Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One of the Naji ❯ Hunted ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
One of the Naji
Yuki Amida
Chapter 1
Himitsu ran through the forest, desperate to reach the city. As she felt the human energy getting closer, she changed her ears to match the human ones, despite the fact that they were slightly pointed, but hard to tell. Hey hair and eyes stayed the same though, and her tails shrank into her body. Her fangs also shrank, but were longer then the average humans. She stopped full out running as she came to a street, and then ran towards a side alley, climbing up the side of the building and onto the roof. Then she took of towards her home.
Before she could reach it though, someone tackled her to the ground. She instantly froze her body, which in turn froze whatever part of the person on top of her also. She thawed herself, and slipped out from underneath them.
It was the shorter man that was in the clearing… Vince. “Stupid fox,” he spat at her, and she touched his lips with her finger, freezing them also.
She then felt someone else grab her, pinning her arms to her side, and a soft voice speaking out to her. “Don't try to freeze me like that. It won't work.” It was Bryant, and she saw Tanya lifting up her comrade.
“Spirit Gun!” All of a sudden, a blue ball of energy knocked into the woman, sending her and Vince flying.
Yusuke saw three people, one holding the girl in the video, and another holding a partially frozen man.
“Spirit Gun!” Yusuke shouted, and got a direct hit on the woman.
Hiei darted out, and grabbed both of them, knocking the other man out with the hilt of his katana, and let Kuwabara and Kurama take care of the man with the girl.
Kurama brought out his rose whip, and wrapped it around the mans neck.
Kuwabara then went over and socked the man in the face, making him release his hold of the girl.
Basically, it was an easy search and rescue. But no one had kept their eye on the girl, and when they turned to get her, she was already gone.
Four guys came out after attacking with the blue ball, and quickly took out Himitsu's captors. But when they had their backs turned, she had slipped away, running towards her home with her energy masked so to avoid detection. She didn't know who they were, but the two humans had spirit energy, and the other two were deamons. She couldn't be certain they were safe. They could work for Toshiro.
Upon reaching her house, she picked her bedroom windows lock, and slipped inside. After locking the window once more, she drew the shades, and exited the room, turning on the hall light, she then proceeded to go downstairs, and to the livings room. There she layed down on the couch, and fell asleep, her tail and ears showing again.
The detectives searched the city for a couple of hours, but turned up nothing, so they had went home to bed. After resting that night, they continued to search in the morning. Well, at least that was the plan. Kurama's mother had other plans for him. Yusuke and Kuwabara? They went and decided that the Arcade needed a thorough search as well.
When they got there, they started `searching' at all their favorite games. Of course, imagined how surprised they were when they actually found her there!
Himitsu decided to go to the arcade that morning, since there was no point in staying inside, and Deamons tended to stay away from large crowds of humans.
When she got there, she exchanged her cash for change, and started to play some of the games, and sometimes even taking a round on the DDR machines.
That is where the two humans with spirit energy had found her. Dancing against some human.
After beating the poor human, she stepped off, to be grabbed by the one that had shot the `Spirit Gun' at Tanya.
“Let go of me,” Himitsu said coldly, and Yusuke shook his head.
“I have orders from Koenma to bring you back. If I let you go now, he'll never get off my back.”
`They don't work for Toshiro?' she thought, and then shrugged.
“Take me then, but you don't have to drag me,” she stated, and Yusuke smiled.
“Alrighty then. Let me call up Botan and get us a portal there,” with that they walked out of the arcade, and Yusuke opened something that looked remotely like a human compact, but instead of there being make-up, there was a television screen.
“Botan!” Yusuke said, and a blue haired girl showed up on the screen. Himitsu jumped, and pointed.
“Theres a girl stuck in there!” She shouted, and Yusuke laughed.
“Botan, I got the girl, can you get us a portal?”
“Right away!” Yusuke closed the compact, and was still laughing.
“What… the hell was that?!” Himitsu asked, still a little panicky. “Why did you trap her in there?!”
“Calm down, she's not actually in there. It's just a picture of her in there. That's how we talk to each other.” He explained to her how it worked, and she calmed down some.
“I feel the portal,” Himitsu said, and started to lead the way. It ended up being in the park, and Himitsu hesitated.
“This will be my first time going through this…” She told Yusuke.
“It doesn't hurt, I'll tell you that.” Yusuke said, and gave her a shove, before walking through himself, with Kuwabara silently following.
-End Chapter 1-
Well, she went with them. But does that mean she'll talk? And what happens if she doesn't?
Yuki: This chapter was shorter then your other one Mary.
I know I know… But I want to save the interrogation for the next chapter.
Yuki: Why?
Just because, I need to think more on it.
Yuki: Whatever.
Yu Yu Hakusho © 2005 by Yoshihiro Togashi.
The Naji, Toshiro, Bryant, Tanya, Vince, and all characters related to the Naji © 2005 by Yuki Amida.