Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Parasite Hakusho ❯ Chapters One-18 ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter One
Yuske, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei all wandered across the Mojave Desert aimlessly. They, obviously, were lost. If they were there any longer, they'd die of thirst and starvation! "So...hungry...must...eat.." Kuwabara said, eyeing Yuske. "Don't complain about it, it's not like there's a hot dog stand anywhere close...HEY! Stop staring at me like I'm something to eat!!" Yuske yelled. "Shut up you stupid hot dog!" Kuwabara yelled and almost tackled him. "Guys, cut it out! You're going insane!" Kurama yelled. "Don't stop them," Hiei said, "This is funny."
Finally, they reached a small ghost town. "Whoa, this place is abandoned..." Yuske commented. "ABANDONED!! AS IN LOVE OR SLEEP!!!" Kurama sang, but it was mostly a yell. "Shut up." Hiei said. Kurama frowned. "But I love that song!" He cried. "Stop whining..." Hiei said under his breath. "I HEARD THAT!" Kurama yelled as they went on without him.
Once they got inside, they wandered around and found a garage. "Cool, let's go in." Yuske said and they went in. "This place is..." Kuwabara began, but stopped when Kurama took in a deep breath. Hiei covered Kurama's mouth and said "Empty." Kurama frowned again. "I wanna sing Wild Geese..." He complained. Then, they heard singing.
Geese appear high over us
Pass and the sky closes
Abandoned as in love or sleep...
"Kurama SHUT UP!" Hiei yelled, turning to face him like everyone else. "That's not me." Kurama said. "It's not...Then what is it?" Yuske asked. "It's coming from in there," Kuwabara pointed to the garage door, "If we can move that car, then maybe we can get in." So they tried moving the car but Hiei moved it using a button. "Okay, now I feel stupid." Yuske announced. "You should feel that way, Uremeshi, because you are." Hiei said. That really steamed Yuske's broccoli. "Okay, well let's go in." Kurama said, pushing a button to the garage. And what was inside, you ask? Two girls, wrench fighting. (There weren't any swords around, so they used wrenches.)
They slowed their fighting to a stop. "Cirus, did they hear me sing!?" The girl to the left asked. "No, probably not, don't worry about it." Cirus said. The other girl scanned their bare chests (I forgot, they were SHIRTLESS! Yay!) and blushed. "Oh, um, I'm Nita, this is Cirus..." She blushed four shades of red. "Um, can I get you something, fix your car, a girlfriend, I mean, kiss, I mean drink?" Cirus blushed, smiling. "I'LL TAKE ONE!" Kuwabara yelled. "One of what ?" Hiei asked. "Just so you wanted to know, I was gonna ask her out! Is that so wrong, shorty?" Kuwabara asked. "Hey! Hey, that's na nice." Nita said. "Uh, NO! Not in my lifetime!" Cirus yelled. Nita swallowed, then sat down by a car. "Anything we can help you with?" She asked, not blushing anymore. She popped a handful of sunflower seeds in her mouth, spitting out shells and chewing the kernels. She started polishing a shotgun and put some shotgun shells in it. She looked at them. Kurama shook his head, Hiei folded his arms, Yuske did nothing, and Kuwabara yelled, "I NEED A FOOT RUB!" "NO!" Nita yelled back, spitting a sunflower seed shell in his face, then put her shotgun away. "WAS THAT A THREAT!?" Kuwabara yelled. "Well, I guess it was, huh?" Nita pulled out a poison dart and Kuwabara ran off. She smirked. "I love you, yes I do!" She started rubbing on the dart. "Nita! That was mean! Although I don't know what I'm saying, I'm mean, too." Cirus said, smiling to herself. Nita rolled her eyes and sat on the hood of the car.
"Who wants to come with me to get some ice? Strange things have been happenin' in this here little town, and I ain't gonna risk myself...how about you?" She grabbed Kurama's wrist without his answer. "Well, I uh, sure?" Too late, Kurama was being dragged out by Nita to the ice machine.
"What did you mean by strange things?" Kurama asked. Nita reached in for a bag of ice, not melted at all. "Nothing, just wanted someone to come with me." Nita grinned. "...Right." Kurama said, waiting for the right answer. "...Okay, fine! NMCs, ANMCs, and golems have been wandering around here very frequently!" Nita hissed, hoping they wouldn't come. "What are those?" Kurama asked. "Neo-mitochondrion creatures, Artificial Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures, and golems just terrify me. The only safe place now is on top of the water tower." Nita said. "They can kill you, and they wander around a whole..." Nita stopped dead in the middle of her sentence. "What happened?" Kurama asked, but Nita covered his mouth. "Be quiet! A desert chaser is in the area, one move and it'll kill you...!" She hissed. Kurama nodded his head and Nita took her hand off of his mouth. They were absolutely quiet until it passed. "Good thing it didn't come after us." Nita said, getting up, then ran with Kurama back to the garage.
"Nita, um, we have to tell you something..." Cirus said, hiding something behind her back. "Yeah, shoot." She said, holding the poison dart in her pocket. "Erm, we went into your gun stash, just don't kill me!" Cirus pleaded. Nita growled, quickly pulled the poison dart out, and threw it at Cirus's head. She gasped and it hit a mind suckler that was about to kill her. She sighed. "You could at least warn me!" Cirus yelled. "Heh, I just like doing that." Nita walked into her shack, pulling out two berettas from her gun stash on the way. Kurama followed.
"Nita, I have a question for you." Kurama asked when Nita flopped on her bed. "Yeah?" She asked. "Why are you here?" Kurama asked. "Well, it's because I was looking for my friend, who said she went back to where she came from. She was born HERE, in the Mojave Desert, but I couldn't find her because I lost my way. The air force base is a long way from here, so I'm not leaving. Miku will have to find me herself." Nita grinned. "Oh, that's nice. Finding someone." Kurama smiled. NIta smiled back.
Later that night, Nita assigned Yuske, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama all special apartments, and Nita and Cirus slept in their rooms in the shack. "Okay, when you guys wake up, please come to the garage ASAP. I wanna take head count to be sure no one's dead. If you wake up after 10:00 AM, then I'll go to your apartment. If you're not there, then we'll consider you dead. Got it?" Nita said. Everyone nodded and went to bed. "Night, Kurama, see you in the morning Kuwabara, don't let the bed bugs bite Yuske, sweet dreams, Hiei." Nita said as everyone went to their rooms. "Okay, now it's time for us to go to sleep." Nita said, and she and Cirus went off to their shack to sleep.
Suddenly, Nita and Cirus awoke to loud stomping coming from the apartments. "Oh no! The others!" Nita shrieked, picked up her strongest gun and ran over to the apartments, Cirus following.
The thing attacking the apartments was huge. It had this tube coming out of it's mouth and it could spit out fire. Nita stared in awe at the large creature. "Oh my God!" She yelled as Kurama and the others were being tossed around like rocks in the wind. Nita drew her gun and started shooting at it like mad before it got to kill the others. It turned to look at her, but the shots were only like flea bites. "Cirus! You take the ground, I'm going up there to help them!" Nita yelled as she ran to the gates. "But what if you..." Cirus was cut short by Nita. "Nothing will happen, just keep attacking it!" She yelled. Cirus nodded and Nita went to the apartments.
They were all burning. All of the rooms, I mean. Kuwabara was knocked off and died. Yuske was badly injured, like Kurama, and Hiei was too quick to get hit. Nita, enraged by all of this, shot an aura of blue at the creature, which did a lot of damage. "How...did I do that!?" She asked herself, then leapt out of the way of a wave of fire. Again, she shot it at the monster, but was knocked away. Then, a wave of water swept over the town...
But who, or what, did that? Nita slowly got up and looked down. "Miku!" She yelled. Miku looked at Nita, then ran up to the apartments. "Nita! Oh, gosh, I thought you were dead!" She gasped, then the monster started getting up. "I have to heal you, don't move." A wave of yellow and white light swept over the apartments. "Thanks." Nita said, as good as new. "No problem, now just take care of that thing!" Miku yelled. Nita nodded and shot a wave of darkness onto the field, then started shooting at the thing over and over until it fell, dead. It slowly melted away into the soil.
Nita walked slowly over to Kurama's body. "Kurama...are you alive?" Nita asked, softly nudging him. He groaned a little and said, "No, mommy, I don't wanna go to school today." Nita smiled, lifted him up, put his arm around her shoulder, and walked down to her shack. She put Kurama on her bed, tended to his wounds, then did everyone else. She went back to her room and put her head on the bed while sitting on a chair. She slowly shut her eyes and went to sleep.
The next morning when Kurama woke up, he found Nita sleeping soundly on the bed, and then he looked at his wounds, a gash across his chest and some burns on his arm. A smile spread across his face, and he slowly got up, hoping he wouldn't wake Nita. Then, he put a shirt on and walked out into the garage. He sat on the black mustang and waited for Nita to wake up.
Nita slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room. "Kurama?" She asked. She got up and went to the garage and found him. "Oh, there you are." She said. "Why are you up so early?" She asked. "Dunno, I guess because this stuff was irritating me." Kurama smiled at her. She smiled back. "Oh, um, do you wanna go back to your room?" Nita asked. Kurama nodded. "Sure." He said, and so Nita and Kurama went to his apartment.
