Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Wish ❯ Breaking and Entering ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Last Wish
Chapter 6: Breaking and Entering
Heaven Sent Tenshi
It was dark. Yusuke's head swirled. He opened his eyes, confused and dazed. Where was he? He sat up, holding his head. He was lying on a floor of wooden planks. Was he back at Genkai's temple? No, these planks were extremely shiny, as though they had just been waxed or polished. He frowned and looked around him. Kuwabara was lying on the floor near him; a small amount of drool was leaking out of the side of his mouth as he rolled over. Yusuke then looked over him and saw Kurama and Hiei not too far from them. It looked as though someone had just dropped them haphazardly on the floor of this place.
Yusuke looked around. The walls were white. Two small windows with Venetian blinds were set into the far wall, opposite a white metal door. There was an entry way that led to a tiny kitchen and a door that led to a closet and bathroom in the wall to his right. There was only one piece of furniture in the whole of the room; a large wooden chest with metal locks keeping the lid in place. They couldn't be in Genkai's; this place was far too modern.
Then it hit him; the mission, the portal, Myleen… They were in Myleen's dimension, they had to be. Either that or the portal had merely sent them to a small apartment in the city.
He rose to his feet and parted the blinds. In the dusk of the setting sun, Yusuke could see the whole city. It was quite reminiscent of Tokyo, but there was a slight difference; what, he couldn't quite pin-point. The air just seemed different. He turned around to see his friends beginning to awake from their comatose states as he had a moment ago.
Kuwabara was the first to sit up. “Ow…” he mumbled, rubbing his throbbing head. He looked around the room. “Where are we…?”
Yusuke looked outside again. “I think… I think it's that other dimension… I dunno, though…”
“Well, we aren't in Genkai's temple anymore…” Kurama rose to his feet, running a hand through his hair. “This place is so different…”
“Besides the whole room?” Yusuke snapped, offering a hand to the white walls and shiny floorboards.
Kurama sighed. “That wasn't what I meant, Yusuke…” He looked about. “It seems as though I can sense something that I can't back in our dimension…”
Hiei stood up, very slowly. “I think you're wrong.” The group turned toward him. “It's an absence of energy that you're feeling.”
Kurama nodded. “You're right… It must be due to the lack of a demon world…”
A collective nod flourished around the room.
“Hey, what's this?” Kuwabara was knelt over the large wooden chest. It looked mighty old; centuries old, perhaps older. He reached down and pulled at the locks. Neither one moved.
“Looks like a chest to me,” Yusuke murmured, uninterested. He turned to Kurama. “Why do you think we're in this room?”
“I'm not sure. Perhaps there's a portal located here. I wouldn't be surprised, really.”
“Ok, so that's how we'll get back…” Yusuke looked up at the ceiling. “Think it's up there?” He pointed above them.
Hiei scowled at the teen as Kurama pondered it. The short demon didn't find Yusuke's stupidity all that amusing right now. Kuwabara wasn't paying attention; he kept pulling at the locks, watching as years of rust flaked off.
“Well, it's possible…” Kurama answered. “We did land on the floor, after all.”
“But why can't we see it?”
“Perhaps it's closed again. We might have to wait for Botan to arrive before we can leave.”
“Are you sure?” Yusuke crossed his arms and screwed up his face. “Genkai made it sound like we could go back at any time between now and then.”
Kurama shrugged. “I'm really not sure at all.”
“Hey, guys; look,” Kuwabara had finally unlocked the chest, “It's open…”
“That's nice.” Yusuke sounded much less enthused about the discovery than Kuwabara.
“… And it's glowing.”
Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei looked in his direction. Indeed, a light was shining along the edges. Frowning, Kurama came up behind Kuwabara.
“Open it, Kuwabara.”
He did as he was told, lifting the ancient lid of the chest. Air rushed toward it as light filled the unlit room. A colorless void, exactly the same as the one created at Genkai's was contained within. Kuwabara grinned.
“Found it.”
The sun was setting. Myleen sat in her hospital bed, watching as the sunset colored the city skyline orange and red. She smiled. Such simple pleasures she partook in.
There was a fresh Yu Yu Hakusho manga lying on the table beside her. After their walk, her nurse had gone to the bookstore a few blocks away and bought Myleen a present. It was her way of making Myleen feel better; it always worked. There was a bookmark sticking out a third of the way through the book.
Myleen sighed and sat back, listening to the low rumble of hospital business. She could hear patients coughing or rolling over, the sound of a radio and a couple TVs, the quiet rattle of a wheelchair coming down the hall, a conversation between the nurses at the nursing station, and even the hum of the elevator. She smiled; business as usual.
