Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Now The Bad News ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! Absolutely the best!! I couldn’t ask for better readers and reviewers. You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going and for me to keep writing. I am totally thankful to you all. As I have said, you guys are the absolute best!! ^_^

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai and a lot of talking.

A/N: Well, it seems that I can’t stop adding stuff that I believe should be in this story. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I hope you all don’t mind. Anyway, this story has once again gained another chapter. So now there are 28 chapters to this story and you know what more may be added. It is all according to what my muse has to say.

So, I don’t jip you guys on chapters and to put in what I previewed in chapter 15, this is a two chapter update. That means once again you all get two chapters for the price of one. I hope that all of my readers and reviewers enjoy them. I‘m sorry for the long wait, I hope two chapters is a good enough payment. Because I was only going to post one and save the second one for next week. ^_^



Chapter 16 of 28

Now The Bad News


The demons kissed again, their lips lingering together. They wanted each other badly, they could feel it in their embrace. But that wasn’t to be, they weren’t able to make love right now. They settled for another kiss and a tighter hold. Both knew that from now on they needed to stay far away from that Risoia plant unless they intended on getting pregnant. They for sure didn’t want to repeat this situation. The situation where they couldn’t satisfy the other’s needs and hardly protect themselves. Next time they decide that they wanted another baby, only one of them would get pregnant, but that wouldn’t be happening for a long time.

A soft knock on the bedroom door disturbed the two demons on the bed. “Yes?” Kurama called out.

The door opened a little and Shiori stuck her head into the room. “Is it alright for Bulma and I to come in again?”

“Yes, it’s fine.” Kurama quickly closed the front of his robe. Though he didn’t move from the fire demon’s embrace. Hiei opted not to move either, he was just to comfortable. Besides, they were in their home and could do what they wanted. They ladies walked into the room, Bulma closing the door behind her.

Shiori came to a stop beside the bed, looking at her son and his mate. “Is everything okay? You both kind of looked upset when we left the room.”

“Yes, for the most part. We are very happy that I’m having twins too, but we don’t know how we are going to take care of four babies.” Kurama answered while he slipped his arms back around his lover. He didn’t care that others were present, he needed the warmth and comfort that only the fire demon could give. Hiei seemed to understand the silent plea because he tightened his arms around the fox.

“By the way.” Bulma caught everyone’s attention while she cleaned up and put away her machines and supplies. “We all know that Hiei’s twins are fraternal, but Kurama’s twins are identical.”

“So they will be the same sex?” Hiei asked quickly.

“Yes, they will be and they will also look exactly alike.”

Shiori seemed to not notice how sad Bulma sounded. She was just to happy. “This is going to be so much fun telling them apart when they are little. “And as they get older they will probably play all kinds of jokes.”

“They better not.” A purple glowing was seen under Hiei’s headband. “Besides, I’ll be able to tell them apart and no matter how much alike they look their energies will be different.”

Kurama was watching Bulma closely. He could tell that she was keeping something important to herself. He wasn‘t sure if he wanted to know what that was, but he decided that he had to know. “What is it, Bulma? What’s wrong? What are you not telling us?”

“I forgot how well you can read people, Kurama.” Bulma finally finished what she was doing and then looked at the demons. “There is something you both need to know, but I believe that I should talk to Hiei first.”

“Why? Isn’t it something we both should know?” Kurama watched the woman a few seconds before speaking again. “I see, my mother and Hiei has told you what I did. That I tried to put an end to this pregnancy and that I almost succeeded. That I murdered one of the babies that I carried.”

“Don’t be mad.” Hiei spoke near the fox’s ear, but the women could hear him. “I was going to tell you that I told her. I love you and so does your mother. We only told Bulma about what happened because she needed to know since she would be taking care of you.”