"Well, the only thing wrong with your room is your door. " Nita said smiling. "This was where I stayed for a while when I thought I would leave. Then, I found out Gary, my friend, who owned the garage I live in now, died, and he passed the garage onto me." Tears stung Nita's eyes, "We knew each other really well. He was a nice guy." She tried blinking back tears, but failed. She hoped Kurama would see, but he did. "It's okay." He said. Nita hugged him close. "Thank you..." She said. Kurama tilted her head up and kissed her softly on the lips. Nita blushed madly, then sat on the bed once Kurama let her go. He sat by her. "So, when do you intend on leaving this place?" Kurama asked. "I don't know, maybe...,maybe never." She said, looking him in the eyes. "Why not?" "Because this is where I belong, really, Cirus and Miku need me here. And so does the town." Without me, it'll just fall apart and become more ruin because of the Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures..." Nita said, wiping away tears. Kurama brushed her black hair out of her face and wiped away the tears from her dark green eyes. "You'll be fine, it's not like you have to leave." He said to her softly. Nita scooted closer to Kurama. "Thanks for being there." She told him, then she perked her head up. "Something wrong?" Kurama asked. "No, nothing, but I wanna show you something." Nita got up, then went to the window. Kurama followed her.
"The water tower, it's the best point of view in this town." Nita said, pointing to the tall water tower. She ran into the gate and climbed up the ladder. "Hey, wait for me!" Kurama yelled, running after her.
Once they made it to the top, they watched the sun rise. "A red sun," Nita said, "Blood has been spilled." She stared at it. "Really? How do you know that?" Kurama asked. "If the sun is red, blood has been spilt. I know this from experience, it was more than a coincidence that the sun was red the day after Gary died, and wasn't the day after that. I also know because..." Nita stopped. "Yes?" Kurama leaned in closer. "It's nothing, how about we just enjoy the view?" Nita asked, smiling. Kurama could tell something was wrong, although Nita tried hiding it. "Yeah, we should." So they sat there, watching the view for a while, and then went back down the ladder.
"Where were you guys?" Miku asked, worriedly. "The water tower, don't worry." Nita said smiling. "I need to talk to you." Cirus pulled Nita aside. "I need to see you, too." Hiei pulled Kurama to the other side of the garage, leaving Miku and Yuske in the middle. Miku looked at Yuske and blushed.
"Listen, I know you and Kurama are good friends, but..." Cirus said to Nita. "But you guys have been around each other a whole lot." Hiei told Kurama. "So, I was just thinking..." Cirus said. "That maybe..." Hiei exclaimed. "You guys have something goin on!" Cirus and Hiei said at the same time, then glared at each other. Yuske and Miku looked at them and shrugged
"We do not! We're only friends, you num-nut!" Nita yelled. "We're only friends." Kurama told Hiei. "Oh yeah, sure, then why were you at the water tower, the most romantic place here, and that's sad" Cirus said. "Come on, just admit it!" Hiei said, inching closer to Kurama. "You know you love 'er." Kurama started blushing. So was Nita. "Time to bring in the pros." Cirus called Miku and Yuske over, who were so used to blushing, they could tell the difference between certain types of blushes. Yuske examined Nita's blush. "Yup, she's in love all right." He looked at Miku and Miku nodded. "I am...I am NOT!" Nita yelled. "I'm not, we're ONLY friends, JUST friends!" Kurama announced. "Uh huh..." Hiei said. "Whatever." Cirus rolled her eyes and Hiei and her went their separate ways. Nita and Kurama went back to their rooms, and Yuske went to show Miku where she would sleep. (Yuske knows this place like the back of his hand, now.)
Nita cupped her face with her hands and stared at her stash of guns. "Gary gave all of those to me..." Then, Nita heard thumping against the window. She went to the window to see what it was, but before she got there, an NMC burst into the room. She shrieked in terror and Cirus, Miku, and Yuske all came in. "What is that !?" Miku yelled. "It's....It's...." Nita said as it slowly inched toward them. Nita grabbed 15 of her new and improved sleeping darts, now with poison, and threw them at the thing, but it kept coming. She picked up a gun, then started shooting it like crazy. It finally fell dead. Nita started breathing heavy and sat on the bed. She didn't feel safe anymore, she needed to see someone. "I'm...gonna go see Kurama..." She said and she walked over to Kurama's room. Everyone watched her leave. Miku and Yuske watched over her secret stash as Cirus followed Nita out and wasn't seen.
"Kurama? Are you here?" Nita called, opening up the door to Kurama's apartment. "Yeah, I am." He said, sitting on his bed. "Kurama, something happened..." Nita told him. "Go on..." Kurama stood up. "Well, erm, I just wanted to come see you. An NMC came into my room, um, since you have two beds, would you mind if I stayed here for tonight?" Nita asked. Kurama smiled at her and nodded. Nita grinned and leapt into her bed for tonight. "Oh, thanks Kurama." Nita said. "You're welcome." Kurama said.
Later that night, Yuske, Miku, Cirus, and Hiei all decided to spy on the two. "They have something going on, I know it!" Miku said. Yuske and Cirus nodded, and Hiei crossed his arms. "Hn." He said. "Well anyway, it'll just be fun...Even if we know they do." Yuske said. "Yeah, I agree." Miku said, so that night, they sat on the balcony and stared inside all night without sleep. "They're gonna do something, I know it..." Cirus said, falling asleep. "Don't fall asleep, then we'll never know!" Yuske said, yawning. He and Cirus fell asleep. "Well, it's up to me." Miku said, peering into the room. She, since she was the smallest of them all, she could creep around things. So she silently went inside.
Nita woke up and Miku hid behind a plant. She took a shower (which took like 30 minutes) and dried off. She then crawled back into bed (with tomorrow's clothes on, not her PJs) and went to sleep. "Darn it!" Miku said under her breath.
Later into the night, Miku heard some moaning. She perked her ears up. "Pickled fish feet..." Nita said. Miku scowled.
Miku was too tired to do anything now, so she went back to her room. "I guess there is nothing between them." Miku said. Then, she went to her room and slept.
Nita woke up around eight the next day and she yawned, stretched, made breakfast for the two of them, and waited for Kurama to wake up, which wasn't too far off from when she woke up. They ate and went back to the garage.
When they got back, Cirus and Yuske were sleeping, holding a gun between their legs. "Aw, that's sweet, they're guarding my stash!" Nita grinned. Kurama and her went back to the garage and sat by the black mustang so that everyone could wake up.
Around two in the afternoon, everyone slowly started waking up. Hiei was the first. He walked out into the garage. "Good morning, Hiei! Sleep well?" Nita asked. "Hn." Hiei said. Nita glared at him and made a face at him. Kurama bit his thumb to hold back his laughter. Nita grinned at Kurama and did it again, pulling her shirt down as far as it would go "Ooh, look at me, I'm Mr. Big-Shot and I wear a dress...! " Nita said when Hiei was out of an earshot. Hiei turned around and Nita looked away. She giggled. Hiei rolled his eyes.
Yuske woke up when Miku did. "Morning guys." Nita said to them. Miku smiled at her and Yuske groaned. Cirus didn't wake up until Nita woke her up, and it was four in the afternoon by then. Nita dragged her away from her stash of guns. Then, Cirus woke up. (Boy, it sure does take a while for Cirus to wake up!)
"I think it's time to do some work outside, all this junk makes our garage look like a garbage bag." Miku said, glaring at all of the stuff in the back of shop. "And HOW long ago was it that you last cleaned this place?" Kurama asked. "CLEAN!?!?" Nita screamed, then ran under her bed. Hiei, Kurama, and Yuske looked after her like she was weird or something. "What's up with her?" Hiei asked. "Does she always do that?" Yuske asked. "Is she okay?" Kurama wondered out loud. "She doesn't like cleaning, yes, and she's fine." Cirus answered all of their questions for them. "I'll get her!" Kurama yelled, running to her room. Everyone sweat-dropped anime style.
"Nita? I know you're in here, you always run here." Kurama called. He heard shivering and saw Nita's feet sticking out from under the bed. "Oh gee, I wonder where she is..." Kurama said sarcastically. He dragged Nita out by her feet. "Oh there you are!" He grinned. Nita glared at him, hissed, the ran back under the bed. "Come on , it's not all that bad. I do it at home a lot!" Kurama said. "You and I are different!" Kurama heard a muffled voice from under the bed say. He sighed and said, "Don't make me get Cirus or Hiei in here." He said. "I'll hiss at em, and they won't come after me again." Nita said. "Oh really?" Kurama went out to go get Cirus.
"Yay! I can do something FUN!" Cirus yelled. "Hn." Hiei said. Cirus grabbed Nita's ankle and Hiei grabbed the other, then they pulled and Nita slid across the tile floor, hit the wall, and was back under the bed again. "I hate pinball..." Hiei complained. "I'll try." Cirus tried grabbing both of her ankles and pulled. Nita came out, hissed, scratched her hand, then crawled back under the bed. Hiei cracked his knuckles and grabbed her ankles. He pulled as hard as possible, she came out and hissed. Hiei grabbed her wrists. "Lemme go!" Nita yelled, biting Hiei's hands. "OW! God damn, that hurts!" Hiei yelled. "Did it break the skin?" Cirus asked. "Yes." Hiei replied. "Oh shit." Cirus grabbed Hiei and ran out. Kurama sighed, then yelled, "LOOK NITA! A DRAGON JUST FLEW BEHIND THE SHOP!" "Yeah, like that'll ever happen." Nita said, poking her head out. Kurama laid on the floor and stared at her. "I'll get you outta there...eventually." Kurama said. Nita grabbed Kurama's wrist and dragged him under the bed with her. "What is..." NIta covered Kurama's mouth. "Just shut up." Nita pulled out her beretta and shot the blood suckler. "Okay, you can talk now." Nita said. Kurama crawled out from under the bed. "That's the second time this week, thanks." Nita crawled out from under the bed, too. "Okay, I guess I'll clean..." Nita twitched and stuffed her pockets with poison darts and a beretta. "Just to be sure." Nita grinned.
