Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ The Song of Love ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oniyuri 8:

Oniyuri 8:
The Song of Love

Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16.
The song `If I Never Knew You' is owned by Jon Secada and Shanice; you can find it on the "Pocahontas" soundtrack.
__________________________________________________________ The ball was in full swing when the Full Moon rose high in the sky shinning with the blood of those long gone. The moment the clouds left the moon in full view everyone stopped dancing and turned to the large windows to stare at the beautiful moon. The entire point of the ball was finally here Yomi smiled and stood up offering his arm to Oniyuri, the woman took it and together they descended the stairs toward the floor.

The band once more began to play and together Yomi and Oniyuri waltzed around the ballroom; while this was going on Shura walked into the room.

"What is going on Kurama?" he asked walking up to the former thief.

"It would seem that your father has finally found a mate," said Kurama calmly.

"Oh really and who would that be?" asked Shura turning to look at the dance floor. "Is that a human?"

"Yes," said Yuusuke making it a point to drape his arm around Keiko's shoulders. "What about it?"

"I can't believe he is planning on mating with a human," said Shura slowly. "I didn't know my father was even looking for a mate, much less a human mate."

"Everyone probably thought the same thing about Hiei," muttered Kuwabara.

Yuusuke snickered silently, while Hiei glared at the human.

"Baka," muttered Hiei under his breathe.

"Now Hiei," teased Botan. "What would Panth-chan think with such language coming from your mouth?"

"I swear I am surrounded by fools," muttered Hiei walking away.

"Man he really is worked up about the hand tying ceremony," whistled Shura.

"Yeah well," said Kurama. "He has waited over five years to be with her."

"He is really persistent."

"Any demon is with his soul mate," said Kurama staring down at Botan.

"What does that mean?!" demanded Shura as Kurama and Botan walked off.

"We will tell you when you are older," said Yuusuke grinning walking off with Keiko following Kurama and Botan.

"Bye," said Yukina pulling Kuwabara away from the disgruntled teen demon.

At the end of the dance Yomi lead Oniyuri back up his throne, and stood before the chair holding Oniyuri to him. He kissed her neck tenderly and the entire room fell silent once more; watching the Demon Lord and his newest treasure.

"I have a surprise for you my little kitten," said Yomi in her ear.

"What?" asked Oniyuri turning to look at him curiously.

"This," whispered Yomi pulling back slightly as the band once more began to play (A/N: here we go people just when you thought I couldn't loose my mind anymore I did!). "If I never knew you/If I never felt this love/I would have no inkling of/How precious life can be/And if I never held you/I would never have a clue/How at last I'd find in you/The missing part of me/In this world so full of fear/Full of rage and lies/I can see the truth so clear/In your eyes/So dry your eyes/And I'm so grateful to you/I'd have lived my whole life through/Lost forever/If I never knew you/If I never knew you/I'd be safe but half as real/Never knowing I could feel/A love so strong and true/I'm so grateful to you/I'd have lived my whole life through/Lost forever/If I never knew you/I thought our love would be so beautiful/Somehow we made the whole world bright/I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong/All they'd leave us where these whispers in the night/But still my heart is singing/We were right/If I never knew you/If I never knew this love/I would have no inkling of/How precious life can be/There's no moment I regret/Since the moment that we met/If our time has gone too fast/I've lived at last/I thought our love would be so beautiful/Somehow we'd make the whole world bright/I thought our love would be so beautiful/We'd turn the darkness into light/And still my heart is singing/We were right/We were right/And If I never knew you/I'd have lived my whole life through/Empty as the sky/Never knowing why/Lost forever/If I never knew you."

Shura's mouth was hanging open completely shocked by what had just happened, "my father can sing? I never knew my father could sing."

"Did you know Yomi could sing Kurama?" asked Botan from the other side of the room.

"I had no idea," said Kurama slowly.

"You didn't know he could sing," said Botan shocked. "I thought you knew basically everything about Yomi."

"I might know a lot, but I had no idea he could sing certainly not that well," said Kurama.

"Wow," said Botan slowly. "Can you sing Kurama?"

"Um," said Kurama. "I never really tried."

Botan giggled and snuggled closer to the red haired man's chest.

"You actually don't feel uncomfortable in your human form?" asked Botan looking up at him.

"I do kinda but right now I would rather stay as a human for a little while longer before going Yoko," smirked Kurama licking her neck, electing a giggle from Botan.

While they were having their own little private moment, Yomi was nuzzling Oniyuri's neck.

"I think I should make you one of my own now," whispered Yomi in her ear.

"What are you talking about Yomi?"

"You shall see," said Yomi grinning evilly slitting the skin above her collarbone slightly.

He bent his mouth down and drank of the blood their before slitting his tongue slightly and letting his blood sift into her bloodstream; he pulled back and moved to bit her neck. The entire congregation watched as Yomi marked her has his own. She let out a strangled cry and tilted her head back slightly; the entire room watched in silence until Yomi pulled away from her neck.

"My people, my allies, and my friends," said Yomi holding up Oniyuri's arm. "May I present to you my queen!"

The entire room broke into applause has the room feel into darkness when the clouds feel across the moon's light.

___________________________________________________ __________
Author's Notes: I think I can finish this story in one or two more chapters.