Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ All For Convenience ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Language, Adult Shonen Ai and Yaoi. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~

A/N: Alright, guys, I don’t what to say about the long wait for this chapter. I guess I can say sorry though, and I really am. I suppose I have become discouraged about this whole thing. I get less and less hits and reviews with each chapter I post. It just seems to me that my readers are losing interest in these stories of mine. If no one reads, then there is no reason for me to continue posting.

I even have eleven more full stories for this arc to post and I mean post. They are complete, I just have to type them up. This brings up the other problem on mine, I’m not a typer. I hunt and peck, I always have. It took me three days to type up this chapter. I can write all day, but when it comes to typing I have a hard time staying focused. I’ll try to do better and hopefully I will. Again I am sorry for the very long wait, but I am very discouraged. Please let me know if I should just give up this story arc and keep the rest of the stories to myself, or keep trudging along and continue to share what I have written.

By the way, if anyone is interested, I have finally decided on the last story of this arc. I have started writing it already, five chapters in and I have no idea how many chapters there will be. The story will be a cross over with Naruto and obviously Yaoi. I did my best to work the two fandoms together and I think it came out well, maybe even believable. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see, to know if I’m going to post it at all or even finish writing it. Don’t worry to much though, I will post the last chapter of this story so you won’t be left hanging, I just don’t know if I will start posting the next story. Oh well, enough of all that and my problems, let’s move on.

I want to say thanks to everyone that reviews my story and reads it too. You guys are all the greatest, the best! I don’t know what I would do without you all. Thank you so very much for keeping me going! I wish I could thank you all individually. In fact, I think I will.

On to the next chapter of this story and only one more to go!



Chapter 29 of 30

All For Convenience


The three days that Hiei demanded him and his mate get alone passed, revolving around the five babies. When he had to leave the room to get food, drinks, or baby supplies, he didn’t bother putting on clothes, he just threw on his black silk robe. Every time Shiori saw him, she bombarded him with questions about Kurama and the babies. Hiei showed much restraint by patiently telling her what she wanted to know, and reassuring her that he was taking very good care of his family. He knew she was just worried, but it sort of came across like she didn’t have any faith in him and that annoyed him. Shiori was very helpful though. She went into the city and purchased an additional bassinet, so Idai and Isan didn’t have to share one. She also kept food and supplies on hand for the demons.

Kurama’s colostrum milk increased greatly in those three days. He was now able to fully nurse one of the kits and nearly fill up a second one. Kurama had added a ningen herb called Fenugreek to the concoction of plants and herbs the took three times a day. It helped out a lot. Kurama and Hiei stayed naked while locked up in their bedroom, knowing the five kits wouldn’t remember any of it. They were mated demons after all and liked being in the buff around each other. It kept the sexual tension between them, drew them together. That’s why they loved to sleep naked, to feel their bare skin rub.

The demons even found time to make love twice. Well technically once, they had intercourse with Kurama as the seme again, the other time they gave each other blowjobs, but it was enough for them. With all the nursing they were doing, the many hormones in their bodies, both male and female, were running wild and they had to answer the call.

Kurama was still sore, but he was healing quickly. With every hour that passed, he was able to move around easier and was rapidly regaining his energy. As he became sturdy on his feet, he started moving around the room freely, but his protective mate was always a couple of feet behind him just in case. He did let Hiei help him on many occasions. The fire demon was babying him and he would enjoy it while it lasted.

Finally on the morning of the fourth day, Kurama received his mate’s permission to leave the room, though he really didn’t need it. He got dressed and went downstairs. As soon as he walked into the kitchen, Shiori rushed him and engulfed him in a tight hug.

When they parted, her questions started. “How are you? How are the babies? Did Hiei take care of you properly? Did you get cleaned up? Have you had plenty of rest? No matter how much I tried, Hiei wouldn’t let me in to see about you and the babies. He shouldn’t have imprisoned you like that. He shouldn’t have….”

“Mother, stop!!” Kurama interrupted her, having heard enough. When the female‘s eyes widened, he only felt slightly guilty, just a little. “I’m sorry for being so snappish, mother, and for interrupting you, but by now you should have some faith in my fire demon. First off, Hiei can do what ever he wants with me and our children. We belong to him under demon law and under that same law he and our children belong to me. It wasn’t imprisonment because it wasn’t against my will. He wanted private time with his new babies and so did I, plus we wanted private time with each other. Hiei did what he did so we could get what we wanted, and I fully support him on the matter.”