So they all started cleaning...::twitch:: Nita stopped when she heard shuffling in the sand by the old El Camino. "Huh?" She went over to it and five scorpions surrounded her. She was too terrified to scream, and she slowly picked up her poison dart and shot it at the scorpion, but it didn't die. She shot the others and the one she shot with a poison dart stung her. "Ow, holy shi-aht!" She yelled. Miku ran over to her, Kurama following. "What happened?" She asked. "Nothing big, just got stung." Nita's tan started fading away. "Ow..." She groaned. Kurama put his arm around her shoulder, Nita did the same to Kurama, and they went to her room.
Kurama immediately tended to Nita's wounds. "You'll be fine." Kurama said, smiling. Nita smiled back and winced in pain. "Ow....Kurama, it hurts." She said. "Try not to think about it. It really helps. Or biting your finger when it does." Kurama said. Nita grinned. "Thanks..." She said, biting her finger. Kurama left and Nita went to sleep.
"I'm really worried about her," Miku said. "Why?" Cirus asked. "Well, it's because she was stung, and there was a lot of venom in those things, she could die." Miku said, wiping away a wisp of hair from her face. "Hey, she won't, and do say things like that or she will." Cirus said, smiling. Miku nodded. "Yeah, I mean, why am I doubting her? She always came through for us and everything. I'm sure she'll live!" Miku grinned. That night, everyone slept in the garage (I mean EVERYONE, even Nita.)
Kurama was the second to wake up, but why? Because Nita wasn't there, that's why. Kurama quickly got up because he heard the shriek of dying scorpions and ran outside, hoping Nita wasn't getting into any trouble.
"What are you doing!?" He yelled when he saw what Nita was doing. Nita glanced at him. "I'm creating new and improved new and improved sleeping-poison darts, now with NMC poison!" Nita grinned. "But you're still hurt!" Kurama said. "Yeah, so? It doesn't stop me. I love the thrill!" NIta grinned. "Right..." Kurama said doubtfully. Nita frowned. "You saw right through me." Nita said. "Mainly, it's so it doesn't happen again. I like fighting fire with fire." Nita smiled at him. Kurama yawned. "It's really early...I'm going back to sleep." "Yeah, me too." Nita and Kurama went back into the garage and slept.
Cirus was, surprisingly the first to wake up after that. She went out and looked onto the horizon. Dryfield was actually beautiful when everything was peaceful. In fact, pretty much all of the NMCs were cleared from the empty town. Cirus smiled to herself and she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. "You're awake?" She asked. Hiei shrugged. "Guess I am." Cirus smiled at him. "You know, you actually look kind in this lighting." Cirus said. Hiei didn't smile, but you could see in his eyes that he was touched by Cirus's remark. "Anyway, maybe we should head back." Cirus said, and her and Hiei walked back to the garage and waited for the others to wake up.
Yuske and Miku woke up around 9, because they were hungry and went to get some sunflower seeds for Nita to fix up for everyone. Of course, Nita wasn't going to like cooking for them because they can cook for themselves!...Or can they? Anyway, Yuske and Miku found out they had a lot more in common than they thought they did...Although they really have nothing in common, I just want them to love each other. And then Nita and Kurama woke up finally. And Nita got mad at them for making her roast sunflower seeds because she wanted to polish her guns and create new and improved gun powder. But she roasted them anyway, and she and the others took a pound, put them in a paper bag, and ate away. (They were salted and Nita had a lot more.)
Kurama and Nita went back to the water tower around five in the afternoon. All of Dryfield was glowing a beautiful shade of orange under the sunlight. It was only a day after Nita was stung, yet her skin's bronze coloring slowly returned. "You know," She said, "It's like your my guardian angel." Her hair blew in the small wind. "What makes you think that?" Kurama asked. "You're always there when I need you, and...Well, you listen, like a true friend should." Nita rested her head on Kurama's shoulder. "Thank you." Kurama ran his fingers through Nita's black hair. "You're welcome." He said. Nita smiled at him. Nita snuggled up against Kurama and he wrapped his arm around her waist. She closed her eyes and Kurama's steady breathing lulled her to sleep.
Meanwhile, Yuske and Miku were at Gene and Roy's General store. They were drinking cokes and talking about how they fought Gene and Roy last week. "Yeah, Roy didn't stand a chance against me." Miku boasted. "Oh really? Well, Gene just couldn't handle the pressure of my Spirit Gun!" Yuske said. "You're so bad!" Miku said, punching him slightly on the shoulder. He did the same to her. `"You know what, you're not all that bad." Yuske told Miku. "You aren't either, in fact, you're not bad at all." Miku smiled at him and Yuske smiled back. "Hey, I think we should hang out more." Miku told Yuske. "You know what, we should. Let's go to the water tower!" And so Miku and Yuske went to the water tower...
But when they got there, it was currently taken by Nita and Kurama, who were sleeping at the time. Miku and Yuske quietly crawled back down and went to the shack.
"Guys! Guess what!? We were right! They do have something going on!" Miku yelled. "How do you know? You saw them go at it or something?" Hiei asked coldly. Miku growled at him. "No, we didn't, it's our job to be nosy! They were sleeping together on the water tower." Yuske said. "So there!" Hiei rolled his eyes at Yuske. "Don't roll your eyes at him, it's true!" Miku growled. "Now we're suspicious of YOU." Cirus said. "WE'RE ONLY FRIENDS, OKAY!?" Yuske yelled. "Fine! You are then!" Cirus rolled her eyes. "Come on, Hiei, let's go to your apartment." So they went.
Yuske and Miku glared after them. They smiled at each other. "So anyway, what do you wanna do?" Yuske asked. "I wanna, actually, look at Nita's gun stash. It would be kind of cool to see all of them guns." Miku grinned. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt." The two of them went in Nita's room and looked at her guns.
"P08s, M16s, you name it, she has it! Gosh!" Miku said to Yuske. "Wow...That's pretty big." Yuske said, eyeing the large cases. "Maybe we should get outta here, what if she comes back?" Miku said. Yuske nodded. They went out.
"Well, thanks for the good time today, Yuske, you're actually a nice guy deep down." Miku said smiling. "Well, thanks, I guess." Yuske said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'm going to go back to my room to sleep, night." Miku said. "Night." Yuske said. Miku kissed him on the cheek and went off to her room.
A few hours later, Nita woke up. Kurama smiled at her. "Sleep well?" He asked. Nita smiled at nodded. "You're a good pillow." She chuckled. "Well, it's late, let's get back to sleep." Kurama said, giving Nita one last hug before heading down. Nita went after him.
"Kurama? Would you mind if...." Nita began. Kurama crawled into bed and said, "not at all, come on." He said. Nita hopped into bed with him, snuggling up with him. He wrapped his arms around her and they went to sleep that way, content the way they were.
Nita peeled her eyes open and stared at Kurama. "He's so cute when he's sleeping..." Nita said, smiling to herself. She decided to sleep in today, so she slept until Kurama woke up.
But Yuske and Miku were up really early, watching the sun rise on the water tower. "Oh, it's red." Miku said. "So?" Yuske asked. "Well, that means blood has been spilt. Cirus told Nita and Nita told me." Miku said. "I wonder whose." Yuske wondered out loud. The sun slowly peeked its head over the hills beyond Dryfield. Miku rested her head on Yuske's shoulder, and Yuske looked at her. He smiled and rested his head on her's. Miku nuzzled against his shoulder and smile "I love you Yuske." She said. "You too." Yuske said. Then he embraced her with a soft kiss on the lips.
When everyone was awake, they grabbed more sunflower seeds and decided to go set off down the road to a large plot of land...
Nita took in a deep breath of air. "This old thing never lets me down." The wild golden plains started dancing with the wind. Kurama smiled at Nita, Hiei and Cirus rolled their eyes, Yuske was chewing on a piece of wheat and Miku laid in the wild plains. She smiled contently to herself. Cirus decided to do what they were doing and just let the tall wheat brush against her skin. She found out that it would just be better to lay there instead, and so she did. Hiei laid beside her, Yuske beside Miku, and Kurama beside Nita. Nita grinned. "Aren't you glad my car wasn't ripped to shreds?" She asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I just wanna sleep here forever, and never, ever leave." Miku said. "Yeah." Yuske said in agreement. Cirus and Hiei stared into the sky. Nita fell asleep in Kurama's arms (I just love that) and everyone else fell asleep, too...All but Cirus and Hiei.
"Hiei?" Cirus asked. "Hn?" He replied. "Everyone else likes each other, why don't we?" Cirus pondered. "Because we're warriors, who believe that love, like friends, is a crutch for the weak." Hiei replied, still staring into the sky. "Really? I don't think that." Cirus brushed her lips against Hiei's. He paused. "Love ROCKS!" He yelled.
Nita was the first to wake up. She got up, sat on her car, and stared out onto the beautiful plain, wild and golden and free. "I want to stay here forever, but I don't want to leave Dryfield. It needs me, and so do the others." Nita said as the wind danced with her hair. She closed her eyes. "Maybe I should live in Dryfield, it's for the best, and I can always come here...to remember." She said to herself.
She felt a strong hand on her shoulder. "Hiei..." She said. "I understand how you feel, to be torn away from something you love." Hiei said, relating to his home and his family. "You do? Well, that's terrible." Nita leaned her hands against the hood of the car, listening to what Hiei had to say, yet he said nothing. "Are you okay?" She asked. Hiei looked at her. "Just fine." He said. "All right, well, I think we should wake the others so we can head back, it's been a while." Nita said. "Maybe a few more hours." Hiei said. "Sure." Nita replied and they stayed for an extra couple of hours, until nine at night.