The creak of her door caught her attention. She turned her head from the window to her door across the room. Her nurse had poked her head in.
“We just got a call from your mother…”
Myleen paused. “Is… is everything alright?”
“Oh, yes, everything's fine. You family is coming down to visit. They have something they want to talk to you about.”
“Tomorrow. They're driving, so they'll be here around noon.”
Myleen nodded. Her family lived three hours away from the hospital. Because of their budget, they weren't able to visit as often as they wanted. And because they were unable to afford it, her mother, her father, and her older brother were unable to move into the city to be closer to their sick family member. They had been down to visit two days ago; Myleen wondered what had spurred them to make the trip.
“Alright, thank you.” At this, the nurse turned and closed the door. Myleen pondered whether the sudden trip had anything to do with her application to the “Make a Wish” foundation. She smiled. Her mother was adamant about Myleen's application; she wanted the best for her during her short time remaining. She also knew that Myleen strived to do something exciting and she knew the “Make a Wish” foundation was the best way to fulfill that need.
Myleen looked down at her book. If only she could do something fun and exciting, frightening, even, like the Spirit Detectives. They were always doing something incredible.
“Ok,” Yusuke groaned, “I'm getting sick of this… Do you know the way, Kurama or not?”
Kurama sighed. He looked down at the map again. There was a red circle around the apartment they had landed in and lines of routes to a suspected hospital. It was so like Koenma to forget to give them directions, or at least the name of the hospital Myleen was staying in. Figuring that the closest hospital was it, they had gone in search of it. They had little time; how long they weren't exactly sure, but it wasn't long.
After finding the portal, the boys had started to ponder their method of disguise. Searching the tiny apartment turned up several articles of clothing, including shirts, pairs of pants, jackets, hats, and pairs of sunglasses. An odd find in such an empty place. However, they thought it best not to question good fortune. So, Yusuke adorned a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a jean jacket and a denim hat. Kuwabara wore a black t-shirt, a pair of baggy jeans, a dark wind breaker and a black baseball cap. Kurama chose the red, zippered sweatshirt, black pants, and black tee shirt, while Hiei was forced into a black hoodie and allowed to wear his usual pants, after much deliberation. All four also adorned a pair of black sunglasses.
As they left the apartment and set out to find Myleen, they spotted a set of keys atop a battered, old map. There were four keys in total, two of them identical. Kurama figured that the apartment must have a locked door, or perhaps a gate, that was meant to keep the attendants safe. They found both to be true.
Unsure of how or why they had the set of keys, they left the building, in search the hospital. Kurama had the map, which had the apartment already encircled, and was marking down various routes, some of which eventually lead to dead ends or streets that hadn't been in use for years, though the map said otherwise. Hiei figured that it was outdated, to which everyone agreed.
The sun had long gone by the time the boys had reached the hospital. It was white and quite large. There was a circular area just in front of the doors for cars to come and go, though now it was empty. Many of the windows were lit in the building. Kuwabara looked up.
“Think she's here?”
Yusuke nodded. “She has to be. This is the first time I've sensed another energy pattern besides your guys'.”
Everyone nodded. He was right. There was a faint, though distinctly different type of energy coming from the building.
“Let's go in,” Yusuke continued. As he took a step forward, Kurama grabbed his shoulder.
“Wait, Yusuke. My guess is that visiting hours are over. We aren't going to be able to see her at this time of the night.”
“Ok, then we bust in there and get her.” Yusuke started forward again, but was jerked back.
“It's too risky, Yusuke. We have to get in there without looking too suspicious.”
“And how do you propose we do that…?” He yanked his shoulder away and folded his arms.
Kurama looked over to Kuwabara, who was still looking up at the hospital. “Simple…” Kuwabara dropped his head and gazed at Kurama. There was something unnerving about the way he was staring at him.
“Uh, what're you lookin' at me for?”
Hiei scowled. This was never going to work; they'd be caught for sure. He sighed. At least Kuwabara was in pain.
The orange-redhead was being hauled toward the ER entrance by Kurama and Yusuke. He was knocked out. His left eye was starting to swell and there was soon going to be a large goose egg on his head.
“You know, Yusuke,” Kurama murmured, straining a bit under Kuwabara's weight, “you didn't have to hit him that hard…”
“You told me to knock him out!” Yusuke hissed in his defense. Kurama sighed.
As they reached the doors, Kurama stopped. Yusuke faltered, nearly dropping their load. Kurama looked up. “Sorry, but, I think we should take our sunglasses off. It's dark outside; it could be suspicious looking, especially since we're carting Kuwabara in here…”
“Yeah,” Yusuke nodded, “you're right.” He then pocketed his glasses as Kurama did the same. As Hiei was about to mimic their actions, Kurama stopped him.
