Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ Introduction To Misunderstanding ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three: Introduction To Misunderstanding
Mika could feel multiple energies coming through the house. They were distinct in color and size. Her eyes saw less then her mind did. When she closed her eyes, she counted the people in the house. They are all between 2 rooms. Good. Mika let herself slip out of the bedroom.
“Can I help you?” A voice asked from behind Mika. She turned around slowly to see a girl in a kimono with light blue hair. Her blood red eyes were soft and kind; an unexpected find. Mika looked at the girl and noticed how timid she seemed, standing in front of a stranger. At that moment, Mika's stomach growled, giving away her intent. The girl before her smiled and held her hand out to Mika. Mika drank in the girl's aura and held her hand out in return. There was a sweet and true nature to her.
“My name is Yukina. I'll take you to the kitchen.” Yukina said softly as she led the new guest to the kitchen. Mika felt the heat of human contact through her hand. It reminded her of the few moments in her child hood when her parents had embraced her. The smooth skin that held her tightly. Alone now. No contact. Yukina pulled Mika through the dinning room, passing all of the other people in the temple. They stared at the blond haired girl in black. Kurama was surprised to see Yukina pulling her along.
“Is that her!?” Keiko asked when Yukina had pulled Mika all the way into the kitchen. Kurama and Yusuke nodded. The gang was left in confusion. They had never seen such naturally blond hair.
“I'm going to go into the kitchen. Would you like me to get anything?” Kurama asked. No one could think of anything, so Kurama hurried into the kitchen. Yukina had made Mika sit at the small table, and was setting out a meal before the blond haired girl. Mika didn't say a word to the Koorime; she just continued to look down at the table.
“I see you've met Yukina…” Kurama said when he sat down across from Mika. He noted the way that her golden eyes were solid and that they would not look at him directly. Mika continued to think about the few moments that she had the precious opportunity to feel human contact. She knew that Kenji would hug her and hold her, and they would be fine once she found him. He would love her; he had to.
“Here you go Mika-san. Please, eat up.” Yukina smiled at the girl. Mika turned her head and for a second, she was grateful that Kohana wasn't with her. Not that I don't appreciate her, but she would hate to see me in this state. Weak and pathetic me. No wonder my parents abandoned me. With that thought, Mika pushed herself away from the table quickly, startling Yukina and Kurama. She looked at the food as if she was going to be sick. Her stomach flipped upside down and would not settle. Kurama stood up and quickly ushered Yukina out of the kitchen. The Koorime reluctantly went away.
“Mika, are you alright?” Kurama asked her. Youko was feeding off of her energy, and he had to struggle to keep the fox under control. Mika's eyes were wide, and Kurama could sense that something frightening was going through her mind. He approached her cautiously, but she pulled away from him.
“Don't.” She said threateningly. Mika struggled to collect herself and block out the thoughts that consumed her day-in-day-out. Finally, she pulled herself together enough to sit back down in the chair and pick up the chopsticks. Kurama sat opposite of her, watching her, feeding Youko's appetite.
“Are you alright.” Kurama wanted to know. Mika looked at him for once and he could see a fiery-hot distrust that was often present in Hiei when he was in a bad mood. That's who I should have called in here. Kurama thought.
“Don't pretend to care. It only insults people.” Mika said before she started to eat. She ate a few pieces, always carefully placing it in her mouth and closing her lips. Kurama couldn't help but watch the process over and over. It was soft and it never changed. Mika was well aware that the boy was watching her eat; and it made her a bit nervous. His gaze went through her and she wondered what he was thinking. He reminds me of what I picture of Kenji. The name of her brother caused her to choke a bit on a piece of food that she had just swallowed. Kurama pushed some tea in front of her and she took it gratefully. She placed the chopsticks down and pushed the dish away.
“You need sleep.” Kurama commented. He collected her plate and her cup. Mika hated that he could see her weakness at the moment. I have to be stronger. I need to find him. She stood up and walked towards the door, only to find Kurama's hand on her right arm. It pulled her towards him carefully. She looked at him and noticed an amber hint in his eyes. His body was warm and she could feel the heat radiate off of him as she stood right in front of him, at an almost uncomfortable place.
“For the sake of Master Genkai; do not go wandering off in the middle of the night.” Kurama warned. He knew that she was a rebellious girl, but he was warning her for her own good.
“Hmph.” Mika pulled her arm back, despite how good it felt for the boy to touch her. She brushed her blond hair behind her ears and walked out of the kitchen defiantly. Just because he told me not to- I will. Mika could feel the unknown rage bubble up inside her. She'd show him who was in control. He wasn't going to collar her. Her feet carried her back to her room, ignoring the looks from the others sitting in the dinning room. She slammed the door shut and sat down on the bed for a few moments, brooding at her own misfortune.
“Stupid boy! Insolent boy! Who does he think he is?!” Mika blushed. She tried to tell herself that she was really angry at him for trying to make her stay put; but the more her mind pushed it around, the more she realized that she was lying to herself. The heat of his skin…so warm…Mika snapped out of her own thoughts before they ventured too far. Quickly she grabbed her pea coat and her mittens and cracked the window open enough so that she could slip through it. Her feet hit the solid ground and Mika could feel the snow flakes touch her skin. The sky was wide open and welcoming her to fall into it and escape from everything. No one tells the sky what to do. No one can send the sky away. Mika walked a bit towards a group of trees slightly covered with the falling snow. The heat that came from her breath rose up into the air in a puff of steam.
“It's a lot colder than I thought. I wonder if Aki's flight came in okay.” Mika murmured to herself. She removed her mittens and stuck them in her pockets. The snow disappeared when it touched her skin. The trees were becoming covered ever so slightly and Mika knew that soon they would be covered for good and only spring could free them. I wonder if I get a spring… Mika's golden hair whipped her face with the wind and she felt that maybe it was better to go back inside. Her body was tired and she really should have just lain down.
Mika looked around for her foot prints, but found everything was covered by the new snow that was falling heavily. Fuck. You have to be kidding me! Mika inwardly laughed at her own stupidity. She hadn't thought about the snow covering up her own tracks.
“Didn't he warn you little girl?” A voice asked from behind Mika. It was deep and it was laced with lust. Mika could feel her skin instantly warm from the adrenaline rush she got from her own fear.
“Yeah. Are you going to warn me too?” Mika said coldly. The voice just laughed. Mika didn't turn around and try to reason with her own fear. There was no need to face it, she would fight if she had too.
“Walk straight ahead. You are facing your bedroom window, useless girl.” The voice said. Mika growled and the voice's comment, but she could sense that the voice was teasing her to see how she would react. Mika put one foot in front of another, too angry to wonder if she should trust the mysterious voice. When she reached her bedroom window, she realized that the voice had helped her not die a lowly and miserable death. Quickly she climbed back in, changed into the silk black pajamas and braided her hair for bed.
“Ugh, Kenji, where are you?” Mika looked out of her window into the dark night. It was what people feared the most; the unknown. Mika just pulled the covers tightly around her self. She wasn't scared of the unknown, nor of the dark. They were comforting and oddly familiar to her. Unlike the temple, with Master Genkai and the boy Kurama, who to her was too simple and care free. He was the type of boy that all the parents would want to marry their daughter too. A person with an easy life; no worries, no secrets, no rejection. Mika could feel her heart race with the thoughts of the red head. She tried to ignore them. Slowly, Mika felt herself drift off into a pleasant sleep.
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