The field was beautiful. The golden plain turned deep blue under the moonlight, and everyone was pale. Nita smiled at Kurama, then nudged him. "Kurama, time to wake up." She said. Kurama moaned a little, then slowly opened his eyes. "We have to leave?" He asked. Nita nodded. "Yeah." She said. She handed Kurama her hand and together, with everyone else, they went back to Dryfield.
Nita and Kurama went to go sleep in their room, Hiei and Cirus in theirs, and Yuske and Miku in theirs. Everyone slept soundly, all but Nita. The silence disturbed her, not even the crickets dared make sound. "Something must be wrong." Nita said, because crickets never chirped when someone died within the area. Nita gasped, making sure Kurama was alive, and thankfully, he was. She sighed, then went to go check on everyone else.
Well, everyone was alive. Was something wrong? Was there something wrong with her ? Were the crickets not chirping because she was dying? She didn't feel that way, she felt fine. She shrugged and went back into her room. But Kurama was gone, he wasn't in his room, he was out near the water tower. "Kurama what are you doing here?" Nita asked, but he didn't answer her. Everyone else was there, too. "Guys? What's going on? You're acting like an oil painting!" She yelled. No one answered her. She looked over them and saw something, a grave marker...
Her grave marker.
"Oh no...It can't be..." She cried. Tears stung her eyes. "I can't be...dead, can I? I mean, I'm here, but then who's there?" Nita asked herself. She must've been yet another spirit, wandering around the world as we know it as a spirit. She burst into tears. "I can't be dead! Who'll take care of Dryfield!? Who'll take care of Kurama!? WHO'LL TAKE CARE OF MY GUNS!?!?!?!?" Nita yelled, then fell to her knees.
"Guys, I heard something..." Kurama said. "It...sounded like Nita." He told them. "That's sad. He loved her so much, he still hears her voice." Miku cried. "No, I did, like she was in pain or something." Nita perked her head up. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm alive! I'M ALIVE IN THIS FRIGGIN' SPIRIT BODY!" She yelled. "Yup, I heard her. I swear." Kurama said. "I did, too." Hiei said. "Phew, I thought I was insane," Yuske said. "Me, too." Miku said and Cirus nodded. "They all heard me!" Nita thought. "GUYS! GUYS, I'M A DAMNED SPIRIT! GET MY BODY OUTTA THERE SO I MIGHT BE ABLE TO LIVE AGAIN!!!" Nita yelled. "I think she told us to erm, UN-bury her..." Yuske said. So they shrugged and did so. "Yes! All according to plan..." Nita thought, smirking to herself. "Okay, now just to..." "Hold it, missy!" Someone yelled.
"Botan, now is NOT the time! I'm about to be resurrected!" Nita yelled. "It's not that simple! I have to allow you to do so!" Botan said. "But they all love me, I can't stay here forever!" Nita said, a sad look on her face. "Please, Botan? I'll never bug you again! I swear...Please?" She asked, tears stinging her eyes. Botan looked at them, watching their watches. "Well, OK, fine. Go on." She said. "Really? You mean it?" Nita asked, smiling. Botan nodded. Nita grinned and leapt into her body, alive once again.
She jerked her eyes open. "Nita!" Kurama yelled. "I'M ALIVE!!" Nita yelled. Kurama held her tightly. Tears stung her eyes. She wiped them away and smiled. "I missed you all, even though I was only gone for five minutes." Nita said, then burst into tears. Kurama wiped her tears away. "It's OK, you're fine..." Miku and Cirus starting sniffling. Everyone else left Kurama and Nita alone in their room.
"I'm glad you're alive..." He said, rubbing her back. "I am, too." Nita said, looking into his deep green eyes. She drew her face closer to his, then she kissed him on the lips. She put her hands on his chest and he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Kurama finally broke away from her and stared into her emerald green eyes. He bit his lip and kissed her again, only deeper and more passionate then before. Nita broke away to breathe. (that was one heck of a kiss!) She held Kurama tightly. "I wish I never had to leave you, and I never will, never again." She said to him. She crawled underneath the covers and Kurama followed.
Kurama held her close, and Nita said. "You don't have to worry, I'm not leaving again." She smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips. "I won't be doing anything crazy for a while." She told him. She leaned closer to him. "As long as you're here, I feel safe." She whispered in his ear. She kissed his cheek softly and went to sleep.
Miku and Yuske were sleeping soundly in their apartment. They were holding each other in their arms. Miku snuggled up on his chest and smiled contently in her sleep. Yuske was still awake, staring at the ceiling. He ran his fingers through her hair. Yuske kissed her softly on the head and Miku woke up. She looked at the clock and then into Yuske's brown eyes. "Yuske, it's three in the morning. What are you doing up so early?" She asked. "Just thinking." Yuske smiled at her. Miku smiled back, but she knew something was wrong. "I'm concerned..." He said after five minutes when Miku almost went to sleep. "About what?" Miku asked. "I don't know...." Yuske replied. "Well, that's stupid." Miku said, then threw the covers over her head, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Miku smiled at Yuske, kissed him softly on his lips, then went back to sleep, but Yuske didn't. He sensed danger lingering around the corner, the stench of blood in the air. But who was it? And how? Or, better yet, why? He shook his head and went to sleep.
The next morning, Nita woke everyone up for head count. "Let's see, Cirus, Miku, Miroku, -where did that come from?- Yuske, Kurama, me, but where's Hiei?" Nita looked around. "Well? Speak up!" She yelled. "I think he went hunting." Cirus said. "For what?" Nita asked. "NMCs." Cirus said. Nita grabbed her AK47 and went out. "I'm gonna find him." Nita exited the garage.
"Hiei?" Nita called. "Hiei, where did you go !?" Nita looked around. She looked at the droplets of blood form a stream down the dirt road. "Hiei!" She ran down the road. "He couldn'tve gone far, he's hurt!" Nita yelled, then slowed to a stop when she found Hiei.
"Hiei!" She yelled, running over to him. Hiei was sitting down, leaning against a building. "Hiei, are you all right!?" Nita yelled, grasping his arm. "I'm fine." Hiei got up, then kicked a dead desert chaser. "He was as good as dead anyway." He said, folding his arms. "I'm glad you're okay." Nita smiled. Hiei smiled slightly, then turned around. "Let's go back to the garage." He said, and the two went back.
"Hiei! Nita! Are you guys okay?" Miku asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Nita said. "Nothing happened?" Cirus asked. "Nothing, just found a dead NMC and decided to poke it with a stick." Hiei spat out something. "And they taste pretty good grilled." Hiei licked his lips and smirked. Miku, Yuske, and Kurama's face turned green. "Whatever, anyway, I think we should get something to eat, I crave charred chicken." Cirus said, her stomach growling. "Get in the car, we'll leave for some place." Nita said, motioning for everyone to come with her.
This time, they went in her SUV, the car was crowded and overheating. "Okay, where to?" Nita asked. Everyone looked at each other and shrugged. "Someplace." Kurama said. "Fine, let's go!" Nita sped of down the highway.
After they ate (I don't wanna get into the eating), they went to their rooms to sleep. But before they went to their rooms, they went to the garage to engage short conversation. "That stuff was good!" Nita said, flopping back onto the mustang. "Yeah, I know. I'm stuffed!" Miku said, doing the same. Kurama and Yuske smiled at them, and Hiei leaned against the old pick-up truck. "When do we leave?" He asked. "Never," Cirus said, "Don't you remember that Nita said we would never leave? This place needs us as much as we need it. We're like the only people it has, and, well, you know, we need to stay here." Cirus smiled at him. Hiei rolled his eyes, but you could tell he was smiling by the way his eyes sparkled.
Nita and Kurama went back to their room. For what reason...? ::ahem::..What?! I had something stuck in my throat!! And you have dirty minds! Shame on you! They were only brushing their teeth. (Nita found out that Kuwabara came back from the dead and made out with her in her sleep and Nita kissed Kurama on the lips and THEN they found out.) Anyway, Miku and Yuske went to the water tower (today was an especially cool day for Dryfield, so they wouldn't get fried up there.) Cirus and Hiei talked to each other. "So, Hiei, what do you think about Dryfield?" Cirus asked. "Well, it's all right. I just don't like how it's overrun by those weird creatures." Hiei said. "I know, but they're slowly beginning to leave. All that's left now are small amounts of scorpions." Cirus explained, pulling a coke from the cooler next to her. "Thirsty?" She asked. Hiei nodded and she handed him something to drink. "Are you in the mood for some competition?" Cirus asked. Hiei grinned a bloodthirsty grin and they started up a drinking contest.
It turns out Hiei won. "Hey, you're pretty good." Cirus said grinning. "You're not so bad yourself." Hiei replied. Cirus stuffed the empty bottle back in the cooler along with Hiei's and went to her room. "Oh, uh, I wanna show you something." Cirus said. Hiei rolled his eyes, thinking he knew what she meant.
But he thought wrong. Really, what Cirus wanted to show him was a locket with a picture of her family in it. "This is it?" Hiei asked. "Well, yeah. It's my family. I left them a few years ago, maybe three years ago when I was 12, and then, my hometown blew up...KABOOM!!" She yelled. Hiei stared at her blankly. Cirus cleared her throat. "Anyway (I sure love that word), I just wanted to show you...Huh, I don't know why." Cirus crossed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out, trying to make a weird thinking face. Hiei snickered at her. Cirus grinned.
Miku and Yusuke were sitting on the water tower. "Yusuke," Miku asked, "What do you think of Nita and Cirus?" She stared onto the horizon, which was casting a glow of orange on the town. Yusuke looked at her. "Why do you ask that?" He asked. "Just wondering." Miku replied. "Well, I...think they're just fine. I don't interact with them much, don't know why though." Yusuke fell backwards onto the water tower. Miku did the same and looked into his brown eyes.
