Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Only as He Slept ❯ Only as He Slept ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I found myself walking by his home. Had it been intentional I didn't quite know. All I was sure of was that he was asleep, peacefully wrapped up in his warm blankets, dreaming of relaxation, future experiences, perhaps love.

I glanced to the window; it was open. I could clearly conjure up his image in my mind, his head, gently resting upon his pillow, the wind blowing every once in a while to move his hair that, no matter where it lie, was always perfectly placed.

No matter how sure of his peace and beauty I was, I still wanted to witness it.

I climbed a nearby tree, getting just high enough so I could enter the room. I quickly hopped in, being cautious, as not to wake him. Sure enough, he was blissfully sleeping in his bed, a soft and almost unnoticeable smile on his lips. I had to get closer.

Slowly I sat down on the bed beside him, praying silently not to wake him. I gazed at him, soaking in all of his radiance and attractiveness.

When he slept, I could at least imagine his soft smile was for me. When he lied there, I could believe that his dreams were of me. If there was no one to deny it then what reason was there to doubt….?

As he lied in bed asleep, I could pretend his content state was of my doing. When he didn't move, when he didn't speak, as he was unknowing of my presence, I could think that his desires were the same as mine… for me to be in his arms.

I gently began to stroke his brow, deciding he wanted me to.

Slowly I leaned my head to his, leaving a tender kiss on his lips, light as a feather…. If he were awake he could deny, but now, only as he slept, I was sure of his feelings.

Only as he slept… was he truly mine.

If at least I held it tightly, closely… if I only let my feelings be known to me… then they could not be denied. It was better this way. As such it remained a sure thing.

I wouldn't risk this. Not when he was as much my own as I wanted him to be.

Like this he cared, deeply, his feelings for me being fond ones.

Why risk what is certain when you've finally found your happiness….?

He was my lover only as he slept, when he awoke, all was forgotten. In a way it was like a dream… only I wasn't asleep.

If he himself couldn't remember then who was to say I was wrong….!?

Surely, that soft and caring expression was of my doing; his dreams were of me for certain; and of course… he loved me… but only as he slept.

I took my lips off of his, showing to me that his smile had grown wider, fonder. Slowly, I walked back to the window, looking at him one last time before leaving.

"Sleep well, Kurama," I whispered, quickly vanishing into the night. "My Kurama…."
