Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Two Intense Shoves ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! Absolutely the best!! I couldn’t ask for better readers and reviewers. You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. I am totally thankful to you all.

BIG WARNING!!!!: I do something in this chapter that I’m not proud of at all. I believe that I truly crossed a line that shouldn’t have been crossed. What you are about to read wasn’t how this chapter was originally written, it is just something that came about while I was typing it up and I didn‘t have the heart to remove it. This is probably the most racy chapter that I have ever and will ever write. I do not in any way, shape, or form condone the actions that is found below. Please read this chapter with caution because I did something very wrong in it. I even feel shameful and guilty that this come from me.

I had debated with myself and got my sister’s opinion on the matter because I wasn’t sure if I should post this as it is now. A couple of times I was going to delete this and just go with what I had originally written, but as you can guess I didn’t. Though I don’t like this because of what it contains, I do believe it’s a pretty good chapter and it will tie in well with future stories. I just had to post this because it is a part of this story and story arc now. I’m giving you all a little detail about what is written below, but I didn’t want to give away to much.

Toushi’s and Kaihei’s blossoming relationship will get a violent shove forward by an enemy. Then Kurama gives them another shove, though he’s only trying to help. His shove is where things become sticky and quite wrong. He guides the boys into doing something that is of a sexual nature and obviously immoral for their young ages. Hiei agrees with the choice, standing with his fox, because they were only trying to help really. Toushi and Kaihei don’t know what is happening or understand any of it, they are just doing what they are told. Shiori remains quite, but totally uncomfortable until later when she shows her son and the fire demon how truly angry she can become.

I try to handle this chapter from everyone’s point of view and I think I succeeded, but again the actions are very improper. I expect a lot of criticism for this chapter and probably a few flames too. I want to apologize ahead of time to all of my readers and reviewers for what you are going to read. This chapter really didn’t start out like this. It just happened. Enough of my ramblings, on with the story.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, very young Shonen Ai, and a bit of lime.

One more thing, there was originally twenty four chapters to this story. Just to let you know, now there will be twenty six chapters to this story, thanks to this chapter and the next one. So you have gained two chapters! Hope you enjoy!



Chapter 11 of 26

Two Intense Shoves


The trip back to the portal was a great deal slower. Hiei and Kurama had to stop and rest often. It was their third day into the journey and they had just stopped for the night. Toushi, Kaihei, and Shiori refused to let the pregnant demons help them set up camp in a cave that had been found.

Suddenly, Kaihei went rigid, his open jagon eye glowing gold. He slowly stood up, keeping his back to the mouth of the cave. He pulled a seed from his hair and formed a black rose close to his chest. Toushi was instantly on alert as well. He had noticed the subtle changes in his brother’s muscles, breathing, heartbeat, and the unemotional look that dropped over his face. Toushi casually walked over to the other kit and took up much the same stance, his back to the mouth of the cave.

Hiei and Kurama was talking quietly, probably about the unborn babies, but they fell silent when they heard the sound of a katana being removed from it’s sheath. They quickly looked over and saw that their sons were ready for battle. It was then that they finally picked up the evil presence in the air. It was very well hidden and wouldn’t have noticed it unless you were looking for it, that’s why Kaihei had picked it up first with his open third eye.

“Shiori, get to the back of the cave, get down and stay there.” Hiei managed to get to his feet and did it with difficulty. He was doing his best to not show his hindered movements.

Kurama stood up with a little more grace, noticing that the woman hadn’t moved yet. “Mother, do as Hiei says. We’ve got company and they’re not here for a chat.”

Shiori hurried to follow orders, but she was already worried sick. Her son and his mate was in no condition for a battle this she knew. But she was actually more worried about her grandsons. Toushi and Kaihei were out in front, in the direct line of attack. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, this battle wasn’t going to go well.

Several arrows went whizzing through the cave. Toushi and Kaihei jumped out of the way. They landed in a crouch side by side, close to their fathers. Kurama and Hiei were in a crouch too. They had only ducked to avoid the arrows so they wouldn’t use up what little energy they had left. The arrows hit the back wall of the cave and splintered into pieces, showering Shiori in harmless slivers of wood. She wanted to scream, but held it in.

A deep voice called out from the bushes that was directly in front of the cave. “Give us your ningen slaves, demon, and no harm will come to you or those kids.”

Hiei assumed that he was the one being addressed. “Why should I?” He called back as a distraction. He opened the mental link he had with the fox. /Don’t move or try to do anything, fox. I’ve got a plan already./

Kurama nodded slightly as he answered in his mind. /Fine, I’ll stay right here./

Satisfied that his mate had listened to him, Hiei began to slowly inch closer to his sons.

The voice was heard again, making it‘s intentions known. “That ningen man is a redheaded beauty. Any demon or demoness in their right mind would want him. The ningen woman will be just fine, though she is a little old. They both would sale for a hefty price at the slave auctions. I’m sure you know how valuable ningen are.”

“I do know because I already paid a hefty price for them. The ningens belong to me.” Hiei kept up with the distraction. He had finally come close enough to his sons to whisper to them so he wouldn’t be heard by the enemy. “Kaihei, can you form some type of bow and arrow out of plants? I know exactly where that voice is coming from and I don’t think he can see us to well because those arrows should have struck one of us.”

“Yeah, I can make a bow and arrow.” Kaihei pulled two seeds from his hair and threw them on the ground. He held a hand over them and sent out his energy. In a matter of seconds a dark green bow lay on the ground and a black thorny arrow type thing lay next to it.