“I’m not mad strangely enough and I understand your motives for telling her. I also know that you are only trying to protect me.” Kurama turned a little to look at his mate. “But I won’t have things kept from me because of my guilt over what I did or how I may react. I promise I won’t do anything else stupid. It is my body and it’s my pregnancy, I deserve to know everything that is going on.”

“I know that you deserve to know and you will know.” Hiei left a short, gentle kiss on the fox’s lips before he looked to Bulma at the foot of the bed. “Whatever it is, whatever is wrong, you can tell us both. I won’t keep anything from my fox.”

“What ever you want.” Bulma sat down on the foot of the bed. She looked at the other woman. “You might want to sit down for this.” When Shiori sat down on the side of the bed behind her son, Bulma continued. “Let me set one thing straight before we really get into this. What I’m about to tell you is not a side effect of the forced, partial abortion. In fact, it has nothing to do with that situation and from what I can tell the babies are perfectly healthy.”

“Then, what’s wrong?” Shiori was the one to ask this.

“Well, in Kurama’s pregnancy the twins are sharing one placenta. When two babies share one placenta they are called Monochorionic Twins. This is where the problem arises. Now I don’t know if Kurama will have the same problem as human females because he is a male and he is a demon, but from what I have learned so far is that demon pregnancy and ningen pregnancy are practically the same except for the very fast development. So basically, the demon baby and human baby go through all of the same stages of development. In this is why I believe that a problem might arise in Kurama’s twin pregnancy. What I’m about to tell you happens in about fifty percent of multiple pregnancies where the babies share the same placenta. And I‘m not saying Kurama has this problem. As of right now, everything is normal and it is quite possible for everything to stay perfectly normal. I‘m just saying that this might come up later in the pregnancy so be ready.”

Bulma paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing. “In a pregnancy of Monochorionic Twins two fetuses share one placenta, like two trees growing from the same trunk. Monochorionic twins are always identical twins. Although they are usually separated by a thin wall or membrane, they have many direct connections to the placenta. These connections between the blood vessels that radiate from each cord insertion, are called vascular anastomoses or shunts. They allow the passage of blood between their circulations. These anastomoses are found in all monochorionic pregnancies - all such twins exchange blood back and forth. In uncomplicated monochorionic pregnancies there is an equal exchange of blood in both directions keeping the balance between their circulations. As of right now, this is the pregnancy Kurama is experiencing.”

Bulma took a moment to make sure everyone was following along with what she was saying. Seeing that they were, she continued on with her explanation. “While in most monochorionic pregnancies, that means two or more fetuses sharing the same placenta, sharing is equal between babies this may not always be the case. When the sharing between monochorionic twins in not equal or unbalanced it can lead to complications. Twin to twin transfusion syndrome is such a complication occurring in monochorionic twins.”

Bulma realized that the others were becoming confused. “Let’s see if I can explain this better. This imbalance occurs mainly because of blood vessel connections deep in the placenta, or on its surface. An artery of one twin may connect with the artery of the other twin, arterio-arterial anastomosis. Similarly a vein of one twin can connect with a corresponding vein from the other, veno-venous anastomosis. These connections are on the surface of the placenta and permit blood exchange in both directions. Sometimes arteries coming from one twin to supply an area in the placenta, the cotyledon, do not drain into a vein returning to the same twin. Instead, the blood is drained by a vein connecting to the other twin. Such an arteriovenous anastomosis deep in the placenta allows blood flow in one direction and therefore acts like a one-way valve. If the amount of blood flow in one direction cannot be balanced by enough blood flow in the opposite direction, then an imbalance is set up. If this imbalance progresses further it can result in twin to twin transfusion syndrome.”

