Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ Demonic Kiss ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oniyuri 2:

Oniyuri 2 :
Demonic Kiss
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16
Oniyuri blinked her eyes and stared up at the cold rock ceiling above her. She was laying on something hard has a rock and couldn't seem to get comfortable. She looked around slightly and realized that she was no longer in her room. Her eyes caught sight of a man that she had seen talking to her friend outside of the college building. He was staring in her direction while seating on a throne with his chin resting in his hand. She jumped to her feet and stared at him darkly.

Where the hell am I?! she demanded her eyes flashing . Why have I been brought here to this place and for that matter what the hell is going on here ?!

You are in my palace in my throne room to be exact, said Yomi. You have been brought here to be a diversion for me.

A diversion? asked Oniyuri. What the hell do you mean by that?!

You will join me in my bed till I tire of you, said Yomi in a tone that seemed to say she should already know this .

Like hell I will you sick bastard ! snapped Oniyuri looking thoroughly disgusted by the thought of sharing the bed of a man simply because he wanted a diversion .

Oniyuri flipped into the air and landed on a wall, she grabbed a sword and lunged at Yomi. Yomi simply grabbed her arm with the sword in it and tightened his grip slightly until she lost her grip on the sword dropping it onto the ground . Once she did Yomi dropped her to the ground at his feet; she sat there holding her wrist slightly glaring at him.

That is where a woman's true place should be at the feet of a man, said Yomi softly.

Go to hell, whispered Oniyuri grabbing up the sword again.

Yomi chuckled softly when he heard the movement of medal against stone. The woman was picking up the sword again intent on killing him for bringing her to his palace. He smirked filling the thrill of battle within him it had been awhile since he had had to convince a woman into bed with him. They normally came to him because of his status and power. This woman however was different and didn't care about his power; all she cared about was the fact that he had taken her from her home and she was pissed.

He could smell the anger on her and he found her irritation at him to be very arousing, acting the part of an aphrodisiac. He licked his lips in anticipation at what would happen within the hour. The woman needed to be taught her place and he would be more then happy to teach it to her. He frowned suddenly at a thought that invaded his mind. The Fire Nymph Panthera was a strong independent young woman. Although she was starting to rely on Hiei more for strength; she would be appalled by his treatment of the mortal.

He frowned after a moment trying to realize the reason he was acting like this around her. Then it came to him unconsciously he had chosen her for his mate. The woman was strong and would give him strong children; he smirked slowly half breeds were very powerful Raizen's son was truth to that. He stood up the moment she attacked him again and grabbed the sword cutting the palms of his hand; before she could react her grabbed her arm with his other hand and yanked her against him. The moment she collided with his chest the movement caused her to drop the sword. She looked up at him and watched has he licked up the blood coming from his hand.

He stopped and looked down at her traces of his own blood around his lips. His lips formed into a twisted smile and he drew his hand against her cheek leaving a trail of his blood there. He then pulled her forward slightly and licked up the blood slowly. She struggled to get out of his grasp only to be jerked back into it roughly.

Do not fight me pretty one, he hissed angrily.

Let go of me, said Oniyuri struggling.

A scent caught his attention and he sniffed the air and found that it came from the girl. Underneath her exterior the girl was terrified of him and she should be. She should always be terrified of someone that could easily kill her.

Soon you will learn to appreciate me woman, whispered Yomi in her ear licking it slightly.

Yomi grinned when he felt her shiver slightly against him at the fell of his tongue on her ear. He moved his mouth to her cheek and began to kiss down to her mouth. He slipped his tongue inside of hers and moved it around enticingly; he smirked to himself when she responded back.
Auth or's Notes: There we go the second chapter is up I still need to watch the rest of the series so I know how he fights and all that other stuff.

may storm - Thanks glad you liked it.