“Hiei, you may want to leave yours on.”
“And why is that?”
“Red eyes aren't natural.”
Hiei scoffed in his very unusual way, leaving the glasses where they sat. Kurama and Yusuke then proceeded to check Kuwabara into the emergency care unit of the hospital. They claimed that they weren't at all sure of what had happened to him as Kurama pleaded with the nurse working there to help them. It worked like a charm, though how, they weren't sure. It didn't seem at all plausible that the ER would take Kuwabara in when he was merely knocked out.
An hour later, Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke were waiting outside the hospital room in which Kuwabara was in. A man pushed the door open and exited the room. He looked over at the group.
“You must be Mr. Kuwabara's friends.”
Kurama looked up, nodding. “Yes, we are.”
“I'm Doctor Galen. We just ran a couple of X-rays.”
“Is he alright?”
“Oh, yes, he is. I'm afraid he might have a slight concussion and, perhaps a fracture near his left eye. Besides that and a large bump on his head, he should be just fine.”
Yusuke nearly snickered. He hadn't really meant to hit Kuwabara that hard, but it had been a bit amusing. Kurama elbowed him in the ribs.
Dr. Galen blinked several times before continuing. “Well, your friend should be released some time tomorrow.” He held up a clipboard and flipped the front page back, scanning the one he had unearthed. “We just want to make sure he's one-hundred percent normal before he leaves. He hasn't woken up yet, so, when he does, we'll check for amnesia or any other memory loss. Until then, I suggest you kids get some sleep.” He flipped another few pages back and hugged the clipboard against his side and his arm to keep them from sliding back into place. “I have another patient I must check on; I'm sure you know how to exit the building.” He turned and walked down the hall, toward the nursing station.
Kurama looked over to Yusuke and Hiei. “Did you see the name on that sheet of paper?”
Hiei nodded, though Yusuke was oblivious. “What're you talking about?”
“It was a sheet that had information on one his patients; Banji, Myleen.”
Yusuke's eyes widened a bit. “Really? That means she is here.”
“And that was one of her doctors.” Kurama stood up and looked down the hall. Doctor Galen was still within range of his sight. He had stopped at the nursing station and was speaking to one of the women there. He nodded and motioned to a stack of papers before turning around and entering the room across the hall. “I would be willing to bet that that's Myleen's room.”
Yusuke nodded. “So, when he comes out, we just sneak in there and talk to her.”
“Don't be so rash,” Hiei mumbled. He glared at Yusuke from the side. “Your ideas haven't proved worthy as of yet; I doubt they'll do us any good now.”
Yusuke was about to argue before Kurama broke in. “Hiei's right; we have to be careful. Not only are we not supposed to be here now, but they won't like that we would have gone into Myleen's room. The nurses are stationed right across the hall. We can't be caught.”
“So what do you suggest we do now?”
“Well, we have to wake Kuwabara before we can do anything.”
Yusuke sighed. “Can't we just leave him here?”
“It's a good thing I know you're joking.” Kurama turned and slipped into Kuwabara's room. It was plain and white with the stench of bleach hovering in the air, just like the rest of the hospital. Yusuke and Hiei followed; Hiei stood guard by the door as the other two approached the unconscious Kuwabara.
Kurama shook his shoulder softly, “Kuwabara, it's time to wake up.”
One eye opened with great laziness. “I'm awake…” he murmured, attempting to roll over. “Just gimme another five minutes…”
“Hey,” Yusuke crossed his arms, “I thought you were out cold.”
“I woke up ten minutes ago,” Kuwabara continued, “but then I figured this would be a good chance to get some real sleep…”
Yusuke frowned. “Get up you lazy idiot.” He then kicked the bed.
“Yusuke, don't,” Kurama hissed, “You might alert someone.”
“Whatever, just get up…”
Kuwabara groaned before sitting up. He was glad the doctors hadn't quite had the chance to stick an IV into his arm. He then looked down at himself. He was in a paper hospital gown. He flushed in embarrassment as Kurama picked up and handed him his clothes.
The hall was quiet. Lights-out had been called and every room was dark. Two nurses sat at their station; one was reading patient charts while the other was flipping through an old magazine.
“Who're you reading about today?” the nurse with the charts asked, looking up.
“Eh, no one important… just old gossip… You?”
“That Banji girl…”
“Oh, you got her charts?” She tossed the magazine aside and rolled her chair toward the other nurse as she nodded.
