Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ Four Demons, A Girl, and Her Kendo Stick ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oniyuri 1:
Four Demons, A Girl, And Her Kendo Stick
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22 . Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16
Yomi and his general Corga were waiting for Kurama and Hiei behind their College. Hiei was attending college while he worked for Mukur o and prepared for King Flareics to allow him to marry Panthera. The Demon Warlord didn't feel like waiting for the former thief at his house since his mother could walk in on them at any moment; while they discussed things.

Where are they?! growled Corga who was a Cat Demon. They are late.

It is a large building, said Yomi calmly. Give them time.

Of course Yomi-san.

At that moment two shadows were seen beneath the trees.

It took you long enough, muttered Corga.

Corga! snapped Yomi. Go find something to amuse yourself with however stay out of trouble and do not allow yourself to be seen.

Very well Lord Yomi, said Corga bowing deeply before disappearing into the open door to his left.

Now that the nuisance is gone what do you want?! demanded Hiei.

I have with a message from King Flareics, said Yomi.

Why the hell didn't he come himself and why the hell does it have to deal with Kurama?! demanded Hiei.

Because King Flareics didn't send me, said Yomi. I sent my self.

For what reason?! demanded Kurama darkly.

Simple this joining between Hiei and the Fire Demon Princess could be a very good thing for all three worlds.

What do you mean all three worlds? asked Kurama.

The woman Catterina represents the Demon World and her mate Koenma represents the Spirit World. Panthera will represent the Human World and Hiei the Demon World. The joining of the rest will join us all in an alliance. Together the three worlds will be unstoppable.

Are you trying to say that the marriages that will take place after this will join the three worlds? asked Kurama shocked.

Indeed I am and everyone with power is invited.

You and Mukuro are going to be in the same room with each other and not kill each other?! asked Kurama with a raised eyebrow. I find that hard to believe.

We swore to the princess that we would both be on our best behavior.

Panth-chan will be there? asked Hiei.

Unfortunately no her father does not want her to be a part of this until she is married to you.

Why how else will she be a good queen?! demanded Hiei.

Simple he does not want you to be persuading her in anyway.

I see so he thinks I will.

Hiei's voice trailed off has several screams from the voices of females broke through the air. The screams were soon follow ed by an infuriated female voice.

Hentai no Baka! screamed a female voice.

The three males turned has Corga came flying out of the wall. A young woman with long dark green hair in a long ponytail came flying out of the gym through the hole. The girl was wearing matching black leggings and sports bra. She was wielding a kendo stick and she looked pissed.

You bastard I am going to kill you! she screamed chasing him around in a circle and hitting him on the head with the kendo stick.

While she was doing that she kept repeating the words, Hentai no Baka!

Um should we really be letting her do that? asked Kurama.

Why it's not like he is going to be hurt or anything, said Yomi.

True but he is going to get pissed off at her at some point.

Good point, said Yomi.

I'll be back, said Kurama heading toward the duo .

Whatever kitsune, muttered Hiei.

Kurama stood on the outside of the ring that the female and Corga were making in the ground. The moment the female ran by he grabbed her and tossed her to Yomi.

Here Yomi hold her for me will you, he said.

Yomi caught her and his arms wrapp ed around her chest; he pulled her back against his chest and tried not to make a face when she began to squirm in his grasp. Her firm rare end was rubbing against him and he began to fill his blood move toward his loins. He watched has Kurama held Corga by his ponytail to keep the cat Demon from attacking the Human Female.

Good afternoon Oniyuri-chan, said Kurama.

Nani? asked the girl confused and looking up and blinking her dark blue eyes at the red haired male. Shuiichi-san what are you doing here?

I am talking to my friends and I would like to know why you are beating up one of his men.

We should kill her, growled Corga. Or else she will talk.

Talk about what?! snapped Oniyuri. A perverted jerk that walks into the girl's bathroom and stays there for five minutes?

We are Demons girl, growled Corga.

Oh goody, said Oniyuri rolling her eyes.

We could kill you in an instant, growled Corga attempting to get in her face.

Too bad you suck at it, muttered Oniyuri.

What was that onna?!

I told you already baka you suck at it!

Stupid bitch I am going to kill you!

Yeah yeah yeah! said Oniyuri. Whatever!

Corga surged forward and was pulled back by Kurama once more.

Stupid onna your acting like you're in heat! growled Corga.

What the hell?! demanded Oniyuri.

He means you're acting like you want to screw someone and you can't so you're pissed, said Hiei rolling his eyes.

Oniyuri turned to regard Hiei for a minute before turning to regard Corga. Her leg snapped up and slammed right between his legs bringing the Cat Demon to his knees in pain.

Damn onna! he growled.

