Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Hope ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: One Last Hope
Author/Artist: Forbidden Interludes
Pairing: Hiei/Yukina
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
17. a simple request
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to Yu Yu Hakusho. The series is owned by
Yoshiro Togashi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lemon, Incest, Language
Summary: Yukina seeks out the one man who by reputation can find just about anyone. When she approaches Hiei with the job will he turn her away? Or will he accept the job and the consequences that come with it?
Author's Note: This story is set prior to the beginning of the series, before Hiei learned that he had a sister. Please review, any and all flames however will be laughed at and deleted.
Chapter One
Yukina was beginning to second guess her decision about coming into this town with each passing moment. The inhabitants didn't look particularly friendly and more than one of them was eying her with a bit too much interest. Still, she'd come this far and while she could turn back it would mean going back to square one where she didn't have any possible leads about how to find her brother. She was coming to see one man, his skills at tracking were rumored to be the best and as such was her best shot at finding her long lost sibling. The famed Shadow Assassin, Hiei was one of her remaining hopes. Assuming she could find him anyway, all she had was an address that might not even be correct any longer since the demon wasn't known for staying in one place for long.
Warily she turned down the side street she needed, hoping that her journey was coming to an end so she could get out of this hell hole. While she was by no means a coward she'd only be able to hold her own for so long if something was to happen. Even worse was the fact that this road was a dead end and she wasn't so foolish as to have missed the fact that two rather large men had followed her and were now closing in behind her. The urge to run was strong but Yukina resisted, she was already marked as a target and to flee now would ensure her capture. The best chance she had was to remain as if she were unconcerned by their presence, hopefully a bluff would suffice to get her out of this predicament.
"Well well, look what we have here Minoru," a tall blond demon said as they moved to stand in front of the teal haired woman. It was obvious that she wasn't a regular to these parts, she stuck out in her pristine kimono and he couldn't help but wonder what the hell she was doing coming here of all places. "Looks like the pretty little Miss might be lost, whatdaya say we help the girl out?"
"Sure thing Takeo, poor thing does look lost," Minoru stared down at the girl hungrily. To the girl's credit she stared at them calmly, not flinching in the face of their banter but that meant little to him. Most likely she was one of those uptight bitches that thought herself too good for the likes of them in the first place and believed herself to be invincible. They'd change that quickly though, someone like her had no business wandering the streets without an escort. "What do you say little lady? Why don't you follow us, we'll take good care of ya all nice like."
"I'll be fine, thank you," Yukina's voice was cold as she stared at the two men and there was no doubt in her mind that they were just looking for trouble. Clearly her words had no effect on them however, both demons steadily moved closer and one of them had the audacity to lay a hand on her shoulder. Any attempt to shrug it off would be pointless so she merely stared up at them while allowing her youki to crackle around her body. Too much longer and the contact would freeze the blonde's hand but she wasn't overly concerned with his well being. Taking a chance, Yukina decided on a rather risky gamble in the hopes it would be enough to send them on their way, "If you don't mind, I have an appointment to keep. I'd hate to have to explain to Hiei that you gentlemen were the reason I was detained."
"Hiei?" Takeo stared down at her in surprise as his partner removed his hand, the skin in his fingertips turning blue with the chill she was giving off. "What would you be doing with the likes of him girl?" The mention of the apparition immediately had their attention but they still weren't ready to let go of their catch so easily. Still, it was best to tread carefully from here on out, Hiei wasn't the type of demon you randomly fucked with. If this little bitch was one of his paying clients the man wouldn't take kindly to her being manhandled.
"That is none of your concern but rest assured that if I'm not there in precisely five minutes he will come looking for me. I'm sure I don't need to tell you what will happen when he finds us at an impasse," Yukina's eyes were cold as she continued to look up at the man. Unease settled in the pit of her stomach but she didn't dare let it show. Confidence was what was needed now if she was to get through this. If these two called her bluff she was screwed, even if Hiei happened to be nearby he had no reason to come and help her. The man didn't even know that she was coming to see him which made this confrontation all the more dangerous.
Minoru was silent for a moment before nodding slightly, "Alright little Lady, we'll play it your way for now. If you're telling the truth then I am sure we won't be seeing the likes of you out here anytime soon." Most of the time when the apparition had visitors they tended to stay awhile, but those that showed up unannounced were usually turned away at the door. Nothing said they couldn't hang around for a while, if the bitch was lying then Hiei wouldn't give a shit if they persuaded her to follow them for a bit of entertainment. Whether she wanted to cooperate or not wasn't any of his concern.