Yuske, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei all wandered across the Mojave Desert aimlessly. They, obviously, were lost. If they were there any longer, they'd die of thirst and starvation! "So...hungry...must...eat.." Kuwabara said, eyeing Yuske. "Don't complain about it, it's not like there's a hot dog stand anywhere close...HEY! Stop staring at me like I'm something to eat!!" Yuske yelled. "Shut up you stupid hot dog!" Kuwabara yelled and almost tackled him. "Guys, cut it out! You're going insane!" Kurama yelled. "Don't stop them," Hiei said, "This is funny."
Finally, they reached a small ghost town. "Whoa, this place is abandoned..." Yuske commented. "ABANDONED!! AS IN LOVE OR SLEEP!!!" Kurama sang, but it was mostly a yell. "Shut up." Hiei said. Kurama frowned. "But I love that song!" He cried. "Stop whining..." Hiei said under his breath. "I HEARD THAT!" Kurama yelled as they went on without him.
Once they got inside, they wandered around and found a garage. "Cool, let's go in." Yuske said and they went in. "This place is..." Kuwabara began, but stopped when Kurama took in a deep breath. Hiei covered Kurama's mouth and said "Empty." Kurama frowned again. "I wanna sing Wild Geese..." He complained. Then, they heard singing.
Geese appear high over us
Pass and the sky closes
Abandoned as in love or sleep...
"Kurama SHUT UP!" Hiei yelled, turning to face him like everyone else. "That's not me." Kurama said. "It's not...Then what is it?" Yuske asked. "It's coming from in there," Kuwabara pointed to the garage door, "If we can move that car, then maybe we can get in." So they tried moving the car but Hiei moved it using a button. "Okay, now I feel stupid." Yuske announced. "You should feel that way, Uremeshi, because you are." Hiei said. That really steamed Yuske's broccoli. "Okay, well let's go in." Kurama said, pushing a button to the garage. And what was inside, you ask? Two girls, wrench fighting. (There weren't any swords around, so they used wrenches.)
They slowed their fighting to a stop. "Cirus, did they hear me sing!?" The girl to the left asked. "No, probably not, don't worry about it." Cirus said. The other girl scanned their bare chests (I forgot, they were SHIRTLESS! Yay!) and blushed. "Oh, um, I'm Nita, this is Cirus..." She blushed four shades of red. "Um, can I get you something, fix your car, a girlfriend, I mean, kiss, I mean drink?" Cirus blushed, smiling. "I'LL TAKE ONE!" Kuwabara yelled. "One of what ?" Hiei asked. "Just so you wanted to know, I was gonna ask her out! Is that so wrong, shorty?" Kuwabara asked. "Hey! Hey, that's na nice." Nita said. "Uh, NO! Not in my lifetime!" Cirus yelled. Nita swallowed, then sat down by a car. "Anything we can help you with?" She asked, not blushing anymore. She popped a handful of sunflower seeds in her mouth, spitting out shells and chewing the kernels. She started polishing a shotgun and put some shotgun shells in it. She looked at them. Kurama shook his head, Hiei folded his arms, Yuske did nothing, and Kuwabara yelled, "I NEED A FOOT RUB!" "NO!" Nita yelled back, spitting a sunflower seed shell in his face, then put her shotgun away. "WAS THAT A THREAT!?" Kuwabara yelled. "Well, I guess it was, huh?" Nita pulled out a poison dart and Kuwabara ran off. She smirked. "I love you, yes I do!" She started rubbing on the dart. "Nita! That was mean! Although I don't know what I'm saying, I'm mean, too." Cirus said, smiling to herself. Nita rolled her eyes and sat on the hood of the car.
"Who wants to come with me to get some ice? Strange things have been happenin' in this here little town, and I ain't gonna risk myself...how about you?" She grabbed Kurama's wrist without his answer. "Well, I uh, sure?" Too late, Kurama was being dragged out by Nita to the ice machine.
"What did you mean by strange things?" Kurama asked. Nita reached in for a bag of ice, not melted at all. "Nothing, just wanted someone to come with me." Nita grinned. "...Right." Kurama said, waiting for the right answer. "...Okay, fine! NMCs, ANMCs, and golems have been wandering around here very frequently!" Nita hissed, hoping they wouldn't come. "What are those?" Kurama asked. "Neo-mitochondrion creatures, Artificial Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures, and golems just terrify me. The only safe place now is on top of the water tower." Nita said. "They can kill you, and they wander around a whole..." Nita stopped dead in the middle of her sentence. "What happened?" Kurama asked, but Nita covered his mouth. "Be quiet! A desert chaser is in the area, one move and it'll kill you...!" She hissed. Kurama nodded his head and Nita took her hand off of his mouth. They were absolutely quiet until it passed. "Good thing it didn't come after us." Nita said, getting up, then ran with Kurama back to the garage.
"Nita, um, we have to tell you something..." Cirus said, hiding something behind her back. "Yeah, shoot." She said, holding the poison dart in her pocket. "Erm, we went into your gun stash, just don't kill me!" Cirus pleaded. Nita growled, quickly pulled the poison dart out, and threw it at Cirus's head. She gasped and it hit a mind suckler that was about to kill her. She sighed. "You could at least warn me!" Cirus yelled. "Heh, I just like doing that." Nita walked into her shack, pulling out two berettas from her gun stash on the way. Kurama followed.
"Nita, I have a question for you." Kurama asked when Nita flopped on her bed. "Yeah?" She asked. "Why are you here?" Kurama asked. "Well, it's because I was looking for my friend, who said she went back to where she came from. She was born HERE, in the Mojave Desert, but I couldn't find her because I lost my way. The air force base is a long way from here, so I'm not leaving. Miku will have to find me herself." Nita grinned. "Oh, that's nice. Finding someone." Kurama smiled. NIta smiled back.
Later that night, Nita assigned Yuske, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama all special apartments, and Nita and Cirus slept in their rooms in the shack. "Okay, when you guys wake up, please come to the garage ASAP. I wanna take head count to be sure no one's dead. If you wake up after 10:00 AM, then I'll go to your apartment. If you're not there, then we'll consider you dead. Got it?" Nita said. Everyone nodded and went to bed. "Night, Kurama, see you in the morning Kuwabara, don't let the bed bugs bite Yuske, sweet dreams, Hiei." Nita said as everyone went to their rooms. "Okay, now it's time for us to go to sleep." Nita said, and she and Cirus went off to their shack to sleep.
Suddenly, Nita and Cirus awoke to loud stomping coming from the apartments. "Oh no! The others!" Nita shrieked, picked up her strongest gun and ran over to the apartments, Cirus following.
The thing attacking the apartments was huge. It had this tube coming out of it's mouth and it could spit out fire. Nita stared in awe at the large creature. "Oh my God!" She yelled as Kurama and the others were being tossed around like rocks in the wind. Nita drew her gun and started shooting at it like mad before it got to kill the others. It turned to look at her, but the shots were only like flea bites. "Cirus! You take the ground, I'm going up there to help them!" Nita yelled as she ran to the gates. "But what if you..." Cirus was cut short by Nita. "Nothing will happen, just keep attacking it!" She yelled. Cirus nodded and Nita went to the apartments.
They were all burning. All of the rooms, I mean. Kuwabara was knocked off and died. Yuske was badly injured, like Kurama, and Hiei was too quick to get hit. Nita, enraged by all of this, shot an aura of blue at the creature, which did a lot of damage. "How...did I do that!?" She asked herself, then leapt out of the way of a wave of fire. Again, she shot it at the monster, but was knocked away. Then, a wave of water swept over the town...
But who, or what, did that? Nita slowly got up and looked down. "Miku!" She yelled. Miku looked at Nita, then ran up to the apartments. "Nita! Oh, gosh, I thought you were dead!" She gasped, then the monster started getting up. "I have to heal you, don't move." A wave of yellow and white light swept over the apartments. "Thanks." Nita said, as good as new. "No problem, now just take care of that thing!" Miku yelled. Nita nodded and shot a wave of darkness onto the field, then started shooting at the thing over and over until it fell, dead. It slowly melted away into the soil.
Nita walked slowly over to Kurama's body. "Kurama...are you alive?" Nita asked, softly nudging him. He groaned a little and said, "No, mommy, I don't wanna go to school today." Nita smiled, lifted him up, put his arm around her shoulder, and walked down to her shack. She put Kurama on her bed, tended to his wounds, then did everyone else. She went back to her room and put her head on the bed while sitting on a chair. She slowly shut her eyes and went to sleep.
The next morning when Kurama woke up, he found Nita sleeping soundly on the bed, and then he looked at his wounds, a gash across his chest and some burns on his arm. A smile spread across his face, and he slowly got up, hoping he wouldn't wake Nita. Then, he put a shirt on and walked out into the garage. He sat on the black mustang and waited for Nita to wake up.
Nita slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room. "Kurama?" She asked. She got up and went to the garage and found him. "Oh, there you are." She said. "Why are you up so early?" She asked. "Dunno, I guess because this stuff was irritating me." Kurama smiled at her. She smiled back. "Oh, um, do you wanna go back to your room?" Nita asked. Kurama nodded. "Sure." He said, and so Nita and Kurama went to his apartment.