Bulma rubbed her head for a few moments, trying to remember everything she had learned in collage. “Twin to twin transfusion syndrome or TTTS may threaten both twins in a complicated monochorionic pregnancy. In this situation, there is unequal exchange of blood, placental sharing of nutrients, fluid, and oxygen between twins. The term “twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome” or TTTS is applied to this situation. One twin is called the donor twin and the other is the recipient twin. The donor twin sends blood and fluid to the placenta, but does not get an equal amount back from the placenta. The recipient twin, the bigger of the two, also sends blood into the placenta, but gets back an excess of fluid and blood cells. This net difference leaves the donor short of fluid and placental supplies, while the recipient is overloaded. “

Bulma knew the situation was about to become bad. “The recipient twin, often larger. becomes effectively overloaded with the extra blood supply. His or her heart has to work harder to pump the enriched blood around, which can result in heart failure. The recipient twin may also develop hydrops or edema (retained fluid) within his or her body, which in turn can lead to respiratory, digestive, heart, or brain defects.”

Bulma saw the look of worry on the fox’s face, but continued on. The demons had to know everything. “The donor twin, the smaller, becomes anemic due to not having enough blood supply, and usually has a small amniotic sac, the bag of fluid in which the baby lives. This lack of amniotic fluid is termed "oligohydramnios". The sac is often very close to the developing baby's body, and the baby appears to be almost shrink-wrapped and "stuck" up against the wall of the uterus. When donor babies survive birth however, they are often the baby that is stronger as their hearts have not had to work so intensely during pregnancy. If left untreated, TTTS has a mortality rate of over eighty percent and can be the root cause of severe handicaps for the few survivors. Most times though, at least one of the babies if not both or all are lost. The recipient also produces far too much amniotic fluid - termed "polyhydramnios", which causes the mother to appear far further on in the pregnancy than she actually is. This excess fluid is not only extremely uncomfortable for the mother, but can often bring about an early delivery due to cervical pressure and ruptured membranes, and by directly stretching and stimulating the uterine muscles to contract.”

Kurama was the first to realize the long explanation was over. “But at the moment, the twins and I don’t have this problem. Right?”

“Right, but it can still develop. That‘s why I wanted to explain it to you and Hiei.” Bulma kept her voice soft and sympathetic. “It’s just in case the problem comes up.”

“Damn it! If it isn’t one thing, it’s something else. Why can‘t we get past these problems and just be happy about the pregnancy?” Hiei was angry because of the whole situation. He buried his face in the fox’s neck. The others knew that he was talking mostly to himself.

“Is there anything my son can do to keep this from happening?” Shiori asked hopefully as she put a hand on the fox’s very tense back.

“No one understands why this happens to Monochorionic Twins so there aren’t any preventive measures. Though it is agreed upon that the mother needs to get plenty of rest, stay as stress free as possible, eat only very healthy food, and don’t do anything strenuous. So that means no sparing, no housework, stay off your feet as often as possible, and no salty, fatty foods, Kurama.”

“I understand.” Kurama inclined his head slightly. “I’ll do all that and I was already eating healthy. I don’t usually eat junk food anyway.”

“Good……. Am I assuming correctly that I’m to deliver your twins too, Kurama.” Bulma smiled, reaching out to pat the fox’s sheet covered foot.

“If you will and it will probably be for the best.” Kurama smiled too, but there was still worry visible on his face.

“Try not to worry and that includes you too, Hiei. It’s not good for either of you or the babies. I didn’t tell you both this to make you worry, I only told you this so you will know ahead of time if the problem comes up. Currently, the babies are fine and I anticipate them to continue to be fine. After all they are demons and come from strong blood.”

“That they do.” Hiei finally lifted his head and looked at the Saiyan woman. “They will be healthy and they will be born. Kurama and I will do everything we can because we won’t loose another child.”

“No we won’t.” Another smile touched Kurama’s lips. This one though was full of determination. “I will see this task to the end and the outcome will be happy.”

“Can I be in the room when you deliver?” Shiori asked hopefully.

“Of course, mother.” Kurama turned a little so he could see the woman. “I want you there when your grandbabies take their first breaths of air.”

“Thank you, Shuuichi!” Shiori quickly hugged her son, but she ended up hugging Hiei too. The two males would not let each other go.