“Shuuichi, I didn’t mean…” Shiori started to try to explain herself.

Kurama quickly cut her off once more. “Please let me finish.” When she nervously nodded, he continued. “To answer your questions, which in no way means to embarrass you. I’m fine, there’s only a tiny bit of soreness left and it fading fast. Also, according to Hiei, my hole, um…’birth canal’… has completely healed and looks like it’s suppose to. The babies are perfectly fine and loves to eat every couple of hours. I was immaculately cleaned up in a very gentle and pleasing way. I have had plenty of rest, I’m totally relaxed. Hiei takes very good care of me and our children. He would do anything he had to for his family, he would die for us if needed. For my fire demon, his family is the most important thing to him. The babies and I are just perfect, thanks to Hiei‘s unwavering care and attention. We didn‘t want or lack anything.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Shiori reached up and brushed her hand across the hairless baby soft cheek. “I was only worried about you and my grandchildren. You’re my little boy, my only child, and I’ll always worry about you.”

“I realize that, mother, and I love you for it. It‘s fine to be concerned about your family and I know that I‘ll always be your little boy.” Kurama offered her a genuine smile. “But you must realize that I’m no longer a child, I haven’t technically been a child in over a thousand years. I have a very protective ‘husband’ that will take perfect care of me, when I’m unable to take care of myself.”

“I’ll try to understand that, but like you said, ‘you’ll always be my little boy’ and that means that I’ll always worry. I don’t care that you’re over a thousand years old, killed countless demons, and robbed thief proof vaults, you’re still my baby.” Shiori quickly hugged him to prove her point. “Speaking of babies!” A big grin spread across her face. “Can I go see my tiny grandchildren now?”

Before the redhead could say anything, a familiar deep voice answered her. “Yes, it’s fine.” The two foxes turned to see Hiei standing just inside the kitchen door, a smirk on his lips. “All five of them are still up in our room, just don’t wake them up right now. Before Kurama and I came downstairs, we nursed the babies. Their bellies are full and they’re sleeping. You can hold any or all of them after they wake up on their own. Because there is so many, we don‘t won‘t them woken up for frivolous things or they will get off the schedule my fox and I worked hard to establish.”

“Alright.” Shiori nodded once, agreeing to the rules regarding the litter of kits. She knew she had to or she wouldn’t be allowed much time with them. She wanted to go rushing up the stairs to see her grandbabies, but she had a few questions first. She looked suspiciously back and forth between the two male demons. “Are you two really nursing all five babies?”

It was Kurama that answered her this time. “Yes, we are and it seems to be going well too. The babies have nice round bellies and seem to already be gaining weight. They’re very content and happy kits. Why do you ask?”

“It was just something that wondered about over the last couple of days.” Shiori looked thoughtful for a moment. “Umm… how does that work exactly? Do you nurse the triplets, Shuuichi? And you, Hiei, nurse the twins? Though it’s hard to believe that you’d be producing enough milk yet to feed three babies, Shuuichi.”

“Actually, you are correct, mother. I don’t produce enough milk yet to nurse three babies.” Kurama really didn’t want to be talking to her about this, but knew that she wouldn’t give up until she had her answers. “We don’t have certain babies we nurse, we take turns, like in everything else we do.’

“Oh….. What?” It appeared that Shiori was slightly confused.

“Well, we share the work with everything else. Why not this too?” Hiei asked, but he didn’t wait for an answer. “It’s according to how the kits wake up as to who nurses them. One time I may have Makoto and the next Kurama may have him, though I could end up with him twice in a row. It really doesn’t matter as long as they get fed.”

“I guess that makes sense,……………. though I must see for myself how well that situation works.” Shiori hurried from the room before her son and the fire demon could reply. She took the stairs two at a time, her fluffy black tail swishing behind her. Trying to get ready for the Makai, she was spending more and more time in her new demon form. She was actually amazed the her sons were sharing the work in such a way, but she acknowledged that it did make sense. The two males always share everything else.

Shiori entered the black walled bedroom, practically running over to the five bassinets. Though she had been assured that the babies were fine, she didn’t feel any relief until she saw them for herself. They were all sleeping in various awkward baby positions. They were all dressed in different color sleepers and under blankets that matched. Shiori’s eyes zeroed in on the tiny redheaded baby girl. She was happy to finally have a granddaughter to dress up and dote over. No matter how cliché it was, Shiori liked to think that the little redhead was a tiny rose among many thorns. She was going to make sure that Tenshi would be spoiled rotten in no time.

