Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One You ❯ Chapter 1

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One You

By Radd_Rolly

Disclaimer & A/N: I do not own Yu Yu Hakashu or Hiei, Yukina or any other YYH characters that appear or are mentioned in this story. One Shot, from Yukina's 3rd person. Hope you enjoy this. -^_^-



Warm emerald green light trickled through the tall trees in the forest. Yukina silently put a red ribbon in her hair. She smiled as she listened to the buzz of flying insects and the chirruping of birds above her. It was a perfect early summer day. She stood and headed to the city to see her friends. She was lonely and wanted to talk to someone.

When she got into the city she saw signs all over the buildings and billboards claiming, `This week is Family Week! Spend time with them!' <Family Week? How nice. I wonder who Kazuma is with? I wish I could talk to Boton.> A minute later she saw Kuwabara sitting in a crowded restaurant with Shitzuru. They actually looked like they were enjoying each others company.

<Well, there has to be someone else I could talk with. Those two look so sweet. I wouldn't want to disturb them.> She turned and headed for the park. Keiko and Yusuke where there, along with Keiko's Mom and Dad and Yusuke's Mom. Yusuke looked very relaxed. He was lying down with his eyes closed with his head laying on Keiko's stomach. She was stroking his hair gently. Their parents where taking out food and putting it on the quilt before them.

Yukina smiled at the sweet setting and thought <Who am I to shatter this serenity?> With that she turned around and headed back into the city. She was walking down a crowded sidewalk when a man walked by carrying with him the sent of roses. She looked up to see a head of long red hair disappear.

After squeezing back to see him she called so he could hear, "Kurama! How are you doing?"

Kurama turned and Yukina noted he had a dozen red roses tied together with a gold colored ribbon, "Hello Yukina. I'm doing fine. I'm off to deliver these to my Mother in person then we'll be off to lunch."

Yukina smiled and said, "I shall find Boton then."

"But she is with her sisters."

"What about Koenma? Is he busy?"

"He's with his father."

Yukina's smile turned into a sad frown, "Isn't there anyone who will talk with me today? I want to spend this lovely day with a friend."

"Hiei is free today." Kurama said matter-o-factly.

She looked puzzled, "Isn't everyone spending time with their families today?"

Kurama shook his head sadly and said, "Hiei never had much of a family. He's been on his own since he was very young. Last I saw of him, he was headed for the woods."

"Thank you for telling me. You should be off. I will see you later." She waved and headed back to the woods she'd emerged from earlier.

<Well Hiei, you may be celebrating Family Week after all today.> Kurama thought with a smile as he continued his journey to see his Mother.

Yukina looked up to the tree branches looking for the fire demon. Yukina liked Hiei. He always seemed so nice to her. There was something familiar about him that no other friend had. She spotted him lying on his back looking to the sky, "Hiei!"

"Yukina? What are you doing?" He asked as she grasped the tree trunk and shimmied up to sit next to him. Hiei looked at the blue haired beauty next to him and waited for an answer.

"I want to hang out with a friend today. And you seem perfect to talk to now." She smiled warmly at him and Hiei got a slightly worried look on his face.

"You don't want to stay with me, Yukina. Good bye." With that he jumped branch to branch to except. Yukina grew slightly serious. She would be with him. With that she stood and jumped branch to branch following her swift friend with only slight difficulty.

"Come back here, Hiei." He disappeared and Yukina sat down, defeated. `Never had a family? That's it!' she thought. "Hiei! Please come back. Everyone I know is with their families today. I don't have a family. Please come back."

A second later Hiei was sitting next to her. "What do you mean, Yukina."

"I have no family. I'm all alone today. You're my best friend next to Boton, but she will never understand how I feel. I'm all alone in this world, Hiei. Sometimes, even though it's silly. I feel like an island. What do you feel like?"

"Nothing. I am a fire demon. I don't have time for feelings. I do not have a family either. But I'm okay with that. Why would I want a family that abandoned me. Forced me away?"

"Hiei. I know neither of us has a family. May I adopt you?"

"What!? I'm older than you though."

"I mean as a sibling. I have always wanted an older brother. Someone to protect me. Who will interrogate potential mates thoroughly. Someone who is a friend like no other. Please. I could be a good little sister."

"I'm not worth it. Be Kurama's sister. He's nicer than me. He'd be a grab for a brother."

"Hiei. May I sing you something I wrote months ago for you."

"Go for it."

She concentrated for a second, then began to sing in a slow sad melody, "I see you walk around like, you've lost your way. And when I ask you how you feel, you don't want to say. Don't you know I love you? Don't you know how it hurts? To see you with your head so low, like you don't know what you're worth. There's only one sun, there's only one sky, there's only one song that's strength for my life. In all of the world, I know this is true, there's millions of souls and only one you. When you look in the mirror, what is it you see? Wish you could see how wonderful you are to me. Because there's a treasure, deep inside your soul. It's something no one else can be, don't be afraid to let it show. There's only one sun, there's only one sky, there's only one song that's strength for my life. In all of the world, I know this is true, there's millions of souls and only one you." When she was finished she was crying in silent streams.

"Yukina. If it means that much to you. I will be your brother. But adopted mind you."

"Of course. Like we could be related by blood. The concept is quite preposterous. I'm an Ice Apparition. You're a Fire Demon. No way in ten thousand years could that scenario happen."

Hiei chuckled nervously and said, "You've got that right."