The hidden meaning behind his words was not lost on her but Yukina chose to ignore it as they stepped aside to let her pass. "I assure you that won't be happening. Good day to you," her tone was cool as she slipped past them, not wanting to try her luck any further. By the time she reached the small building only a few yards away she was more than ready to get inside despite not knowing how Hiei would react to seeing her. As she knocked on the door she could feel two sets of eyes gazing at her intently, waiting to see if she had indeed been lying, "Please hurry."
As the door opened slowly Yukina breathed a sigh of relief, at least someone was home. Yet the demon who stood before her wasn't quite what she'd been imagining when she'd heard of him. The expression he wore was cold and uncaring, exactly what the person who had told her about him had described. Yet this man was barely taller than she was. Weren't assassin's supposed to be taller, more impressive looking? "I'm looking to speak with Hiei."
"What do you want?" Hiei stared down at the teal haired woman with mild curiosity. He'd been watching the altercation from the window and had been slightly impressed with the way she'd handled herself. His first thought was that she'd panic but that hadn't happened and while she'd chosen a foolish gamble it had paid off. But for how long was another story. He'd just finished a large job the day before and arrived home late last night so taking another assignment so soon wasn't something he had an inclination to do at the moment. For now he had more than enough gold to take care of the bills that he had and he was willing to lay money on the idea she was there for a wayward husband to be disposed of or something of the like. Usually a job he had no interest in handling, there were other's who did that very thing on a near daily basis.
"Please, can we go inside to speak of this?: She could feel the weight of the stares intensify, surely they were close enough to hear what had been said and now knew that she'd been lying. Minoru's parting words echoed through her head as she stared into the apparition's eyes. Surely he had to know what turning her away would mean as well. Would he care? She could only pray that he had a compassionate side buried somewhere beneath that cold exterior.
For several long moments Hiei continued to stare at her before nodding slowly and moving out of the doorway. Ordinarily he'd have turned the woman away but the way she'd handled the two thugs outside impressed him. If nothing else she could sit for a few minutes until the goons went about their business. While he wouldn't go out of his way to protect her he could at least give her that much. As she proceeded inside he closed the door behind her, after giving the two watching a meaningful look. "I hope you realize if you're looking for me to do something distasteful such as kill off a lover you've come to the wrong place Lady. If that's the case you can leave now, I'm not interested."
"Oh no, it's nothing like that," Yukina hurried to reassure him. Based on the expression upon his face she could tell that he found that entire idea distasteful, not that she blamed him in the least. "Please, call me Yukina. I'm here because I need you to find someone important, someone very dear to me." As she stared at him she could see the boredom already setting in at the very idea. "You're my last hope Hiei, please. I'll make it worth your while." Though she didn't flaunt the fact, she had a considerable amount of gold tucked away in the folds of her kimono. Carrying around the hiroseki gems she'd cried in her frustration at not finding her brother was a dangerous prospect, to do so was just begging someone to take her as a slave. Carrying gold had its dangers as well but at least she had a chance of remaining free. Slowly she pulled out two pouches and opened them, spreading the gold upon the table. "I have more if this isn't enough."
Though it was a small fortune that she'd spread upon the table Hiei wasn't exactly impressed as he sat across from her, looking on with disinterest. Others might have jumped at the chance but that was but a fraction of his fee for a normal assassination for him. Just because he didn't live extravagantly didn't mean he wasn't well paid for what he did, the small room he'd acquired suited his needs well. The rest of his wealth was hidden away for use at a later time when it was needed. That combined with the fact that the task she was attempting hire him for was likely going to take a while, potentially months. The possibility that it could turn into a difficult search only made him more reluctant to take it. "You came here for nothing Yukina, I can't help you."
"Don't say that," Yukina gripped the soft fabric of her kimono as she stared at him with pleading eyes. "Is the money not enough? You haven't even heard who you'll be searching for." She could feel her chances of finding her twin slipping through her fingers like water but she still had to try. There had to be something Hiei wanted or needed. She would stop at nothing in convincing him, one way or another she would make the apparition come around. Roughly she stood up, knocking the chair over in her haste as she went to stand before him, "What do you want? Just name it, I'll give you anything. Just tell me what you desire."
For a moment he said nothing and stared at the woman standing in front of him. Some might have been moved by her impassioned plea and the tears that welled up but his heart had been frozen the moment the Koorime had cast him from the island. When her hands moved to her obi his eyes narrowed, waiting to see just how far she would go. As expected her hands hesitated before they reached the strings that tied it closed but the meaning was clear. Did she think that he wouldn't take her up on that offer, choosing instead to take the money? If that was the case the demoness would find out just how wrong she was, it'd been far too long since he'd taken a lover and he had to admit she was an attractive woman. Yet one night would not be near enough to compensate him for the trouble he'd be putting himself through, "My terms are not up for negotiation so take it or leave it. The money you've just offered becomes mine," he paused seeing the glimmer of hope enter her eyes once again. He'd see just how willing the woman was once she'd heard the rest, "you will also accompany me on this search no matter how long it takes. During that time you will warm my bed, I expect I don't have to tell you what that means. If you don't like it, there's the door."
