Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One heart ,three minds ❯ New day, new emotions, and new knowledge ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One heart, three minds

By: shadowbrat

Rating: Nc 17. Lemon warning!^__^ rejoice all yaoi fans, rejoice ^__^

Author comments: Wheeee!! Okay okay, I enjoyed writing this waaaaay too much. Oh well ^__^ I dedicate this chapter to my Dragonwind-chan. He just loves the Yusuke/Kurama pairing ^__^ And I'm pretty much his yaoi supplier. So yea… ^_^;;

Well anyways, ON WITH THE SEQUEL!Read, my pretties, read! And Um yeah, review too ^_^

Chapter one: New day, new emotions, and new knowledge.

As the wild darkness retreated to the depth from which it crawled, the sun glistened over the hazy horizon. The sounds of nightclubs as the closed, the groans of hangover tinted the morning air, the sun became a nuisance to those who where dead set on sleeping in until noon. The brilliant rays spilled forth through the city; silently it hunted down those whose eyes lay only in darkness formed by the naturally hypnotic trance of sleep.

The rays crawled up a certain Youko's bedroom. And laid spotlight to the occupants of the bed that dominated most of the spacious chamber. A lone chair sat at the foot of the bed; the sun cast a shadow on the previous night's soul witness. From the depths of the queen-sized bed, the occupants snored softly among their exercise-induced slumber, the now stained linen sheets laid cradling the bodies of the sleeping teens, started with the tops of many muscled torsos, and ended the coverage at the slightly bent knees of slender legs. Within the bed the youkai seemed dispatched from the waking world and embedded in the world of dreams that hovered around their minds, slowly it began to dissipate from around the spiky haired one's mind.

Hiei slowly brought his hand from under the sheets, shielded his eyes from the offensive sunlight, and picked a pillow as his defense against the on coming morning. He grumbled under his breath, and shifted to that he now lay on his side, his back faced Yusuke and Kurama. His movements made the sheet slip slightly from his naked waist, the koorime idly reached down and pulled the sheet over his shoulders, and clasped it as he nestled it under his chin. His cloudy crimson eyes slowly drifted closed against the pillow, and attempted to go back to sleep that distantly called to him. He suddenly opened his eyes, slowly sat up in bed and looked over his shoulder at his bedmates. He looked at Yusuke, who was closest to him, and watched him sleep. His face half buried by the pillow and his arms where tucked under. His hair was out of his customary comb back, and fell gently over his eyes. He then looked over at the Youko/ningen that slumbered at the opposite side of the bed. His red mane cascaded over his shoulder as he lay on his side. He faced Yusuke with an arm draped over the other boy's waist. As if he was in mid caress when sleep had taken him, and hadn't moved in his sleep all night.

A smile tugged at the youkai's lips as he glanced back and forth between them. He remembered the previous night's occurrence, and how it all started with something as seemingly innocent as Ningen schoolwork. But with the subject of the male reproductive system, it was pretty hard to avoid the sexual tension that increased tenfold when it first passed Yusuke's lips. The way he had said it, had held sexual undertones that somehow, Kurama had picked up. And then, there was Yusuke's lack of notes on the subject. Had he just planned on seducing Kurama? Or was he really just that dense when it came to his own body. The later he highly doubted, so that had only left his other theory. The theory that Hiei had just been an added plus. If he hadn't been there would he have gotten to him sooner or later? He didn't know, he didn't know if Yusuke felt for Hiei, or if he was a bonus.

Hiei had trusted Yusuke, and he doubted that he would turn around and hurt the koorime's feelings. Yusuke had readily trusted Hiei, even after he had threatened to get revenge on him so long ago. He trusted him with his life. The youkai held a fondness to his friends, and it warped into a something that resulted with them all sleeping together.

Was that something… love?

No, he decided, it wasn't love, when I said soul mates, I didn't say I loved them.

Than, well, what was it? He cared for his friends, shared this intimate night them, and even shed tear gems for them. But something in his heart didn't scream ` Your in love!' at him. Not that his own heart knew what love was. Because he himself hadn't experienced it, so how would someone know when they where in love? What else could it be?


Could be.



But Love?

Could you even love two people romantically at the same?