They talked a few more minutes about everything Kurama should and should not do. He wasn’t going to take any chances. Finally satisfied with the knowledge that he had gained, Kurama got the ningen woman’s attention. “I believe it’s about time I get dressed.” He held out a hand to her. “Can you help me up, mother?”

“Yes.” Shiori giggled some while she took hold of his hand. She remembered well the days of pregnancy and needing help to get up. She gave a pull, but her son didn’t budge. She quickly realized why, Hiei would not let the fox go.

Kurama smiled as he turned around and nuzzled his face close to his mate’s ear. “You can let me go, Koi. I won’t let anything happen to the babies or myself. Plus, we can cuddle tonight for as long as you want too.”

“Hn.” Hiei pulled back a little so their eyes could meet. Knowing that the women wouldn’t give them a few more minutes alone, he did what he wanted and he didn’t care at all about what they might think. He leaned forward and lovingly kissed the pretty fox for several moments. He broke the kiss, noting with pleasure that the redhead wasn’t embarrassed by the show of their emotions. “Don’t do anything that you are not suppose to do.”

“I won’t, I promise.” Kurama got another quick kiss before turning back to his mother. “I think I can get up now.” He held out a hand to her. Shiori quickly took his hand and pulled. This time her son did move and he was able to get to his feet. He left the guest room and headed to his room to get dressed.

Bulma gathered up her machines and small cloth bag while Hiei struggled to get up from the soft bed, him refusing Shiori’s help. When they were all on their feet, they went downstairs to the living room. Shortly after, Botan came in from outside and joined them. They were making small talk when Kurama came into the room, smiling. He suggested tea , but his mother wouldn’t let him make it. Shiori made him sit down on the couch and relax while she made the tea.

While Shiori was in the kitchen, Botan found out about Kurama’s pregnancy and that he was expecting twins too. She was extremely happy for the demons, offering them all kinds of congratulations. Hiei and Kurama also told her that she had to keep it a secret from King Emma, just like Koenma was doing. That it was for the best for everyone involved. With a smile, Botan promised to keep the secret. While in the kitchen, Shiori fixed her grandsons some snacks and called them in from outside. She sat them at the small table with the food in front of them before picking up the silver tray, laden with cups and a full pot of tea. With one last look at the laughing boys, she headed back to the living room.

Just as Shiori was setting the tray on the coffee table, the doorbell rang. Kurama started to rise to see who was at the door, but his mother stopped him quickly. She made him resume his seat before she went to the door herself. She got a wonderful surprise when she pulled the door open, Yukina and Genkai was standing there. They quickly apologized for the unexpected visit, but that they sensed Bulma and Botan there, figuring that Hiei was being examined they came over for a visit. Shiori confirmed their suspicions and them led them to the living room.

As soon as Yukina saw her brother, she ran over and hugged him. Hiei openly returned her hug before she pulled away. Yukina’s hands then went straight to his rounded tummy. She ran her hands over the swell while she let her Ki out to check the babies over. “You’ve gotten so big, brother! The twins are certainly growing.”

“Yes, they are.” Hiei agreed, smirk on his lips. He then glanced to his mate before continuing. They had already decided to tell Yukina that their were going to be more babies then first thought. “The fox has excellent genes. I can only hope my twins grow just as well.”

Yukina didn’t catch on to what was actually being said. “Of course your twins are growing just as well. I can feel them under my hands.”

Genkai had sat down sometime during Yukina’s and Hiei’s hug. Now she was looking directly at the fox. “Kurama, are you really?”

“Yes.” Kurama had a smile on his face as he lifted his shirt, exposing his smaller, rounding belly.

“You’re pregnant, Kurama!” Yukina nearly squealed, her hands quickly leaving her brother’s stomach only to land on the fox’s. “How far along are you?”

“I’m a little over a month.” Kurama continued to smile. “And Hiei already told you, in his own subtle way, that I was having twins as well.”

