Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Week ❯ Thursday ( Chapter 5 )
One Week
Chapter Five-Thursday
Kurama ignored the phone's incessant ringing. His mother was here; either she would eventually answer the phone, or the caller would hang up. "Kurama, can you get that?" came Shiori's voice from the kitchen.
Never mind. Kurama sighed heavily and finally answered the phone. "Hello."
"Jeez, were you ever going to pick up?" came the annoyed voice from the other end.
"Youko… twice in one week-that's a record for you, isn't it?"
"Ha ha, very funny. So, erm…"
Kurama drummed his fingers on his desk, wondering when Youko was just going to come out and say whatever he was trying to say.
"I'm going to be visiting."
"Oh, really? When?"
"Don't you have classes? It's a Friday."
"I'm skipping them, silly."
"Stupid. I'll tell mother, then."
"O.K. I'll be there in the morning, little brother!" Youko declared. The call ended with a click.
The phone rang again as soon as Shuuichi had put it down.
When Kurama had vowed to get back into the wonderful world of dating, he never thought it would happen so fast. Just the next night, he was on a `date'. Of course, a date with Karasu didn't count for much at all, seeing as how he had no choice but to accept.
They were sitting in one of those romantic, dimly lit restaurants where you can't pronounce any of the food, and you probably don't even want to try, since it's so expensive. Kurama was just wondering how Karasu could possibly afford to drag him off to a place like this-when Karasu had said `date', he had expected to be taken to McDonald's-when the waiter came by.
"Would you… people of a gender that I am unsure of like to order your drinks?" the waiter asked in a fake foreign accent.
"…we're only sixteen, idiot. We're not allowed to drink alcohol."
"Oh," Karasu mumbled, sounding slightly put out. "Well, err… I'll have tea, then."
"And you?"
"I'll have tea as well, thank you," Kurama mumbled. As soon as the waiter had gone, Kurama leaned over the table. "Karasu… I can't read the menu!"
"That's because it's in French, silly."
"Well, what is a restaurant doing printing menus in French? We live in Japan, for Inari's sake! We don't even have the same alphabet!"
"Hush, darling. You're making a scene. I'll handle this."
"Oh, really?" Kurama asked.
Karasu nodded. "My parents have taken me to this restaurant several times before-we used to eat here quite a bit when I was younger."
"So you know French?"
"No… but I do know which things taste good. Don't worry, I'll order for you," Karasu said, smiling as he reached across the table to pat Kurama's hand. The hand retreated to Kurama's lap. The waiter came back around a few minutes later, carrying their tea. He sat the cups down in front of them.
Kurama sniffed at his tea. "…Ginseng?" he said to himself as Karasu ordered for them.
"What did you order?" Kurama asked once he was done staring at his tea.
"…An asparagus and red pepper quiche for an appetizer… bouillabaisse for dinner… and choux aux fraises for dessert."
"…I don't know what half of that is, but all right."
"You'll like it, trust me," Karasu said with a smile as he sipped his tea.
Kurama nudged the quiche that was in the center of the table with his fork. "Are you sure this is edible?"
"Yes," Karasu, who had already begun eating his half, said.
"You're sure?"
Karasu glared at Kurama. "I haven't dropped dead yet, have I?"
"…No, but I'm still hoping…" Kurama said, giving Karasu a cheeky grin.
"Just try it!" Karasu ordered.
Kurama glared at Karasu, but he cut off a piece with the edge of his fork anyway. He took a small bite out of it. Karasu watched expectantly as Kurama chewed his food very slowly.
"How was it?" Karasu asked.
"…It was passable."
"It's more than passable! It's delicious, you fool!"
Kurama rolled his eyes. "Right."
"Ah! Here's the main course!" Karasu said as he spied the waiter coming their way.
"And what is this?" Kurama asked, eyes going wide.
"It's bouillabaisse, silly."
"That doesn't tell me anything, stupid."
"It's fish stew with onions and garlic and tomatoes and peppers and… stuff like that."
"Eww… fish…" Kurama wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"…You're so cute!"
Kurama glared at him, scooping up a spoonful of the stew. He tried a bite. "This stuff is disgusting."
"B-but… I think it's great!" Karasu said, looking lost.
"I hate fish. Fish is disgusting."
"…How can you be Japanese and not like fish?! How have you lived this long?"
"Don't you wonder how I have such a great figure?" Kurama asked pointedly.
"…Sometimes. Mostly when I'm fantasizing about you."