Hiei rubbed his temples between his index fingers with a soft moan of fustration. This was giving him one hell of a headache…

He looked over to see Yusuke as he mumbled something in his sleep and giggled slightly, a goofy grin plastered on his enamored face. Hiei looked over to see Kurama's delicate fingers, as they caressed Yusuke's back, his eyes still closed and his breathing still even. He was still asleep. Hiei would have chuckled at the act, but his current train of thought troubled him and prevented him from doing so.

Was last night… just fun for them?

So what if Yusuke and Kurama looked upon last night as a casual fuck.

What did Hiei care, A fuck between friends that's all. He didn't care. He didn't care…

You know that's not true, a voice in his head scolded him.

But why? Why else would they bed down with the Forbidden Child…

Oh, I don't know, maybe because they care about you!

No they don't…Hiei sighed, how could they?

This whole thing was set up for Yusuke and Kurama. Not Hiei. And usually, he would have excepted this. It wasn't anything new after all. He often stood ready for the day that Yusuke, Kurama, or the others would abandon him. He just thought it was a matter of time.

A matter of time before he was abandoned.

Just a matter of time before he went back to his old life.

Just a matter of time before he was alone…

He wouldn't get attached to them. When his parole was over, he would leave and go about his own business in the Makai. And leave Kurama to his ningen life and Yusuke to his life with Kieko and the ningens he where raised with.

Yet, Hiei was still there.

He had went back to the Makai, he had stayed with Mukuro. Lived in her mansion and trained to his hearts content. But he couldn't stay away from the Fox or the retired detective of the Reikai. He could feel the rope that braided itself between him and his friends, and as hard as he tried, he couldn't stay astray from his comrades for very long without feeling the robe threaten to pull his heart out from his own chest.

So there he was, in bed with them. He stared at them blankly as they slept, his mind argued over the undertones of last nights lust fest, over and over again. For the first time thinking of the consequences of their actions. And even thinking if they even mattered. Maybe it was just he, maybe Kurama and Yusuke didn't feel that way at all. By way they looked at him… so loving, so tender Oh! And the way they touched him!

He shuddered in delight as his body remembered those tender caresses. Especially Kurama's…

That charming youko had bewitched his heart from the moment they had met. That day he wanted to storm Enma-sama's volt. With those emerald pools expertly impersonating eyes. And that long mane that somewhat proved his former life as Youko. He was a vision of beauty Hiei never thought himself being worthy to see.

And Yusuke, what could he say about the guy? He was fascinating to Hiei ever since they fought that first time. The young ningen's first case as detective, and he had managed to defeat Hiei. And the half koorime had vowed revenge…

` Yea… right… like you promised to get revenge on me 4 years ago?'

Those words still hung limply in his head, teasing his conscious brain from reaching it and thus reaching an understanding as to why. Why hadn't he taken revenge anyway?

You were curious, remember?

But curiosity killed the Youkai, well at least defeated him.

He swung both legs over the side of the bed, still lost in his thoughts, and contemplating his own emotions. His eyes wandering aimlessly around the room as he let his legs hang inches above the carpeted floor of the Youko's bedroom. He searched for his clothes and found them scattered on the floor, his pants landed on Kurama's desk. He gently slide out of the half embrace of Yusuke and walked over to the desk, picking them up he had found Kurama's book from the previous night, and also picked it up to examine it. The bookmark stuck from within the pages and he frowned at the book slightly, setting it back down and walked quietly to retrieve the rest of his attire. He dressed quickly and headed toward the window, glancing out towards the still rising sun and to the waking city before him. Then, in a mist of displaced air, he was gone.

The fox-human stirred slightly in his sleep as he continued his gentle assault on Yusuke's back, making the s-class giggle, clasping to his pillow. He let out a small moan as the hand went lower, to the cleft of his buttocks and his eyes opened wide. He turned his head over to see Kurama half asleep and looked down at Kurama's hand as it traced a finger over the curve of one of Yusuke's cheeks.

"Gods, he's even good when he's unconscious." He said under his breath, his breath catching in his throat, he realized how good it felt having Kurama touch him like this. And how his manhood was already hardening under him.

Yusuke nibbled softly at his bottom lip, and looked into the half lidded emerald eyes. With a smile he nudged his nose against the sleeping kitsune's to gently wake him up. Kurama smiled and nudged back affectionately as he stirred, and Yusuke couldn't help but smile and think that Kurama looked absolutely adorable when he did that. Kurama opened his eyes fully and looked at Yusuke. Smirking, the S-class brushed a strand of hair off his face, and let his finger tip venture over the face of his friend. Kurama sighed, leaning into the touch and continued his caress on Yusuke's soft skin.