Hiei nodded in satisfaction, the items would work just fine. He picked up the weapons and put the back of the arrow against the string of the bow, though the string was actually a vine. He made eye contact with his sons, smirking. “The demons out there are low class and dumb if it takes them this long to come up with a response. When I kill the leader, the others will attack. Be ready for it and show no mercy. Your dad and I won’t be able to help you two in this fight, our energy is to low. If you kits lose this fight, I will probably be killed. You, your grandmother, and your dad will likely be sold into slavery. Toushi, Kaihei, you have to win no matter what.”

“We will win, father.” Toushi assured, holding his katana tighter. Kaihei only nodded, understanding the dire situation. He loosened his hold on the rose in his hand so he could call forth his whip and swing it easily enough.

Hiei struggled to return to a standing position and keep hold of the weapons. When he reached his full height, he quickly raised the bow and arrow, taking aim. He let the arrow fly just as one came soaring at him.

“Hiei, lookout!” Kurama called desperately, still not moving from his crouched position. He knew that if he tried to help, it could make matters worse.

Suddenly, Toushi was up and moving . He literally blurred and reappeared in front of the fire demon. He leaped forward, pushing his father to the ground and going down with him. A whimper of pain was heard in the cave before the enemy demons attacked. Kaihei jumped into action, slashing through demons as they entered the cave. Toushi was breathing rapidly as he forced his way up off the ground, grabbed his katana, and ran to help his brother. The battle didn’t last long, especially since the kits were so furious over such a disgraceful attack. To clean the cave up, Kaihei threw black fireballs on all the bodies and pieces of bodies. Soon, there was nothing left, but ashes. Hiei called Shiori back over to them, knowing that she was probably worried for their safety.

A whispered name was heard through the cave. “Kaihei…..”

Everyone looked to the source of the voice and saw a bad situation. Shiori gasped in fear, a hand going up to cover her mouth. Toushi was barely standing on his feet, his whole body trembling. His young face and eyes were filled with extreme pain. His katana lay forgotten on the dust covered ground because his right hand was now clutching his left shoulder, his shirt slowly being soaked in bright red blood. The boy had an arrow completely through and now lodged in his body. He gradually met his brother’s eyes, his trembling becoming worse. His pained voice was heard again.

“Rosey….” It was then that Toushi couldn’t hold himself up anymore, his knees buckled and he started to collapse. Kaihei was at his brother’s side before he could hit the ground, easily catching him. They both ended up on their knees though, but Kaihei had controlled the descent, holding the other kit against his chest. Toushi was breathing hard through clenched teeth, leaning sideways against his brother, his eyes partially closed.

Kaihei held tightly to his brother and actually growled, baring his fangs, when their family got to close. The fox and fire demon easily recognized the situation. They were proud and worried at the same time. Kaihei was being possessive and protective of his brother, but this couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Toushi needed help and he needed it now.

“Why is he doing that?” Shiori asked quietly.

“It’s a demon thing.” Hiei answered simply, not wanting the woman to know all of the details.

Kurama decided that something had to be done. He knelt down with some difficulty, ignoring the flaring of his son’s energy. He knew it was a warning to stay away, but there was no time for this. “Kaihei?” He called, hoping to snap the boy back to reality.

Kaihei growled, holding his brother closer.

“Kaihei, look at me!” Kurama ordered, trying to remain calm. More blood was coming from Toushi with each passing second.

The black haired boy cut his eyes over to his father, growling still, and showing his fangs once more.

“Firebug, I know what you are feeling, what you are going through. I do understand and so does your father, but you have to let us help Toushi.” Kurama dared to reach out and run his knuckles over the black haired boy’s cheek. He wanted to touch Toushi and check him out, but he didn‘t dare do that. With the situation as it was, he needed his son‘s permission to do that, even if they weren‘t mates. “Let us help him.”

Kaihei seemed uncertain, his cold green eyes briefly glancing to his brother. He then watched the fire demon knell next to the redhead.

“Kaihei, we have to help him or he will die. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to loss him so soon? We really do know what you are feeling, we have each felt it before.” Hiei tried to reason with his stubborn son. “Try to rein in your demon emotions and instincts, let us help Toushi. You can stay right there and continue to hold him. Your dad and I won’t move him. We won’t take him from you.”

Kaihei’s resolve appeared to be melting. He kept looking back and forth between his brother and their parents. He knew how much pain his brother was in, he could feel it because of his open jagon eye.

Surprisingly, Toushi looked up to his brother and spoke next. “Rosey, I hurt so much. I want dad and father to help me. Please!”

“Alright, Cubby.” Kaihei finally relented. Toushi tried to smile, but his head fell back against the other kit’s chest. His energy was nearly gone, yet he was still awake. Kaihei laid his head against his brother’s, looking over to their fathers with tears in his eyes. “Help, Toushi.”

“We will, baby.” Kurama promised his son. He looked up to the ningen woman. “Mother, we need a fire for light and to boil water. Can you get one going?”

“I can.” Shiori grabbed her back pack and hurried over to the pile of sticks that had already been brought in. She didn’t understand any of that scene that had played out in front of her eyes. She had many questions, but now wasn’t the time for them. She had a job to do. She started to dig through her backpack, trying to find the lighter that she knew was in there.

“Toushi, Kaihei, don’t either one of you move. That arrow can’t be jostled, it could cause more damage.” Kurama didn’t wait for a reply, knowing that his sons would listen to him. He got to his feet and walked across the cave. He picked up the boys’ double sleeping bag and then looked over to his mother. Seeing that she was doing well with the fire, he returned to his mate and sons. He quickly spread out the sleeping bag next to the kits’ before dropping back to his knees at the fire demon’s side.

Hiei glanced to the fox, holding a knife in his hand. “He has no energy left to stop the bleeding. Do you realize what needs to be done?”

“I do.” Kurama answered softly, so he wouldn’t frighten his sons to much. What Toushi was about to go through would be very painful.