Shiori pulled the rocking chair over very close to the bassinets and then sat down. She watched the five kits sleep, her eyes drifting from one to the next. She was perfectly content to stay there for the next couple of hours. The house had been lonely for the past three days, especially since her two older grandsons weren’t around. She hoped that Toushi and Kaihei would be coming home that very day, she missed them greatly. A good ten minutes passed before she felt like she was being watched. Shiori turned around and found her son standing in the bedroom doorway, eating something from a blue glass bowl.

Kurama swallowed the food that in his mouth and then flashed her a knowing smirk. “So, do you approve, mother? Did Hiei and I take good enough care of our babies?”

"Yes, you and Hiei did a good job, but you know me I just had to see for myself."

"Have you been well, mother, and have you practiced switching your forms these past three days?" Kurama asked as he walked over to stand beside her.

"Oh, I’m fine, and I have been practicing. I think I'm ready for the Makai, I have the switching almost mastered." Shiori answered, turning slightly to look at her son, a smile on her face.

"That's good." Kurama took the last bite of cereal from the blue bowl. He had been watching his mother that long from the doorway.

"Where's Hiei?"

"He went out to the forest to train some since he hasn't done so in about a week. He wanted me to go with him, but I told him I couldn't, not today anyway."

"Why?" Shiori finally turned all her attention on her son. "He probably just wanted to spend some alone time with you, without any distractions."

"I know, but I didn't want to leave you with all five kits. Also like I said, I'm still a little sore and Hiei wouldn't go easy on me now that I'm not pregnant." Kurama used his free hand to pull the blanket over Idai's tiny foot that had come uncovered.

"I could’ve handled the babies! They’re my grandchildren after all!"

"I know that, and you need not get so defensive, mother, I'm only looking out for you. When all five babies are together and awake they can be quite the handful. They really need two people caring for them at that time. Hiei and I learned that much over the past three days. I won't put you in a situation where you will be overwhelmed and neither will Hiei."

"Fine, no more arguing from me." Shiori turned so she could watch the babies again. "I'm happy to hear that nursing is going well for you and Hiei."

"Mmmm... For now it is, but when we go back to the Makai in a month it's going to be a problem." Kurama answered absentmindedly, his attention focused on his children.

"How so? You two are doing fine now, as time progresses things will only get better."

"In the Makai, Hiei and I will be very busy with meetings and such. Neither one of us will be able to drop everything to go nurse a crying baby. It also wouldn't be good for Hiei's or mine's image to nurse a baby in meeting. We have to remain looking strong and powerful since we're just taking over as lords, to quell any possible uprisings. Then there's also the threat that word would get out about my mate and I being forbidden. This will cause a great deal more problems that we don't need right now."

“Well……. Why don’t you two try using a female’s breast pump?” Shiori suggested helpfully. That’s what she had used when her son was still a baby and she had to work.

“We tried one before, Hiei has actually.” Kurama answered once again turning his attention to his mother. “Hiei told you about that attempt when you found our about our little fetish. The pump didn’t work then and that’s how our ANR got started. I don’t see why a pump would work now.”

“Yes, I remember that talk, but you should try again with another pump. It has been what, a little over seven years since one has been tried. Just like everything else here in this world, advances are always being made, Breast pumps probably have had advances too. Not to forget possible new nipple designs for bottles. Hiei thoroughly discussed with me his views on his children receiving bottles, he doesn’t want them to get nipple confusion and he doesn‘t like the idea of them drinking ningen formula. As I told him, the girls and I thought we were doing what was best and that it would never happen again, that I was sorry. That aside, the possible new latex nipples could limit nipple confusion if the babies were given a bottle of your milk when you two weren’t available.”

“I suppose so, we could try a female’s breast pump again.”

“It’s settled then. Why don’t we bundle up a couple of the babies and take them with us into the city. We can search through different baby stores and hopefully find what you and your mate need. If I’m with you the sales people will probable think the needed items are for myself, especially since I look so young now.” Shiori was all smiles, even if her words were teasing.

Kurama shook his head, chuckling, smiling too. “I’ll have to run the idea by Hiei, he won’t like it if we just leave and he doesn’t want his kits in places where they can pick up ‘bad ningen germs‘. His words, not mine! But I don’t see a problem with your plans, I can probably get him to agree.”