"I usually don't eat supper three times a week."
"What?!" Karasu asked, sounding horrified. "Kuuuura-chan!" He jumped from his seat, dropping to his knees in front of Kurama. "Whyyyyyy? You're going to diiiiiiie, Kura-chan!" He wrapped his arms around Kurama's waist.
"Get off of me."
"Oh, Kurama… you don't have to sacrifice yourself to make me happy! I'd love you even if you were as broad as the wide side of a barn!"
"It has nothing to do with you. Fish just makes me sick."
"Well… you like strawberries, right?" Karasu asked hopefully.
Kurama nodded. "I love strawberries," he said tonelessly.
"Well, that's what I ordered for dessert! So you should be happy! …oh, and I wasn't going to tell you until later, but I bought you some dark chocolate! I have a whole gigantic bar of it at my house-you can have some after dinner!"
"…Really?" Kurama asked, eyes shining. He absolutely loved dark chocolate.
Karasu smiled. "I know you love it…"
"That's… sweet of you, Karasu," Kurama admitted slowly. "Why are you being so nice?"
"I'm always this nice, Kurama! You just never noticed it before," Karasu declared. "Now, will you at least try to eat your stew? …or should I order you some salade de volaille?"
"A pizza? Some ratatouille?"
"…No, thanks. I'll just eat all of the chocolate later."
"Oh… well, suit yourself," Karasu mumbled, before taking a bite of his fish stew. "Yum!"
A green-faced Kurama ran to the bathroom.
"So…um… would you like some sake?" Karasu asked, lifting the bottle up for Kurama to see it.
Kurama was blissfully stuffing chocolate in his mouth and didn't notice.
"Oh, come on… it's chrysanthemum sake! You know, like the stuff they have at parties…"
"…Where'd you get sake?"
"Parents bought it a long time ago… should be good by now, ne?"
"…You're trying to get me drunk so that you can take advantage of me."
"Why would I do that? Come on, Kurama… I'm so sexy that you'd want me even if you were completely sober."
"Heh. Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better, Crow boy…"
"You really like that, don't you?" Karasu observed. Kurama had a blissful smile on his face that was highly reminiscent of Gravitation Shuuichi's afterglow smile.
Kurama nodded vigorously.
"It's really odd, Kura-chan… most people hate dark chocolate… if I didn't know you as well as I do, I would have bought you milk chocolate." Karasu sipped some sake from a coffee cup. "I guess it's good for you that I've been stalking you for so long, huh?"
"…Yeah," Kurama mumbled, staring off into space.
It was White Day.
Kurama was leaning against his locker during lunch break, waiting for Kuronue. The two always met at lunch, since that was the only time during the day that they got to see each other. Kurama turned in the direction that Kuronue's last class was in, craning his neck in order to see him.
"Hi," Kuronue said, hugging Kurama.
"Eep!" Kurama squeaked.
"Did I surprise you?" Kuronue asked, eyes shining with mirth.
"…Just a little… I'm not used to people sneaking up on me."
Kuronue kissed Kurama on the cheek. Kurama blushed and looked away. "Aww, you're so cute!"
"…I love you…" Kurama said softly.
"I know," Kuronue said happily. "Here you go," he said, pulling a heart-shaped box of chocolates from his bag. "Happy White Day!"
Kurama smiled, taking the box from Kuronue. "That's awfully sweet of you, Kuronue… but I didn't get you anything…"
"Of course you didn't, silly. You're the girl in the relationship; you gave me chocolates on Valentine's. Anyway, I have to go make up that test I missed when I was sick earlier this week…"
"Oh, all right," Kurama said, holding the box to his chest. "Is our date still on for tonight?"
Kuronue smirked. "Of course, darling. I'll be picking you up at seven, remember?"
"Well, ja," Kuronue muttered, giving Kurama a soft kiss on the lips before heading off down the hall.
Kurama cracked open his box of chocolates. His heart immediately fell. Every single one was a light brown color-milk chocolates. "Oh, well. He probably just forgot…"
"Hey, Kurama!" came a call from down the hall. Kurama looked up to see Hiei running toward him.
"Hello, Hiei," Kurama greeted when the boy had stopped in front of him.
"…This is a little embarrassing…" Hiei murmured, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I bought this box of chocolates for White Day and I was going to give it to a pretty girl I know, but… I didn't realize until too late that I had bought dark chocolate…"
"…And she doesn't like dark chocolate, so… I was going to give it to you."