“As long as you know.” Hiei gazed at the knife for a few seconds. He opened the link to his mate‘s mind. /You do see how the boys are acting?/

Kurama made very brief eye contact with his lover. /Yes, they are acting as if they were mates./

/Exactly……..Because of that reason and even though he’s only seven years old, Kaihei is in charge at the moment./ Hiei sighed mentally. /This is the only thing bad about pushing two children into a bond. They are to young to control their reactions and emotions when something like this brings out their demon instincts. Though we are their parents, we are going to have to proceed with caution./

Kurama barely nodded. /I know……….Kaihei may become angry because we’ll be adding to Toushi’s pain. He may lash out at us to defend his brother./

/That’s what I’m thinking. We need to be very careful with what we say and do. I suggest we explain to Kaihei every little thing that goes with each step of this process. It might keep him from becoming to angry and us from getting hurt. He is more powerful then us and he knows it now./

/I’ll follow your lead, Koi./

Hiei finally turned his attention on his sons. “Toushi, stay as still as possible. Kaihei, I’m going to cut your brother’s shirt off now so I can get a good look at what we’re dealing with here. You’re have to move your arms out of the way.”

Kaihei regarded him for a few seconds. “I don’t want to let Cubby go. He’ll leave if I let him go.”

“Toushi isn’t going anywhere, but how about this.” Kurama smiled gently, understanding where his son was coming from. “You can keep your hands on your brother, just move them to different spots. We have to be able to see and get to the wound easily.”

“Fine.” Kaihei answered shortly. He dropped his left arm, his hand landing at the base of his brother’s tail. It was a place he knew he shouldn’t be touching because when he was touched there he felt funny in a very good way. Once, their parents had caught them wrestling and touching each other’s tails, instantly forbidding them from doing it again until they were much older. Kaihei smirked, watching his parents as he slowly ran his hand down his brother’s tail, letting his fingers sensually slid through the soft fur. He had seen his fire demon father do this to his other father when he had been in his silver demon form.

Despite the pain he was in, Toushi arched his back, obviously enjoying the unknown sexual touch far to much for his age. “Rosey……” He practically moaned, moving his head up to his brother’s shoulder. He knew that Kaihei was probably in trouble and he didn’t want him to be in trouble alone. They did everything together so they would be in trouble together.

Toushi moved his head just enough to lick at the base of his brother’s neck. This was something else that they had been forbidden to do. They had begun licking the other’s neck just before going to bed while at the fortress. It had become a nightly ritual, a good night of sorts, until their parents had caught them doing it. The fire demon and fox had quickly stopped this behavior, telling them that they were forbidden from doing it again until they were at least fourteen years old.

Kaihei licked his own lips when he felt the lick to his neck. He had told his brother once that he liked how it felt. When his hand reached the end of the other boy’s tail, he brought it back up. He slipped his hand right under Toushi’s tail, letting it rest against his brother’s firm rear. Kaihei finally moved his right hand. He put it over the other kit’s, that was still clutching the wounded shoulder. He gradually managed to pry Toushi’s bloody hand away from his body. The boys looked at each other, lacing their fingers together. Then they dropped their joined hands into the brown haired kit’s lap. They didn’t understand that their current embrace was by demon nature sexual, an embrace only for mates or lovers.

Kaihei met his parents eyes once more, rebelliously. “Is that better?”

Kurama and Hiei had to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths. They had to almost bite their tongues to keep from saying anything about the obvious show of defiance. They knew the boys were daring them to do something, anything, especially Kaihei. He was still angry and looking for a fight, it didn’t matter that it was his parents he was challenging. Kurama and Hiei realized this so they took a few moments to curve their parental reactions to the far to young, slightly sexual display. It wouldn’t be good if things escalated to a fight. Kaihei already realized how much power and control he had over the situation, they didn’t want to give him more by reacting the way he wanted them to.

Kurama forced a smile to his face. “Yes, that will be fine, firebug.”

“As I’ve said, don’t move, Toushi. I’m going to cut your shirt off now.” Hiei brought the knife up and put a slit down the front of the kit’s shirt. He then put one in the back of the shirt before bringing the knife up to the base of his son’s neck. He ignored the slight growl that came from Kaihei as he split open the shirt from the collar, over the shoulder, and down the sleeve.

Hiei then cut small slits in the material where the arrow protruded from the boy’s body. With these last cuts, half of Toushi’s shirt fell to the cave floor. The demons were finally able to see and inspect the wound properly. It wasn’t as bad as they first thought. Of course the arrow was through the shoulder, but it was only bleeding a little and it appeared that it hadn’t hit any bones.

Hiei glanced to his mate. “We’re going to need some kind of poultice to keep out infection.”

“I’m already ahead of you on that.” Kurama turned a little to look at the woman that had been standing quietly behind them. “Mother, I need a bowl of that boiling water and Hiei needs a rock that will fit comfortably in the hand. Can you get these items?”

“I’ll get them.” Shiori didn’t question her orders. She knew what her son wanted with the water, but she couldn’t figure out why Hiei needed a rock. She only turned around and hurried to get the asked for objects.

Hiei kept his eyes on the brown haired boy. “Toushi, it’s really not to bad, but it will hurt when I remove the arrow, stop the bleeding, and apply the poultice your dad is going to make.”

“I can take it.” Toushi answered softly, his voice so full of pain.

Hiei only nodded, raising his gaze to his other kit. “Kaihei, I need you to hang on tightly to that timid hold you have on your demon instincts. It won’t do you or Toushi any good if you get mad and try to harm me. I will be causing your brother a lot of pain, but it’s not intentional. Toushi has to go through this pain to get better and you have to let it happen.”