“Good! You go work on Hiei and I’ll stay here to keep an eye of the kits.” Shiori urged, making herself comfortable in the rocking chair and turned fully back to the five bassinets.

Without another word, Kurama turned and walked quickly from the room. Keeping the same pace, he exited the house and headed straight towards his mate’s energy signature. He was already thinking about several sexual promises he could offer up to get his fire demon to agree to this.

Thirty minutes later, Kurama reentered his bedroom with a happy smile on his lips. The reason being was that his mate had agreed and he still had the taste of sweet fire demon in his mouth, but his mother didn’t need to know about the latter . In truth, Hiei was probably still tasting him too. They had given each other a quick blow job and it had been awesome, like always.

Kurama stopped beside his mother and quickly looked the babies over, trying to decide which ones to take with them. “Hiei said it was fine with him as long as we only take two of the babies, since I only produce enough milk to feed that many and it’s assured that we would still be in the city when the babies will be hungry again.”

“Alright……so which two kits do we take with us?” Shiori asked, looking over the babies too.

“I say that we take two of the ones that have human features. That way they don’t have to stay covered with blankets and humans would be able to look upon them.”

They easily picked out two of the kits and then dressed them in very cute clothes. They got themselves ready before they put the babies in carriers. Kurama slung a green striped diaper bag over his shoulder and then picked up one of the carriers. Shiori offered her son a bright smile as she picked up the other carrier. She was so proud of her son and it showed. No mother could ask for a better child, despite the redhead being a thousand year old fox. Kurama headed out the room and down the stairs, his mother a couple of steps behind him. They were just walking out the front door as a very sweaty Hiei came up the few stairs to the porch.

When the fire demon stopped and looked at him expectantly, Kurama stopped too, a sweet smile lighting up his face. Shiori only nodded to her son-in-law and then continued on to the car; blue blanket covered baby and carrier in hand.

“Which two kits are you taking with you?” Hiei asked, when the female was out of hearing range.

“Makoto and Tenshi, that way I don’t have to keep them covered the way we did Toushi and Kaihei when we took them out.” Kurama answered, his smile not falling.

“Hn, good idea and choice.” Hiei reached out and gently pulled the pink blanket off the little girl the fox held in the baby carrier. A small smile appeared on his face upon seeing his pretty daughter sleeping soundly, her full lips in a perpetual pout. He kept the thought to himself, but he already knew that his baby girl was going to a heartbreaker, just like her legendary silver fox father, and he wouldn’t change that for anything. Hiei let his eyes drift upwards until they met with bright green ones. “Don’t let ningen touch either of them, I don’t want germs on them.”

“I promise, no one touches our babies. Take care of the other three kits and don’t forget to call Yukina for them to bring back Toushi and Kaihei. The boys are probably missing us.”

“I will.” Hiei glanced out to the car where the female he looked upon as, and called, mother was busy strapping the carrier she had into the backseat. He then quickly leaned over and gently kissed Tenshi’s forehead.

Kurama just watched the little scene, joy sparkling in his eyes and smile on his lips. His fire demon was so very protective of his children and of him. It made him love his mate all the more. Kurama was thoroughly surprised when Hiei pulled him down into a passionate, tongue filled kiss, but he wasn’t one to complain. He happily returned the kiss, initiating a brief battle for dominance. He let his mate win and then ravage his mouth.

Hiei slowly broke the kiss, nipping lightly at the fox’s slightly swollen bottom lip. “Don’t forget your promise to me for allowing this. I’ll b e looking for it to be fulfilled when you’re not sore anymore. Take care of our babies, your mother, and yourself. See you this afternoon, and don’t let ningen touch you either.” He laid the lightweight pink blanket over his daughter to keep her from catching a chill since she was so small.

With that said, Hiei disappeared into the house, closing the door behind him. Kurama actually had to shake himself to get his mind back on track after that hot kiss. A foxy smirk played on his lips as he registered what all his mate had said. Oh, he remembered his promise and it would be his great pleasure to fulfill that promise. They both would be enjoying themselves.

Kurama hurried to his car and handed his mother Tenshi to strap the carrier into the backseat. In the meantime, he got the car started and the air running. Shiori slide into the passenger seat and closed the door. Nodding to her son, she signaled that everything was set. Kurama didn’t answer, but he did put the car into gear and headed down the long driveway, towards the road.