"Well, the only thing wrong with your room is your door. " Nita said smiling. "This was where I stayed for a while when I thought I would leave. Then, I found out Gary, my friend, who owned the garage I live in now, died, and he passed the garage onto me." Tears stung Nita's eyes, "We knew each other really well. He was a nice guy." She tried blinking back tears, but failed. She hoped Kurama would see, but he did. "It's okay." He said. Nita hugged him close. "Thank you..." She said. Kurama tilted her head up and kissed her softly on the lips. Nita blushed madly, then sat on the bed once Kurama let her go. He sat by her. "So, when do you intend on leaving this place?" Kurama asked. "I don't know, maybe...,maybe never." She said, looking him in the eyes. "Why not?" "Because this is where I belong, really, Cirus and Miku need me here. And so does the town." Without me, it'll just fall apart and become more ruin because of the Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures..." Nita said, wiping away tears. Kurama brushed her black hair out of her face and wiped away the tears from her dark green eyes. "You'll be fine, it's not like you have to leave." He said to her softly. Nita scooted closer to Kurama. "Thanks for being there." She told him, then she perked her head up. "Something wrong?" Kurama asked. "No, nothing, but I wanna show you something." Nita got up, then went to the window. Kurama followed her.
"The water tower, it's the best point of view in this town." Nita said, pointing to the tall water tower. She ran into the gate and climbed up the ladder. "Hey, wait for me!" Kurama yelled, running after her.
Once they made it to the top, they watched the sun rise. "A red sun," Nita said, "Blood has been spilled." She stared at it. "Really? How do you know that?" Kurama asked. "If the sun is red, blood has been spilt. I know this from experience, it was more than a coincidence that the sun was red the day after Gary died, and wasn't the day after that. I also know because..." Nita stopped. "Yes?" Kurama leaned in closer. "It's nothing, how about we just enjoy the view?" Nita asked, smiling. Kurama could tell something was wrong, although Nita tried hiding it. "Yeah, we should." So they sat there, watching the view for a while, and then went back down the ladder.
"Where were you guys?" Miku asked, worriedly. "The water tower, don't worry." Nita said smiling. "I need to talk to you." Cirus pulled Nita aside. "I need to see you, too." Hiei pulled Kurama to the other side of the garage, leaving Miku and Yuske in the middle. Miku looked at Yuske and blushed.
"Listen, I know you and Kurama are good friends, but..." Cirus said to Nita. "But you guys have been around each other a whole lot." Hiei told Kurama. "So, I was just thinking..." Cirus said. "That maybe..." Hiei exclaimed. "You guys have something goin on!" Cirus and Hiei said at the same time, then glared at each other. Yuske and Miku looked at them and shrugged
"We do not! We're only friends, you num-nut!" Nita yelled. "We're only friends." Kurama told Hiei. "Oh yeah, sure, then why were you at the water tower, the most romantic place here, and that's sad" Cirus said. "Come on, just admit it!" Hiei said, inching closer to Kurama. "You know you love 'er." Kurama started blushing. So was Nita. "Time to bring in the pros." Cirus called Miku and Yuske over, who were so used to blushing, they could tell the difference between certain types of blushes. Yuske examined Nita's blush. "Yup, she's in love all right." He looked at Miku and Miku nodded. "I am...I am NOT!" Nita yelled. "I'm not, we're ONLY friends, JUST friends!" Kurama announced. "Uh huh..." Hiei said. "Whatever." Cirus rolled her eyes and Hiei and her went their separate ways. Nita and Kurama went back to their rooms, and Yuske went to show Miku where she would sleep. (Yuske knows this place like the back of his hand, now.)
Nita cupped her face with her hands and stared at her stash of guns. "Gary gave all of those to me..." Then, Nita heard thumping against the window. She went to the window to see what it was, but before she got there, an NMC burst into the room. She shrieked in terror and Cirus, Miku, and Yuske all came in. "What is that !?" Miku yelled. "It's....It's...." Nita said as it slowly inched toward them. Nita grabbed 15 of her new and improved sleeping darts, now with poison, and threw them at the thing, but it kept coming. She picked up a gun, then started shooting it like crazy. It finally fell dead. Nita started breathing heavy and sat on the bed. She didn't feel safe anymore, she needed to see someone. "I'm...gonna go see Kurama..." She said and she walked over to Kurama's room. Everyone watched her leave. Miku and Yuske watched over her secret stash as Cirus followed Nita out and wasn't seen.
"Kurama? Are you here?" Nita called, opening up the door to Kurama's apartment. "Yeah, I am." He said, sitting on his bed. "Kurama, something happened..." Nita told him. "Go on..." Kurama stood up. "Well, erm, I just wanted to come see you. An NMC came into my room, um, since you have two beds, would you mind if I stayed here for tonight?" Nita asked. Kurama smiled at her and nodded. Nita grinned and leapt into her bed for tonight. "Oh, thanks Kurama." Nita said. "You're welcome." Kurama said.
Later that night, Yuske, Miku, Cirus, and Hiei all decided to spy on the two. "They have something going on, I know it!" Miku said. Yuske and Cirus nodded, and Hiei crossed his arms. "Hn." He said. "Well anyway, it'll just be fun...Even if we know they do." Yuske said. "Yeah, I agree." Miku said, so that night, they sat on the balcony and stared inside all night without sleep. "They're gonna do something, I know it..." Cirus said, falling asleep. "Don't fall asleep, then we'll never know!" Yuske said, yawning. He and Cirus fell asleep. "Well, it's up to me." Miku said, peering into the room. She, since she was the smallest of them all, she could creep around things. So she silently went inside.
Nita woke up and Miku hid behind a plant. She took a shower (which took like 30 minutes) and dried off. She then crawled back into bed (with tomorrow's clothes on, not her PJs) and went to sleep. "Darn it!" Miku said under her breath.
Later into the night, Miku heard some moaning. She perked her ears up. "Pickled fish feet..." Nita said. Miku scowled.
Miku was too tired to do anything now, so she went back to her room. "I guess there is nothing between them." Miku said. Then, she went to her room and slept.
Nita woke up around eight the next day and she yawned, stretched, made breakfast for the two of them, and waited for Kurama to wake up, which wasn't too far off from when she woke up. They ate and went back to the garage.
When they got back, Cirus and Yuske were sleeping, holding a gun between their legs. "Aw, that's sweet, they're guarding my stash!" Nita grinned. Kurama and her went back to the garage and sat by the black mustang so that everyone could wake up.
Around two in the afternoon, everyone slowly started waking up. Hiei was the first. He walked out into the garage. "Good morning, Hiei! Sleep well?" Nita asked. "Hn." Hiei said. Nita glared at him and made a face at him. Kurama bit his thumb to hold back his laughter. Nita grinned at Kurama and did it again, pulling her shirt down as far as it would go "Ooh, look at me, I'm Mr. Big-Shot and I wear a dress...! " Nita said when Hiei was out of an earshot. Hiei turned around and Nita looked away. She giggled. Hiei rolled his eyes.
Yuske woke up when Miku did. "Morning guys." Nita said to them. Miku smiled at her and Yuske groaned. Cirus didn't wake up until Nita woke her up, and it was four in the afternoon by then. Nita dragged her away from her stash of guns. Then, Cirus woke up. (Boy, it sure does take a while for Cirus to wake up!)
"I think it's time to do some work outside, all this junk makes our garage look like a garbage bag." Miku said, glaring at all of the stuff in the back of shop. "And HOW long ago was it that you last cleaned this place?" Kurama asked. "CLEAN!?!?" Nita screamed, then ran under her bed. Hiei, Kurama, and Yuske looked after her like she was weird or something. "What's up with her?" Hiei asked. "Does she always do that?" Yuske asked. "Is she okay?" Kurama wondered out loud. "She doesn't like cleaning, yes, and she's fine." Cirus answered all of their questions for them. "I'll get her!" Kurama yelled, running to her room. Everyone sweat-dropped anime style.
"Nita? I know you're in here, you always run here." Kurama called. He heard shivering and saw Nita's feet sticking out from under the bed. "Oh gee, I wonder where she is..." Kurama said sarcastically. He dragged Nita out by her feet. "Oh there you are!" He grinned. Nita glared at him, hissed, the ran back under the bed. "Come on , it's not all that bad. I do it at home a lot!" Kurama said. "You and I are different!" Kurama heard a muffled voice from under the bed say. He sighed and said, "Don't make me get Cirus or Hiei in here." He said. "I'll hiss at em, and they won't come after me again." Nita said. "Oh really?" Kurama went out to go get Cirus.
"Yay! I can do something FUN!" Cirus yelled. "Hn." Hiei said. Cirus grabbed Nita's ankle and Hiei grabbed the other, then they pulled and Nita slid across the tile floor, hit the wall, and was back under the bed again. "I hate pinball..." Hiei complained. "I'll try." Cirus tried grabbing both of her ankles and pulled. Nita came out, hissed, scratched her hand, then crawled back under the bed. Hiei cracked his knuckles and grabbed her ankles. He pulled as hard as possible, she came out and hissed. Hiei grabbed her wrists. "Lemme go!" Nita yelled, biting Hiei's hands. "OW! God damn, that hurts!" Hiei yelled. "Did it break the skin?" Cirus asked. "Yes." Hiei replied. "Oh shit." Cirus grabbed Hiei and ran out. Kurama sighed, then yelled, "LOOK NITA! A DRAGON JUST FLEW BEHIND THE SHOP!" "Yeah, like that'll ever happen." Nita said, poking her head out. Kurama laid on the floor and stared at her. "I'll get you outta there...eventually." Kurama said. Nita grabbed Kurama's wrist and dragged him under the bed with her. "What is..." NIta covered Kurama's mouth. "Just shut up." Nita pulled out her beretta and shot the blood suckler. "Okay, you can talk now." Nita said. Kurama crawled out from under the bed. "That's the second time this week, thanks." Nita crawled out from under the bed, too. "Okay, I guess I'll clean..." Nita twitched and stuffed her pockets with poison darts and a beretta. "Just to be sure." Nita grinned.