“But Cubby is already hurting so much. I know because my jagon is making me feel it.” Kaihei was uncertain for the moment. “I want to help him, but I don’t know what to do.”

“There isn’t much you can do.” Hiei replied to his son.

Kurama thought about it, knowing Toushi needed something to distract him from and dull the coming pain. Being a fox and an adult, he knew what would help the boy, but he was reluctant to make such a suggestion. Being Toushi’s father, he couldn’t and wouldn’t do what he had in mind, but his black haired son could get away with it. What he was thinking about wasn’t considered wrong for demon children and he knew the boys could handle the situation if he was to put them in it.

Toushi and Kaihei already had a strong bond and was well on their way to becoming mates. They were also curious about each other and themselves, this coming from their demon blood. If Kurama allowed and guided them through this, it would only strengthen their bond, and trust in each other. Also after this, Toushi and Kaihei would only want to be around the other, crave to be around the other. It was almost a guarantee that Toushi and Kaihei would become mates. It really was a win win situation for those that were involved.

Kurama realized though, that his mother would be furious with him. He knew that there would be a very heated, possibly loud, argument between him and Shiori when this was over. She would see the situation he put the boys in as wrong, but that would be by her ningen morals. The fox wrestled with his own ningen morals that had been taught to him since he started his second life. Finally his demon blood, instincts, and mind won the internal argument. Toushi and Kaihei was his children, he would guide them, teach them how he saw fit. He would install in them the morals he wanted them to have. The boys were of demon blood and they were going to grow up in the Makai so they might as well behave like demons and have demon morals. The fox would make sure of this and that his sons were demons that he could be proud of.

Taking a deep breath, Kurama opened the mind link with his mate. /Koi?/

/What?/ Hiei didn’t even look over. He didn’t want to alert the boys to what they were doing.

/I have an idea that will help Toushi. It will distract him and dull the pain while you remove the arrow. Kaihei will also play a big part in it. It may also distract him too so he won‘t attack us. I’m pretty sure the idea has crossed your demon mind, but you didn’t say anything because of how I may react./

/It probably has, but I’m not always sure of what you are thinking. Tell me?/

/It’s better to just show you./ Kurama sent his mate the possible image about what he was thinking.

/Yes, that did cross my mind./ Hiei looked down to the knife he still held. /And I was afraid of your reaction if I had suggested that. I’m happy to know that you thought of it too. How serious are you about it?/

/Serious enough to be talking to you about it. I know that they are still a bit young, but it’s not unheard of. Two demon families will do it to strengthen the bond between their betrothed children./

/True enough……… But what of your ningen morals? They have always come into play when we make decisions about the boys and I usually yield to you when I would have done things different. There was a few times when I would have done things the demon way./

/I know and I thank you for it./ Kurama smiled slightly. /You will be happy to know that I have come to a decision./

/What decision is that?/ Hiei spared a curious glance at his mate.

/That I am a demon and I’m going to live a demon’s life. I’m not going to let ningen morals affect my decisions anymore, especially concerning my demon children./

/I’m proud of you./

Kurama inclined his head slightly. /Thank you…………..With that said, I believe we should allow this. Toushi needs to be somewhat distracted while we remove the arrow and clean up the wound, it could also dull his pain a little bit. Though he would probably pass out anyway./

/Yes, he most likely will. As for Kaihei, I believe that he would be a willing participant because of the way he’s currently acting./ Hiei reasoned, trying to make this decision easier. /Plus, it would be done in a year or two anyway if we’re serious about them becoming mates./

/Exactly, it would be done anyway. That’s why I came to this decision. We’re just guiding them through it a bit early. It’s funny, we wanted something different for our sons then hands on experience so that they would have better life then what we got. Thinking back about these past few years I realize now that we have always taught them in that way. I guess they are going to turn out like us./

/Turning out like us wouldn’t be so bad. We are mates with an almost legendary love and rule two thirds of the Makai. Though the pathway was rough for both of us, we turned out to be just fine. You know what’s funny, your choice of words. Talk about hands on experience with what you are going to guiding our sons through while I remove the arrow in Toushi’s shoulder./

Kurama chuckled mentally. /I couldn’t resist putting it that way. Besides, with Toushi hurt the positions I showed you is the only possible choice./

Hiei smirked a little. /That’s just like you…………. Have you thought about Shiori? She won’t approve of this./

/Yes, I’ve thought about my mother’s reaction. She will be very angry, furious really, but that can’t be helped. I know that there will be an argument and I’m prepared for it. I will stand by my decision and will not feel ashamed. This is our choice, they are our sons. We will do what we think is right./

/Hn, agreed. Don’t worry, you won’t have to face Shiori alone, I’ll be right there with you. I’ve decided to go through with this idea. It will help Toushi some and make his bond with Kaihei that much stronger./

/Alright then, let’s get on with this. Our little, innocent boys have been waiting long enough./

/They won’t be so little or innocent after the education that you are about to give them./

Kurama allowed himself a smirk as he finally brought his eyes back to his sons, who had been waiting patiently, even though one of them was in pain. “Kaihei, I can help you make Toushi feel better, if you do exactly what I say and you both promise me not to try it again by yourselves until you’ve reached your teen years.”

“I promise.” Kaihei quickly answered.

“Me too.” Toushi barely nodded his head. He had grown to tolerate the throbbing pain, but it flared up worse if he dared move.

“What are you going to do?“ Shiori stood behind her son and had been there for a few minutes. She knew that they had been having one of their mental conversations so she had remained quiet. She held of bowl of warm water and a round looking rock. “Will this rock be fine?”

“Yes.” Hiei took the rock from her and laid it beside him.

Shiori looked at her son and repeated her unanswered question. “What are you going to do?”

