Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Needed Power ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai. Also about a paragraph and a half on an Adult Nursing Relationship.

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks to you all for reviewing my last two chapters. It is you all that is keeping this story going. You guys are the best! I don’t know what I would do without you all. ^_^

Also I don’t know what is wrong with me I keep adding more and more stuff. This is another two chapter update and I hope you all like it. The whole story has been lengthened once again, because I can’t stop adding stuff!! Instead of 28 whole chapters, you all now have 29 whole chapters. I hope you all don’t mind that stuff is getting added which is making the story much longer.



Chapter 18 of 29

Needed Power


Downstairs, with nearly all of the group there it quickly turned into a party as usual. None wanted to leave until they got to visit with Hiei and Kurama , so they were all going to wait until the demons rejoined them. Shiori raided the food cupboard, quickly whipping up some finger foods and non-spiked punch since the boys were present. At one point, Koenma even called Botan up and had her come over too. They of course kept the noise level to a minimum, being mindful of the sleeping demons upstairs. After a while Toushi and Kaihei grew bored so they disappeared up to their room.

After a couple of hours, the demons slowly descended the stairs. They found their living room still contained all their unwanted guests, but they wasn’t going to be rude. As they entered the slightly noise room, Yusuke and Kuwabara got up from the couch, instantly making room for them. Kurama thanked the two males while the fire demon and himself sat down in the vacated spots.

“I figured you all would be gone by now.” Hiei commented, punctuating the sentence with a big yawn.

“Are you kidding?” Yusuke laughed, sitting down on the floor. “When we all get together, it’s always a party of some sort. Besides, we wanted to visit with you and Kurama for awhile, so we waited.”

“So you made Shiori wait on you all?” Hiei glared a little at his friends. He didn’t like that, the woman was already doing so much for them and she would be doing even more in the future.

“Don’t worry, Hiei. It was no problem at all.” Shiori assured her son’s mate. She noted to herself, that her son was only appearing to be half awake. Kurama wasn’t participating in any of the conversation.

Yukina went over and dropped to her knees on the floor in front of the fire demon. “How are you feeling, brother?”


“You’re two and a half months along, this is about the same time you had Kaihei.”

“I know.” Hiei let out another yawn before finishing his answer. “But I really do feel fine. I’ll probably carry these two to full term since it is twins. Though, in any case, Kurama and I are ready. Bulma is only a call away.”

“I suppose so.” Yukina smiled, placing a hand on her brother‘s knee. “I haven’t asked you yet, but can I be in the room again?”

“Hn, I thought that you already knew that you could.”

Kurama had heard that request, so he merely nodded, agreeing to the ice maiden’s question. He turned a little and laid his head against his mate’s shoulder yawning. Even after the nap, he was still very tired and he couldn‘t figure out why.

“You two really were sleeping!” Kuwabara sounded as if he was in shock.

“Of course we were, idiot!” Hiei growled, slightly annoyed. “Sex between us is impossible right now! And sex isn’t the only thing we do in our room!”

“Hiei…” Kurama tried to scold his mate, because there was ladies present, but it came out in another yawn. He gave up, letting Hiei say what he wanted. He turned some more and slipped his arm’s around the fire demon’s expanding waist, his head dropping to rest on the large swell. A slight blush appeared across Hiei’s nose, but he let his fox stay where he was and no one dared to comment. Kurama was nearly back to sleep while he tried to get more comfortable. He brought his feet up on the couch, forcing Kayko to move out of the way. When he stopped moving, the fox was already in a deep sleep.

“Kurama sleeps a lot more then you, brother.” Yukina observed quietly. She had watched the fox the whole time. She of course knew why that was, but she wasn’t about to pile more worry on the fox and fire demon just yet.

“I know, and I’m beginning to worry about him, so is Shiori, but Bulma says that the babies and him are just fine, perfectly healthy.” Hiei looked his mate over, worry in his eyes. He could feel just how low the fox’s energy truly was and that wasn’t a good sign. He knew that the babies would take some energy, but not this much. It was as if, Kurama was being completely drained of all energy.

Seeing the worry in her brother’s eyes, Yukina reinforced her resolve. She wouldn’t add to the fire demon’s stress, by telling him what she knew. He would find out soon enough anyway and so would Kurama, then the stress and worry would multiply ten times over. They didn’t need that right now, in the conditions they were in.

“He would be having triplets, if he hadn’t aborted one of them.” Shiori still wanted to cry over it. This knowledge about her son continued to bother her.

“He wouldn’t be having any, if Kaihei hadn’t known that plant and what the antidote was.” Hiei added bitterly. This was still a sore subject for him, but he didn’t let it show when he was around Kurama. He wouldn’t add to the fox’s already huge amount of guilt that he heaped on himself.