So they all started cleaning...::twitch:: Nita stopped when she heard shuffling in the sand by the old El Camino. "Huh?" She went over to it and five scorpions surrounded her. She was too terrified to scream, and she slowly picked up her poison dart and shot it at the scorpion, but it didn't die. She shot the others and the one she shot with a poison dart stung her. "Ow, holy shi-aht!" She yelled. Miku ran over to her, Kurama following. "What happened?" She asked. "Nothing big, just got stung." Nita's tan started fading away. "Ow..." She groaned. Kurama put his arm around her shoulder, Nita did the same to Kurama, and they went to her room.
Kurama immediately tended to Nita's wounds. "You'll be fine." Kurama said, smiling. Nita smiled back and winced in pain. "Ow....Kurama, it hurts." She said. "Try not to think about it. It really helps. Or biting your finger when it does." Kurama said. Nita grinned. "Thanks..." She said, biting her finger. Kurama left and Nita went to sleep.
"I'm really worried about her," Miku said. "Why?" Cirus asked. "Well, it's because she was stung, and there was a lot of venom in those things, she could die." Miku said, wiping away a wisp of hair from her face. "Hey, she won't, and do say things like that or she will." Cirus said, smiling. Miku nodded. "Yeah, I mean, why am I doubting her? She always came through for us and everything. I'm sure she'll live!" Miku grinned. That night, everyone slept in the garage (I mean EVERYONE, even Nita.)
Kurama was the second to wake up, but why? Because Nita wasn't there, that's why. Kurama quickly got up because he heard the shriek of dying scorpions and ran outside, hoping Nita wasn't getting into any trouble.
"What are you doing!?" He yelled when he saw what Nita was doing. Nita glanced at him. "I'm creating new and improved new and improved sleeping-poison darts, now with NMC poison!" Nita grinned. "But you're still hurt!" Kurama said. "Yeah, so? It doesn't stop me. I love the thrill!" NIta grinned. "Right..." Kurama said doubtfully. Nita frowned. "You saw right through me." Nita said. "Mainly, it's so it doesn't happen again. I like fighting fire with fire." Nita smiled at him. Kurama yawned. "It's really early...I'm going back to sleep." "Yeah, me too." Nita and Kurama went back into the garage and slept.
Cirus was, surprisingly the first to wake up after that. She went out and looked onto the horizon. Dryfield was actually beautiful when everything was peaceful. In fact, pretty much all of the NMCs were cleared from the empty town. Cirus smiled to herself and she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. "You're awake?" She asked. Hiei shrugged. "Guess I am." Cirus smiled at him. "You know, you actually look kind in this lighting." Cirus said. Hiei didn't smile, but you could see in his eyes that he was touched by Cirus's remark. "Anyway, maybe we should head back." Cirus said, and her and Hiei walked back to the garage and waited for the others to wake up.
Yuske and Miku woke up around 9, because they were hungry and went to get some sunflower seeds for Nita to fix up for everyone. Of course, Nita wasn't going to like cooking for them because they can cook for themselves!...Or can they? Anyway, Yuske and Miku found out they had a lot more in common than they thought they did...Although they really have nothing in common, I just want them to love each other. And then Nita and Kurama woke up finally. And Nita got mad at them for making her roast sunflower seeds because she wanted to polish her guns and create new and improved gun powder. But she roasted them anyway, and she and the others took a pound, put them in a paper bag, and ate away. (They were salted and Nita had a lot more.)
Kurama and Nita went back to the water tower around five in the afternoon. All of Dryfield was glowing a beautiful shade of orange under the sunlight. It was only a day after Nita was stung, yet her skin's bronze coloring slowly returned. "You know," She said, "It's like your my guardian angel." Her hair blew in the small wind. "What makes you think that?" Kurama asked. "You're always there when I need you, and...Well, you listen, like a true friend should." Nita rested her head on Kurama's shoulder. "Thank you." Kurama ran his fingers through Nita's black hair. "You're welcome." He said. Nita smiled at him. Nita snuggled up against Kurama and he wrapped his arm around her waist. She closed her eyes and Kurama's steady breathing lulled her to sleep.
Meanwhile, Yuske and Miku were at Gene and Roy's General store. They were drinking cokes and talking about how they fought Gene and Roy last week. "Yeah, Roy didn't stand a chance against me." Miku boasted. "Oh really? Well, Gene just couldn't handle the pressure of my Spirit Gun!" Yuske said. "You're so bad!" Miku said, punching him slightly on the shoulder. He did the same to her. `"You know what, you're not all that bad." Yuske told Miku. "You aren't either, in fact, you're not bad at all." Miku smiled at him and Yuske smiled back. "Hey, I think we should hang out more." Miku told Yuske. "You know what, we should. Let's go to the water tower!" And so Miku and Yuske went to the water tower...
But when they got there, it was currently taken by Nita and Kurama, who were sleeping at the time. Miku and Yuske quietly crawled back down and went to the shack.
"Guys! Guess what!? We were right! They do have something going on!" Miku yelled. "How do you know? You saw them go at it or something?" Hiei asked coldly. Miku growled at him. "No, we didn't, it's our job to be nosy! They were sleeping together on the water tower." Yuske said. "So there!" Hiei rolled his eyes at Yuske. "Don't roll your eyes at him, it's true!" Miku growled. "Now we're suspicious of YOU." Cirus said. "WE'RE ONLY FRIENDS, OKAY!?" Yuske yelled. "Fine! You are then!" Cirus rolled her eyes. "Come on, Hiei, let's go to your apartment." So they went.
Yuske and Miku glared after them. They smiled at each other. "So anyway, what do you wanna do?" Yuske asked. "I wanna, actually, look at Nita's gun stash. It would be kind of cool to see all of them guns." Miku grinned. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt." The two of them went in Nita's room and looked at her guns.
"P08s, M16s, you name it, she has it! Gosh!" Miku said to Yuske. "Wow...That's pretty big." Yuske said, eyeing the large cases. "Maybe we should get outta here, what if she comes back?" Miku said. Yuske nodded. They went out.
"Well, thanks for the good time today, Yuske, you're actually a nice guy deep down." Miku said smiling. "Well, thanks, I guess." Yuske said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'm going to go back to my room to sleep, night." Miku said. "Night." Yuske said. Miku kissed him on the cheek and went off to her room.
A few hours later, Nita woke up. Kurama smiled at her. "Sleep well?" He asked. Nita smiled at nodded. "You're a good pillow." She chuckled. "Well, it's late, let's get back to sleep." Kurama said, giving Nita one last hug before heading down. Nita went after him.
"Kurama? Would you mind if...." Nita began. Kurama crawled into bed and said, "not at all, come on." He said. Nita hopped into bed with him, snuggling up with him. He wrapped his arms around her and they went to sleep that way, content the way they were.
Nita peeled her eyes open and stared at Kurama. "He's so cute when he's sleeping..." Nita said, smiling to herself. She decided to sleep in today, so she slept until Kurama woke up.
But Yuske and Miku were up really early, watching the sun rise on the water tower. "Oh, it's red." Miku said. "So?" Yuske asked. "Well, that means blood has been spilt. Cirus told Nita and Nita told me." Miku said. "I wonder whose." Yuske wondered out loud. The sun slowly peeked its head over the hills beyond Dryfield. Miku rested her head on Yuske's shoulder, and Yuske looked at her. He smiled and rested his head on her's. Miku nuzzled against his shoulder and smile "I love you Yuske." She said. "You too." Yuske said. Then he embraced her with a soft kiss on the lips.
When everyone was awake, they grabbed more sunflower seeds and decided to go set off down the road to a large plot of land...
Nita took in a deep breath of air. "This old thing never lets me down." The wild golden plains started dancing with the wind. Kurama smiled at Nita, Hiei and Cirus rolled their eyes, Yuske was chewing on a piece of wheat and Miku laid in the wild plains. She smiled contently to herself. Cirus decided to do what they were doing and just let the tall wheat brush against her skin. She found out that it would just be better to lay there instead, and so she did. Hiei laid beside her, Yuske beside Miku, and Kurama beside Nita. Nita grinned. "Aren't you glad my car wasn't ripped to shreds?" She asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I just wanna sleep here forever, and never, ever leave." Miku said. "Yeah." Yuske said in agreement. Cirus and Hiei stared into the sky. Nita fell asleep in Kurama's arms (I just love that) and everyone else fell asleep, too...All but Cirus and Hiei.
"Hiei?" Cirus asked. "Hn?" He replied. "Everyone else likes each other, why don't we?" Cirus pondered. "Because we're warriors, who believe that love, like friends, is a crutch for the weak." Hiei replied, still staring into the sky. "Really? I don't think that." Cirus brushed her lips against Hiei's. He paused. "Love ROCKS!" He yelled.
Nita was the first to wake up. She got up, sat on her car, and stared out onto the beautiful plain, wild and golden and free. "I want to stay here forever, but I don't want to leave Dryfield. It needs me, and so do the others." Nita said as the wind danced with her hair. She closed her eyes. "Maybe I should live in Dryfield, it's for the best, and I can always come here...to remember." She said to herself.
She felt a strong hand on her shoulder. "Hiei..." She said. "I understand how you feel, to be torn away from something you love." Hiei said, relating to his home and his family. "You do? Well, that's terrible." Nita leaned her hands against the hood of the car, listening to what Hiei had to say, yet he said nothing. "Are you okay?" She asked. Hiei looked at her. "Just fine." He said. "All right, well, I think we should wake the others so we can head back, it's been a while." Nita said. "Maybe a few more hours." Hiei said. "Sure." Nita replied and they stayed for an extra couple of hours, until nine at night.