“Twins too!!” Yukina almost squealed again. “May I check them out?”

“Yes, you may.” Kurama answered softly, already feeling the small hands start to move.

Everyone remained silent while Yukina scanned the babies energies and their little bodies. As her hands passed over the top of the swell, her eyes widened for a split second and there was surprise in them. But just as fast as the look appeared it was gone. She hoped no one noticed the change in her face.

But it seems someone did. Hiei reached out and put a hand on her arm. “What is it?” With this, all eyes turned on the ice maiden, making her uncomfortable.

“It’s nothing, brother. Everything is fine.” Yukina put an innocent smile on her face. She had felt something unusual, but she wasn’t about to tell her brother and his mate. They had enough to worry about, without adding to those worries. Besides, what she had sensed wouldn’t harm Kurama or his pregnancy. So, she decided that it was best to keep her recently acquired knowledge a secret, unless it was brought up. And it was unlikely that anyone else would figure out what she had discovered until after the twins were born, because she had nearly missed it too.

“Yukina….” There was a small warning in Hiei’s voice. He didn’t like to be lied to, even by his own sister.

“Really, everything is fine.” Yukina’s smile became even more innocent. “The twins are perfect and growing right on schedule.”

“What did you sense?” Hiei decided to be direct. He could tell that Kurama was getting worried and that he wouldn‘t have. “I know you sensed something because I saw your face change.”

Yukina quickly decided to put her acting skills to the test. This just had to work. She sighed in a defeated way, looking at her brother and the fox. “Well,……when I was scanning, I sensed something that I shouldn’t have.” Seeing that they were buying the act, she pushed on coming up with something they would take as the truth. “I kind of found out what gender one of the babies was. If you really want to know, I can tell you.”

“No, that’s okay.” Kurama smiled in relief and so did everyone else, except for Hiei; he was back to his old self. “We want the gender of the babies to be a surprise.”

“That’s what I thought, that’s why I was reluctant to say anything.” Yukina quickly took a seat beside Genkai. She suddenly became serious. “If you two need anything, and I mean anything, I’m there for you both, all you have to do is ask. You two are going to have your hand full.”

“That goes for me as well.” Shiori put an arm around her son in a half hug.

“You two have got my help when needed.” Genkai showed that she did care a little. She had never had any children herself, but she wasn’t stupid either. One baby was a handful, much less four. The demons were going to need all the help they could get.

“And mine.” Bulma put in quickly. “Though I’m sure the rest of my Saiyan family will help too.”

“And of course you got mine.” Botan added, smiling. “But I should hope that you already knew that.”

“Thank you all so much.” Kurama’s voice actually cracked with emotion. Damn hormones! “I’m sure that we are going to need help in several different ways, shapes, or forms since there will be four babies in the house.”

Hiei didn’t even try to speak. Somehow, he was more choked up then the fox. He only nodded his head in agreement. The little scene was broken by Toushi and Kaihei running into the room. They each gave Yukina a kiss on the cheek and a hug to Genkai before disappearing up the stairs, presumably to their room.

The next hour was spent planning a baby shower, that the demons repeatedly said no to, but the females wasn’t listening. Botan, Bulma, Genkai, and Yukina finally left when the finishing touches on the baby shower were ironed out. The demons was still refusing such a gathering, but they were continued to be ignored. Shiori soon left to go home, despite the protests from Kurama and Hiei. She quietly explained to them that she owed it to her marriage and herself to try to patch things up with her husband and to make things work. They reluctantly let her leave only after she promised that if things became violent she would leave and would return to their home. As they watched the woman drive away, Hiei and Kurama was hoping and praying to the gods that Shiori would be okay.


Thanks so much for reading and please leave a small review for this chapter. Now that you are done with this one, please go onto the next chapter, chapter 17, that was posted along with this one. It was a two chapter update!! Have fun and enjoy! ^_^