“Triplets? I have been wondering about something since you and Kurama told us what happened.” Yusuke got the fire demon’s attention. “Is it common for female fox demons to have so many babies at one time?”

“Yes, it is.” Surprisingly, it was Koenma that answered. “In fact, I believe that Youko was a twin. Most female fox demons have twins, but some do have triplets. There is even a few cases of four and five babies being born to one female, but those cases are few and far in-between. The reason being that most fox females’ bodies can’t handle carrying so many babies, because of the extremely hard lives that they lead. But this is also the reason they have so many. The multiple births insures that one child reaches adulthood so it can carry on the fox‘s blood line.” He seemed to think a moment before continuing. “If I remember correctly, Kurama’s twin was a female and she looked almost exactly like him, except she had silver eyes to go with her silver hair and fur. She didn’t make it past her fourth birthday, she wondered away from her parents’ den and was killed by a wild animal. In fact, Kurama was the only one to survive out on eleven children. He is the only one out of his entire family that is still alive.”

“Oh, that’s so sad.” Kayko said from Yusuke’s lap where she had taken up residence.

“It’s the way of the Makai.” Hiei commented as if it didn’t matter. “That’s why Kurama and I are so protective of ours boys and will be the same way for the babies we now carry. We are determined to have all of our children reach adulthood.”

“I know that I do it sometimes and you allow me, but I will still ask.” Yukina leaned forward a little. “Do you mind if I run a scan on Kurama and the babies?”

“Hn, go ahead.” Hiei quickly agreed. He was truly worried about why his fox was sleeping so much.

Yukina moved over some and held her hands out over the sleeping redhead. Her hands glowed blue while she checked Kurama out for any little thing. All of the other’s remained quiet, watching the petite female and waiting for answers. Yukina then brought her glowing hands down to lay on the fox’s swollen stomach before starting to move them around. She closed her eyes as she concentrated, but also so the other’s couldn’t see that she was looking for something specific. She inwardly sighed in relief, when she found what she was looking for. Everything was still where it should be, thankfully nothing had changed. She was becoming more and more sure of her diagnosis with each scan she did on the fox. With this last scan, there was no further denying what she felt and sensed. Now all she had to do was wait, until it was time for Kurama to have his babies. She only hoped that she was doing the right thing, by keeping this secret from her brother and the fox and she hoped that they wouldn’t be mad at her when they found out what she knew.

Yukina sat back on her heels, the glowing of her hands receding. She looked at her brother and smiled, choosing her words carefully. “As Bulma said, everything is perfect, Kurama and the twins are completely healthy. Maybe he just needs more sleep then you, his body isn’t naturally forbidden. I suspect his babies is using more of his energy, then your babies are using of yours.” She reached up and patted her brother’s knee. “Try not to worry, it’s not good for you. I would tell you if there is a problem that would endanger Kurama’s or the babies’ lives.”

“I know that you would, but I can’t help to think that you are keeping something that you know from me. That doesn‘t alleviate any of my worries, it only makes them worse.” Hiei tilted his head slightly, eyeing his sister for her reaction.

“Really, don’t worry. Like I said, I would tell you if something was wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong.”

“If you say so.”

“I know so.” Yukina offered him a kind, gentle smile. “If Kurama wants to sleep let him. It won’t hurt him or the babies at all and the extra sleep could only help his energy level.”

“Fine, I’ll do as you say. I’ll let him sleep when he wants.” Hiei rested his left hand on his mate’s side, still looking worried.

Yukina stood up and leaned over, kissing her brother’s cheek. She then whispered near his ear. “Please don’t worry to much. You may sense that I have a secret, but it’s nothing bad, I promise you that.” She then walked over and sat down in Kuwabara’s lap, signaling that she was done with the subject.

Shiori stretched a little, smiling. She was happy that Yukina had reassured them that nothing was wrong. She continued to smile, looking towards the fire demon. “Can I get you anything, Hiei? Especially since you appear to have your hands full.”

Hiei briefly glanced at the clock and then made eye contact with the woman again. “Yes, I would like something to drink. Can you bring me a glassful of milk with two spoonfuls of herbs mixed in. You know the ones I’m talking about. The silver canister is sitting on the counter near the stove.”

Hiei hated having to drink the concoction in front of his friends, but it was necessary. He had to keep to the schedule that had been set up or the herbs wouldn’t work right. He had to drink at least four glasses of milk a day with the herbs mixed in each glass. The reason being was that he was fourteen days from the ‘birthing date’ of the twins he carried so he was in full lactation. He had to keep the nutrients in his body up for the babies and his own sake. The herbs would help do that, but they also contained a couple of extra ingredients that Kurama added this time around. The extra herbs was to help with his lactation, to quickly build up a good supply of milk and to keep that supply of milk built up. Hiei figured he needed that since he would be nursing a set of twins very soon. But he also figured that he would probably produce to much milk, like he did with Kaihei. Oh well, if he produced to much milk he would have Kurama to help him and that he was looking forward to.