The field was beautiful. The golden plain turned deep blue under the moonlight, and everyone was pale. Nita smiled at Kurama, then nudged him. "Kurama, time to wake up." She said. Kurama moaned a little, then slowly opened his eyes. "We have to leave?" He asked. Nita nodded. "Yeah." She said. She handed Kurama her hand and together, with everyone else, they went back to Dryfield.
Nita and Kurama went to go sleep in their room, Hiei and Cirus in theirs, and Yuske and Miku in theirs. Everyone slept soundly, all but Nita. The silence disturbed her, not even the crickets dared make sound. "Something must be wrong." Nita said, because crickets never chirped when someone died within the area. Nita gasped, making sure Kurama was alive, and thankfully, he was. She sighed, then went to go check on everyone else.
Well, everyone was alive. Was something wrong? Was there something wrong with her ? Were the crickets not chirping because she was dying? She didn't feel that way, she felt fine. She shrugged and went back into her room. But Kurama was gone, he wasn't in his room, he was out near the water tower. "Kurama what are you doing here?" Nita asked, but he didn't answer her. Everyone else was there, too. "Guys? What's going on? You're acting like an oil painting!" She yelled. No one answered her. She looked over them and saw something, a grave marker...
Her grave marker.
"Oh no...It can't be..." She cried. Tears stung her eyes. "I can't be...dead, can I? I mean, I'm here, but then who's there?" Nita asked herself. She must've been yet another spirit, wandering around the world as we know it as a spirit. She burst into tears. "I can't be dead! Who'll take care of Dryfield!? Who'll take care of Kurama!? WHO'LL TAKE CARE OF MY GUNS!?!?!?!?" Nita yelled, then fell to her knees.
"Guys, I heard something..." Kurama said. "It...sounded like Nita." He told them. "That's sad. He loved her so much, he still hears her voice." Miku cried. "No, I did, like she was in pain or something." Nita perked her head up. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm alive! I'M ALIVE IN THIS FRIGGIN' SPIRIT BODY!" She yelled. "Yup, I heard her. I swear." Kurama said. "I did, too." Hiei said. "Phew, I thought I was insane," Yuske said. "Me, too." Miku said and Cirus nodded. "They all heard me!" Nita thought. "GUYS! GUYS, I'M A DAMNED SPIRIT! GET MY BODY OUTTA THERE SO I MIGHT BE ABLE TO LIVE AGAIN!!!" Nita yelled. "I think she told us to erm, UN-bury her..." Yuske said. So they shrugged and did so. "Yes! All according to plan..." Nita thought, smirking to herself. "Okay, now just to..." "Hold it, missy!" Someone yelled.
"Botan, now is NOT the time! I'm about to be resurrected!" Nita yelled. "It's not that simple! I have to allow you to do so!" Botan said. "But they all love me, I can't stay here forever!" Nita said, a sad look on her face. "Please, Botan? I'll never bug you again! I swear...Please?" She asked, tears stinging her eyes. Botan looked at them, watching their watches. "Well, OK, fine. Go on." She said. "Really? You mean it?" Nita asked, smiling. Botan nodded. Nita grinned and leapt into her body, alive once again.
She jerked her eyes open. "Nita!" Kurama yelled. "I'M ALIVE!!" Nita yelled. Kurama held her tightly. Tears stung her eyes. She wiped them away and smiled. "I missed you all, even though I was only gone for five minutes." Nita said, then burst into tears. Kurama wiped her tears away. "It's OK, you're fine..." Miku and Cirus starting sniffling. Everyone else left Kurama and Nita alone in their room.
"I'm glad you're alive..." He said, rubbing her back. "I am, too." Nita said, looking into his deep green eyes. She drew her face closer to his, then she kissed him on the lips. She put her hands on his chest and he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Kurama finally broke away from her and stared into her emerald green eyes. He bit his lip and kissed her again, only deeper and more passionate then before. Nita broke away to breathe. (that was one heck of a kiss!) She held Kurama tightly. "I wish I never had to leave you, and I never will, never again." She said to him. She crawled underneath the covers and Kurama followed.
Kurama held her close, and Nita said. "You don't have to worry, I'm not leaving again." She smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips. "I won't be doing anything crazy for a while." She told him. She leaned closer to him. "As long as you're here, I feel safe." She whispered in his ear. She kissed his cheek softly and went to sleep.
Miku and Yuske were sleeping soundly in their apartment. They were holding each other in their arms. Miku snuggled up on his chest and smiled contently in her sleep. Yuske was still awake, staring at the ceiling. He ran his fingers through her hair. Yuske kissed her softly on the head and Miku woke up. She looked at the clock and then into Yuske's brown eyes. "Yuske, it's three in the morning. What are you doing up so early?" She asked. "Just thinking." Yuske smiled at her. Miku smiled back, but she knew something was wrong. "I'm concerned..." He said after five minutes when Miku almost went to sleep. "About what?" Miku asked. "I don't know...." Yuske replied. "Well, that's stupid." Miku said, then threw the covers over her head, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Miku smiled at Yuske, kissed him softly on his lips, then went back to sleep, but Yuske didn't. He sensed danger lingering around the corner, the stench of blood in the air. But who was it? And how? Or, better yet, why? He shook his head and went to sleep.
The next morning, Nita woke everyone up for head count. "Let's see, Cirus, Miku, Miroku, -where did that come from?- Yuske, Kurama, me, but where's Hiei?" Nita looked around. "Well? Speak up!" She yelled. "I think he went hunting." Cirus said. "For what?" Nita asked. "NMCs." Cirus said. Nita grabbed her AK47 and went out. "I'm gonna find him." Nita exited the garage.
"Hiei?" Nita called. "Hiei, where did you go !?" Nita looked around. She looked at the droplets of blood form a stream down the dirt road. "Hiei!" She ran down the road. "He couldn'tve gone far, he's hurt!" Nita yelled, then slowed to a stop when she found Hiei.
"Hiei!" She yelled, running over to him. Hiei was sitting down, leaning against a building. "Hiei, are you all right!?" Nita yelled, grasping his arm. "I'm fine." Hiei got up, then kicked a dead desert chaser. "He was as good as dead anyway." He said, folding his arms. "I'm glad you're okay." Nita smiled. Hiei smiled slightly, then turned around. "Let's go back to the garage." He said, and the two went back.
"Hiei! Nita! Are you guys okay?" Miku asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Nita said. "Nothing happened?" Cirus asked. "Nothing, just found a dead NMC and decided to poke it with a stick." Hiei spat out something. "And they taste pretty good grilled." Hiei licked his lips and smirked. Miku, Yuske, and Kurama's face turned green. "Whatever, anyway, I think we should get something to eat, I crave charred chicken." Cirus said, her stomach growling. "Get in the car, we'll leave for some place." Nita said, motioning for everyone to come with her.
This time, they went in her SUV, the car was crowded and overheating. "Okay, where to?" Nita asked. Everyone looked at each other and shrugged. "Someplace." Kurama said. "Fine, let's go!" Nita sped of down the highway.
After they ate (I don't wanna get into the eating), they went to their rooms to sleep. But before they went to their rooms, they went to the garage to engage short conversation. "That stuff was good!" Nita said, flopping back onto the mustang. "Yeah, I know. I'm stuffed!" Miku said, doing the same. Kurama and Yuske smiled at them, and Hiei leaned against the old pick-up truck. "When do we leave?" He asked. "Never," Cirus said, "Don't you remember that Nita said we would never leave? This place needs us as much as we need it. We're like the only people it has, and, well, you know, we need to stay here." Cirus smiled at him. Hiei rolled his eyes, but you could tell he was smiling by the way his eyes sparkled.
Nita and Kurama went back to their room. For what reason...? ::ahem::..What?! I had something stuck in my throat!! And you have dirty minds! Shame on you! They were only brushing their teeth. (Nita found out that Kuwabara came back from the dead and made out with her in her sleep and Nita kissed Kurama on the lips and THEN they found out.) Anyway, Miku and Yuske went to the water tower (today was an especially cool day for Dryfield, so they wouldn't get fried up there.) Cirus and Hiei talked to each other. "So, Hiei, what do you think about Dryfield?" Cirus asked. "Well, it's all right. I just don't like how it's overrun by those weird creatures." Hiei said. "I know, but they're slowly beginning to leave. All that's left now are small amounts of scorpions." Cirus explained, pulling a coke from the cooler next to her. "Thirsty?" She asked. Hiei nodded and she handed him something to drink. "Are you in the mood for some competition?" Cirus asked. Hiei grinned a bloodthirsty grin and they started up a drinking contest.
It turns out Hiei won. "Hey, you're pretty good." Cirus said grinning. "You're not so bad yourself." Hiei replied. Cirus stuffed the empty bottle back in the cooler along with Hiei's and went to her room. "Oh, uh, I wanna show you something." Cirus said. Hiei rolled his eyes, thinking he knew what she meant.
But he thought wrong. Really, what Cirus wanted to show him was a locket with a picture of her family in it. "This is it?" Hiei asked. "Well, yeah. It's my family. I left them a few years ago, maybe three years ago when I was 12, and then, my hometown blew up...KABOOM!!" She yelled. Hiei stared at her blankly. Cirus cleared her throat. "Anyway (I sure love that word), I just wanted to show you...Huh, I don't know why." Cirus crossed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out, trying to make a weird thinking face. Hiei snickered at her. Cirus grinned.
Miku and Yusuke were sitting on the water tower. "Yusuke," Miku asked, "What do you think of Nita and Cirus?" She stared onto the horizon, which was casting a glow of orange on the town. Yusuke looked at her. "Why do you ask that?" He asked. "Just wondering." Miku replied. "Well, I...think they're just fine. I don't interact with them much, don't know why though." Yusuke fell backwards onto the water tower. Miku did the same and looked into his brown eyes.