“Something that will help and needs to be done anyway.” Kurama was cryptic with his answer. He didn’t want to reveal anything that would give her a hint of what was going to happen. He wanted to save that argument until after the deed was done. “Mother, you are about to see something that Hiei and I only should be witness to. It can’t be helped though, we need you to get items that will be used because we can’t move around easily.”

“Don’t worry, I can handle the sight of blood.” Shiori assured her son.

“He wasn’t talking about blood.” Hiei briefly glanced at the woman.

“What do you mean then?” Shiori looked back and forth between the demons.

“Mother, you will see something that your ningen values and morals tell you is inappropriate, immoral, sinful even, but don‘t interfere. The delicate setting I’m going to put the boys in can’t be stopped until it’s over. They have to finish what they start, because if they don’t, due to their ages, the trust they have in each other will be broken beyond repair.” Kurama took a deep breath, looking up to the woman. “I’m sorry, but Hiei and I won’t let that trust between the boys be shattered, even by you. We have worked to hard to get where we are now, to get what we want for the boys’ future, our future. No matter how much you want to, don’t say or do anything that will interrupt them. Promise me, mother, that you won’t interfere in what you will see.”

“You haven’t told me what I’m going to see.” Shiori pointed out, feeling uneasy. There was something that her son wasn’t telling her and it caused her to worry. Whatever her son was talking about, wasn’t going to be good. She just hoped her grandsons wouldn’t be in danger.

“And I’m not going to, you’ll just have to watch it as it happens. I‘m not taking the chance of you stopping this before it even starts.” Kurama was deliberately being cold to the woman or his own ningen morals might come to the surface again.

“Maybe you should wait on the other side of the cave, out of the line of sight.” Hiei suggested quietly.

“No, I want to help.” Shiori insisted, enforcing her resolve. Something deep inside her was urging her to stay. “I can handle the blood and what ever else you two are talking about.”

“Then promise me that you won’t interfere at all. I will discuss our decision, and any of your concerns later tonight when the boys are asleep.” Kurama made it clear what he would and wouldn’t have. He knew if he got his mother to promise him that she wouldn’t intervene she wouldn’t. No matter what, she wouldn’t break a promise to him.

“I promise, I won’t say or do anything.” Shiori finally answered, holding the bowl out to her son. She had a nervous smile on her face because she still didn’t know what they were talking about and that inner voice was telling her that she just agreed to something that she wasn‘t going to like. “If I feel the urge to meddle, then I’ll go to the other side of the cave.”

“Thank you, mother.” Kurama smiled as well, but his was confident. He took the bowl and sat it between himself and his mate, making eye contact for a moment. “Let’s get started, Toushi has had that arrow in him long enough.”

“Hn, I’ll follow your lead this time.” Hiei picked up the rock and moved around to the other side of his quiet sons. He glanced from one boy to the other, at their young faces, at the embrace they were in. He was satisfied that he and his mate had made the right decision. He looked to the fox and nodded. “Begin it.”

(Below here is where things become quite racy and definitely wrong. If you are easily offended, I would advise you to stop reading now and wait for the next chapter. Just so you know, something will happen between the boys that will add a new aspect to their relationship. If you continue reading, please do so at your own risk. You have been warned several times. Thank you.)

Kurama took a deep breath, looking directly at his sons. “I want you both to relax, trust me, and do exactly as I say.” When the boys silently nodded, he continued. “Kaihei, I want you to stay as you are; on your knees, but sitting on the back of your legs.”

“Okay, daddy.”

“Toushi, there isn’t much choice for you because of the arrow in your shoulder. You have to stay leaning your right side against the front of your brother’s body so your father and I can get at the wound. Though I would like for you to try to put your right arm around his waist.”

“I’ll try.” Toushi released the other kit’s hand and started to move. Pain was apparent on his face, but so was determination. This was the only reason why he was able to do what his father wanted. He slowly slipped his right arm around his brother’s waist.

“Good.“ Kurama smiled encouragingly. “Kaihei, I now want you to open your legs just enough for your brother to lay sideways between them.”

The black haired kit didn‘t respond. He only slid his legs out, letting his brother rest between them and against him.

Kurama continued to smile. “As we proceed, boys, try not to lose this position. It will be beneficial to you both if you stay like this.”

“Yes, sir.” The kits answered together.

“Let’s move on then.” Kurama reached out and removed Kaihei’s boots along with the socks. He also somehow managed to get the kit’s shirt off. He glanced briefly to his mate. “Can you cut the rest of Toushi’s shirt off?”

“Hn.” Hiei quickly done what the redhead wanted. “What about the pants?”

“The pants are staying on for my mother’s sake.” Kurama answered as he removed Toushi’s boots and socks. He was doing this to make his sons as comfortable as possible since it would help the situation along. “Besides, the pants won’t hinder the boys in any way.”

To show his mate what he had in mind, the fox untied the sash in Toushi’s pants that kept them up and closed. He ran his fingers just under the waistband, loosening them, but also checking to see if the boy had on underwear; he didn’t. The kits for the most part was curious and eager, but they didn’t understand what was happening so they opted to remain quiet and only do what they were told.

Kurama looked at his sons once again, even as he straightened Toushi‘s left leg and pushed it back some so that his legs were parted and hips turned just enough. “Kaihei, I need you to cup your hand like you are going to drink water from it.”

“Like this?” Kaihei raised his right hand and cupped it.

“Exactly like that and keep it that way.” Kurama put his hand around the kit’s wrist. “Okay, boys, for the next little while I want you to only look at each other. No matter what you hear, keep your focus on your brother. I will be talking to you to give you instructions, do what I say, but don’t look at me. Your father will probably give you directions too, follow those as well. Toushi, your father will be removing that arrow in a very short time. You will be in pain, but try to keep your concentration on Kaihei and what he will be doing to you. Also, no matter what don’t stop any of the actions that I tell or guide you to do. You, boys, will finish what you start. Understand?”