“Alright, milk it is.” Shiori rose to her feet and hurried out of the room. When she had first noticed the canister on the counter she had asked her son what it was for. Kurama had only smiled, and patiently, without hesitation explained to her what it was for and what exactly it would do. Shiori came back into the living room, walking over to her son in law. She handed the fire demon the glass of milk and herbs before retaking her seat.

Hiei immediately started downing the green tinted concoction. It really didn’t have a bad taste, the fox had seen to that. The group made chit chat while their friend slowly drank his milk. No one questioned why the fire demon needed to do this, and that was probably for the best. When he was done, Hiei handed the empty glass to Shiori for her to sit on the coffee table. He decided it was time to bring up a subject that had been bothering him for about a month.

“Koenma, now that I got you here and you can’t exactly run away.” Hiei began, staring straight at the junior god. “I want Kurama and I to have control over portals.”

“What?!!” Koenma was in total shock.

“Can you do it?” Hiei remained completely calm.

“Of course I can, I’m the junior god of the spirit world. I can do practically anything that I want, I have that much power and it has been growing stronger since I‘ll be taking over soon.” Koenma answered, walking right into the trap that he didn’t see.

“Then give us the power!” Hiei demanded quickly, growing annoyed.


“But what?”

“But you’re demons!!” Koenma was very close to yelling. “Demons aren’t suppose to have that kind of power!”

A slow smirk spread across Hiei’s face. “So what?………..I thought you were a god and can do anything that you want. Haven’t we proven our loyalty to you? To Reikai?”

“Well, yes, you both have.” Koenma admitted, but it was done quietly.

“Then what’s the problem?” Hiei asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s only logical for Kurama and I to have portal opening powers. We can’t travel back through the Makai to our fortress with four tiny babies and two small boys. I certainly won’t leave Kurama here to care for and nurse four babies by himself.” He briefly glared at all the males in the room, knowing the females wouldn’t say anything. “If any of you joke or make a rude comment about Kurama and I nursing our babies I swear I’ll kill you.”

Everyone remained quiet, taking the threat for what it was, a promise of death. They knew Hiei could carry out that threat, pregnant or not. If not him, Toushi and Kaihei would, even if they weren’t in the room. They knew all Hiei had to do was command the boys to do something, anything, and they would do it.

When Hiei was satisfied that they wouldn’t comment, he turned his eyes back on the Jr. god. “Well?”

“I understand what you are saying and why you need portal powers, but I need to talk to my father first.” Koenma tried to sound convincing, but that felled or the fire demon saw through that act.

“You don’t need to talk to your father, you’re just trying to stall for time so you would have more time to think about it. I want you to give me an answer now.” Hiei pushed forward, what he wanted. Realizing that this approach wasn’t working, he changed tactics. Hiei suddenly looked tired while he sighed in defeat. “Look, Koenma, Kurama and I really need this power. I wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t. The portal power would help out greatly and we wouldn’t be in any danger going back to our fortress. ….. Do I need to beg?”

“No, you don’t.” Koenma was the one to sigh in defeat this time. “I will give you both power to open portals between worlds, but I will take that power away if it is used in any type of wrong way. Also you will only be able to open portals to places that you have already been too. If you want a new place to open a portal to, you will have to go there by foot first. Understand?”

“I understand.” Hiei inclined his head just a little. “Thank you, Koenma.”

Hearing that was enough for Koenma. He knew he was making the right decision. “You’re welcome, Hiei.” he snapped his fingers and quickly spoke a muffled incantation. After a few seconds, the fire demon and sleeping fox glowed gold for a couple of moments. A large smile split Koenma’s face. “It is done. All you have to do is think of where you want to go and then open a portal. As you travel through the portal, keep you destination in mind. If you don’t you could end up anywhere and any world.”

“I’ll remember that and I’ll tell Kurama.” Hiei nodded while committing all the information to memory.

“To open a portal just snap your fingers, but only do that after you have your destination in mind.” Koenma added quickly.

“Hn.” Hiei put that into his memory as well.

Before anything else could be said, Kurama started to wake up. Since he wasn’t aware of his surroundings yet, he turned over and started to nuzzle into his mate’s chest. Hiei quickly brought up his right hand and tightly fisted it into Kurama’s red hair. He then pulled the fox’s head back until it again rested on his large belly. Neither he or Kurama needed an embarrassing situation that couldn’t be explained away easily. The position they were in was the fox’s favorite nursing position and that was what he was trying to do in his waking state.