The shopping trip was an adventure to say the least. Most everyone that saw Makoto and Tenshi wanted to hold or touch them, but the fox managed to keep his promise to his mate. No one touched the two kits. Kurama and Shiori received many, many gushing comments about the two pretty babies. Most of the ningens also believed that Shiori was the babies’ mother and the Kurama was her husband, the babies’ father. The fox and vixen got tired of correcting the assumption, they just let the ningens believe what they wanted.

Shiori and Kurama went to several different baby stores, trying to find the items that could possibly work. In the end, they decided to buy every different type of female breast pump they could find. They also purchased many kinds of latex nipples, that the packages promised wouldn’t cause nipple confusion. Shiori and Kurama also managed to find several bottles that was said to be shaped to mimic nursing. They couldn’t help themselves though, when they came to the racks full of tiny clothes. Cute outfits that were covered in bright bugs were purchased for the four boy kits. The clothes were watching in design and such, but they were different colors.

The little girl wasn’t left out, a pretty yellow lacy dress was bought that had flowers on the bodice and butterflies scattered around the skirt. Kurama knew Hiei would put up a small fuss, so he did manage to find a black dress with white lace to smooth over the possible bicker. Four more package of diapers and baby wipes were purchased so a trip into the city wouldn’t be necessary for a few days. So Toushi and kaihei wouldn’t feel left out, Shiori and Kurama stopped at a toy story and purchased a couple of hand held video games. With the trunk of the car and the backseat floor full of bags, they finally headed home.

Kurama walked into the house, carrying the two baby carriers. Shiori followed close behind, a few bags in her hands. She sat her burden down on the carpeted floor and then headed back out to the car for more. Kurama sat his sleeping children on the white couch as he reached out his energy and senses. He smiled when he felt his mate’s energy and senses brush his in acknowledgement.

Though he knew he didn’t have to, Kurama called out anyway. “Hiei….Koi! We’re home!” He didn’t wait for an answer. He just hurried back to the car to help his mother with the rest of the bags. In nearly ten minutes all the bags were sitting on the living room floor. During that time, Hiei had brought Meiyo, Idai, and Isan downstairs in baby carriers. Now all five sleeping kits were lined up on the couch.

Hiei eyed the many bags before glancing to his mate and the vixen. “Hn….. What all did you two get? It looks like a great deal more then what was needed.”

“We did get what was needed, but we didn’t know which one would work. So we bought many different kinds, hoping that the one that would work would be among the ones we got.” Kurama answered as he started sorting through the many bags.

“I’m still not happy about this! I don’t want my children to get nipple confusion again. We are still having a small problem with Meiyo.” Hiei sat down on an empty part of the couch, watching his mate closely. “But I suppose we can try, your reasoning on our nursing arrangements when we return to the Makai is plausible.”

“Thank you, Koi.” Kurama flashed his mate a sweet smile as he continued his chosen task. Soon everything had been separated into the respective piles. Shiori, Kurama, and Hiei started on the pile of female breast pumps. Many of the packages were read and then opened, before being discarded as not workable for the demons’ chest structure.

Shiori picked up another box from the last remaining three boxes. Her face lit up as she read the writing on the back. “I think this one may work! It’s made specifically for very small breasted women.” She quickly opened the box and put the pump together, noting that it was a hand pump. This was good for many reasons. She brought the device over to her son and held it out to him. “Here, give it a try.”

Kurama glanced over to his mate and received a encouraging smirk. When all the other pumps had needed to be tried, Hiei had been the guinea pig. He had been chosen due to his more defined, muscled pecs and his well established milk supply. But at the moment he couldn’t be of help, Hiei was nursing Idai. The last one to wake up hungry this time round.

Kurama sighed as he reached out and took the breast pump from his mother. “I guess I can give it a try.” he walked over and sat down on the couch next to his mate. A few moments later he was shirtless, the hand breast pump in his grip. A light blush settled across his nose and cheeks as he brought up the device to his chest and gave it a several pumps. As he expected, nothing happened. He gave it a couple of more tries before he brought the device away from his chest, quickly looking up to his mother and lover. “This one isn’t going to work either.”

“I believe it will, give it another try.” Shiori sat down beside her son, smiling. “I think you may be holding it wrong.”