“Yep.” Kaihei was quick to answer.

“Yes.” Toushi answered too.

Kurama looked up to his mate for the final okay. After this, there would be no turning back. When Hiei nodded, Kurama took a deep breath and then took hold the top of the brown haired boy’s pants. He pulled them open and guided Kaihei’s cupped hand down inside them. The fox heard his mother gasp in shock, but he ignored it. The next gasp was heard from Toushi as his brother cupped his penis and part of his sac. He unconsciously rolled his hips into the warm hand, gripping his brother‘s waist tighter.

Kaihei was wide eyed as he watched and felt the other kit move against his hand. His eyes only got wider, feeling something happening. “I’m hurting Cubby.” He finally whispered after a couple of failed attempts.

“How so?” Kurama asked softly. He still hadn’t removed his hand from Kaihei’s wrist, but he wasn’t planning to yet. He wanted to make sure his sons would continue when he let go.

“He’s a…..He’s a….” Kaihei stumbled over his words. “He’s getting …….. a little…….. hard.”

Kurama allowed himself a small chuckle. “That’s suppose to happen. It means he likes what you are doing to him. Let’s see if he can get you a little hard.” He reached behind the black haired kit’s back and took hold of Toushi’s wrist. He guided the small hand down to lay just under Kaihei’s tail. “Toushi, press down some, wriggle your fingers, and move your hand around in that spot.”

Toushi made several attempts to say something, anything, but nothing come out, except his rapid breathing. He finally just did what he was told to do with a blush already on his face. He smiled slightly when he heard Kaihei start breathing like him. It was nice to know that he had the same affect on his brother as his brother had on him. He didn’t know what he was feeling though, only that he liked it and he didn‘t want it to stop.

Kurama smiled a bit. “Firebug, are you a little hard now?”

Kaihei was only able to nod, his voice was completely gone, and he had a pretty blush on his face too.

Kurama was about to set up the next stage, but he quickly realized that he didn’t have too. The boys’ demon and natural instincts had taken over. Toushi was still moving his hips and his hand was playing at the base of his brother’s tail. Kaihei had begun to copy the other’s actions with his left hand all on his own; it was also under his brother’s tail. His right hand wasn’t idle and the fox felt it. Kaihei was gently squeezing and then releasing Toushi’s genitals.

Satisfied that what was happening wouldn’t stop, Kurama finally removed his hands from his sons. He looked up to his mate. “Koi, you can start now and please do it quickly. The boys won’t last to long because of their age and inexperience.”

“I know.” Hiei got up on his knees and started to cut through the arrow in Toushi’s shoulder. He could have easily broken the arrowhead off, but it would have caused more damage and pain. As he was sawing through the shaft, he made eye contact with his lover and then briefly inclined his head to the left.

Kurama chanced a glance at his mother and found what he had expected. Shiori was in complete and total shock. Her brain couldn’t process what she was seeing her grandsons do. It was clear that she wanted to turn away in disgust and run to the other side of the cave, but she didn’t do either. Her body was literally frozen in place so she was left staring at the scene as it played out before her.

Kurama shrugged because it couldn’t be helped. He turned back to his mate and tried to smile. “There’s going to be hell to pay.”

“Indeed.” Hiei agreed, continuing to cut through the shaft of the arrow. He was actually almost done. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye that made him smile and then tilt his head towards his sons. “See if you can help out our little firebug.”

Kurama quickly looked to his sons and smiled. “Oh.”

Kaihei was wiggling his little hips back and forth, trying to get some friction on his own penis, but it wasn’t working and he was becoming frustrated. The fox moved over just enough to put his hands on the kit’s wriggling hips. He stilled their frantic movements, not letting his son move for a few seconds to calm him down some. Then he started guiding Kaihei’s hips, making them roll like his brother’s were. It was what the boy had been seeking, his mouth fell open and a muted gasp was heard. Kaihei was obviously rubbing himself against Toushi’s side, enjoying the friction caused by his brother and the pants he still wore.

Kurama once again removed his hands from his son. The boys really were doing fine on their own, they didn’t need him to help anymore. He brought his eyes back to what his mate was doing. Even if he was present, it wasn’t right for him to keep his hands on his sons or watch them. His sole purpose in the situation was to make sure that Toushi and Kaihei didn’t cross certain lines to soon. Though it was out in the open, what was happening between the boys was a private moment meant only for them. Kurama spared very brief glances to his sons, but for the most part he kept his eyes on his lover. He smiled a little when the arrowhead finally fell off into the fire demon’s waiting hand.

Hiei looked up to the ningen woman. “Shiori?” When nothing happened, he tried again, louder. “Shiori?” Still the woman didn’t respond so he got even louder. “Shiori!!”

Shiori nearly jumped out of her skin, her widened eyes landing on the fire demon. “Y…Ye…Yes?”

“Here.” Hiei tossed her the piece of arrow he was holding and she easily caught it. “Go find a burning stick that is the same size as the arrow’s shaft and do it quickly. We don’t have much time left, if the boys’ quickened movements are any indication.”

Shiori tried to answer, but she couldn’t. She just turned and ran towards the fire.

Hiei turned his attention to the boys, watching them for a few seconds. They both had their eyes closed, and mouths were open, breathing hard. The fox’s whispered voice caught his attention.

“They have great instincts and have taken to this quite well.”

Hiei let a smirk touch his lips as he looked to his fox. “Yes, they have. That is why we are going to have to watch them even more closely. Knowing them, they are going to want to do this all the time.”

“Yes, I know.” Kurama smirked too. It really did seem that things were going to turn out the way they wanted and hoped.

