Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Only You... ❯ Akina ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Yu*Yu Hakusho, I only own Akina.

Chapter One: Akina

It took a half an hour before Yusuke realized that Keiko was not coming back.
“I'm such an idiot!” he pounded his head as he walked passed shops.
He fiddled with the ring he had given Keiko in his coat pocket, as he kicked the air and cursed aloud at himself. People around him gave him strange looks and whispered, but Yusuke didn't noticed, he was too absorbed in his thoughts.
He stopped outside a local karaoke bar, but it was closed for repairs.
“Darn, I wanted to sing to get this crap off my chest.” He took out the ring and stared at it.
Why Keiko…? He thought to himself.
“Hey, what are you looking at, Urameshi?”
Yusuke jumped, almost loosing grip on the ring. He turned around to face his broad-shouldered, orange haired friend, Kazuma Kuwabara.
“W-what are you talking about?” Yusuke said out of shocked.
“You were just staring at something…where you staring at your boogers?” He asked, dumbly.
“Eck! That's gross!” Yusuke yelled, as he hit his friend off the head.
“You didn't have to hit me!”
“Yes, I did. It was a stupid question.” Yusuke said and then asked, “What are you doing up so early anyway?”
“Well, Botan came to my house, saying she couldn't find you and she needed my help. So, basically it's your fault for having me up this early! What were you doing last night, eh?” Kuwabara nudged Yusuke jokingly.
“Shut up, I'm not in the mood for your stupidity.” Yusuke said as he started to walk away. “Leave me alone and find someone else to bother.” He waved his hand over his head.
“Oh, no you don't. Botan also told me take you to see Koenma.” Kuwabara wrapped his arm around Yusuke's throat and started to drag him down the street.
“Damnit, Kuwabara. Tell the damn pip-squeak I'm officially on vacation!!”


Kuwabara dragged his unwilling friend docks, where the old warehouses are. Even though it was early in the morning, there was a thick fog everywhere, making the two teens blind. Yusuke didn't struggle against Kuwabara's grip anymore, just letting himself being dragged into the warehouse.
“Sorry, but I'm not into dudes.” Yusuke said jokingly, as he looked around.
“Who said I wanted to do it with you! You are the sick one here!” Kuwabara shouted, but Yusuke just ignored him as he scratched the inside of his ear with his pinky, with a bored expression on his face.
“Hello boys!” said a cheery voice from above.
The two boys looked above to see Botan, Grim Reaper of Spirit World, floating on her oar in her usual pink kimono.
“Hey, Botan.” Yusuke said grumpily.
“Oh, what's the matter?” Botan asked as she floated down lower.
“What the hell do you think is the matter?! I was dragged away on my vacation!!” Yusuke shouted.
“I don't recall you going on vacation, or as a matter of fact receiving one.”
“Screw it; just take us to Spirit World, already!”
“Someone has their underwear in a bunch today I see.” Kuwabara whispered to Botan.
“What was that?” Yusuke growled.
“Nothing.” Kuwabara answered as he grabbed onto the end of the oar, Yusuke did the same.


The gang stood before Koenma's desk. Kurama, stood straight up, with a curiosity expression on his face, and while Hiei stood behind everyone, near the wall. Yusuke was fuming, literally, and Kuwabara kept his distance, not wanting to be near him.
“Well, I know you are wondering why I called all of you here.” Koenma started, sitting in his oversized, red chair.
“No, we just all just love standing here. We have nothing better to do with our pathetic lives.” Yusuke said sarcastically.
“Speak for yourself! I'm looking forward to seeing my beloved Yukina after this.” Kuwabara said dreamily.
A low growl came from Hiei, as Kurama just chuckled to himself. Yusuke just stared at Koenma, still fuming, waiting for him to continue.
“Ahem, as I was saying, I called you all here because I wanted to introduce someone to you.” Koenma said as he got off his chair.
For a second you couldn't see anything, but his large blue hat behind the desk, as he walked to the front of the desk.
“Everyone, meet, Akina.”
Slowly, a girl wearing a school uniform that was unfamiliar to everyone walked into the room. The uniform was a deep shade of red, it had a black tie and she was wearing high-white knee socks, along with black formal shoes. Her hair was brunette and long, it was perfectly straight. She wasn't very tall or short, almost Yusuke's height. Her eyes made everyone curious, they were pure white.
“Akina, this is everyone I was telling you about.”
“Hello, it's nice to meet you.” As she bowed, her hair fell forward.
Everyone bowed to her, well except Hiei and Yusuke. Yusuke was to preoccupied with Akina's strange eye color, when she turned to him.
“You must be Yusuke. Koenma told me about you.” Her eyes stared right into his.
Yusuke nodded, and then it hit him.
She's blind!
“Uh, yeah that's me and what did pacifier-breathe tell you?”
She laughed and smiled, “Just what you accomplished in a short while.”
Yusuke's heart pounded when she smiled at him.
She has a really nice smile…
“Hey, are you blind?” Kuwabara asked straight out.
“Kuwabara, you just don't ask, you dick!” Yusuke shouted.
“Yusuke, it's alright. Everyone wonders because of the color of my eyes, I knew you were wondering to from the way you were looking at me.” She smiled.
“Y-you're not blind?” Yusuke stuttered
“Of course not, she' a wind mistress.” Koenma answered in a matter-of-factly voice.
“Why didn't you say so?!” Kuwabara shouted.
“Koenma, you explain things slowly to the idiot.” Hiei said.
“Shut up, shrimp!” Kuwabara yelled back to Hiei.
Yusuke studied Akina over a few times and wondered how old she is and why the toddler wanted her to meet everyone.
“Will everyone be quiet!!?” Koenma shouted. ((a/n: anime would probably have him fly in the air and scream his lungs out and make everyone fly backwards…))
Yet again, Kuwabara blurted out what was on his and maybe everyone's minds.
“How old are you, Akina? Since you are a demon and all…”
“I am 967 years old.” She smiled, as if proud at being old.
“WHAT!?” Kuwabara and Yusuke yelled in unison.
“She's kidding, you two.” Kurama said, smiling himself.
“But…how do you know!” Yusuke retorted.
“I was here before you two arrived.” Kurama answered simply.
“Aw, you let them find me out, Kurama!” Akina laughed.
She sure does smile and laugh a lot, more than Keiko every did…she would've slapped me if I had asked those questions…Yusuke's faced grimaced at the thought of Keiko.
“Wait, if your not 900 and something years old, then how old are you?” Yusuke asked.
“I'm only eighteen.”
Same as me and Kuwabara… ((a/n: they are in their final year of high school…shocker…both of them made it!))
“…Akina, you will be staying with Yusuke until further notice. You all may leave.” Koenma said as he started to organize his massive pile of papers.
“Wait, what's going on!?”


Lya: Yes, another chapter finished. Sorry for the late updating, for all those who actually like this story? Tell me if I don't get the characters just right. Everything will be explained in the next chapter. I'm getting it all set up. I have no clue why Hiei is in this chapter…he wasn't going to be in the story at all. I'm sad about it, since he's my favorite character, but Yusuke is also. I bet all you flamers are like, “Yusuke and Keiko are supposed to be together, that's the whole thing about the relationship!” Calm down, jeesh, at least let me finish the story, you have no clue how it will turn out. So, flamers, please wait until the end until you flame. You can flame till your hearts content! Anyways, I think I will get everything ready for the next chapter! Be kind, review. It's not hard at all. Just click the button and say “nice job!” or some stuff like that! It will make the updating go faster.