“Well, how else am I suppose to hold it?!” Kurama snapped angrily, his demon blood flaring to life in his veins. Immediately he realized what he had done and quickly turned all of his attention on the vixen beside him. “I’m sorry, mother. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

“Oh, no need to apologize, all three of us are becoming frustrated.” Shiori’s smile didn’t falter, it got bigger. “Please let me help you with that, Shuuichi. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about or feel shame because you need help. Just remember that I’m your mother and I had to use a breast pump a lot when you were a baby due to my job. I have experience with breast pumps, so please let me give it a try. I’m almost positive that this one will work…… Please!”

“Alright.” Kurama gave the device to his mother, resigned to his current fate. There was no swaying the female when she made up her mind. She had become even more stubborn now that she was a demoness and a vixen to boot.

“Turn towards me.” Shiori instructed even as she made herself more comfortable.

Kurama’s blush turned bright red when he felt his mother’s index finger and thumb circle his left nipple. “What are you doing?!”

“Relax, Shuuichi!” Amused giggles left Shiori’s mouth. “I only trying to make your nipple erect.”

“Then, what you’re doing won’t work on my fox. You have to use your thumb and be rough.” Hiei quickly reached out and did just that, harshly rubbing his mate’s right nipple with a calloused thumb.

“HIEI!!” Kurama didn’t know he could be so embarrassed. This was worse then when his mother entered his room he shared with the fire demon for the first time and saw many of their sex toys.

“Shuuichi!! I have already told you to relax and don’t be embarrassed.” Shiori lightly scolded her son. “This is important, we have to find a pump that works before we go to the Makai!”

“Fine, I’ll try….” Kurama took deep calming breaths, but he wasn’t relaxing. In fact, he was starting to feel arousal, his mate hadn’t stopped abusing his right nipple.

A few silent seconds passed before Shiori spoke again. “Thank you, Hiei, that should do.”

The fire demon instantly pulled his hand away, smirking when he heard the nearly inaudible whimper from the redhead’s throat. Shiori either ignored her son or didn’t hear him. She quickly placed the suction cup tight against her son’s chest, making sure the erect nipple was in the exact middle. She squeezed the pump a few times, but again nothing happened.

Shiori looked up to her slightly blushing son. “You have to relax even more, so your milk will let down. Think as if you were nursing one of your babies.”

“This is very awkward!! I can’t think of that medieval device as one of my children when the thing is bigger then any of their mouths!” Kurama was becoming upset. He really was trying to do what his mother asked of him and nothing was helping.

Shiori sighed in a defeated way. She didn’t know what would help her son , but she was also positive that she had the right breast pump the would work for her boys. Not sure of what to do, she looked to the fire demon for help.

“Hn.” Hiei quickly got up and placed a sleeping Idai into his bassinet. The infant had still be suckling some, but wasn’t hungry anymore. He maneuvered onto the couch on his knees, very close to his mate. This made the fox visibly swallow and watch him from the corner of his eye. Hiei winked at Shiori before he cupped the fox’s cheeks and pressed their foreheads together. He smiled as he opened their mind link and started speaking mentally to his pretty redhead.

/If the suction cup is to big for you to imagine it as being one of our nursing babies then…… think of it as my mouth. I want you to lay back and relax, let my suckle you long and hard until you run dry. I will use my tongue and teeth to bring you pleasure, to thoroughly arouse you. One of my hands will be relentlessly teasing your other nipple, getting it ready for my still hungry mouth. Because you know, one side of your milk filled chest won’t satisfy me. After all that, I’m going to take you to bed and make love to you until you beg for release./

Kurama gasped, feeling his mouth go dry and his cock twitch. Not only because of the telepathic words, but for the matching mental images that the fire demon was sending to him. He was extremely thankful that his mother was oblivious to the erotic setting Hiei was putting him into. Kurama was surprised when a hand fisted into his hair and he was pulled into a fiery kiss. It took him a few seconds to get over the initial shock, but he was soon eagerly returning his mate’s affection and lust. He wrapped an arm tightly around Hiei’s waist, completely forgetting that his mother was sitting right beside them.

Kurama sighed softly around the tongue that was exploring his mouth, finally relaxing. A couple of moments later, he felt his milk let down, forcing a small moan from deep in his throat. Shiori smiled when she saw a few drops of milk appear on her son’s nipples, he had finally fully relaxed. She didn’t know how it happened or what Hiei did, but she was thankful to whatever helped the situation. She did however know that the kiss alone didn’t do it. Shiori started to slowly use the hand breast pump, trying to mimic a nursing baby and coax more then a few drops of milk from her son.

