Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ The Perfect Ending ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oniyuri 10:
A Perfect Ending
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16.
It had been two weeks since Yomi had gone to Reikai to receive a hearing and punishment for taking Oniyuri; and the young woman feared he had been put to death. She was in the throne room with Yuusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Mukuro pacing back and forth. She had been doing so ever waking moment.

"Seat down onna," scowled Hiei. "You are giving me a headache."

"I can't seat down," said Oniyuri hurriedly not pausing in her pace.

"Pacing is not going to help my father," said Shura walking into the room with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling at brat?" asked Hiei scowling.

"I have good news!"

"What news?" asked Oniyuri pausing in her pacing.

Shura just grinned and stepped aside bowing with a flourish, Oniyuri's eyes widened and she cried out in joy running into Yomi's waiting arms.

"What happened Yomi?" asked Oniyuri after awhile.

"Cat-hime managed to convince Koenma not to press charges since you had obviously fallen in love with me and had no intention of returning to Ningenkai."

"It would seem that Cat as him wrapped around her little finger," chuckled Shura.

"And Oniyuri doesn't have it with your father?" asked Yuusuke.

"Your father was no better," smirked Mukuro.

"What?!" asked Yuusuke. "How do you know?"

Mukuro just laughed and walked away, "I will see you all at the meeting tonight."

"Well Yomi what will you do now?" asked Kurama.

"I don't know what I will do," said Yomi. "But whatever it is I will do it with my queen by my side."
It was night at King Flareics' castle were the meeting would take place and the treaty signed. Everyone had gathered inside the meeting room and were seating around a large table in the shape of a circle (A/N: Hey dude Demons of the Round Table!). The meeting had been going on for over an hour and so far no one had gotten into any fights, well nothing too major.

"Are well all agreed then?" asked Cat. "We will all aid each other in times of crisis?"

"Hai," said Mukuro. "And you will hold up your end of the bargain by removing the barriers you have to prevent us from leaving?"

"As long as you guys keep the demons under control and no slaughters happen," said Koenma. "We will."

"But humans are our main food supply," said Kiri. "What will we do about food?"

"I guess you will have to eat some other form of meat try imitation meat," muttered Oniyuri. "I hear it is rather tasty after you finish throwing up the first few weeks; or you could always go vegetarian."

"Onna," growled Kiri warningly.

"Touch her and loose your head," said Yomi from his chair.

Kiri sat there for several minutes not liking where this was headed.

"As much as I would hate to admit it but Kiri is right," said Mukuro. "What will we do about food?"

"We could give you the prisoners, child molesters, and various other undesirables of the human race," muttered Cat (A/N: it would solve the problem with overcrowding in the prisons).

"Cat," said Koenma giving her a look.


"Don't even joke about that."

"Who's joking?"

Koenma's eyes widened and he glared at his mate who just sat there grinning.

"I can't believe it," muttered Koenma slamming his head on the table.

Cat just snickered, earning a grins from the other females in the room.

"This can not be happening," muttered Yuusuke.

"Wanna make a bet," grinned Cat.

"Can we finish this before my mate comes up with some other way to supply you food?" asked Koenma.

"I don't know," said Raven. "I think she had a pretty good idea."

"Lady Raven not you to," said Koenma.

"They are multiplying," said Flareics throwing his hands in the air.

"Let's finish this before things get out of hand," said Yuusuke.

"Right," said Koenma signing the papers before sending them around the table to the others. "We will have another follow up meeting later on about the food."

"Good," said Kiri.

The entire group all stood and shook hands before leaving.
____________________________________________________________ That night Yomi and Oniyuri lay in bed together basking in the success of the meeting that had just taken place.

"Now what will happen?" she asked.

"The Fire Demon Hiei will marry the Fire Princess Panthera," said Yomi placing his hands behind his head. "Then the peace will be final."

"But will all except the peace?" asked Oniyuri.

"No there will be some on all sides that oppose it."

"Will you be one of them?"

"No, I will do nothing that would endanger your life."

Almost as if to prove his words he sat up and laid her down on her back on the bed. He undid the tied of her Yukata and pushed the sides away from her body; he smiled and moved to kiss her body sensuously. The woman beneath him began to moan and strain about in pleasure. Yomi chuckled and moved down her stomach moving even lower. The action caused the woman to arch her back in pleasure.

"Yomi," she gasped out.

Yomi grinned and continued licking her eagerly; the taste of her was sweet like honey. He lay her back down when she was fully spent and he kissed her gently, before removing his own clothing and laying with her. He pressed her deeper into the mattress. His body and her own became completely one for the first time ever giving each other the love that had started to form since the incident with the thieves.

When it was over they lay wrapped up in each other's arms.

"I love you," whispered Oniyuri kissing his lips.

"I love you too woman," whispered Yomi kissing her back.