" Ya know…" Yusuke began with a mischievous smirk. " I think your subconscious is trying to tell you something…" He chuckled, nodding towards Kurama's venturing hand. He rolled over so that he was fully facing Kurama, and that his growing erection would soon be poking at the Youko human's stomach. Kurama looked down at his own hand and giggled, as it stroked Yusuke's other buttock and ran teasingly over his crack. Yusuke leaned over and kissed Kurama, at first just gentle pressure to the red heads soft lips. He nipped at then slightly and Kurama obliged to the unspoken request of entrance, moaning into the kiss as their tongues began to dance. He pulled away slowly to notice that a presence was missing from the other side of him.

" Kurama…"

" Hmmm?"

" Hiei's gone."

" He must have gone back to the Makai, I bet he'll be back later."

" You think?"

" Mmmhmm don't worry about it Yusuke…"

His silken voice cooed and Yusuke shuddered as his lips brushed past his as Kurama said his name. Those lips lingered there, barely touching his and then pressed gently against his in a soul searing kiss, the kistune's tongue tracing Yusuke's bottom lip, nipping at it softly and Yusuke moaned and opened his mouth. Letting the probing tongue enter and lap at the fleshy appendage within the cavern. His hand wandered down again, tracing the crack between the firm buttocks and Yusuke lifted his rear to meet his touch. Aching for more then just some heavy petting, he scooted over towards the kistune-human, letting his arousal poke against Kurama's well-toned stomach. Yusuke looked deep into those deep emerald eyes, as he drew back, he let every emotion that ran through them be known to his lover, as he said in a quaky, quivering voice.

" Kurama… onegai… let me make love to you. Just this once?" Yusuke blushed furiously and cast his gaze downward, thoroughly embarrassed of being so soft. Usually he wouldn't have asked and he would have just said " I'm gonna fuck your brains out" but it just wasn't sex, he wanted to make love to the kitsune.

Kurama smiled and lay back pulling Yusuke up onto his chest, and lost himself in those chocolate eyes, and holding him close.

" Yusuke, you can make love to me as many times as you want…" Kurama said against Yusuke's lips, then kissed the end of his nose.

The words floated over Yusuke's ears as the love and trust within them brushed gently over his soul, he kissed the fox again. He smirked into his kiss, pleased as to he was allowed to be the dominate this time. He slid his tongue into the heated mouth, tasting Kurama's sweet taste and set forth on memorizing the contours of the Kistune's mouth, as if he wasn't ever going to be able to do this again. He savored every moment with Kurama, and he wished he could be with Hiei also. But he promised himself that he would make it up to the fire-youkai that had missed the second round.

Kurama wrapped his arms around Yusuke's neck, massaging the nape with his fingers and drawing him closer at the same time. He teased the foreign tongue in his mouth with his own, and giggled slightly at Yusuke's low growl of pleasure that radiated from his throat. Almost primal in a way that turned Kurama on even more. Kurama pushed his hips towards Yusuke's, making their erections rub together in delicious friction and earning a moan from both lovers, as they continued to torture one another with tender caresses.

Yusuke reached over the table, searching for something he could use to make the penetration he was going to initiate easier. He found a bottle of hand lotion, and opened it with a snap of a finger, and proceeded to squeeze it out onto his fingers. All this and he had not retreated from the kiss, or the delicious dance.

Unfortunately, demon or not, he had to breath. He finally broke for air, and looked into Kurama's eyes as he slide a finger into his entrance. Kurama gasped and grabbed Yusuke's shoulder, as Yusuke traveled down the Youko's chest, kissing the pale flawless skin. Kurama shuddered as the pain and pleasure mixed, grabbing Yusuke's shoulders tighter and starting to scratch. As often as he had done this before in his lifetime, it was still a new feeling to this ningen body. He could feel Yusuke's tongue dance around his right nipple, before seizing it with his teeth in a playful tug. The S-class trailed his tongue teasingly around it, licking it slightly and watched it pebble as he blew on it gently. With his free hand he pinched its twin in between his thumb and forefinger, as he switched his affection to the other nub. Earning a gasp from the red head.

