Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One for the money, two for the drugs ❯ One: Fucked up day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
She set her luggage down in front of the steps, checking the address on the note card in her hand with the one on the right of the doorway. When she found that they match perfectly she sighed in relief.

Between a 48 hour train ride and an obnoxious cab ride she didn’t know how much more she could take today. She would rather have to ride in an uncomfortable, hard chair, sitting next to an old fat man that snored as loud as an elephant, than to spend one more minute with than annoying man. The worst part was that same man was the one her grandmother sent to drive her home. He talked as loud as he snored except he wouldn’t shut up. At least when he was asleep she could put a pillow over his head.

Talking about her oba-san she couldn’t believe that she was finally getting to meet the woman her father talked about so fondly. She loved it when she was little and he would come into her room at night’s when it was storming and tell her of all the adventures her grandmother went on. When she was little she thought that they were just make-believe, but now that she was older she new it was true. Yet again, when she was little she didn’t know she was a demon.

She remember the last conversation she had with her oba-san before she left for the train.

“ Now Kimiko, I want you to remember that you are coming down here to forget about everything that has happened lately ok? I am having a few of my student take you around town and give you the 411 sweetheart.” a commotion was heard in the background, a slightly muffled, ‘ take that back shrimp, I could beat urameshi anytime’ a couple more shouts were heard and then oba-san yelled “ Dimwit, shut up and stop acting like a little baby” the rest was cut off because she dropped the phone. I started to yell into the receiver and was about to hang up when a deep sensual voice told me that it would be best I called back later. I could only manage a meek, “it’s alright just tell ob- I mean Genkai I’ll see her later ok?” I hung up after that, his voice still ringing in my head.

Even now I could hear that voice and it still sent shivers down my spine. I remembered that I had just been standing there for a good twenty minutes and timidly knocked at the door. When there was no answer I knocked again, a little louder this time. Still no answer so I knocked again louder, and when that didn’t work I started to kick the door. Still no answer. ‘ I can’t believe my luck, now I might be stuck out here all night.’

She tried thinking of a way in, or anybody that she knew around the area until a thought came into her head. I wonder what type of lock oba-san has.’ with that she walked up to the door and peered down at the lock, trying to find the tiny writing.

With triumphal grunt she turned around and bent down to search through her bag. She brought out a bobby pin, safety pin and a piece of sour apple bubble gum. She popped the piece of bubble gum in her mouth and began the process of unlocking the lock.

She blew a bubble in frustration, looking at the other two locks that made sure she was pushed over the edge today. They looked at her mockingly and just as she was about to reach down for the second one someone had grabbed her wrist and twisted it at an odd angle so it was pressed against her back. With his other hand he pinned her against his body and held her hand at her side.

Resisting the urge to just kick the guy in the balls she waited to see if she could let off some pent up frustration in a good fight.
She looked at his attire and noticed that everything was blue. It must be a school uniform. When he spoke his voice was gruff and oddly familiar.

“ What are you doing trying to brake in-to Genkai’s house demon”

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Who in the hell WAS this guy. How did he know I was a DEMON ! With alarm-bells ringing in my head I failed to notice again that a human with high spirt energy was walking up the stairs.

At a first look at our position his face split into a wide grin. He went to open his mouth but quickly shut it as he took our position in without throwing it in the gutter. The grin was wiped off his face as he held out his hand in a gun stance. I about shit myself.

Did he think this was a game we were playing? It wasn’t cops and robbers for little children! I decided at that moment that he was insane. As I looked at him crazy-like I noticed that at the point of his ‘ gun’ was starting to glow with holy-power. My eyes widened in surprise as I realized exactly what he was going to do.

‘ Fuck! Enough standing around and letting them attack me. Time to fight back.’ With that I slipped between his arms and sunk to my knees. In mid motion I grabbed the hand that was holding my own behind my back and flipped the bastard over my shoulder. When he landed his eyes became enlarged and he started gasping for air.

I was already studying my next target, looking for an opening to place my attack but so far he was coving all the vital points in his body. He must be a trained fighter, a lot of experience with hand on hand, maybe not so much in weapons, but if it came down to it, he could defend himself. The light became bigger and bigger until it was about the size of a baseball before he released it. I heard the yell of Spirit Gun and then found my opening. As the ball was about 5 feet infront of me when I flipped over the attack and landed right infront of him.

I grinned at the surprised look on his face, winking right before I punched him in the jaw, not to hard though. Just enough for him to be knocked back a couple feet. He crashed into a tree and I took a step toward him. Right as I did I heard the crack of a whip and not two second later found it wrapped across my ankles, slowly working its way up my legs.

I could feel the thorns cutting deeply into my legs, and subconsciously noticed a purple liquid rolling down from the wounds. Before I had a chance to retaliate I felt someone crash into my stomach and send me onto the wooden floor.

I tried to sit up but instantly regretted it when I felt cold metal pressing into my neck. I looked at the one currently holding a extremely dangerous looking blade to my throat and silently cursed my self again. My frustration boiled over at that instant with out me even knowing it. I yelled at my attackers, especially the one with the sword, completely irritated by the situation.

“ What the hell is wrong with you bastards! You don’t even know who I am or why I’m hear and you already attack me! If I was trying to brake in WHY would I have LUGGAGE? Are you all that brain-dead? USE COMMON SENSE!!!!! I’m trying to see my GRANDMOTHER!
The one on top of me looked about ready to chop off my head and I could tell the whip had gotten tighter, plus the other two weak humans were walking towards me. Just my perfect day huh?

Thought of the day!
A dog will listen to you, a cat will just flip you off and walk away

How was that for my first try at a story huh? Just to let you know, the main character is someone I made up. Her name is ....... and her story is....... so you just have to review so I can write a new chapter huh?