"Oh. Well, Kuronue accidentally got me milk chocolate, so how about we trade? Then you can give it to your girl, and I can have nice chocolates that I like…"
"Oh," Hiei murmured. "That sounds like a good idea." The two swapped packages.
"So, who is this girl? She must be something to enchant stone man Hiei!"
Hiei looked away. "You don't know her… she goes to that all-girl's school down the street." Hiei stared out the window and refused to look at Kurama.
"Well, I hope she likes the present you give her," Kurama said, smiling benignly at Hiei.
"C'mon. Let's go to lunch. We need to make sure Yuusuke doesn't burn the cafeteria down."
Kurama laughed. "All right."
Kurama stared at Karasu, a funny look in his eyes.
"Something on my face?" Karasu asked, fumbling around for a mirror.
"Nah… I was just thinking…"
" `Bout what?" Karasu asked, refilling his cup with sake.
Karasu rolled his eyes as he set his cup down on a coaster. "You sure you don't want some sake?"
Kurama stared at the bottle. "…Oh, what the heck. Sure, I'll have some."
Karasu smiled. "Are you all right, Kura-chan?" he asked as he filled a cup for Kurama.
"… There aren't any tests at school tomorrow. I might as well, since there's no telling when I'll get to have sake again. Hey, let's play a drinking game!"
"…You've had sake before?" Karasu asked, looking surprised.
"No… but I drank some plum wine about six months ago…"
"I like plum wine… actually, it's my favorite alcoholic beverage… but I can't exactly pick and choose, since I'm not allowed to buy my own alcohol."
"So, do you have any anime DVDs?" Kurama asked, standing and looking around the TV.
"Erm… Yuugiou?" Karasu suggested sheepishly.
Kurama grinned. "That'll do perfectly for a drinking game… one drink for every long, drawn-out speech… two for any shounen-ai moment… and three for any time Yami says something stupid."
"…And how about an even five for every time Bakura says something that isn't obvious?"
"Five isn't even…"
"Give me a break; I'm not too lucid right now…"
After about seven episodes, Kurama was completely plastered and Karasu was only slightly better off. A red-faced Kurama was giggling like mad, clutching their third bottle of sake as he poured Karasu a cup.
Kurama giggled slightly, taking a long draught of his own sake. "…I don't know why, but I like you a lot more when I'm drunk and doped up on chocolate…"
"You're bound to like anyone a lot more when you're drunk and chocolate-ified, dear. Maybe you should… sleep… or something."
"I haven't had that much to drink." Kurama stood shakily, but he immediately fell back onto the couch. "All right… so maybe I just have a low tolerance for alcohol…"
"Here," Karasu, who had a much higher tolerance for alcohol, stood easily. He lifted Kurama from the couch. "You can sleep in my bed."
"…But I don't wanna go to bed… I'm not tired…" Kurama yawned. "Not tired at all."
"Riight," Karasu said as he kicked open the door to his room. He dropped Kurama on the bed. "Try and sleep it off, all right? I'll wake you up in the morning." Karasu turned to leave.
"Wait, Kara…" Kurama called, holding a hand out to Karasu. "Why don't you… stay with me?"
Karasu shook his head. "…That's just the alcohol talking, darling. You'll be glad I didn't stay in the morning."
"Ka-Karasu…" Kurama mumbled, tugging on Karasu's arm. Karasu overbalanced and fell onto the bed beside Kurama. "See? Isn't the bed comfy?"
"I… I can't get up…" Karasu spoke into the comforter. "Dizzy…"
"We'll both sleep… you don't have to put yourself out for me."
Finished on 7/27/04
Beta-ed by Evil Chibi Malik on 7/27/04
Hey everybody! Wow… so many reviews! I love you all! *hugs* Ahem. Well, erm… I'll try to not be such a whiny baby from now on… because I know I must get annoying, always begging for more reviews. Hehe. Of course, if you just keep me happy like you are now, I won't have to annoy you anymore! Is it a deal, reviewer-people? Huh?
…mou. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the HieixKurama moment. Of course, some of you probably didn't notice it; blink and it's over, really. And The KuronuexKura, too. And the KaraxKura… I'm making Kurama a whore, aren't I? Oh well…
Oh, and to the person who commented on Karasu's major OOC-ness… yes, I know he's very out of character. I tend to like him better when he's OOC… you know, considering the fact that I don't like people who are bastards… ahem. I'm sorry if it upsets you, though. Really.
Abujabuja! All right! Now I'm posting! Yes! …I promise! …I think.