Yusuke moved the probing finger around, exploring and gently running it over his inner walls, making Kurama's breathing pace increase considerably while he writhed underneath him. Preparing his fox and giving attention to the ningen body of his Youko that reacted so well to his touch, and was so sensitive. He slid another finger in, mimicking the previous movements and kissed Kurama's cheek tenderly.

Kurama wriggled as Yusuke started moving his digits in a scissor motion, stretching the tight passage. Kurama finally moaned in pleasure as the slight discomfort vanished and Yusuke started to pump the digits in a slow pace. Making the Youko ningen move his hips into them. Yusuke probed and looked for his lover's secret spot, and Kurama yelped in surprise when he finally brushed against it. Deciding that Kurama was more than ready, he poured more of the lotion into his palm, spreading it along the length of his painfully erect member, and lifted his slender legs. Resting the back of Kurama's knees on his shoulders, he removed Kurama's scratching hands and placed them on the sides of the fox's head. He looked into the jade eyes again; linking his fingers with Kurama's as they rested on the sides of kitsune's head.

He slowly pushed forward, sliding into the stretched passage of muscle. He didn't take his eyes off of Kurama's face. Squeezing Kurama's hands gently as he continued, slowly making their bodies one once more, and he sighed once their union was complete. And he was completely one with the fox.

He paused, giving them both time to adjust, and just to enjoy the moment they were sharing. The feeling of being whole swam through his veins in an uncontrollable happiness. He smiled sweetly up at Yusuke with as much love and adoration he was feeling. And Yusuke smiled back, mirroring the same emotions for his friend, kissing the Youko's neck as he started to thrust slowly.

Kurama moaned softly, closing his eyes and letting the sensations take him away, totally abandoning himself to Yusuke. Red strands of hair clung to his forehead with sweat, and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep the sweat that trickled down his face.

Yusuke looked down at Kurama's expression, and his heart sank. He stopped abruptly and looked down at the redhead.

" Kurama… are you okay? Am I hurting you?" Yusuke's voice almost cracked, and Kurama opened his eyes to see sad brown looking down at him.

" No, no… Yusuke, its not that." He said in a loving tone, as he freed one of his hands from Yusuke's. He wiped the burning sweat from his eyes, before running it gently over his friend's strong features.

" Sweat was getting in my eyes… it burns ne?" He chuckled. Eye glittering as Yusuke began to smile back.

" Yeah…" he whispered, and kissed the kitune's eyes as he closed them. He felt Kurama move his hips up to him, egging him to continue. This was the second time he was afraid that one of his best friends had been hurt. And he couldn't help but worry about Hiei at that moment. Why had he left? He wasn't really the type to stay in one place for long anyway, but why did it bother Yusuke?

" Yusuke… onegai… move…" Kurama whispered, and Yusuke smiled warmly down at him. He cast his thoughts to the side for a moment, and resumed his slow pace.

It wasn't long before he couldn't take the slow pace anymore, and neither could Kurama.

" Yusuke… Ahhnnmm faster…"

Yusuke pounded into his fox, and their moans filling the room. The bed creaked with the weight of the lovers moving on top of it, and the wooden headboard knocked repeatedly against the wall. With his free hand Kurama grabbed the headboard, moaning Yusuke's name and squeezed until his knuckles whitened.

Yusuke could feel the pressure building. No, it was too soon. He tried to hold on for a little bit longer, but he felt himself losing. Kurama moaned, and buried his face in the crook of Yusuke's neck. Yusuke screamed Kurama's name.

Squeezing the hand he held, Yusuke came. And he smiled delightfully as he felt Kurama's creamy seed coat his stomach and a hoarse cry from the fox reached his ears. Confirming that they had came together.

Exhausted, he laid gently as he could on Kurama, still one with him, and breathed deep the scent of great sex. He wanted to stay as close to Kurama as he could, for as long as he could. The after glow just felt so good. Sighing, Kurama ran a hand through the sweat-drenched tresses of raven hair on Yusuke's head. Smiling as he heard Yusuke's breathing even out, and chuckled at the fact he was asleep again.

He pulled Yusuke out of his passage, and laid him down beside him. Holding him close as Yusuke nuzzled into his neck. Kurama also could feel sleep creep on him, and casted a glance towards the open window. Funny, he didn't recall opening it.

Hiei was always the type not to stay in one place for long, sure, but then, what was this bad feeling he had felt deep in his heart?