For a moment Yukina couldn't believe what she was hearing, the demands he was making seemed so outrageous. Deep down she hadn't expected the man to take her up on the offer of her body and she didn't know how to proceed. But if that was what it took to enlist his help she would not turn the offer down, she could only hope that he'd understand that she wasn't experienced in this sort of thing. "Your terms are agreeable. I should probably tell you about the person we'll be looking for. Unfortunately I don't know much about him."
"We'll talk about that later," he said as his eyes roamed her body and he shifted to make himself more comfortable in his chair. The kimono did much to conceal her form but Hiei was certain that she would be pleasing to the eye once that garment was removed. That she didn't know much about the person wasn't of great concern, it just meant more time he could spend pleasuring himself with her body. "This is your last chance to back out, if you're sure about this take that damned thing off. I want to see just what you have to offer me."
Licking her lips, Yukina grasped at the ribbon holding her obi closed and tugged gently. The material slid open easily enough though she caught it before it hit the ground. Setting it on the table she took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for what was coming. Never before had she exposed herself to a male yet she was about to do just that and the idea was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. An impatient grunt from the apparition told her that the man wouldn't wait forever and somehow she knew that if she stalled for too long he'd take it upon himself to help her out of her clothing. Or change his mind about helping her, something she couldn't allow to happen.
The slow movements the woman was taking screamed that she was a virgin to Hiei, something he hadn't counted on. Yet even that knowledge wasn't enough to sway him into letting her off the hook, if nothing else it would make this first time that much more enjoyable for him. Already his body was tightening at the thought of burying himself deep within her virgin sheath and the way she would clutch at him as she attempted to adjust to the feel of him within her. Through heavily lidded eyes he watched her turn to face him while she gripped the folds of her kimono, parting it slowly. Inch by inch of tantalizing flesh was bared to his view, slowly at first though as the seconds passed Yukina seemed to grow bolder. Soon she was bare to his view, save for the flimsy scrap of material she wore covering her most intimate of places. When she hesitated again, her fingers lingering over the waistband he motioned for her to continue, "Take it all off."
The slightest bit of her fear eased seeing that Hiei wasn't going to find her lacking and send her from his home. The panties slid off easily leaving her to stand before him nude. While she wasn't sure about what to do next Yukina was certain that he'd be giving her the next set of instructions soon. There was no doubt in her mind that she had the apparition's complete attention, it was almost as if she could feel his gaze burning a path over her body, contemplating where he would touch her first. When he remained silent she fidgeted slightly, unsure of herself, "What would you like me to do?"
"Kneel in front of me and see to my pants," again Hiei shifted in the chair, spreading his legs wide enough to accommodate her sitting between them. To his surprise the nude woman did as she was told, her dainty hands attending to his belts quickly. Once they were unclasped and his erection freed she stared up at him with wide eyes, once again unsure of herself. Knowing she'd need a bit of guidance his hand found its way into her hair, tugging her head close enough that the head of his cock brushed across her lips. "Wrap your lips around it Yukina, tease it with your tongue." Once more she moved to comply with his wishes and Hiei groaned, enjoying the feel of her tongue sliding against the sensitive underside of his shaft. She was such a willing student it seemed and he was going to enjoy teaching her just how to please him. "That's it, just like that Yukina."
The hand in her hair pulled her down further, forcing more of his thick length into her mouth but Yukina bore it without complaint. The man's enjoyment was clear enough for even her to hear as his soft groans reached her ears. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense with each bob of her head and it wasn't long before his shaft was dripping its salty essence against her tongue. Slowly she pulled back, swallowing hard as she licked her lips, staring up at him as his hand wrapped around the thick girth and pumped slowly. He seemed to be debating about something as he smeared the sticky fluid across her lips again, encouraging her to resume her prior movements. A strange heat began pooling in her body as she complied with his wishes though she knew not what it meant.
Hiei groaned as the scent of her arousal reached his nose, this had been what he had been waiting for. Though the woman might not have any idea of the pleasures a man could offer her body most certainly did, if only on an instinctual level. "We're going to move to the bed," his tone gave no room for an argument though he didn't expect one anyway. She seemed almost eager as she got off her knees and allowed him to stand. As she began walking towards the mattress he shed his pants completely, not caring that they ended up on the floor before he made his way over to her. Even now Yukina was watching him carefully while she remained seated on the edge of the bed. Eagerly he stretched out on the bed and beckoned her to come to him, "Kneel over my face," he commanded before helping her to move into position. Her moist lips were mere inches away from his mouth but he didn't touch her just yet, "Now, do what you were doing before. Suck on my cock while I taste you Yukina."