“Dr. Galen gave them to me; he wants me to start helping with her…”
“Who else is in that pile?” There had to be 30 sheets in the nurse's hand.
“No one; these are all Myleen's.”
The second nurse turned white. “Are you kidding me?”
“She's been coming here for at least seven years…”
“Wow… what else does it say?”
“Basic stuff… mostly how weak she is… they only gave her three months to live… poor thing…”
“Oh, I heard about that…”
“She's always going through tests, too… I'm surprised she's able to function…”
The other nurse nodded.
Yusuke rolled his eyes. It seemed to him that the only thing women did was gossip. He looked back at the others. They were all crouched down in front of the high counter of the nurses' post. Kurama was watching their shadows; neither seemed to be facing them. He leaned back very slowly until he was able to see them. He was right, they had turned toward the hall perpendicular to the one they were in; the nursing station wrapped around the corner. He watched as they poured over Myleen's information with profound interest.
Kurama then turned to the door across the hall. It was open most of the way. There was a curtain pulled in front of the bed, hiding Myleen from view. The only definite way to see that it was Myleen's room was to read the name card slid into place beside the door.
“Go,” Kurama mouthed silently. He motioned for Yusuke to hurry across the hall, crouched, as they had discussed. Yusuke did so, though, he found a quicker way. He glided across the hall as though he were sliding into home for the winning run. Kurama's eyes narrowed. At least it got the job done. He looked back; the nurses were still preoccupied. He then motioned for Kuwabara to go, who copied Yusuke, skidding across the floor. Kurama was about to tell Hiei to do the same, but he had long gone, moving too fast for the nurses to catch anyway. He took one more look, just to be sure, before hurrying over to the room and silently closing the door.
Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei were crouched by the curtain. They had been waiting for the door to shut and Kurama to accompany them. Kurama looked up; he was able to make out Myleen's silhouette thanks to the window on the other side. Her bed was propped up and she was lying on it. He wasn't sure whether she was asleep or not.
Carefully, Kurama crept forward and peeked around the curtain. To his surprise, she was awake, staring out the window at the city below. He noticed something else, just before he yanked his head back; she was clinging to a book. Kuwabara was about to ask him what he'd seen, but, before he could, Yusuke covered his mouth. Kuwabara's muffled mutterings escaped and everyone's eyes widened, including Myleen's.
She sat up, placing her manga on the bed. She looked around the side of the curtain; her door was shut. `When did that happen?' she thought, frowning. `I know Doctor Galen left it open when he left, and no one's been by since then…' Her eyes scanned the area. Nothing seemed out of place, besides the odd noise she had heard. But that could have come from anywhere; she wasn't alone in the hospital. Slowly, she sat back. There wasn't anyone in the room, was there?
The group of four was huddled behind the curtain, each one praying she hadn't seen them. When they heard the sheets rustle, they knew she had lain back down. Kurama turned to Kuwabara, who still had Yusuke's hand on his mouth. He gave him a look that screamed `what were you thinking?!' Kuwabara tired his best to look apologetic. Meanwhile, Hiei had the expression of `what now?' framing his shadowed face. Kurama suppressed a sigh. They would just have to follow the plan.
As Kurama made to stand up, Myleen glanced down at the bottom of the curtain. There were four pairs of feet and four pairs of knees upon the ground. Her eyes widened.
“Who's there?” she hissed, immediately gaining the attention of the group. They froze. “Who's there?” she repeated after a long moment of silence. “I have a book and I know how to use it.” It was a stupid threat, she knew, but it really was her only method of defense. Slowly, the curtain was drawn back. Myleen sat upon her bed, her Yu Yu Hakusho manga reared back, and a look of sudden shock on her face. It couldn't be.
Kurama was standing as he pulled the curtain back. Yusuke dropped his hand, rising to his feet as Kuwabara and Hiei did the same. Myleen's mouth hung open slightly. She stared at them, her large, dark eyes paralyzed in shock. Slowly, her arms dropped and she released the book. It slid down her legs and off the bed, clattering to the floor. It landed with the front of the book up. On the cover was a picture of group, Yusuke in the front, then Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei. The latter stooped down and picked the fallen literature up off the floor.
“Well, seems our disguises were of no use…” the shortest of the group mused, tossing the book onto the nightstand beside Myleen. The girl jumped. He then lowered the hood of his sweatshirt and removed his sunglasses. The others followed Hiei's example, removing hats or hoods. But Myleen didn't need them to do this, she had long recognized them.
Kurama looked up. “You're Myleen, am I correct?” She nodded, very stiffly. He nodded in response. “Then you are the one we are searching for.”