Before anything else could be said, Shiori came running back over. She held a stick in her hand, one end of it black and smoldering. She didn’t say anything as she held the stick out to the fire demon.

Hiei took the stick, nodding his thanks before turning his attention back on the fox. He laid the stick down beside him and picked up the rounded rock. “Here we go.”

Kurama placed a hand on Kaihei’s back, whispering. “Kaihei, use that jagon eye to intensify the sensations and feelings that you are causing your brother to experience. Also, warm up your hands a little bit, I can guarantee you that Toushi will like it.”

Kaihei didn’t answer or open his normal eyes, but his jagon did begin to glow gold. It was assumed that the kit had warmed his hands too. Toushi gasped and turned his face into his brother’s chest. Small, muffled, incoherent sounds came from his trembling lips.

Knowing that what could be done had been done to help Toushi, Hiei took a deep breath and wrapped his free hand around the part of the arrow that was coming from the front of the kit’s shoulder. He waited and watched until he saw Toushi tense up and then start trembling uncontrollably. It was time, without warning or thought to what he was doing, the fire demon slammed the rock against the shaft that was sticking out of his son’s back and pulled from the other side.

Toushi screamed into Kaihei’s chest and tightened his hold on him, feeling the arrow move within his body.

Hiei took another deep breath and slammed the rock down again, pulling the arrow from the front. Toushi’s whole body shuddered in pain, screaming again as the arrow was yanked from his shoulder and blood started to pour out of him.

“Kaihei, keep your hands moving and continue to use that jagon.” Hiei instructed while he picked up the smoldering stick. He placed his free hand on Toushi’s left arm and quickly brought the stick forward. He shoved the burning wood into the hole in the back of the kit’s shoulder. Toushi screamed in pure agony, now feeling only pain as the wound was colorized. He had actually been feeling really good, but that had been taken away.

After several seconds, Hiei pulled the burning stick out of the wound. He passed the stick to his other hand and without warning shoved it into the wound in the front of Toushi’s shoulder. Another heart wrenching scream was pulled from the kit, making all that were present cringe as if feeling the pain too. Finally, Hiei removed the stick and laid it on the ground beside him. The whole situation was almost done.

“Kaihei, I know it’s hard to get past Toushi’s pain, but you have to.” Kurama moved a little bit closer to his sons, knowing what was going to happen. “Search your brother’s mind and body for those funny, warm, and fuzzy feelings that he was having right before your father started removing the arrow.” He watched as his son’s third eye glowed brighter. “Have you found them?’

“Yeah.” Kaihei nodded his head, concentrating hard.

“Good, bring all those feelings and sensations to the surface. Make them override the pain in Toushi’s body.” Kurama urged gently.

Kaihei’s jagon eye continued to glow, a smile on his lips. It wasn’t long before Toushi sighed, his very tense body going lax against his brother. He actually looked up and smiled lazily at the other kit. “Hi, Rosey.”

“Hi ,Cubby.” Kaihei actually giggled. He moved a little to get more comfortable, his legs had started to go to sleep, but that didn’t help. His sensitized penis brushed against his brother’s side, his pants adding to the friction. He sighed, his mouth following open. Hiei and Kurama saw this, but didn’t say anything. They waited to see if the brown haired kit would figure the next step out on his own and he did.

Without instructions and ignoring the pain in his shoulder, Toushi put his left arm around his brother’s waist too. He was tired and had no energy, but he wanted Kaihei to feel what he was feeling. He spread his hands out on the cheeks of the other kit’s butt. With a smirk, he forced Kaihei to roll his hips upwards into his body while squeezing the twin globes under his hands. That was all it took for the black haired kit because he was so over sensitized already. Kaihei tensed up, his toes actually curling, and then he started trembling. He begun to collapse a few seconds later, a small moan escaping his mouth.

Kurama caught his son and held him upright. He smiled knowingly when the kit’s heavily lidded green eyes met his own. “I take it that you liked that?”

“Yeah.” Kaihei said on a sigh, the same lazy smile on his lips. “I feel really good. I want to do that again.”

This admission caused Hiei to heartily laugh and shake his head. It seemed that the boy took after the fox in at least one more way. Not that it was a bad way, but Toushi was going to be worn out until he got his stamina built up after they become mates.

“I’m glad you did and I bet you do.” Kurama ran a hand through his son’s black hair. “Though you and Toushi can’t do this again until you’re a little older, I can promise you that it will only feel better, will only get better as you two become more experienced.”

“Really?” Kaihei didn’t believe that things would feel better then what he was already feeling.

“Yes, a whole lot better.” Kurama smiled gently. “Now, why don’t you go to sleep? I know you and your body wants to.”

“But Cubby.” Kaihei quickly looked down to where his brother was still leaning against him, wrapping his arms around him.

“He’s already asleep. I‘m actually surprised that he didn‘t pass out sooner, but he was very determined. He wanted to prove that he could handle the pain and he wanted to see to your needs as well, which is very good.” Kurama scratched his son’s ears. “You go to sleep too.” He pulled the boy against his side, letting him rest there.

Kaihei had one more question that he wanted answered. He tilted his head back and looked up his redhead father. “What was that, what Cubby and I did?”

Kurama took a deep breath, trying to come up with something that wasn’t to adult. He had known that question would eventually be asked. “There are a lot of names for what you and Toushi did, some are very bad and I would prefer that you don‘t know those names yet. For now, let’s call what you two did, shared fun. Enough talking, go to sleep. I’ll try to answer anymore of your questions after you and Toushi wake up because I‘m sure that he has some too.”

“Okay.” Kaihei laid his head against his father’s shoulder while he continued to hold his brother. It wasn’t long at all before he was in a deep sleep.