Never say that about me again, said Oniyuri flatly.

Oniyuri felt something against her rare and looked down ant noticed where the male's hands were that were holding her.

Ah! she screamed. Let me go!

Fine, said Yomi releasing her.

Oniyuri took a few steps back and looked at Yomi for several minutes trying to figure him out.

Who the hell are you?! she demanded.

I am a very powerful Demon do not think you can beat me has easily has you did my general, said Yomi. Especially not in what you are wearing.

What the hell are you talking about?! demanded Oniyuri.

Baka onna, smirked Yomi. Look at what you are wearing.

The human female looked down at her clothing and realized what she was wearing she screamed again and lunged at Yomi raising her hand.

Hentai! she screamed.

Yomi smirked again and caught her hand lifting it so that her feet dangled above the ground. She growled and kicked him in between the legs quickly; causing him to drop her to the ground. The human female dropped in a crouch and leapt backwards.

I underestimated you woman, said Yomi. I should have been more careful.

Yes never underestimate a woman, snorted Oniyuri. Especially never estimate me.

'She would make a very interesting diversion,' thought Yomi smirking and licking his lips.

Oniyuri felt a slight tugging in her mind and her eyes rolled back to her head and she collapsed to the ground her body shutting down.

What did you do to her Hiei? asked Kurama.

She is still alive if that is what you mean , said Hiei.

Good, said Kurama flatly.

Yomi just nodded and stared at where the female's body was laying.

Which reminds me, said Kurama turning to look at Yomi. How did you know what she was wearing?

I was holding the woman so I could tell where her ma t er ial ended and her skin began, said Yomi turning to walk away. Corga come we are leaving!

Hai Lord Yomi, said Corga following the warlord.

Where are you going Yomi?! demanded Kurama.

Back to my territory to make sure that Mukuro hasn't taken it over . Do not worry I will keep in touch.

We can hardly wait, muttered Hiei once the other two men was gone.

Why do you think he left so suddenly? asked Hiei.

Who knows he is probably up to something, said Kurama.

Think the girl has something to do with it?

Possible but I doubt it, said Kurama. Come on let's get Oniyuri to the infirmary.

Hiei nodded and Kurama picked up the unconscious female and the two males headed into the school.
Makai that night______________________________________________
Yomi was in his throne room seating on his throne bored out of his mind and thinking about the human female. He was impressed the woman did not back down from hardly anything .

'She has a strong spirit,' he thought. 'She would make a very interesting toy to amuse myself with for awhile.'

Father, said Shura standing before him. What are you thinking about?

Nothing for you to be concerned about, said Yomi looking up.

Father Mukuro is here and demands on audience with you, said Shura.

Did she say what she wanted?

No she said it was for your ears only.

Send her in and have Corga stand by to wait for my orders.

Very well father, said Shura bowing deeply before leaving the room.

A few moments after the teen's departure the female Demon Warlord walked into the room.

What do you want Mukuro? asked Yomi sounding bored.

I want to know why you told Hiei about our plans? You know King Flareics did not want him involved!

I didn't I told Kurama Hiei just so happened to be with him at the time.

Mukuro blinked a bit taken aback, So you told him but were mainly talking to Kurama?

Of course there is a loop hole for everything.

Mukuro chuckled a moment, I am impressed with you Yomi you can be has devious has the kitsune when you want to be.

A joining with the Demons and immortals would be a good thing for all involved.

Indeed it will and now that King Flareics has finally given his consent for them to be married everything will be better.

The three most powerful worlds joined together will be quite an incredible feat.

I guess hell has finally frozen over, muttered Mukuro.

Indeed is there anything else you needed Mukuro?

No not really I guess I will be leaving now, said Mukuro turning back toward the door she finally paused and turned back to Yomi. You need to get a mate so she can run this place better and more efficiently it looks like a crap hole!

Yomi blinked several times while the female left and was replaced by Corga.

'I guess I should get a mate at some point just not right now,' thought Yomi.

You wanted to see me Yomi-san? asked the male.

Hai you and one other man go to the Ningenkai world and bring me the female that we met earlier this morning.

Very well my lord, said Corga disappearing to undoubtedly to collect his twin sister Carga.

Things are going according to plan, said Yomi sitting back in his seat.
Oniyuri lay in bed sleeping soundly when two cat figures appeared by her bedside. The larger of the two leaned over the bed and reached for her. Her eyes snapped open and before she could say a word he had covered her mouth and yanked her out of bed. The three of them disappeared into the night.
Author's Notes: Well that ends the first chapter I hope you guys like it anywho the next chapter will be up at somepoint. Oh this will include the other couples it will mainly focus on Yomi/Oniyuri she is the same Oniyuri from The Realms of the Black Dragon.