Shuuichi.”

“How?” Kurama dropped his hands to his stomach before looking back to his mother. “How?”

“That second wish on those dragon balls. The Saiyans wished for you to be a full blooded demon like your mate. That dragon granted that wish, making you just like Hiei. You are now forbidden and pregnant on top of that.”

“I’m pregnant with Hiei’s child.” Kurama whispered near tears. It was something that he had wished for, for a very long time now, but told no one about.

“So, I guess you are about eight days?” Shiori couldn’t stop smiling.

“Yes, that’s about right. The baby will start showing it’s own energy in about another day. I can’t hardly believe it, but it has to be true!!” Kurama engulfed his mother in a tight hug.

Shiori only laughed, returning the hug. She now had three grandchildren on the way to go with the other two she already had.

“I’m pregnant!” Kurama started crying, holding onto his mother. The woman just held her son, letting him get the shock and happiness out of his system. They stayed like that for several minutes.

“What’s wrong?” A deep voice cut through the cave. The fox and Shiori pulled away from each other, smiling.

“Are you alright, daddy?” Toushi asked, seeing the tears running down his father’s cheeks.

“I’m perfect!” Kurama smiled, wiping his face with his hands. He got up and walked over to his mate. “Can I talk to you for a little bit, Koi?”

“Hn.” Hiei grunted, dropping the armload of sticks he carried. He turned and walked out of the cave.

Kurama sent a smile at his mother before quickly following his lover. He found the fire demon sitting on a limb in the top of a nearby tree. He quickly climbed up the tree, pushing his dizziness aside. He was on a mission of great importance. He sat down between his mate’s legs as close as possible.

“Why were you crying?” Hiei asked, wiping at the tear tracks on his fox‘s face.

“They were happy tears, Koi.” Kurama smiled, catching the hands and kissing them. “Are you feeling better?”

“Hn, the run did me good, and the babies have started to move around for the night.”

“That’s good.” Kurama brought their joined hands down to the swell. “I can’t hardly wait to see them.”

“Well, you have to wait two more months for that.” Hiei smirked.

“Yes, that’s true.” Kurama smirked too. “But you have to wait over two and a half more months to see your child.”

“Huh?” Hiei was completely confused.

“Hiei, Koi.” Kurama guided one of the fire demon’s hands over to lay on his flat stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

Hiei sat there for a few seconds, processing that shocking news. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. “WHAT?!! HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE PREGNANT?!!” He screamed, causing the redhead to jump and move back.


Thanks once again for reading and please review. The next chapter will be along shortly.