After several unsure seconds of her slowly pumping and the two males still in a heated kiss, small squirts on yellowish milk started coming from the redhead’s right nipple. A smile touched Shiori’s lips as she continued using the breast pump, knowing the odd coloring was from the milk still being mixed with colostrum. When she was sure the flow of milk wouldn’t stop, she reached up and patted the fire demon’s arm, signaling him that the desired result had been reached. Hiei slowly broke the kiss with his mate, nipping lightly at the full, redden bottom lip. He casually looked down, a satisfied smirk quickly gracing his face. This drew Kurama’s attention downward as well. A happy smile lit up his features upon seeing the small glass bottle attached to the suction cup about a third ways full of milk.

“See!!! I just knew this particular breast pump would work for my boys!” Shiori said, sounding very triumphant and a little smug. “You just had to relax, like I said. And whatever Hiei did, helped you to do that.”

“Hn, my fox loves it when I help him to get his mind off stressful things, especially the specific way I did it.” Hiei wasn’t shy, though he did keep exactly what he did to himself.

Despite his best efforts, Kurama had a blush settle across his nose and cheeks. Taking the high road, he deicide to change the subject a bit. “I guess all the trouble was worth it, at least now we have a pump that will work.”

“Yes, but right now I need to go to the kitchen. Shuuichi, Hiei? One of you need to take hold of the pump and keep using it while I’m gone, to keep the milk flowing.” Shiori looked expectantly from one to the other. Kurama was about to take hold of the breast pump, but Hiei beat him to it. Shiori looked at the fire demon seriously. “Now remember, Hiei, squeeze the pump every few seconds to mimic a real baby sucking and swallowing. “ She instructed before rising to her feet and hurrying from the room.

The demons sat in silence, staring with fascination as the little bottle passed two thirds full. Shiori walked back into the room, carrying two small liquid containers with lids. She sat back down on the couch next to her son and waited, letting the fire demon continue to use the pump on the redhead until the little bottle was full.

Shiori took the pump from the fire demon and dumped the bottle of milk into one of the containers. She then placed it back into his hands with another instruction. “Now do the left side of his chest.”

The fox’s left side was far easier to pump since he had gotten somewhat used to the strange feeling and his milk was already down. It wasn’t long before the little bottle was full of the yellowish milk again. She took the pump and poured the liquid into the container once more. Shiori hadn’t mentioned it, but there was another benefit to using a breast pump besides convenience. It would help her son to develop an excellent milk supply to sufficiently feed at least three of his babies.

By the time they were done with the fox, Hiei had started leaking too, the visual stimulation had been to much for him. Shiori had been expecting that, that’s why she had brought two containers with her. Hiei made himself comfortable in front of his mate and then nodded once, giving the go ahead for him to be pumped. Shiori passed the device to her son and helped him to get it positioned properly on the fire demon’s chest.

Kurama had a smile on his lips the whole time as he worked. He used the breast pump twice on each side of his mate’s chest, filling up the small bottle each time. Twice for each nipple may have seemed like a lot, but it wasn’t, Hiei’s milk supply was already fully established. All of Hiei’s milk went into the second liquid container and marked as his. The reason for the separating was simple really, Kurama was still producing colostrum and that milk needed to go to the three day old triplets to help their immune systems.

Shiori was grinning from ear to ear as she carried the two containers of milk and the breast pump into the kitchen. She put the milk into the refrigerator and then thoroughly washed the once feminine device. She made a mental note to purchase an additional pump of the same brand when another trip into the city was made or needed. She returned to the big living room and they resumed going through all of the newly purchased baby items. When Hiei stumbled onto the bag of clothes, he had a fit about the little yellow dress and even said something against the lacy black one. Though he wasn’t fooling anybody, it was easy to tell that he liked the little frilly things for his only daughter. Just maybe she would turn out to be a female yet.


Thanks so much you guys for reading this story, this chapter, and for sticking with me through this little hiatus of sorts. The next time I update, I will be putting up the last chapter of this story and posting the first chapter of the next story in this arc. So hopefully it will be only a couple of weeks wait for the next update, and next time you all will get two chapters. Please leave a small review on your way out and let me know what you think about this story, this chapter, or the arc in general. Thanks again!