“Why did you pull Kurama’s hair?!” Kayko asked, actually sounding angry. “He wasn’t doing anything to you!”

“I have my reasons!” Hiei kept his answer short and crisp. He turned his eyes to his mate, watching the redhead becoming aware of where they were. Kurama quickly realized what he had almost done, his eyes widening as they met his mate’s. Hiei winked, showing the fox that everything was okay. Kurama sighed with relief as he turned over and sat up. He smiled softly at his mate, a thank you for keeping him from doing anything embarrassing.

“Are you alright, Kurama?” Kayko was quick to ask, sounding worried.

“I’m fine.” The fox answered, smiling.

“Oh, I was concerned. Hiei had pulled your hair and it looked like he had did it pretty hard. He shouldn‘t be doing that!” Kayko actually sent a small glare at the fire demon. Hiei only sent one right back, his was more intense.

“Oh that.” Kurama chuckled a little. “He does that sometimes when he doesn’t want to cuddle. I assure you that he didn’t hurt me, I didn‘t even feel it.”

“Okay then.” Kayko nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. She had believed that the fire demon had hurt the fox.

After that, most conversation started to die out and people started to leave. When all the guests were gone, Shiori realized how fast the day had flown by. It was nearly supper time and nothing was cooked. She excused herself before going to check on Toushi and Kaihei. Finding them engrossed in a video game she went to the kitchen to start dinner.

When they were alone, Kurama snuggled into his mate’s side, looking up at him. “Thank you for keeping me from suckling earlier, Koi. I really didn’t know what I was doing at the time.”

“Hn, I know, that’s why I stopped you and it would have been rather embarrassing for both of us.” Hiei brought a hand up and rubbed the back of the fox’s head. “Did I pull your hair to hard? Did I hurt you?”

“Not at all, and you didn’t hurt me.” Kurama came up and sweetly kissed his mate.

When they parted, Hiei smiled. “If you feel like suckling, I am leaking at the moment. Those special herbs you have been giving me seem to be working. It seems that I’m always full of milk.”

“That’s good to know, you will be ready for the twins when they come.” The smile on Kurama’s face easily slipped into a small smirk, his eyes began to sparkle. “As for you leaking, I believe that I’m in the mood to take care of you.”

Hiei’s voice grew husky. “Then be my guest.”

Kurama didn’t answer verbally, but he did push up the fire demon’s oversize black t-shirt as he got comfortable and down to the level he needed to be at. He ran a thumb over Hiei’s left nipple, teasing it into a tight nub. He leaned forward and licked the contracted dusky nipple before latching on and starting to gently suckle. Hiei sighed contently while he pulled the thin blanket off the back of the couch. He discreetly covered them and what they were doing up, just in case the boys or Shiori walked in on them. After only a few minutes, Hiei was dozing off. He had a hand buried in the fox’s thick red hair, in his other hand was the fox’s hand, their fingers laced together. Kurama was dozing off too, he was still suckling gently, but now he was purring too.

When Shiori was done with dinner and the dinning room table had been set up, she went to gather everyone up. She walked into the living room and stopped in her tracks. She smiled softly at the scene in front of her, knowing exactly what her son and his mate were doing. She quickly backed out of the room, quietly pulling the door closed with her, leaving the demons to their very special alone time. She went upstairs and got the boys for dinner. She also instructed them not to go into the living room for the rest on the evening.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Kurama and Hiei had drifted into a deep sleep. Hiei had his head resting against the back of the couch. Kurama had his head resting on his mate’s large stomach, listening to his babies’ heart beats and unconsciously feeling out their little energies. It was well after dark before the demons finally woke up. They went into the kitchen and found a couple of plates of food waiting for them, thanks to Shiori.

After they finished eating and cleaned up their small mess, the demons went upstairs. They quietly checked on their sons. Both smiling when they found the boys snuggled close together in the same bed. Toushi was laying on his right side and so was Kaihei, they were spooned tightly together. Toushi had his arm draped around his brother’s waist, his brown and white tail fanned out over his brother’s hips.

Kaihei whimpered and mumbled something indiscernible while he snuggled backwards into the other kit’s body. Toushi must have unconsciously understood what was said, because he tightened his arm and licked the back of his brother’s neck. Kaihei sighed contently, instantly settling down again and so did Toushi. That was all there was to there little moment. Kurama and Hiei smiled again before quietly exiting the room, leaving the door open and the boys to their sleep. They went to their room and had a shared hot shower. Then the demons got into bed and snuggled as close as possible. It wasn’t to long before they were asleep once again. The babies were really taking a toll on them.


Thank so very much for reading and please leave a small review for this chapter. It’s not over with yet either. Don’t forget to go the next chapter, chapter 19. It was updated along with this one. Go on, read the next chapter, you know that you want too.