Kurama and Hiei worked together to move the boys as one to their double sleeping bag. They really didn’t want to disturb the kits because they were in the cutest little embrace. Toushi and Kaihei needed this time together, even asleep. They had to come to terms with this new aspect of their relationship and to only seek out the other if comfort or reassurance was needed. To complete the circle, they needed to wake up in each other’s arms. The boys had sealed their fate as mates, unless something extremely traumatic happened that would tear apart their bond, but the demons would make sure that didn’t happen.

As Kurama and Hiei removed their hands, the boys settled in for a nice, relaxing nap. Kaihei was laying on his back, his arms around his brother’s shoulders. His lips were parted and he was breathing through his mouth. Toushi laid between the other kit’s legs and part way on his body. His head was turned sideways, resting against Kaihei’s bare chest. He was breathing deeply through his nose and his hands gripped his brother’s arms loosely.

Kurama quickly made up a poultice that would help with the pain, keep out infection, and for fast healing. He filled up the burned holes in Toushi’s shoulder with it and spread it around the wounds. After that, he applied gauze and taped it down. Once he was satisfied, Kurama pulled the sleeping bag over his sons, smiling. “Well, Koi, it’s done. I had always imagined that Toushi would be in charge when we put them into that situation, yet Kaihei certainly did do a great job. It will make me ponder again just who will be seme in their relationship. Maybe they’ll turn out like us, both reversible. Yet, this wasn’t how I pictured our sons’ first adventure into pleasure, but it worked.”

“How did you picture it?” Hiei asked, still watching his sleeping sons.

“A lamp weed lit room on a full moon night, a soft bed with silky sheets, maybe a couple of sips low grade wine just to help them to relax, no hindering injuries, and definitely no clothes. Though the boys didn’t seem to mind, the pants did put a damper on the moment. There wasn’t much skin to skin contact when they needed it the most.”

“As you saw, fox, they did just fine. Maybe we could set that scenario up for them in a year or two. They have at least seven years to wait before they can mate so they may become frustrated now that they have been introduced to pleasure of the body. Kaihei has already asked to do it again. He actually sounded like another fox I know and love.”

“I know. He sounded just like me. What can I say, it‘s the fox blood in him.” Kurama allowed himself a small laugh. “And that’s true about possible frustration. We could always just go with instincts, ours and theirs. If we see them becoming agitated, we set up a special night for them so they can work through that agitation together.”

“And of course we’ll be present to make sure that they don’t take things to far.” Hiei thought it over and nodded once. “I like that idea, we’ll do that.”

“Agreed.” Kurama leaned over and kissed both boys on the foreheads. When he sat up, Hiei leaned over and kissed the boys on the head too.

They slowly managed to get up from the ground, somewhat helping each other. They were generally pleased with everything that had happened and the outcome. Their happiness died the moment they turned around. Shiori stood a few feet in front of them and she had apparently gotten over her shock and denial. Her shoulders were squared in determination, her hands were clenched, her eyes were narrowed, and what little bit of energy she had was flaring. She was the perfect picture of seething anger. Hiei and Kurama had never feared a ningen before, much less a female, but at that moment a very tiny sliver of fear sliced through them. This was truly going to be a nightmare.

Shiori’s enraged voice cut through the cave like a knife. “What in the hell is wrong with you two?!!” She pointed right at the sleeping kits. “You just guided those innocent little boys into having incest sex!!!”


That’s right!! Shiori is going to rip the demons a new one in the next chapter and they need it!! I suppose I need it too for writing this. Please bear with me though while I explain a few things.

If you are wondering, Toushi and Kaihei both had erections. Now some of you are wondering how is that possible because of the ages, but it’s totally possible. You see, boys get erections all of their lives even when they are babies, even in the womb. Some boy babies are born with erections. All an erection is, is when the penis fills up with blood. It doesn’t have to be sexual, though I made it sexual in this chapter.

Many people cannot imagine that everyone— adults, the elderly, teens, children, and even babies—are very sexual beings. Some believe that sexual activity is reserved for early and middle adulthood. Teens often feel that adults are too old for sexual intercourse. Sexuality, though, is much more than sexual intercourse and humans are sexual beings throughout life.

Now, I know that demons and demon world is fictional, along with the customs and morals that we provide for them. I just like to say that I think demons would be very sexual creatures too and probably more so. If that was true, then demon children would also be more sexual. They would be curious and they would experiment early.

I just want to point out one other thing. Has anyone out there ever changed a baby’s diaper? If you have, then you should have noticed how a infant will touch, grab, and rub their genitals while the diaper is off. This is because it provides pleasure to the baby. I also want to say that toddlers and little boys and girls can experience orgasm from masturbation, from touching themselves. Although boys will not ejaculate until they have reached puberty. So if you don‘t know the answer or figured it out, it is yes. In this chapter, Toushi and Kaihei reached orgasm, though they didn’t ejaculate or really have sex. Please try to remember that it was only some touching and a little humping.

As I have said at the beginning, I expect criticism and a few flames for this. I know that I really shouldn’t have wrote this chapter like this, but this just happened. I want to apologize once more, if any of you out there is offended. I wasn’t trying to offend you in any way. If you are still offended, then there isn’t much else to say, except that this is a free country and this is my story, I can do whatever in it that I want. Again, sorry if you are upset, even by the truth in the last sentence. Sorry.

Please let me know what you think by leaving a review, even if it’s criticism or flame. I will gracefully accept anything that I get. Thanks so much for reading! Even if you don’t like this chapter, please keep reading this story and all future stories that will be in this arc. The next chapter will be out soon and I promise you all that it’s a lot less racy, though there will be some bad language because Shiori is going to let the demons have it. Things will also get explained from the demons point of view.

Once again, thanks so much for reading and please leave a review.