The position was an awkward one but Yukina leaned forward, taking the thick shaft in her mouth once again. His warm breath ghosted against her core, causing her to squirm in anticipation. She didn't have long to wonder just what his tongue would feel like because a heartbeat later it was sliding along her heated skin, teasing it slowly. The motion was repeated, causing her to tremble as it brushed against her hidden jewel firmly. "Hiei?" she called his name out softly, uncertain of the sensations he was evoking within her. If nothing else though that one word seemed to encourage him to go even further. Crying out softly, she closed her eyes as he continued to torment her. Was this what it felt like when she had touched him earlier? His hips bucked against her in an impatient answer to the unspoken question. Eagerly she took the hard member into her mouth, trying to concentrate on giving him pleasure but it was so difficult with the things he was doing to her body.
As much as he enjoyed her taste there was no way Hiei was going to continue touching her if she didn't reciprocate. Yet a few moments could be forgiven as the pleasure his touch could bring was likely to be a shock. Already she was trembling above him as he toyed with her clit, his tongue lapping at it firmly as she tried to take all of his shaft in. How long would she last? He was willing to bet it wouldn't take her long to hit her peak and once she did he intended on taking her. Pushing her dripping sex up slightly he pushed two fingers deeply into her tight sheath, slipping them past the thin membrane that marked her innocence. Again she'd pulled back from his cock but he could accept her reasoning. Her soft cries filled the air as he continued working on her hidden jewel with his tongue. Knowing it was best to get it over with now, he scissored his fingers just as she hit her peak, tearing through the proof that she was untouched. Blood dripped from his fingers but it went unnoticed, his attention focused on prolonging her orgasm. Only once she'd collapsed on top of him did he pull his fingers free and guide her off of him, "It's my turn now."
Yukina didn't even attempt to move as the apparition covered her, his body coming to rest on top of her own. The slight pain she'd felt was nothing compared to the other sensations she had experienced and she was anticipating just what else he could offer her. The slight caress of his lips upon hers was the only warning she got as he began to force his way inside of her. Though it was slightly uncomfortable being stretched so far she didn't attempt to push him off. Instead she gripped at his shoulders as he continued his advance, stopping only when he was fully seated within her. If she was expecting the apparition to give her any time to adjust though she was mistaken, for moments later he withdrew only to plunge forward again.
Each movement pulled a soft moan from the woman beneath him and Hiei couldn't help but smirk. It was looking as if he'd definitely gotten the better end of the deal in making this decision, The girl was so tight, so willing as he drove into her that it pushed him to his limits yet he didn't want it to end just yet. For a moment he slowed and repositioned himself until he was resting on his knees, watching as his cock slid into the demoness. With each passing moment it was becoming harder to hold onto his control, the way her tight walls milked his shaft with each movement was too damned good to be true. As he picked up speed, slamming into her tight sheath it became obvious that she was enjoying the sweet torment he was inflicting as well. Making a hasty decision Hiei pulled out of her roughly and grabbed the girl by the hips, forcing her to turn over, "Get on your knees now!"
Hastily Yukina pulled herself up but she wasn't moving fast enough so the apparition behind her decided to help things along. Roughly he pushed her head down, arching her back as he positioned himself behind her. "Please," she whimpered, not wanting him to stop what he'd been doing before. A gasp escaped her when Hiei impaled her a second time, their bodies meeting violently. As he rode her hard she tried matching his movements, striving for that sweet ecstasy that he'd already given her once. There was nothing gentle or loving about the way he took her and for that she was glad, each punishing stroke he gave pushed her closer and closer to that peak she was so desperate to reach. The bed slammed against the wall in time with their movements, leaving the neighbors no doubt as to what was taking place behind the closed door.
With each passing moment her cries became louder, music to Hiei's ears as he took her without care. Each word that fell from her lips drove him closer to the edge, each soft pant made his body ache with the need for release. Eager to give the woman what she was begging for, he grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back, "You like how that feels Yukina? You want more? Brace your hands against the fucking wall and I'll give it to you!" His moments never stilled as she moved to obey his demand. her hands finding purchase on the headboard. Roughly she pushed back against him, the way her body arched so deliciously allowing him to drive even deeper into her. Reaching around his fingers fondled her clit, pinching it firmly as she called out his name. His battle for control wavered as her walls milked his shaft, pulling his own release from him until he was helpless to resist. Only once his body was sated did he pull free from her, his seed dripping down her thighs as he moved. Wearily he laid back, breathing deeply as he tried to catch his breath. It was a slight surprise when she laid down next to him, pillowing her head on his chest. While he wasn't one for tender gestures he'd allow it this once. "Sleep now, we have much to prepare for if we are to leave tomorrow."
End Chapter One